1875 I come from the future

Chapter 153 The Red Flag Turns Over 9

[153] The red flag turned over (nine)

Yao Fan's whole army was busy until dark. He lit a torch to collect all the mules and carts in the city, and used the money found in Pingdu Prefecture and officials to offset the money for the mules and carts. This attitude of paying for the business surprised the people in Pingdu City. Both the rich and the poor felt that these rubber thieves were still quite righteous. , the discipline is better than that of officers and soldiers.

Gan Quantian, a middle-aged tea merchant in the city, was forcibly expropriated from his two horses, four mules and large and small trailers, but he had a relieved expression on his face.

"I have long heard that Yao Fan had a very good reputation before the rebellion, known as Jiaozhou Renyilang, and Xinyi is full of Qilu, and now it is true at first sight." He said to his wife.

The wife of Ganquantian, a tea merchant, said doubtfully, "People say that soldiers have been washed, and the rebels have killed and set fire to all kinds of evil. Unexpectedly, Yao Fan's rebels actually did not commit any crime and even paid us. The price is also fair. How can these animals add up to 300 taels? We have made money instead! This is really strange."

"Madam, did you hear the song they sang?" Gan Quantian, a tea merchant, said thoughtfully.

"I heard it, what it seems to sing. Revolutionary soldiers should keep in mind. Pay attention to the three * laws and eight items. First, listen to the command and follow the same pace to win. Second, they don't take the masses with a needle and thread. The masses support and like me..." With that, his wife actually recited the lyrics word for word and asked again. "Does the people in charge mean our people?"

Gan Quantian nodded and said, "It should be the people, but you remember this song."

"This tune is easy to remember. I heard those soldiers singing like this outside. I trembled with fear in it, so I wrote it all down." Madam said.

Gan Quantian, a tea merchant, crossed the south and north and said, "If Yao Fan's rebels can really be like the songs in this song, isn't it..." At this point, he dared not go on.

His wife asked, "Isn't it?"

"Wang Shi..." The voice of the tea merchant was extremely low.

At this time, the majestic song sounded in the distance of the city, which was Yao Fan playing the three * rhythms and eight notes of the Chinese Armed Police Male Voice Choir with a speaker. The sonorous brass symphony spread all over the city, reminding every soldier carrying out the collection task to pay attention to discipline.

"This singing is really good. As the head of the family, does Yao Fan still take the troupe when he comes out to war? Where is this drama? I've never heard of it."

The tea merchant did not answer his wife's question and muttered confusedly, "What on earth are these rubber thieves doing?"

After completing the collection of transportation vehicles, Yao Fan held a meeting at the Pingdu Prefecture Government Office and arranged the next step. As usual, various square tables were lined up on the government office lobby, with all kinds of chairs found on both sides.

After the cadres arrived, Li Hainiu was the first to report to Yao Fan at the meeting:

"Chairman, we have collected more than 100 horses from all over the city, including mules and donkeys, but this is nothing. The most amazing thing is that we got 1,620 war horses! Coupled with the capture of the previous Qing army battalion, we now have more than 2,000 mules and horses!"

Yao Fan asked, "How many big cars are there now?"

Li Hainiu said excitedly, "There are more than a thousand!"

Yao Fan looked at Li Jun, who was responsible for collecting grain and grass: "How much grain and grass and money are there in Pingdu City?"

"Chairman, there are more than one million catties of grain! It is much more than we expected! The amount of money and treasury silver, plus the income of corrupt officials, adds up to 150,000 taels!" Li Jun blushed when he said this.

Yao Fan only took a math class for everyone and calculated in public: "In addition, more than 30,000 catties of grain in the Qing army camp, that is, more than 1 million catties. Let's count him as 1.1 million catties. Our Shandong commune now uses kilograms and tons as units of measurement, that is to say, more than 500 tons of materials need to be transported back.

On hard roads, a horse can pull 1300 kilograms and walk 30 to 35 kilometers. On ordinary dirt roads, it can only pull 800 kilograms. If it rains muddy or bad road conditions, a horse can only pull 500 kilograms. We have more than 1,000 large cars, and there is no shortage of horses. According to 500 per car The minimum load of catties can just pull away all the supplies.

The cadres at the meeting nodded one after another. Huang Huisheng, deputy battalion commander of the second battalion, slapped and smiled, "Chairman, our commune is rich now!"

Yao Fan shook his head and said, "There are a lot of things, but you can't get rich. This amount of food is not much. According to one catty of rice a day, 3,000 people can eat it for a year at most.

Yao Fan firmly remembered his promise to marry the soldiers and frowned, "I said before the war that I would marry all the soldiers after this battle. Now that the fight is over, let's talk about how to marry this daughter-in-law?"

For a while, the government office lobby was silent, and the cadres either huddled on chairs or spread their hands on the table, staring at each other.

According to the three * laws and eight of the revolutionary army, it is not allowed to flirt with women, that is to say, there is no way to rob, which immediately makes everyone in trouble.

Liu Jinbao whispered, "The soldiers can remember the chairman's words. If they can't do it, I'm afraid it's not good for the chairman's reputation. Let's just go back to the example and rob their daughter-in-law in this flat city! Chairman, even if it was robbed by Liu Jinbao, you can punish me later, post a notice, and give an explanation to the people.

Yao Fan shook his head and said, "Our revolutionary army does not engage in these powers."

Liu Jinbao's idea was still his decision after discussion with several cadres in the camp. In line with the idea ofsharing the chairman's worries and being a scapegoat, he didn't expect Yao Fan to be unhappy, so he had no idea.

Zhou Fourth said, "Chairman, I have an idea. These officers captured by the Qing army are loyal to the court, and it is useless to keep them. In addition, Jin Ruchun, who is known as Pingdu Prefecture, is better to ask them to commit crimes and make contributions than to shoot him after publicizing dirty silver tomorrow.

Yao Fan asked, "Tell me, how can I make contributions?"

Zhou said fourth: "Let Na Pingdu and Zhijin Ruchun come forward to find a daughter-in-law for the soldiers. First, we don't want to dowry, and second, we don't look for nothing. Each daughter-in-law will give ten taels of silver."

As soon as he said this, Li Hainiu, Li Jun, Liu Jinbao and others applauded and even said it.

In fact, Yao Fan only thought about this method before. Zhou Fourth said exactly what he thought in his heart, so he said, "This time it is relatively urgent, and there are 788 people who are short of daughters-in-law, so I won't worry about big feet. Anyway, after marriage, I will let it go, and don't pester it anymore. In addition, give me more silver and give me 20 taels.

Zhou Shi heard Yao Fan's meaning and said happily, "Then I'll find that dog at night. If he can't find 788 daughters-in-law, I'll kill him."

Yao Fan said, "I guess it's difficult. Although there are more than 3,000 households in Pingdu, how can I find them all for a while? I think it's better to find them. It's good to find three or five hundred, and what if the soldiers don't like it?"

Liu Jinbao shouted blankly, "Why do you look down on it? As long as it's the big daughter of Huanghua, you can still lose them!"

Yao Fan looked forward to the expressions of the cadres and said, "Now that the army runs a literacy class, the soldiers can more or less recognize some words and have a high vision. Especially the cadres, once the salary is high and the vision is higher, didn't Li Jun look down on the fisherman's daughter last time and dislike her black face?

Everyone laughed when they heard the words. Li Jun blushed and said, "I don't dislike their dark faces. That's because I gave the opportunity to other comrades. When will I dislike their faces black? We are all black-faces from poor people."

Yao Fan said, "I think this is done like this. Liu Jinbao, tell Pingdu Tongzhi that finding a wife is equivalent to helping the court redeem people. If he finds four daughters-in-law, we will put a sentry chief; eight to put a deputy battalion chief; ten to put one battalion chief, fifteen to put one guerrilla, and twenty to put one ginseng. Will. I'm taking an example. How much is appropriate? Liu Jinbao, you and Li Jun can discuss the decision.

Li Jun patted his thigh and said, "Chairman's wonderful plan! In this way, those who have got out of their daughters-in-law are also meritorious to the court. After we leave, even if those dog officials are not ungrateful, they can't embarrass them!"

So everyone praised Yao Fan's idea as the most appropriate, and Yao Fan felt that he could only do so.

Next, Yao Fan arranged the specific person in charge and matters of the rest of the work. After the meeting, Liu Jinbao and Li Jun had a brief discussion and threatened Jin Ruchun to be the matchmaker to redeem himself.

Since Jin Ruchun was captured, he cried like a woman and collapsed like a dead man. He said in his heart that he had died. Now he suddenly heard that this policy of atonement for his sins, he immediately became energetic like taking medicine. He kowtowed to Li Jun and Liu Jinbao like garlic, and promised to find enough people in two days. The woman gave it to Shandong Commune to redeem herself and to the officer.

The next morning, Yao Fan's army packed up vehicles and transported supplies, while Li Jun and Liu Jinbao took the soldiers to follow Jin Ruchun and asked Jin Ruchun to select several trusted yamen and the first batch of Qing army officers to redeem themselves, and find a wife according to the household register of the government office

Jin Ruchun is indeed the parent officer in charge of one side, and he acts neatly.

He took several Qing army officers to Ganquantian's home, a tea merchant, and knocked on the door and rushed in. After entering the door, he said his intention. Regardless of whether Ganquantian agreed or not, he pointed to Ganquantian and said, "This is the kindness of you!"

General Hu Yuanda, with a group of generals, guerrillas and generals, knelt all over the ground in the Gan family's yard and kowtowed one after another: "Help! Help!"

Time was tight, and Jin Ruchun, the same as well as Pingdu Prefecture, was not talkative. He asked the yamen to immediately rush in and pulled out the four daughters of Ganquantian. He pointed to the four soldiers under Li Jun and said with a smile, "Good men, if you are satisfied with your daughter-in-law, come and worship your father-in-law Taishan."

Four soldiers hurried forward to visit their father-in-law.

The four daughters of the Gan family were so scared that they cried and lay on the ground and refused to get up. Gan Quantian pleaded bitterly: "Don't play with the old man. The old man is willing to help 200 taels! No, four hundred taels!"

Li Jun and Liu Jinbao were stunned and said that this Nima was not robbed?

Under the guidance of Jin Ruchun, the soldiers put down 80 taels of silver after kneeling down to Gan Quantian and his wife.

Jin Ruchun ignored the request of a small tea merchant and couldn't help saying it with a threatening order: "Ganquantian, dress up your daughter immediately! Ready to marry in Jiaozhou! If you talk more, I'm going to turn against you!"

At this moment, the officers of the Qing army are also advocating the benefits of marrying Jiaozhou.

General Hu Yuanda said, "Jiaozhou is a good place! You don't have to worry about food and clothing. There are fish and meat in a meal, which is much better than my hometown in Luzhou, Anhui Province. Brother, it's a blessing for your daughter to get married!"

Another general Liu Baochen cursed and swore: "Chairman Yao is a dragon and a hero in the world. He was framed by corrupt officials for a while before he was forced to Liangshan. Now he has defeated me to Zhenzi 12th Camp, and his future is unlimited! I want to come to the court to recruit Chairman An Yao soon! At that time, it must be very useful! Brother, think about it, your son-in-law will not be glorious and rich, and his wife will be crowned. It's unspeakable!

The rest of the officers also tried their best to say good words about Jiaozhou and Yao Fan. Those nonsense stunned Li Jun and Liu Jinbao.

A pair of officers worked hard to firmly press Gan Quantian on the chair and couldn't move.

Jin Ruchun threatened again: "Ganquantian! Your daughter married in Jiaozhou, which is a blessing! All of you are benevolent heroes! Willing to be your son-in-law is a blessing for your life! Don't worry, you won't treat your daughter badly! I can tell you! Don't toast and don't eat punishment! Pack your daughter's bags as soon as possible! If you don't have a daughter-in-law to follow you when you go back to the camp at night, your whole family will wash your neck and wait for me to deal with you!"

After Jin Ruchun threw down his words, he turned around and left. Under both soft and hard work, he became an official.

Li Jun said to the four soldiers with a bitter face: "You are close to your father-in-law today, take out all the money you bring as a bride price, take your daughter-in-law back to the camp in the evening, and officially marry you when you return to Jiaozhou. If your father-in-law is willing to go with you, you can go to Jiaozhou together. Be careful today. Don't let your father-in-law's family find a short meeting.

The next scene continued to be staged in the whole city. Jin Ruchun conscientiously followed his household register. Within two days, he gathered 788 unmarried women in the whole city. The youngest was only 14 years old and the oldest 24 years old. The family consisted of businessmen and craftsmen, as well as maids and maids in the landlord's and gentry's family. .

Among them, especially the city landlords and gentry, were intimidated by Jin Ruchun, saying that if they did not hand over all the daughters of school-age maids and small households, Yao Fan's army would kill them all over and raid the house! Thinking that now the friends can still take back 20 taels of silver from each maid, the landlords and gentry quickly acted one after another and sent all their maids out. One of them dared not keep them, and forced the children of the family to hand over their daughters to offer, for fear that Yao Fan would find a reason to kill them all over and seize the family's wealth.

Jin Ruchun's work efficiency and ability made Yao Fan praise him after hearing about it: "What a capable guy."