1875 I come from the future

Chapter 168 Wind and Red Flag Overturn 24

[168] The wind and the red flag turn over the earth (24)

That night, Yao Fan hosted Merisi and Marx. Yao Fan couldn't come up with any exquisite state banquet dishes, but chicken soup and pork chops could always be provided.

"I hope you like Chinese food." Yao Fan smiled and said in Chinese so that the other subordinates on the table could understand.

The translation truthfully conveyed Yao Fan's words to Marx.

"That's great! Great!" Marx didn't lie. He ate two braised pork chops, a chicken leg, a large bowl of chicken soup, and ate a "Chinese bread" - steamed bread with soy sauce dipped in braised pork chops. The old horse ate it with sauce on his beard.

"I told my comrades that the core force leading our cause is the Chinese Socialist Labor Party, and Marxism is guiding our ideology. Without a party armed according to Marxist revolutionary theory and revolutionary style, it is impossible to lead the masses of the people to defeat * and their lackeys.

The translator is the personal royal translator of Merriz, named Mei Cunzhang. Yao Fan has been trying to influence him and sent him a lot of books. But Mei Cunzhang holds a high salary of 80 taels of silver a month from Merrith, and also has some meager red shares in Merrith Commercial Bank, so he is unwilling to join Yao Fan's high-risk team. However, he is not unfamiliar with these revolutionary words commonly found in the books given to him by Yao Fan, and the translation is very accurate.

"I want to know what your revolutionary goal is? What's the claim? What is your government structure? What are your views on the Communist Manifesto?

"For victory, only victory is the fundamental guarantee of the people's power. Without the armed struggle, the Chinese revolution has no way out. In a country where the proportion of the working class is extremely weak, only victory can establish a firm belief, and victory must come from armed struggle. Strike has no effect in China.

"Without the leadership of the working class, how do you lead a group of peasants to revolution?"

"On this issue, I wrote an article "Why China's Red Regime Can Exist", and I hope I can translate it to you in person tonight and get your inspiration." Yao Fan was not abhorr to steal one of the most important heroic texts in Taizu's history.

In winter night, the cold wind roared outside the house, and fine snowflakes began to fall.

Yao Fan sat cross-legged on the hot kang, introduced Marx in detail the progress of Shandong Commune so far, and introduced the thoughts of Lenin and Taizu to Marx one by one.

The candlelight in the room is bright, and the huge candles made of six honey wax are gently burned evenly on the thickness of the arms. He Shicheng held a camera in his hand and took photos of Yao Fan and Marx from time to time. According to Yao Fan's requirements, this kind of group photo is more and better. This is also the best evidence that China will inherit the communist world and Marxist orthodox bloodline in the future.

Because the actual situation is very different from that of Taizu, Yao Fan changed Taizu's article very drastically, but who is Marx? He immediately understood Yao Fan's idea.

"Armed establishment of bases, armed defense of bases, armed seizure of national power, I understand your idea. This idea of seizing state power with armed struggle is indeed more practical than seizing power with workers' strikes in Qing Dynasty."

"Mr. Max, I would like to ask you to write a preface to my Theory of Practice and Theory of Contradiction." Yao Fan took out two pamphlets more shamelessly.

"Comrade Yao Fan, you can call me Comrade Marx. Now please translate it for me."

Yao Fan began to translate two articles that he tampered with according to the historical situation.

Marx listened attentively, and the candlelight in his bright eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Come back! I want to write him down!" Marx suddenly demanded.

Yao Fan was overjoyed and quickly ordered He Shicheng to bring a pen and paper. When He Shicheng went to find a pen and paper, Yao Fan took out two dictionaries and a German version of the Chinese grammar manual. This is the Chinese-German and Chinese-English dictionaries and grammar suitable for 1875 that Yao Peng hired to delete and verify. Yao Fan said: "This is the dictionary and grammar compiled by our Chinese. I hope you like this gift.

Marx was overjoyed and said excitedly, "That's great! You actually compiled dictionaries and grammar! The Chinese are amazing! This is a great cultural innovation! This is too important for cultural exchanges between China and the West!"

Throughout the night, Yao Fan kept explaining to Marx the current situation in China, the class analysis of rural areas, the idea of surrounding cities in rural areas, and the idea of changing rural soil into all work fulcrum. Marx discussed with Yao Fan from time to time and was convinced by Yao Fan's eruity again and again. He really couldn't believe that such a young man actually had a very in-depth understanding and even unique views on almost all kinds of science.

Comrade Yao Fan, you are not so much my student as my friend! I am willing to support your revolution unconditionally as your comrade-in-arms! I think your revolution is not so much an attempt by the proletariat to establish power in an unopened agricultural country as a major leap and practice of the revolutionary theory of the proletariat! I look forward to his success!"

In the sound of chickens at dawn, Marx made the most important evaluation of his life.

"Comrade Marx!" Yao Fan stretched out his hands excitedly and held each other tightly with Marx's warm hands.

In the next few days, Lao Ma was fascinated by the military training of Shandong Commune. He asked questions like a child. He also learned the international song sung by the Frenchman Digate in 1888 and sang it like a child every day.

He collected all kinds of written materials, buried his head in dictionaries and Chinese books day by day, and consumed a lot of ink with the pen provided by Yao Fan. The deleted socialist classics brought by Yao Fan from the future were continuously translated into Chinese by him. And his way to kill time is to look at Yao Fan's own works translated and published in contrast to the original text. His evaluation of these Chinese books is a "perfect translation"!

Looking at Lao Ma's enthusiasm for work and language genius, Yao Fan was shocked that some people in the world could learn Chinese by themselves and translate by grammar books and dictionaries! This kind of perseverance and IQ are absolutely beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Yao Fan attached great importance to Lao Ma's physical condition. He specially stipulated that Marx's diet should have four dishes and one soup and eat a separate small stove. In addition, he also arranged guards to accompany him for a walk every day. Lao Ma regarded walking as an opportunity to learn Chinese. Unfortunately, the guards are all Shandong people. Lao Ma has been taken into the ditch a few weeks later, and his mouth full of Shandong accent can no longer be changed.

After obtaining Marx's trust and support, Yao Fan proposed to Marx that Marx would bring his family to China, and the whole family would live in Qingdao to guide the Chinese revolution without worries. Marx can be based in China in the future and often go to Europe to attend meetings. Yao Fan also hopes that the First International will send firmly believed engineers and skilled workers to help Yao Fan build a factory in the near future.

Mars agreed to Yao Fan's request after careful consideration and supported a possible socialist regime. There is no doubt about the significance. After listening to Yao Fan explain his military plan, Marx felt that once Yao Fan could take the Shandong Peninsula, his family would not move to China. It is impossible.

As for his own global activities based in Shandong, it is better than hiding in London while starving and freezing while guiding the European workers' movement and bickering with increasingly fierce revisionism. Moreover, Yao Fan assured him that Shandong Commune will not only make its own revolution in the future, but also support part of the funds of the First International every month.

Yao Fan is well aware of the importance of funds for communist organizations. Unlike bourgeois parties, any communist organization without regime is poor, and it is difficult for poor organizations without funds to do in society! The former Soviet Union's ability to guide communist movements and communist organizations around the world depends on continuous funding, which is the advantage of a communist party that has established a regime.

Yao Fan knows very well that once communist organizations in various countries have funds, their role is absolutely beyond imagination. Whether it is intelligence or technology, they can generously provide it to the Communist International, which is equivalent to countless enemy guerrillas and a super spy network covering the world! Historically, relying on funding to support the Communist parties of various countries, the Soviets' intelligence is simply pervasive and has benefited a lot in science and technology.

Of course, Yao Fan's full spirit of internationalism will not reveal any of his own mouthline to Marx. Before it has the ability to rule, Shandong Commune really has no capital to show off to the fraternalities of the First International.

Yao Fan understands that what he has to do now is to invest. As for the harvest, he has to at least wait until he becomes the ruling party and even until Marx dies.

This is a rewarding long-term investment, and Yao Fan hopes that this investment can win the world for himself.