1875 I come from the future

Chapter 163 The Red Flag Turns Over 19

[163] The red flag turned over (19)

Molith asked the translator to explain to the garrison of the dock that they were Yao Fan's guests and asked to go to the city to see Yao Fan.

As soon as the garrison heard that it was German, they immediately contacted the responsible leader of the dock. He Wannian is now responsible for all the work of Qingdao City, which is equivalent to the mayor. He immediately came from the city when he heard the news.

"Chairman Yao is not in Qingdao. He is in Jimo. You can go to Jimo to find him." Congratulations on ten thousand years.

Meilis is very familiar with He Wannian. He told He Wannian that he brought 450,000 taels of silver worth more than 800 kilograms of gold this time to offset the payment he owed and make new goods.

He Wannian said that the dyes had been prepared in the warehouse at the dock and could be shipped and the gold could be unloaded immediately.

Merrith was worried, so Barland, Merrith, translators and his entourage decided to immediately get on the carriage and go to Jimo County after consultation.

Yao Fanco does not have a luxury carriage with four horses, so everyone can only ride one car for two people.

The squeaky carriage rolled, and Barland insisted on opening the bamboo curtain in front of him and watching the terrain all the way. The busy cement road under construction on the right side of the road caught his attention.

"They are actually building a cement road parallel on this dirt roadside! Oh my God! This is so extravagant! They are going to use cement pavement to connect Qingdao and Jimo!" Barland was surprised that even Europe did not have the habit of building country roads with cement these days. In European cities, even in the most prestigious city of London, almost all the roads are paved with blue stones, and there are puddles everywhere after the rain.

Molith frowned and observed, "Those workers who built roads all look like prisoners of war of the Qing Dynasty, wearing the clothes of Qing soldiers, and there are soldiers with guns guarding them in the distance."

Barland heard that Yao Fan had won a big battle in Shanghai. He looked at the working people and nodded: "You can leave some money to build the road with prisoners of war, but with cement... This is too wasteful! These expensive cement should be used on docks and forts, and I don't know where he bought so much cement.

The two chatted all the way, allowing the driver in blue overalls to lead the horse to the north.

At this time, only a song was heard. A fully armed force appeared in the rear, running towards Jimo. There were about 100 people. The team was still singing while running, and the flag bearer in front of them was still holding a red sickle and hammer flag.

Meilisi explained: "This is training. Yao Fan likes to toss his soldiers and make them run often like fools, saying that it is called armed zippers, and they have to run dozens of kilometers every time. I think he hopes to use this to prove to the secret agent of the Qing Dynasty that his food is sufficient.

Barland said solemnly, "They also wrapped their leggings with cloth and wide cloth. It seems that the commander is not a stupid bun, but what surprises me most is that their equipment is all the same as the soldiers on the dock. Their colorful backpack is very strange and very large! I suspect that there is a thick blanket in it, right?

Mellis said, "Your own soldiers? No, Frank doesn't seem to have any personal soldiers. His soldiers always look exactly the same. You know, these Chinese look similar.

Barland shook his head and said, "I don't mean their appearance, but the equipment. As you say, has this respected Mr. Frank Yao achieved the standard equipment of the whole army!? Uniform clothing? Uniformity of weapons? If so, it seems that this is definitely a long-planned rebellion, not a simple peasant*.

When Yao Fan heard that the German minister was coming, he immediately came down from the artillery training ground and rode back to Jimo City with several guards on bicycles.

"How many people are here?" Yao Fan asked.

"six people." The comrades who sent the Germans reported.

Considering the equivalent etiquette of diplomats, Yao Fan found five cadres to meet with Barland and his party.

After a greeting, Yao Fan ordered the cooking class to prepare meals and first entertained the Germans at the dinner table.

Yao Fan once listened to the public lecture of China's number one diplomat's foreign affairs negotiation in college, and knew that the most important thing to pay attention to in diplomatic negotiations is the so-called basic principle of love.

Generally speaking, this principle borrows the skills and principles of love and believes that love is not composed of only you and me, but four people among them. Since "you in my eyes, me in my eyes, you in your eyes, me in your eyes."

Generally speaking, the closer the mutual cognition of the two parties is to each other's self-perception, the smoother the relationship will be, the deeper the relationship will be, and vice versa.

In essence, diplomacy is a truth.

For example, China feels that it is a peace-loving country, but Japan sees you like a beast and is always ready to revenge on him. China feels that Japan is a country that is trying to revive militarism, but Japan feels that it needs to strengthen its armed to achieve self-defense and improve its national status.

China feels that it is a friendly neighbor, but India thinks that China is an aggressor; India feels that it is the world's top power in the future and requires dialogue with him in an equal position, while China feels that India is just a hopeless and inexplicable country.

The cognition of me in my eyes and you in my eyes is extremely inconsistent, and it is destined that this relationship is bound to have no door, and the diplomatic differences between the two sides are so big that they can't be agreed at all.

And there is basically no such extreme cognitive difference between the EU countries, so that they can fall in love and finally join hands to enter the palace of the alliance.

Yao Fan is too rational to cooperate with a master of love. After a failed love in college, he threw himself into his career and study, and never tried to pursue love again.

But he analyzed that Germans' understanding of the strength of Shandong Commune is bound to be lower than the real strength of the Commune; and their own understanding of Germany comes from historical analysis, which is absolutely pertinent; and Germany's cognition of their own strength will not be overestimated by their stereotyped personality.

So the problem that needs to be solved now is that Germans can't underestimate themselves and underestimate their strength. Sadly, Yao Fan doesn't want the Germans to see his real strength. In this way, he can only make up for the differences with interests.

In love, this is equivalent to giving a gift to the other party to improve the other party's evaluation of themselves in the short term. In this way, when the cognition of both parties is brought closer, they can start the second step of falling in love - finding a common language, dating, holding hands, and even marriage.

Diplomacy is manifested in the search for common interests, expansion of common interests, comprehensive cooperation, and even alliances.

Of course, once the mutual cognition of the two sides is synchronized, in the evolved relationship, in addition to the marriage relationship between Britain and the United States, the relationship between Australia and the United States, the mistress relationship between Germany and the United States, the lover relationship between France and the United States, and the ** relationship between Japan and the United States, there is also sex friendship relationship like China and Russia - you If you miss me, let's have a chance and go back to each other's homes after that...

"Mr. Barland, you came in a hurry, and I'm not prepared. I hope today's simple diet will not affect your opinion of Shandong Commune." Yao Fan laughed at the dinner table.

"On the contrary, it tastes very good. You have a good chef, Frank." Barland smiled and drank chicken soup and was able to talk to a Chinese rebel leader directly in German. Barland's impression of Yao Fan was very high at once!

Barland has no doubt: "A Chinese who can speak German fluently has no doubt about his natural closeness to Germany!"

After the meal, the two sides entered the conference room and began negotiations.

The two sides have completed a friendly greeting at the table, so the negotiations soon got to the point.

"I hope Germany will ensure that my sea passage will not be blocked. I don't have my own cargo ship, so I need German merchant ships to continuously trade and transport between Qingdao and other ports in Asia. When I say German merchant ships, I mean Merriz's merchant and his hired merchant ships. Yao Fan put forward his own requirements directly.

"Of course, if Germany can guarantee this with its diplomatic strength, I am willing to let German warships dock in Qingdao to add coal and food. Once my dock is repaired, I can also provide maintenance of the ship. Of course, in order to achieve this goal, Germany needs to send one or two ship maintenance engineers. Yao Fan threw out the hydrangea quickly and concisely.

Barland's gray-blue eyes flashed, and he said, "Dear Governor Yao..."

Yao Fan quickly corrected: "I am the chairman of Shandong Commune."

Barland nodded, and his brown hair combed back gave off a shiny glow in the candlelight.

"Dear Chairman Yao, how can you prove that you can gain a foothold in Qingdao? As far as I know, Her Majesty the Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Kingdom is mobilizing troops to launch an encirclement against you. If Germany supports you, once you fail, Germany will be forced to be in a very embarrassing position, and we will lose our influence and international reputation in the Qing Dynasty.

Yao Fan didn't say a word and continued to look at Barland. He knew that if Barland had no will, he would not come to Qingdao at all!

Barland saw Yao Fan's silence and said, "I really can't believe that in the face of 30,000 to 50,000 Qing troops that are about to attack, Chairman Yao and your Shandong Commune can support it. I have no problem with whether you are republic or monarchy, but if you don't have the strength to solve the upcoming military crisis, any slogan is empty talk.

Molith took out a handkerchief and wiped the fine sweat on his forehead and said, "Frank has defeated a large-scale attack by the emperor. I believe he can do it for the second and third time..."

Barland spread out his hands and said, "* At first, you can always catch the government off guard, but if you want to be independent, you must have enough strength."

Yao Fan said, "Mr. Barland, how do you think I can have enough strength?"

Barland said heavily, "You need the support of the German Army! 2,000 to 3,000 German infantry are needed! Germany will help you establish a port artillery fortress, telegraph bureau, meteorological bureau, city construction engineering, signal office, maritime affairs bureau, foreign affairs court, police station, surveying and mapping bureau, school, port bureau, geography bureau, household registration bureau, mountain forest bureau in Qingdao.

Yao Fan said seriously, "That's what turned Qingdao into a German colony under discussion! This is impossible!

Sovereignty and territory are China's core interests and are non-negotiable. There is no room for bargaining on all issues involving sovereignty and territory.

Mr. Barland! Please note that you are talking about my motherland, not my colony. If you are talking about a colony belonging to China, I think everything can be talked about, but the territory of the motherland, there is no room for compromise, and no inch of China's territory is superfluous!"

Barland was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the tall and strong handsome man in front of him would refuse himself without thinking.