1875 I come from the future

Chapter 144 The sound of drum corners starts to fight 16

[144] The sound of drums and horns to fight (16)

The morning mist shrouded the earth, and the walls and gate buildings of Jiangshan County in the distance were dark. The defenders did not light a fire, and there was no lantern. Yao Fan did not know whether Chen Huilong, the commander-in-chief of Dengzhou, was ready.

The light is very dark in the morning, and the black arrow towers on both sides of the city wall are faintly visible in the mist.

The fog formed dewdrops on Yao Fan's steel helmet, rolled down as he moved, dripping on his body.

"Chairman, take action. It's better to make it easier for the blasting group to approach." Li Hainiu approached Yao Fan and said.

"Okay, let's begin." Yao Fan made a decision. Whether Chen Huilong was prepared or not, he already had the consciousness to deal with emergencies.

After receiving the order, the first battalion instructed the company commander Hu Guangting to carefully jump out of the fog with three rows, and rushed forward like a civet cat. When 150 meters close to the siege, two rows fell to the ground, aiming at the head of the city with rifles and machine guns for fire alert. A platoon serving as an assault group and a demolition team of only three people still held explosive bags and * continued to touch the city gate along the road.

Yao Fan's tired eyes were deep after marching overnight. He swallowed his saliva and squeezed sweat in his hand. He was afraid that the so-called "a cannon sounded, the city gate opened, and a team of people suddenly came out" would happen.

The life of every soldier is precious. Yao Fan hopes that the seeds he planted can see the success of the revolution with his own eyes. What a wonderful moment it will be.

The defenders of Jiangshan County seemed to be dead in a group of coffins at this time. Seeing that the blasting group had touched under the gate, there was still no movement at the top of the city.

"Hu Guangting will probably be very disappointed, right?" Yao Fan guessed.

Gui, the leader of the cannon company, stood quietly beside Yao Fan, holding his favorite rice grass in his hand, peeling the grass stem and stuffing it into his mouth, muttering, "We are not going to fray water from bamboo baskets again today, will we? We didn't fire the cavalry the day before yesterday, and today we didn't fire again. When will it be our turn to make contributions?

"What's the hurry when there is you*? The shell is so expensive that it can't be wasted on the Green Camp. Yao Fandao.

"Yes." Guiba chewed the grass stem and said, "It's late autumn, and the rice grass is old."

Li Hainiu put down his binoculars and said, "You boy is going to eat grass. Don't talk here all the time. It's so annoying."

Li Jun stared at the telescope and said, "Look, Hu Guangting and the others lit the fire."

"This boy came to the front as a blasting group again this time? He's not going to die?" Yao Fan quickly picked up the telescope and faintly saw Hu Guangting leaning under the wall covering his ears.

Li Hainiu said proudly, "I have never said that with a good boy like Hu Guangting as an example, everyone will be a good man!"

Li Jun gently "cut" his mouth, which attracted Li Hainiu's angry eyes.

Only a loud noise was heard, and the gate in the mist was immediately shrouded in a white smoke, and the white smoke was red and beautiful. The morning fog that had previously enveloped the earth like cotton wool is also shaking slightly in the explosion.

Hu Guangting, the commander of the company, rushed to the gate and blew the iron whistle hanging around his neck. The soldiers in the distance quickly climbed up one by one and launched a surprise attack on the city gate, but forgot the loose tactics just handed down yesterday, and rushed to the city gate like a tide.

Li Hainiu grinned ferociously and shouted, "One battalion and two companies follow one company!" Assault the enemy at the head of the city!"

Yao Fan frowned dissatisfiedly and said, "Li Hainiu, look! Look at it! Why has this become a swarm of bees again! I told you to be in groups of three or five! Scatter the formation! What did you make into a pot of porridge?

Li Hainiu wanted to scratch his head, but he touched the helmet and put down his hand awkwardly and said, "Chairman, I will definitely criticize them later. These bastards really don't have a long memory!"

After saying that, Li Hainiu ran down the slope, greeted his battalion of three companies and four companies, trotting towards the bombed city gate, and shouted as he rushed back: "The formation is scattered! Don't squeeze together! Scatter the formation! Don't squeeze together!"

Yao Fan looked at the soldiers who were excited and rushed and sighed secretly, "Thanks to the erosion of the Qing soldiers, Li Hainiu can treat actual combat as training."

Yao Fan picked up the walkie-talkie: "Liu Jinbao, pay attention to the ambush. The Qing army is likely to escape from the east gate of the North Gate. Don't let them run away."

Yes! Chairman, rest assured! There is a second company in the east gate, and there are three companies and four companies in the north gate that I personally lead. I can't run away. Liu Jinbao's almost roar came from the walker, and Yao Fan's eardrums were itchy.

Yao Fan continued to give orders to the walkie-talkie: "Zhou Fourth, pay attention to the west gate."

"Yes!" Zhou Si's answer is very concise.

Li Jun asked unwillingly, "What about me?"

"You are the reserve team." Yao Fan said ruthlessly.

Gui Ba, who was squatting and peeling grass stems, sneered.

Jiangshan County is a north-south rectangle, about 800 meters wide and 1,000 meters long. Two bluestone roads cross the four gates in the southeast and northwest, dividing the county into a field shape. Most of the counties in the Qing Dynasty have this layout. The center of the four roads is a square nearly 100 meters long and wide. The center of the square is built There is a tower with a bronze bell of the Ming Dynasty hanging on the tower, and the county office is in the northwest of the square.

Hu Guangting blew the iron whistle crazily while rushing north along the road with his own teaching company.

Since the beginning of live-fire shooting training, Hu Guangting seems to have been clocked up, and all his military talents have been revealed. At present, in Yao Fan's entire army, the top five soldiers with shooting results are in a battalion teaching company led by Hu Guangting, and Hu Guangting is the best of these five people. Not only that, excellent shooting The achievements also inspired the confidence of the farmer's son, and he became more enthusiastic and cheerful.

Hu Guangting, who came from a poor peasant family, has never complained once since he followed Yao Fan on the road of rebellion. On the contrary, he is very adaptable to life in the army and prefers the equal environment created by Yao Fan. In the revolutionary army, officers and soldiers eat the same meal. Even Yao Fan, the highest commander, as the chairman, also goes to the company to eat every day. Ordinary soldiers eat whatever he eats. However, Hu Guangting heard that Yao Fan was not in good health, so he always drank chicken soup to nourish his body every three or five times. In addition, the chairman is no different from other ordinary soldiers in his eyes.

Due to the rapid expansion of Yao Fan's army, Hu Guangting was quickly promoted from a soldier to a platoon commander, and from a platoon commander to a company commander, and from an ordinary platoon commander to a battalion's teaching company commander. According to Yao Fan, the teaching company is the seed of each battalion, and the good of a battalion can be seen from the teaching company.

After the current Jiaoxi Campaign, Yao Fan patted Hu Guangting on the shoulder and said to him, "Young man, work hard. The position of the battalion commander will be yours in the future." Li Hainiu, the commander of the first battalion, also praised him and said that he had a bright future.

Hu Guangting secretly made up his mind to make a personal appearance in the revolutionary army.

Today's attack on Jiangshan County, the first battalion was once again designated as an assault group. As a company commander, Hu Guangting, the commander of the company, was determined to make a great contribution. After thinking about it, he felt that it was not enough to blow up the city gate. Only by capturing Chen Huilong, the commander-in-chief of Dengzhou, can this great success be regarded as a big block.

When the city gate was blown up, the smoke and dust were not dissipated, and even the wood chips in the air had not completely landed, Hu Guangting rushed in with the teaching company.

Hu Guangting gritted his teeth anxiously: "Be sure to catch Chen Huilong."

When the gate was opened, the four green camps in the city were also awakened.

The four green camps under Chen Huilong, except for two of which are the specimens brought by Chen Huilong from Penglai, the other two are the garrison camps of Wendeng and Yantai. As the general officer of Dengzhou Town, there was such a big rebellion in his garrison area. Chen Huilong knew that he could not absolve himself. If he could not quickly eliminate this rebel, the crime of negligence plus weak pressure was enough to send him home to farm, or even be assigned to Xinjiang. Chen Huilong knew that Zuo Zongtang was planning to suppress the rebellion there, and he must have been cannon fodder.

The restless Chen Huilong and his generals finally gathered four battalions of 2,000 green battalions of infantry everywhere, converged in Laiyang and hurried to Jiangshan County, which is 60 miles away from Jimo and can be sent to encircle and suppress them at any time.

Chen Huilong just arrived here yesterday. Under the coordination of the local county orders and gentry, he finally borrowed the recruitment of many houses in the city, arranged the stationing of 2,000 soldiers and a batch of food and fodder. He is planning to train the army well in the next few days, and then find a Taoist monk to divine an auspicious day and go to the south. Jimo County, not far away, killed that group of rubber thieves with thousands of knives.

Who would have thought that before Chen Huilong, the angry cat, went to catch the mouse, the mouse arrogantly ran back. This is really a bold mouse.

"It's not good for adults! The glue thief has broken through the gate!"



Chen Huilong heard the words and rolled down from **.

The continuous march made him exhausted, and the explosion failed to wake him up. It was not until he was awakened by his own soldiers that he turned out of his sleep.

The soldiers kneeling on the ground were about to cry at this time and shouted with tears in their eyes: "Your excellency! It's true! The little one dares not talk nonsense! The pioneers of the rubber thief have surrounded the Qiaolou and county government in the city and are behaving all the people in official and brave clothes!"

"You rice buckets! Good gate! How can it be broken?" Chen Huilong grabbed the clothes and put it on his body while gasping. He was so angry that even his beard was up.

"Your excellency! It's useless to say more! Let's find a way to get out of here!" The underground soldiers dared to persuade.

Chen Huilong was so anxious that he sweated and said nothing more. He quickly put on his coat and rushed into the front yard with a knife. Seeing that his close soldiers were there, he suddenly felt a little relieved.

The sound of gunfire and shouting killing kept coming from outside the hospital, which made Chen Huilong shocked.

Chen Huilong raised his heart, pulled out his knife and raised his head, and shouted to the 20 or so soldiers gathered here: "Children! We are going to kill today! Ahhhh!!!! Let me kill the glue thief!!!!!

After saying that, he took the lead and rushed out of the county office.

Hu Guangting has rushed to the gate of the county government office behind the building and commanded the troops to surround it.

Because he is not familiar with the layout of Jiangshan County, he is a little impatient.

When he saw a group of Qing soldiers rushing up to the streets of the city from the alleys west of the county government with knives and guns, birds and guns, shouting to kill the thief, he cursed angrily: "Kill me! Kill them all! If you can't catch it alive, it's good to catch it alive!"

Hu Guangting didn't care about manslaughter. He was not a good man who dared to run to the street when he heard such a big noise early in the morning.

After attacking Jimo County and the field battle in Jiaoxi the day before yesterday, the soldiers of the company were slightly accustomed to blood and death, and could not be regarded as new recruits. Before Hu Guangping's order, they had been shooting the Qing soldiers on the street. Many people did not realize that they were shooting at people now. Without hesitation, it is hard to imagine that they used to be a group of poor farmers.

With the crisp and deafening crackling of the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle, the Qing army on the street kept falling into a pool of blood, and the streets were full of moans and wailing. Seeing that the situation was not good, the living Qing army immediately showed all kinds of ugliness in his panic and weak legs. He immediately threw down his knife and gun and knelt down to beg for mercy. He ran away and wanted to escape back to the place where he was stationed to sleep.

At this time, Luo Qiren's second company also rushed into the city, climbed up the wall along the top of the city to sweep and clean up, capturing countless Qing soldiers who were sleeping on the top of the city.

Chen Huilong wore armor and a knife and finally rushed out of the gate of the county government. He made up his mind to escape from the north of the city after breaking through the siege.

Hu Guangting had set up a machine gun at the gate of the county government office at this time. He was afraid that after the gate of the county government office was opened, there would be a group of birds and guns carrying guns. At such a close distance, who knew who would die?

When he saw the door open and didn't wait for Hu Guangting to speak, his machine gunners suddenly panicked. After all, what I saw was a group of knife-wield thugs, and the bright blades were panicked by anyone who saw them.

"tu tu tu tu..."

The machine gunner subconsciously fired a shot and pulled the trigger against Chen Huilong and his knife-wielding soldiers.

In an hour, the 7.62mm full-power bullet of the "revolutionary" machine gun seemed to be free of charge and shot at the gate of the county government office. When Hu Guangting reacted and found that it was the senior Qing army officer who rushed out, the situation was irreparable. Chen Huilong and his more than 20 of his own soldiers were hit by the machine gun fired at close range. Rotten, internal organs, plasma, brain plasma, broken meat, bone residue... splashed all over the ground. The gate of the county government was also broken, and the brick wall by the door was broken and unbearable to repair.

When the machine gunner saw the flesh and blood in this place, he couldn't help it and immediately vomited.

Hu Guangting frowned and said, "Why are you still vomiting? Didn't you vomit enough the day before yesterday? A good official was smashed by you. I haven't settled with you yet.

The deputy shooter patted the main shooter on the back and said to Hu Guangting with a bitter face: "Commion commander, is this official wanted to be captured by the chairman? This is dead... can it still be counted?

Hu Guangting said impatiently, "I don't know! Drag the dead out first!

A row leader, you take someone in to search! Take out all the rest of the people and be dishonest on the spot*!"