1875 I come from the future

Chapter 159 Wind and Red Flag Overturn 15

[159] The red flag turned over the earth (15)

After dinner, Yao Fan took his parents back to the warehouse and opened them casually from the wooden boxes and said, "This is jewelry and jade porcelain obtained by local tycoons. I can't tell good from bad. Later, you can find some antique experts to identify and sell them at auction after evaluation."

With that, Yao Fan leaned over and picked up a golden phoenix hairpin inlaid with emerald, went to Li Hongmei and put it on his mother and said, "Mom, it looks good on."

Li Hongmei held the golden hairpin on her head and smiled, "What's beautiful? I don't have a bun like the ancients, and I can't even insert the hairpin."

After all, Li Hongmei was still very happy. She took down the golden pin on her head and gave it to Yao Peng and said, "Well, this is given to me by my son."

Yao Peng smiled and said, "Then take it yourself. I'm afraid I'll break such a precious thing."

The whole family laughed.

Yao Fan pointed to a box with a brush and black ink and said, "Dad, that box contains the photos I took during this period. Please wash it out and have a look. It is full of mountains, rivers, architectural folk customs and costume figures there."

Yao Peng was very satisfied with this gift and said happily, "Great! I'll wash it all out for him tonight!"

The family came to the office of Yaofu Warehousing and Logistics Company in the warehouse area. This is the office left by Yao Peng. Yao Fan went to make tea. Li Hongmei sat down on the sofa and carefully appreciated the phoenix in her hand.

Yao Peng took out a suitcase that had already prepared from the filing cabinet. After opening it, he saw that there were various materials and folders in it. Yao Peng picked up the top folder and gave it to Yao Fan: "This is the catalogue list of this purchase, and the goods are marked under the number of each container."

Yao Fan asked, "Is there any industrial planning? And the educational CD, TV, DVD player, medicine, military uniform..."

Yao Peng nodded: "These are simple, and the delivery will be completed soon after ordering. I rented an office building in the city center, and now the structure of Global Trade Aluminum Company has been built up. As for the industrial projects you want, you have also entrusted relevant consulting companies to issue reports. The price is not cheap, and a decent industrial planning report costs more than 100,000 yuan.

Yao Fan said: "What you can buy is not a problem."

Yao Peng nodded with approval and said, "The establishment of a country and the rise of a nation are worth it no matter how much it costs."

Yao Fan carefully looked at the list, carefully put it away, and put it back together with the information in the suitcase.

"Dad, Mom, I have to go. Take care." Yao Fan bowed his head.

Li Hongmei was anxious when she heard this and said with tears in her eyes, "Why did you leave as soon as you came here? Just one night?"

Yao Fan apologized and said, "There are too many things. I really can't get rid of it. The construction of the base is in the ascendant and cannot be separated from people."

Yao Peng patted Yao Fan on the shoulder with understanding: "Son, take care of yourself."

Li Hongmei held Yao Fan in tears and said, "Fanfan, you must pay attention to your health and don't drink unclean water. Mom has prepared a water purifier for you, and a lot of clothes to change, all in container No. 1. It's getting cold, you must remember to wear more!"

Yao Fan did not stay much. After handing over all kinds of jewelry, jewelry, jade, porcelain, calligraphy and painting he brought to his parents, he reluctantly said goodbye to his parents, cut his fingers, laid a blood sacrifice array, and crossed through the roaring north wind!

Coordinate 36. 125, 120. 370, Yaojiazhuang Dachang North Library District, through!"


The day after returning to Yaojiazhuang, Yao Fan immediately held a plenary meeting of the Shandong Commune Revolutionary Committee to deploy new work.

"From today, the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army will fully change into new military uniforms. The previous blue uniforms will withdraw from our military uniforms and be transferred to the workers in the commune. Our army will fully change into the military uniforms I uploaded."

From the beginning of the meeting, everyone was surprised to see Yao Fan's clothes. The green and green military cap on his head, especially a red star and two red flag-like collars on the hat, were more full of vitality.

Yao Fan ordered, "Huzi! Come in and show everyone the new military uniform!"

Yao Fan's close guard Niu Hu immediately entered the conference room and stood upright.

Li Hainiu praised: "Beautiful! This military uniform is handsome!"

Yao Fan laughed and said, "The new military uniform is divided into two types in winter and summer. In summer, it is breathable and durable. Take nylon cloth in winter, which is thick and wear-resistant. Armed belts are tied around the waist, which looks energetic.

"This style of hat is called liberation hat, which means that our army will definitely liberate the whole country. The red star of the hat emblem represents the brilliance of our revolutionary regime, guiding us from victory to victory. The two collars symbolize the red flags of two revolutions."

"All soldiers will issue two sets of military uniforms in summer and winter in the first year, a total of four sets, and one set will be issued every year in summer and winter; two sets of shirts will also be issued every year; in addition, one set of liberation hats; one set of cotton-padded jackets in two years; one set of fleece jackets in autumn; one set of cotton hats in winter two years; one set of winter sentinel cotton coats three years; Two sets of trousers and vests per year, five pairs of socks per year, and three pairs of liberation shoes per year; two hat badges a year, which can be exchanged or replaced if damaged or lost; one armed belt per year can be exchanged or replaced after being damaged or lost; all clothes, shoes and socks need to be properly loved, and soldiers should learn to repair them in time with needle and thread bags under their hair. , one needle and thread bag per person, 50 meters per person per year.

After reading the items listed in one breath, Yao Fan reiterated: "All the military products listed above are prohibited from flowing out to the people without justifiable reasons, so as to prevent people with ulterior motives from collecting our military products and impersonating our army to carry out espionage!"

After Yao Fan finished reading, there was a warm applause in the conference room.

Li Jun smiled and said, "Chairman, I want to change my new clothes now!" I feel at ease in the same military uniform as you.

He Shicheng said, "Me too! I also want to wear the same clothes as the chairman!"

Yao Fan said, "Our officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army are united. They not only wear the same clothes, but also charge in battle. Anyone who is afraid of war does not deserve to wear this national defense green."

According to the army expansion plan, the training of new recruits of the five regiments is now very rapid and intense, and the new shooting range, new barracks and new playgrounds of each unit are also under continuous construction, but material preparation is by no means the most important!

I require that commanders at all levels must put discipline regulations, internal affairs regulations and queue regulations first. These three orders are collectively referred to as common regulations, which are the basis and guarantee for the victory of our revolutionary army.

Hearing this, everyone nodded one after another.

Li Hainiu said, "Chairman, we will complete the winter training this winter. Are we going to fight with the Qing army at the beginning of spring?"

Yao Fan said: "Autumn and winter is the most vulnerable season for the Qing army. In other seasons, once the unhygienic feudal army marched for a long time, it will have heatstroke and various other epidemics. Autumn and winter is cold, especially in winter, the dead will not decay quickly, and the defecation and garbage in the camp will not attract a large number of mosquitoes to cause the outbreak of infectious diseases.

"Therefore, if we can successfully complete the winter training, the possibility of the Qing army's invasion will be smaller after the beginning of spring."

"Hainiu, the Qing army is like a dish in front of us. How to eat and when to eat depends on our digestive ability."

"Our digestive ability is our cadre team. Without a qualified cadre team, even if we have laid down the city, we can't manage it well. Once we are not well managed, the people will have opinions and the conservative forces will fight back rampantly.

Wang Gui, who is in charge of logistics, said, "The chairman is right! We still need to train our own cadres first. Everyone also nodded one after another.

Yao Fan knows that no matter what they say, they will nod. This kind of blind trust is both a good thing and a bad thing, but at present, he needs this kind of trust.

During the Xinhai Revolution, the rebel army captured Changsha, Hunan Province. Just 10 days after the establishment of the Hunan Military Government of the Republic of China, Tan Yankai, the Speaker of the Council, colluded with a battalion commander of the new army to launch a mutiny, killing the governor and deputy governor of the rebel leader previously elected by the parliament, and became the governor himself. By the way, this person is the marriage introducer of Jiang Logistics and Song Nuclear Ping.

"The revolutionary army is a melting pot! On the one hand, we should strictly review the class, and on the other hand, we should also absorb progressive intellectuals. The training of cadres should not only rely on training courses for young cadres, but also on our army. The army's literacy education and ideological and political learning should be grasped every day! Catch it day by day! Hold on firmly, you can never relax!"

"There has been some tendency of individual worship in the previous ideological and political work. Many cadres put forward the slogan of loyalty to Yao Fan, wrote various secret letters of loyalty, and even handed me a large number of bloody books secretly. I thank you for your trust, but I also feel the need to strengthen learning to make everyone understand that the revolution is not for me, but for my suffering compatriots in China, for the rise of the Chinese nation, and for the establishment of an equal socialist power without class oppression!"

"So I think it's time to form our party."

Speaking of this, Yao Fan glanced at all the members of the Revolutionary Committee of Shandong Commune in the conference room and continued to say:

"In modern society, due to the unity of goals and principles, the people unite to form political parties and work together in the form of people's groups to realize the interests of the country and the interests of the people."

"Any political party is a political organization for the purpose of governing, so it is impossible to compromise with the hereditary system of feudal society, and the dictatorship of the Manchu Emperor cannot allow any party with the will to govern to appear legally, which is doomed to us. If the modern form of political party wants to exist and develop, there is no other way but armed struggle.


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