1875 I come from the future

Chapter 165 The Red Flag Turns Over 21

[165] The wind and the red flag turned over (21)

Yao Fan got the guarantee he wanted, but he didn't feel much joy.

The cadres who accompanied him to the meeting did not understand a word of German from beginning to end, but from the handshake between Yao Fan and Barland, they could see that Yao Fan had reached a deal and the diplomatic purpose of Shandong Commune was achieved.

After the German representative left the conference room, Yao Fan explained to everyone what had just happened at the meeting, so everyone was relieved. All members of the leadership of the commune knew that with the large-scale expansion of the army, the monthly military expenditure has exceeded 100,000 taels of silver, and the monthly source of massive silver money is in addition to The local tyrants and evil gentry can only rely on maritime trade, relying on the commune to take goods from Chairman Yao's overseas factory and resell them.

Li Jun's tight shoulders eased, but he saw that Yao Fan's face was not as relaxed as he should have shown, so he asked softly, "Chairman, you don't seem to be very happy?"

"Your observation is very sharp."

"Your performance is obvious."

Yao Fan nodded gently: "It's too easy. Barland is not so easy to persuade."

"Su Qin and Zhang Yi can swing with a three-inch tongue. Chairman, you are knowledgeable and speechless of the foreigner, which is seen by everyone."

"This is because Barland looked up on me. Originally, I didn't have such a high status in Barland's eyes."

"Chairman, you are talking..." Li Jun said hesitantly.

"Today's negotiations can be reached because Baland valued us, but according to my previous estimate, our status cannot be so high in the eyes of Germans." Yao Fandao.

Li Jun breathed a sigh of relief: "Maybe it's because of our victory."

Yao Fan thought for a moment and shook his head: "The Germans despise the army of the Qing Dynasty, so they will not overestimate us who won the military victory against the Qing Dynasty."

"So, they don't have any plans?" Li Jun guessed.

"You're right." Yao Fan nodded.

"These foreigners have never been kind-hearted!" Li Hainiu beside him said indignantly when he heard the words.

"Diplomacy, that's it. In addition to the consideration of real interests, potential benefits are always an important factor affecting negotiations." Yao Fan said, and then he added, "Actually, I can guess what they want..."

The December night wind was cold and piercing. Merrith had a chill. The candlestick in his hand shook, and a line of red wax flowed down. It quickly froze in the cold wind and hung on the candlestick.

Barland whispered in Merriz's ear: "The interests of Germany are above all else. Compared with the possible benefits, it is worth taking some commercial risks. James, in the future, all sea ships coming to Qingdao will fly the German flag, and I will equip every ship I will equip with German seamen. We need to let Yao Fan understand that Germany is indeed guaranteeing his sea route..."

The next day, when the day was still bright, Barland was awakened by the echo of the wake-up call in Jimo City.

The melodious trumpet startled Barland. He hurriedly put on leather boots and rushed to the yard in his shirt. The cold morning wind cheered people up. Barland knocked on Merriz's door and asked what the horn was going on.

"Is it the attack of the Qing Dynasty?"

Miles was sleepy and obviously dissatisfied with Barland's fuss: "This seems to be the wake-up, Frank's new invention. In his army, the trumpet is a signal system that has replaced the iron whistle."

"Get up, James, let's go to see Yao Fan's army training."

"Okay..." The Merrith complained.

Except for the recruit drill, Yao Fan did not show other military projects to Barland, but Barland is an a connoyan. When he saw countless Chinese people with cut braids on the huge playground outside Jimo City were practicing enthusiastically, he was undoubtedly convinced that Yao Fan was training in accordance with the modern military training method. Train his troops.

"This will give them good discipline, but I don't know how brave it is to lead their officers."

Yao Fan was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what Barland meant: "I know that the general staff of the German army believes that handing over weapons to farmers and free citizens is a very dangerous and easy thing to cause chaos. Without the Juncker officer corps who are sincerely loyal to the emperor, the German army will enter chaos.

But Mr. Barland, my officers are all from soldiers. They are of the same class background as soldiers and pursue the same goals. They fight for their own interests, and their interests are exactly the same as mine. I never worry about their courage. In this war, all they have lost is shackles.

Barland is obviously difficult to understand the theoretical basis of Yao Fan's confidence, and Yao Fan has no intention of explaining it to him at all.

Barland spent only two days in Jimo and hurriedly sailed from Qingdao to Shanghai, where he wanted to use the shallow sea cable of the Danish Dabei Telegraph Company to shoot the telegraph to Hong Kong, convert it into a text letter and send it to Germany by merchant ship.

Barland wrote in a telegram: "...If Beijing is a sedan exhibition, then Jimo is the ocean of bicycles. There is no doubt that Yao Fan's Shandong commune regime has a secret bicycle manufacturing factory, but he is unwilling to show me this...

...Yao Fan's army has the most modern equipment. Their helmets are cast from the best steel and are said to be able to defend against bullets. This is the most luxurious equipment I have ever seen. In a non-combat state, they wear a green cotton hat with red stars. The same green military uniform is thick and warm, and a rubber Although the low-top military shoes made of canvas are not as good-looking and warm as boots, they are very breathable and easy to wear...

... Yao Fan did not show us their shooting training. I guess it was because of the limited accuracy of their short rifles. Their officers wore pistols made of leather, but never opened them to me. According to Yao Fan's request, he did not intend to leak it to us until the peace treaty was officially signed. Reveal any equipment or industrial secrets...

... During my period in Jimo, the scope of action was limited. Although I protested for this, Yao Fan did not compromise on this. Obviously, he could not really trust Germany. We should understand this cautious mentality of the weak...

... In a word, the rebellion in Qingdao is an organized and premeditated military operation. From this point alone, its prospects are worth looking forward to...

... This is a completely militarized regime, and all the power in the rebel territory is integrated into the military organization, which also means that all their policies will be made for military victory. Considering their previous military victories, if he It is not surprising that we can form a military confrontation with the Qing Dynasty in the future...

... This rebellion will help weaken the ability of the Qing Dynasty to rule in the north. As long as he does not seriously threaten the existence of the Beijing regime, European countries are willing to see this military separation continue in the north...

... I warned Yao Fan not to attack or cut off the transportation line from Yantai to Jinan, which is a commercial port. As long as he can guarantee this, I don't think the British mind them making trouble for the Qing emperor. Maybe the Qing Dynasty will immediately hand over a large amount of arms orders to Britain. If possible, I I will also try my best to fight for Germany...

...Yao Fan's attitude towards the German Empire is friendly and willing to expand our cooperation. There is no doubt that we can teach them a lot. Specific cooperation projects need to wait until the contract is officially signed before they can continue to be agreed...

... The trade between... and Yao Fan can be completely deduced into private commercial behavior, which has nothing to do with the German imperial government, but the toughness of our position depends on Yao Fan's military progress...

After Barland left Qingdao, Yao Fan accelerated the construction of regime organizations.

The revolutionary army is a melting pot. In the process of armed struggle, the sense of urgency brought by the pressure of war and the baptism of war can cultivate and create countless talents.

Although the struggle is not long, various activists and backbone models have emerged in Yao Fan's army. Yao Fan does not require them to become so mature overnight. The accumulation of experience requires a process, but as a first step, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to exercise first.

After determining the suitable candidates, Yao Fan quickly set up the structure of the General Staff and set up the Operations Evaluation Committee, the Training Committee, the Equipment Support Committee, the Logistics Transportation and Barracks Committee, the Communications and Intelligence Committee, the Town Management Committee, the Agriculture and Land Policy Committee under the General Staff. Finance Committee, Organization Committee, Women's Movement Committee, Youth Children's Movement Committee, Justice Committee, Discipline Committee, Education and Culture Committee, Health Committee, Business and Trade Committee and other institutions...

Although the education level of the subordinates is not high, the organizational form of committee-style multi-head consultation can most effectively ensure brainstorming. The three stinky cobblers are not spoken by Zhuge Liang, and this is also a good way to train cadres on a large scale.

Yao Fan established the first children's group in Jimo. More than 100 children came from the countryside after the land reform and were divided into farmers. The only thing they were worried about at this moment was the legitimacy of their land. When the army told them that they needed to cultivate revolutionary reserve forces, hoping that families with many children could send their children When participating in the revolutionary army, farmers almost invariably choose to support them. In addition to food and shelter, children who participate in the children's regiment can get a penny of money every month, which is not small for any peasant family**.

Because teenagers are young, their world outlook has not yet taken shape. Compared with the ignorance and numbness of most adults in the Qing Dynasty, it is easier to instill revolutionary ideas. They can often establish the ideological awareness of class struggle very quickly, and the revolutionary concept established from an early age is also more than that of many adults. Heaven's education is more firm. Historically, the International Division of the Communist Party established during the agrarian revolution has been extremely loyal to the Party and its revolutionary enthusiasm has been extremely high, contributing a large number of military generals and political cadres to our Party and our army.