1875 I come from the future

Chapter 171 The Red Flag Turns Over 27

[171] The red flag turned over (27)

According to Yao Fan's attack plan against Weifang, the revolutionary army was divided into assault groups, containment groups, firepower groups and reserves.

"Li Jun's second regiment and third battalion remained in Anqiu. This time, the first battalion and second battalion participated in the attack in Wei County were responsible for attacking the East Gate and the South Gate."

"Liu Jinbao's third regiment and third battalion are stationed in Pingdu, and the first and second battalions are responsible for attacking the north and west gates of Wei County."

"You two regiments should allocate the proportion of firepower groups and assault groups to suppress the firepower of the enemy in the city."

"Li Hainiu's regiment is the only three battalions. Together with Xi Dahu's cavalry battalion, you directly attack Changle County 20 kilometers west of Wei County to stop the Huai army reinforcements who may come from Qingzhou."

"The first and second battalions of the Fifth Regiment serve as reserves and wait for orders at any time."

"Guiba's artillery battalion will immediately find a suitable position tonight. Tomorrow, as a fire support group, they will suppress the firepower of the city head of Wei County and give priority to destroying more than 20 artillery guns set up at the head of the city."

Yao Fan repeated the battle plan that had been arranged for a long time.

"Does everyone understand?"

"I understand!"

"I understand!"

"I see!"


The revolutionary army of Shandong Commune camped almost and rested after 8 o'clock, but Yao Fan did not sleep soundly this night. Because he was afraid that the Qing army would come to rob the camp in the middle of the night, he got up several times to check the enemy reports sent back from each sentry post. As a result, the sentry in each direction reported that the Qing army did not go out all night, leaving Yao Fanbai to bear the burden. A heart.

Hu Zi, the guard, whispered, "Chairman, you'd better sleep. The Qing soldiers must have blocked all four doors with stones. If you want to go out of the city for a night attack, you have to move away. Who wants to spend that spare time?"

Yao Fan didn't understand why Li Peirong and Mo Zushen could still rely on Jiancheng to defend so calmly after repeatedly detoning the city gate with explosives. The inertial thinking of the Qing army generals was really stubborn and terrible.

"Probably because they think they can defend the city by firecrackers, right? According to the establishment, the four infantry battalions have 24 artillery pieces, and Li Peirong feels that it is normal to stick to the city. After all, in the previous Pingdu battle, all Wang Zhengqi's artillery was thrown in the field..." Yao Fan thought about it and fell asleep in a daze while marching **.

At four o'clock in the morning, the wake-up horn sounded in the barracks, and the fluttering long horn alarmed the enemy at the head of Wei County. Three or four miles away, the Qing army released a few shots in the darkness before dawn, as if it were a demonstration. In the silent morning, the gunfire in the distance sounded like several beetles having been pinched.

The revolutionary soldiers of Shandong Commune quickly got up in the wake-up number, poured the snow collected last night into an iron pot, made a fire to make rice, burned melted snow and washed water, and the smoke curled on the ground for a while, like a construction site that had begun to work.

The guard Niu Hu poured the boiling water in the thermos into the wooden basin, twisted a hot towel and handed it to Yao Fan. Yao Fan wiped his face and walked out of the tent. His cotton military uniform fell asleep because of the night's clothes and looked a little wrinkled.

When the fish belly turned white that day, there was a report from the walker that the troops had finished their movements.

"Start the attack!" Yao Fan ordered.

Guiba first ordered the three companies of the artillery battalion to carry out a tentative attack on the city head, and the company commanders and platoon leaders nervously observed the city head through the telescope.

According to the plan, the first battalion of Li Jun's Second Regiment at the East Gate is responsible for the main attack, and the remaining three gates are just tricks. Unless the attack of the East Gate is unfavorable, the tack on the other three gates turns into explosive attacks.

After the attack began, Yao Fan found that Li Peirong and Mo Zushen's defense was still quite tenacious. The cannon at the head of the city began to fire more than 700 meters away. *'s front-loaded sliding gun roared at the head of the city and slowly demonstrated to Yao Fan at a rate of five minutes.

"Gui Ba..."

"Chairman, don't worry!" Gui Ba interrupted Yao Fan before he finished speaking.

After the test, all the mortar positions were suddenly opened fire, and 27 mortars at nine positions built one kilometer away made a thumping sound * impact sound. After reaching the highest point of the curve, the shells drew an arc of death and silently rushed to the end of the mission.

Yao Fan saw that the city of Weifang fell into a sea of fire, and thick smoke began to come out of the city. The quiet small county in the telescope suddenly turned into a ignited matchbox.

The mortar firepower of a battalion was so powerful that Yao Fan smacked his tongue.

Before Li Jun and Liu Jinbao's four infantry fire cover group entered the position, the head of Weifang City had collapsed under the three rounds of rapid-fire attack of 27 mortars.

The infantry on the wall were killed and injured, and their broken arms paved the hellish blood road on the corridor at the head of the city. The 12 iron cannons placed on both sides of the east gate were blown upside down. * After being detonated, the mushroom cloud steamed up, blowing up the arrow stacks protruding from the muzzle and everything nearby in a radial way.

The surviving infantry on the wall shot wildly in the distance. After the shooting, they did not fill the gunpowder and * in place, but just wanted to run back to the city to hide.

Such random shooting did not pose any threat at all, and did not even wipe the oil skin of even one person of the scattered soldiers approaching outside the city. The blasting group sent by Li Jun's 2nd Regiment and 1st Battalion learned from experience. The 30kg* explosive bag with triple charge was tied into a group and blew through the city gate of Wei County after ignition.

Suddenly, an iron cannon at the head of the city fired a solid iron bullet. The black ball roared and hit the soil more than 30 meters behind Li Jun's side. Then it jumped up and jumped back twice. In the last third jump, it happened to wipe a warrior. Fortunately, the iron ball left the impact after several jumps. In no time, the soldier just fell down and his shoulder was dislocated, but there was no fracture.

"It's so dangerous! Chairman, a solid iron shell just landed next to me and dislocated a soldier's arm!"

Yao Fan was a little upset when he heard Li Jun's report on the walker.

Although the distance is very far and the threat is not big, this stubborn resistance still upsets Yao Fan. Yao Fan feels that if he is not a modern person, but was born in this era, after receiving such a counterattack, it is completely possible to choose to slaughter the city after attacking the city to ease his accumulation in the attack. This kind of depression.

But soon, the charge horn sounded, and under the fierce sound of the trumpet, the battalion's assault group shouted "Kill~~~~~~~~" like a group of tigers and rushed into the bombed gate. Yao Fan knows from experience that Wei County has taken it so far.

After learning that the East Gate was successfully taken by the first battalion of the 2nd Regiment and the 3rd Regiment, the assault group began to press into the gate of their respective responsible city, waiting for the 1st battalion to open the door from inside.

The first battalion of the second regiment immediately divided its troops to attack the other three gates after entering the city.

The battle ended in half an hour. In the snow-like attack of the city, the second regiment and the first battalion led by Li Jun personally beat the Qing army guarding the city with * and rifles. Countless Huai troops became prisoners, and they knelt on the wall and trembled on the street.

After learning that all four gates had been taken down and the second and third regiments rushed into the city, Yao Fan rest assuredly ordered in the walkway:

"Guiba, clean the artillery position, and we will go to Changle with the two battalions of the 5th Regiment as reserve."

At this time, the gunfire had stopped, but suddenly the sound of horses' hoofs came from the west.

Yao Fan did not raise his telescope and put his hand on his forehead to see the cavalry of Xi Dahu.

The cavalry brought dangerous news. The sent by Xi Dahu's cavalry battalion found that the Huai army in Qingzhou had gone out before dawn. The target was straight to Wei County. It is expected that all of them will arrive in Changle at noon. As for the cavalry of the first head team, it will only be faster.

Yao Fan raised his watch and looked at his watch. It was 7:40. Li Hainiu's regiment was full of infantry and was expected to arrive in Changle at * o'clock.

"Why don't you use a walker and go there on your part?"

"Clang Xi doesn't like the walker. He said that it was a foreign thing and was afraid of being distracted."

Yao Fan frowned and raised the walker to contact Li Hainiu. After hearing Li Hainiu's response, Yao Fan said, "Hainiu, all the Qingzhou Huai army has left the city and went to Changle. Xi Dahu told you not."

"Chairman, I knew it just now. I'm worried that it will affect you in Wei County, and I haven't had time to report it."

"Bullshit! This kind of information should be reported immediately in the future!" Yao Fan scolded angrily.

"Yes, Chairman, I will report immediately next time." Li Hainiu's voice came from the walker.

He then continued to say, "Chairman, our regiment has seen Changle and wants to take down Changle first and then go to the city to stop the Huai army."

Yao Fan completed the decision in an instant and said, "You left two battalions to build positions in place, send a battalion to attack Changle quickly, give up if you can't take it down in an hour, and retreat to the built position to wait for my reinforcements."


Of course, Yao Fan hopes to annihilate Zhou Sheng's traditional Huai army in the field. But he has been carefully educated by Yao Peng and Li Hongmei since he was a child. In Yao Peng's words, "Don't think you have lifted the earth because you stand upside down."

Yao Fan did not pay attention to the annihilation of the "Pei" camp and the "Gentry" camp that were guarding Wei County. He felt that he had just added new members to Jimo's prisoner of war camp. However, Yao Fan, Li Hongzhang's direct line of Huai army, has not been touched, and there will be no good results if he underestimates the enemy.

Thinking of Jimo's prisoner-of-war camp before, Yao Fan smiled. More than 700 Qing prisoners of war chose to stay after two months of reform, accounting for less than a fifth of more than 3,000 prisoners of war. Yao Fan happily kept his promise to release the rest of the prisoners of war who did not want to stay, and also gave each person a tael or two of silver as travel expenses.

As a result, after completing the prisoner-of-war release conference, more than 500 prisoners of war came back, saying that they had figured it out on their way back home and were willing to join the Shandong Commune as a clerk.

"I want to see how strong Zhou Shengchuan's troops are." Yao Fan read Zhou Shengchuan's military training deeds in the book and felt that this person should be very good at fighting, at least his work should not be bad.

Yao Fan took a step and led the assembled troops west.

Originally, in Yao Fan's consideration, the number of Huai troops going south to Shandong should be more than 10,000. As a result, Lao Li obviously did not take the village head as a cadre and sent fewer troops than expected, which made Yao Fan feel that he had the opportunity to take advantage of.

Green helmets and military uniforms leaped on the snow-covered field. The morale of the soldiers who had just captured Weifang rose to the peak and sang military songs neatly: "Forward, forward, forward, our team is like the sun..."

After receiving Yao Fan's order, Li Hainiu ordered a battalion of Luo Qiren to run to attack Changle.

The revolutionary army's explosive package and fire suppression tactics were very successful. Although two soldiers were injured by random arrows shot from the gate tower without the assistance of artillery, the city gate building was hit by wood chips and no arrow was shot.

After learning that a battalion attacked Changle and successfully occupied it, Li Hainiu ordered the whole regiment to stop building fortifications in place and directly enter Changle County.