1875 I come from the future

Chapter 148 The Red Flag Turns Over 4

[148] The wind and the red flag turned over (IV)

Tan Ma complained incessantly, "Do you still want to explore when it's dark?"

But I didn't dare to say this, and I couldn't say no, so the whole two sentry 50 cavalrymen rushed to Renzhao with torches.

Yao Fan's camp is located in the northwest of Renzhao Town. The terrain is high and it is a sloping field. The crops have already been harvested, and the barren loess is sparsely exposed with burnt black grass stubble.

Yao Fan has also found the whereabouts of the horse scout sent by Pingdu. After forcibly buying grain and rice in Renzhao Town, the whole army began to camp at this camp carefully selected by Li Hainiu.

Yao Fan was a little nervous for fear that his opponent would rob the camp late at night.

Li Hainiu's experience at the officer meeting dispelled most of his concerns.

"The Qing army has an advantage in number and tends to fight during the day. Their military quality is poor, and they can't maintain the march order late at night, and it is difficult to carry out orders between all levels of the army normally. Therefore, it is unlikely to choose a night battle that is easy to lead to the collapse of the whole line. Cavalry is expensive, and it is not suitable to choose night warfare. Even if it is night warfare, it is necessary to choose the early morning of the dawn.

Yao Fan thought so. Once the feudal army heard the news of the raid at night, or heard the news that someone around him was going to call the general dead, they might blow up the camp and flee.

He nodded and said, "Whether they come or not, they will be prepared. They hit them, and we hit us. Therefore, the geotechnical defense operations of our camp should be normal, and the reconnaissance and guard posts in all directions should be foolproof.

Li Jun also nodded: "I don't think the Qing army will attack at night. This night, I guess the Qing army must be busy going out of the city to camp to prepare for a decisive battle with me tomorrow after hearing the news. The worst possibility is that the Qing army surrounded me at night, but if the Qing army did not have ten times more troops than me, it would not have done this.

It seems that Li Jun's military courses during this period have not been in vain, and he remembers what Yao Fan said very well.

Yao Fan raised another very realistic question: "The pit! Be sure to dig a good pit! I don't want to get up early tomorrow morning and see that the positions around the camp are full of feces.

After simply arranging the camp and guard tasks, Yao Fan chose one kilometer away and two kilometers away from the nine directions around him and sent 18 guard posts in groups of three people.

"You have to light a fire in all directions. You must spread far away. You must learn to use bushes and bushes to hide. Don't gather three people together. You should divide them into dark whistles and flowing whistles. Two groups in each direction take turns to change guard night. Be careful not to sleep too much at night and don't snore! Don't tie the sleeping bag too tightly.

"I understand!" Wang Guangxing, the commander of the second company of the third battalion, who served as a long-range sentry guard, made a military salute, and Yao Fan solemnly returned the salute.

The whole army started the local work industry on the spot. Considering that the schedule of the battle plan is relatively short and the combat area is not large, Yao Fan did not bring tents from Jimo this time, but completely relied on sleeping bags and raincoats.

Soon the whole army formed an irregular inverted trapezoid position around this slope. The lower bottom of the inverted trapezoid was at the top of the slope and the bottom was at the bottom of the slope. Outside the inverted trapezoidal position, a larger circular position was set up. In this way, the first echelon of position defense is placed in the circular position, and the second echelon and reserve team are arranged in the trapezoidal position.

This is basically constructed according to the front-line field camp position tactics of the PLA infantry in the 1960s, but it is simpler and the scale of the local work industry is smaller. Although Yao Fan did not underestimate the enemy, he did not want the soldiers to consume too much physical strength.

The machine gun positions on the position, the shooting mlei for infantry and the shallow trenches behind the mage were soon successfully built under the wave of 300 folding engineering shovels carried by the whole army, including 16 simple pit squatting paths.

Yao Fan was still worried and ordered Liu Jinbao, the commander of the third battalion, and Zhou Niansheng, the deputy battalion commander, to form a night patrol post to inspect the on-duty situation of various sentries at night.

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, Yao Fan just wanted to turn into his sleeping bag when he heard gunfire from the west, so the whole army became nervous. Yao Fan sent one battalion and two companies Luo Qiren to take the whole company. He and other officers waited in the camp. Soon he saw Luo Qiren bring back three horses and escorted two prisoners back.

"Wang Zhengqi knows I'm here?" Yao Fan asked directly.

The two prisoners had no backbone and honestly explained Yao Fan's problem without waiting for torture.

And Wang Zhengqi finally got the news in the early morning, confirming the previous report of Tan Ma.

"It's really this gang of rubber thieves!" Wang Zhengqi was shocked and angry.

What is shocking is that Yao Fan's march is so fast that he doesn't need to rest after two consecutive "large-scale" battles! You know, if it is the Qing army, even if more than a thousand people in the area have only gone through such a "large-scale" battle, even the best elite troops will have to rest for at least three or five days, and Yao Fan has been coming over for a moment!

What made Wang Zhengqi angry was that Yao Fan actually came for himself!

"Doesn't this glue thief know how to write the word 'dead'? He was lucky to win two games in a row before, but he didn't know how to stop it. He actually wanted the mouse to eat the cat!" Wang Zheng thought angrily.

"General! The glue thief is cunning! Along the way, I set an ambush and lit an open fire to guide me to look. As a result, seven or eight of our brothers were trapped and killed by rubber thieves. Wang Zhengqi's scout did not dare to hide it and reported truthfully.

"Go down and have a rest. You don't need to start a snake again. Tonight, the whole city will be on alert to prevent rubber thieves! Let me go out of the city early tomorrow morning to kill the glue thief!" Wang Zheng ordered.


Yao Fan slept uneasily this night and got up early the next morning, but considering that he had to add sleep time for the soldiers who marched for a long time, Yao Fan did not disturb the sleep of the large army except for the soldiers in charge of cooking.

At this time, the Qing army had been dispatched!

More than 4,000 horses from 12 battalions of Zhenzi Camp have all left the city. After the array outside the city, they marched towards Zhanggezhuang in the southeast.

Four thousand troops marched with extraordinary momentum. People on the Qilu Plain in late autumn were noisy and flags stood. The Chinese army was fierce, the colorful flags fluttering, and the small flags of the cavalry were rattling in the wind.

Wang Zhengqi's general Hu Yuanda rode on a horse and said to Wang Zheng, the master general on the soft sedan chair: "General Bing! Only 30 miles from Pingdu to Zhanggezhuang, Ma Bujun was sent together, and the weight was followed, and he could arrive before noon.

"Is there a shortcut to Zhang Gezhuang to Renzhao?"

"General Bing, there is no big road, only all the way east along the township road and cross two small rivers."

"Hmm." Wang Zheng nodded.