1875 I come from the future

Chapter 161 The Red Flag Turns Over 17

[161] The wind and the red flag turned over (17)

Although Yao Fan established a party organization, because this organization was completely born in Yao Fan's military system, it had a strong military color, strong obedience and good discipline from the beginning, but lacked the collision of ideas.

Yao Fan's absolute leadership in the party comes from his economic dominance, his continuous military victories, and of course, his profound knowledge relative to this era.

Although Yao Fan donated all his property in 1875, because he controlled the space-time transactions, that is, the overseas relations within the 1875 organization, doomed him to still rule the organization economically.

The temperature dropped sharply in December. Yao Fan got up early in the backyard of Jimo County and saw white frost hanging on all the branches. From time to time, a few crows came from the big cypress trees in the courtyard, which reflected the deep silence of winter in this industrialless country.

Yao Fan did not wear the clothes brought to him by Li Hongmei, but put on the army's standard velvet coat and the Type 65 military uniform. He looked at his watch and it was already six o'clock. It was breakfast time.

Yao Fan rubbed his hands and quickly rushed to the small canteen with Huzi, a guard. The small canteen was converted from the east side of the government gate for the political cadres and guards of the commune currently living in the government gate to eat.

As soon as Yao Fan appeared, he attracted a side view in the canteen. He smiled and greeted everyone, and consciously queued up with Niu Hu with a unified aluminum lunch box.

"Oh! Chairman! How can I teach you how to line up!" The new cooking class leader ran up at a loss and bowed to Yao Fan.

"Are you new here?" Yao Fan asked.

"In the chairman's words, Guo Bingquan, the former squad leader of the cooking class, was transferred to the Second Regiment as the deputy squad leader of the infantry squad. I was just promoted from Yaojiazhuang. My name is Weng Yuantian." The monitor of the cooking class will report immediately.

"Everyone has to queue up, because everyone in the revolutionary army only has a different division of labor, and there is no high or low. Why can't I queue up? Go back and work hard." Yao Fan said.

Guard Niu Hu is also a newcomer, but obviously he has clearly figured out Yao Fan's temper: "Veng, go ahead. The chairman queues up every day."

"Hey! Hey." Weng Yuantian bowed repeatedly, rubbed his hands and left.

Yao Fan frowned and said, "Weng Yuantian is not like a soldier. He is just like a hawker. Look at him nodding and bowing!"

Niu Hu said, "Chairman, now the expansion of all regiments is very strong, and they are all busy training. I guess the newcomers in the cooking class have not even practiced the queue.

Yao Fan said, "This won't work. I have to tell Wang Gui later that the organ needs to be trained as well as logistics! Although skilled military skills are not required, the common order cannot be relaxed at all!"

The team cooked quickly, and soon it was Yao Fan's turn. He walked to the courtyard with a box full of rice porridge and a big steamed bun, found Sister Su, who was sitting on an empty table with a guard and chewing slowly, and sat down directly beside her.

There is a large tile basin in the middle of each table in the yard, which is stir-fried pickles with heavy oil. Yao Fan scooped a spoonful of pickles into the porridge and stirred it, and then asked the third sister, "Third sister, haven't you slept well? The eyes are swollen."

The third sister is no longer serving Yao Fan. As a member of the Standing Committee of the Commune Revolutionary Committee, she is now responsible for not only part of the literacy class, but also part of the work of women.

The third sister said, "Big brother...Chairman, I'm fine."

Yao Fan said to the third sister's guard, "Zizhu, how can you take care of your leader's face?"

The guard named Zhuzhu turned out to be a soldier of Li Hainiu. He should be young, and this time he was adjusted to work in the guard company.

Zhuzhu said urgently, "Sister Su didn't sleep all night and just read books. I can't do anything."

Yao Fan looked at the thin cheeks of the third sister and said, "Learning is a good thing, but you should also pay attention to your health."

The third sister smiled shyly and said, "Don't listen to Zhuzi's nonsense. I'm still asleep. Recently, I have to arrange my family members to form a laundry class and hygiene company, so I don't have time to read during the day and make up for it at night. Besides, there is another literacy class I'm responsible for to correct."

Yao Fan swallowed a mouthful of porridge and said, "How are the teachers employed in the literacy class now? Do you adapt to simplified words?

The third sister said, "I dare not say it face to face. It is said that it is humiliating. I almost made words without authorization to rebel. If it weren't for the shortage of people, I would have chased them away."

Yao Fan laughed and said, "The rebellion is true. Don't pay attention to them. You should often ask the monitor of each literacy class and pay attention to whether the teachers have reactionary remarks in the classroom. In addition, teachers should also let them learn revolutionary ideas and write study reports.

The third sister nodded and said, "I know."

Yao Fan added: "When the first phase of my young cadre training class is completed, you will be relaxed. I guess I can send a few good young teachers to the army's literacy class at that time."

The family dinner time at 6:30 was approaching, and the family members of the cadres also came to the small canteen to eat. The new daughters-in-law chattered about the short gossip in the family property, and for a moment, the Donghu Hospital became lively.

Seeing the third sister eating, He Shicheng's newly married daughter-in-law Wang Zhenmei immediately ran over with a lunch box and sat down.

"Chairman, you are also here." Wang Zhenmei greeted carelessly.

Yao Fan said "um", drank the rice porridge in one gulp, stood up and left. Hu Zi, the guard, quickly followed.

Yao Fan asked Huzi as he walked: "Why do the families of cadres and families of various troops come to the small canteen for dinner? Isn't the food of each group the same?

Huzi ran beside Yao Fan, looked around and whispered, "Don't you still want to be familiar? At present, we all know that Sister Su is the largest female official in our commune. The women of each family are being slapped up, and they have to sign up for women's literacy classes one by one."

Yao Fan shook his head with a smile and went back to his yard to wash his face. Huzi quickly helped Yao Fan's thermos cup make new tea. After washing his face, Yao Fan took the thermos cup and notebook to the morning sail young cadres training class.

Yao Fan has taken time to arrange a multimedia classroom these days. The equipment installation is not complicated. With the support of a small variable frequency diesel generator, the power is enough.

The class has been crowded with students for a long time, and 122 students are all gathered in this lobby.

Because Yao Fan's course is wonderful, he has seen electric lights and speakers that can play songs. Now the students have worshipped Yao Fan very much. No one is late for every class, and the preview is sufficient. Although Yao Fan only comes to class for half a day every day now, his courses are becoming more and more precious. As soon as Yao Fan left, all students are actively self-study and previewing.

These students have an excellent private school foundation, and many of them are familiar with the four books and five classics, especially the children sent by the Huang family from the upper and lower colleges. Due to the unique rich collection of books in the college, they are even more knowledgeable.

After these students got the textbooks sent by Yao Fan, the first print seemed to be that the thief was very rich. The books did not use earth paper, but used such a good snowflake white paper, which has never been seen on the market!

When they began to look through the textbook, they were immediately attracted. The pictures and texts were full of detailed knowledge, and almost all of them came from another world that they had never heard of, which really opened their eyes and shocked their minds.

Readers in this era always have a thirsty impulse to finish reading a good book or a strange book. Although Yao Fan's books are in simplified Chinese characters, it is obviously not difficult for students to identify. These people are the best liberal arts students who are skilled in the four writing methods of fennel beans. The difficulty of writing is close to zero for them.

Before Yao Fan took the class for a few days, some students have finished all the textbooks by themselves and began to focus on analyzing their ideas, especially the books in social sciences, which make them have to study them over and over again.

Now, the students who were reluctant to be sent to study in the class of anti-thief professors are glad to have such an eye-opening opportunity, but they are still worried and contradictory, afraid that Yao Fan will fail in the future and even implicate themselves. Although they worship Yao Fan, their lives matter after all.

"Are all the students here?" Yao Fan stood in front of the classroom and asked.

Everyone looked around and replied, "It's all here."

"Well, now we're going to the multimedia classroom for class. Come with me with the pens and notebooks, so don't bring books." Yao Fan's multimedia classroom does not have a desk. It is not so much a classroom as a projection hall.

The students followed Yao Fan to the newly decorated large room of the school. The side room was separated from the middle. It was 15 meters long and 8 meters wide from north to south. There was a projector installed on the top of the front, followed by low-power speakers on both sides. Yao Fan connected the notebook to the projector interface and said after debugging:

"Today we will watch movies and documentaries. I hope everyone can keep quiet and have a break for everyone to go to the toilet."

After Yao Fan finished speaking, a student asked, "Mr. Yao, what is the movie?"

Yao Fan saw that it was Huang Yuntian and said, "This is a product of scientific and technological development, which is used to record images."

Huang Yuntian is a son of the Huang family. He is probably so rich that he has read too many miscellaneous books. He has participated in the imperial examination since he was 17 years old. At the age of 25, he has not been able to get fame, not even a student.

Yao Fan opened the projector, and the white light curtain instantly lit up the whole curtain in front of him, and the students exclaimed. Yao Fan ordered the students to pull down the surrounding curtains, turn off the lights, and start playing movies.

Yao Fan chose to screen the film "*War". As the film began to be screened, the hall exclaimed!

Then the students looked at the front screen one by one, making an excited and excited gasp.

Everyone is thinking about what this movie is! Such a magical! Unexpectedly, living people can be put on the curtain and reflect all the scenery of the world vividly! Isn't this a fairy method? Impossible! It must be a fairy!

Some students are thinking that this is probably Mr. Yao's magic weapon, right? Chairman Yao is indeed proficient in Western methods. He can not only release the music and voice from the box, but also release everything in the world! Such means are already amazing!