1875 I come from the future

Chapter 177 Star River Shadow Shakes the Three Forces 5

[177] Xingheying shakes the three armies (5)

The sun at noon was very warm. Yao Fan, who had been too busy to take a shower for more than a week, felt itchy all over, so he moved a chair and sat in the yard to bask in the sun. His green military uniform and cotton-padded jacket were open, revealing a navy blue sweater inside.

Looking back on his travel experience so far, Yao Fan still feels like a dream.

As an ordinary college graduate, he has neither a strong family background nor a postgraduate degree. Yao Fan originally thought that he would live in Qingdao Iron and Steel Group for ten or eight years, become a section chief, and then worked hard for more than ten or two years to work in the deputy and even at the department level when he was old. Retired in the position of the department.

Even with such a dream, Yao Fan felt that it was quite difficult, but he liked the atmosphere of state-owned enterprises from nine to five#, not impatient, step by step, everything has a plan. For a person who does not expect to be ahead, it is a very comfortable choice to contribute a lifetime to the country in this peaceful environment. As for whether Yao Fan can become a senior cadre in the end, he is not too entangled. A full life and independent spiritual world are his pursuit of life.

Yao Fan is not the kind of ambitious person. When a person's ambition is not directly proportional to his ability, ambition becomes a hot pot. He puts people in it all day long to suffer, and a normal person will also become a traitorous villain or a psychopath.

Yao Fan put his hand under his sweater into his arms and gently rubbed the putty on his body. The wind in spring in Shandong is very strong, and it has not rained for days. Every time the wind blows, the yellow soil in the farmland will be blown all over the sky.

The singing outside the courtyard floated into the courtyard wall and heard the familiar "The sky in the liberated area is bright, and the people in the liberated area like it so much..." Yao Fan's face smiled.

At this time, a voice came from the door.

"Comrade Golden Warbler, the chairman is taking a nap. You...you...you can't run around!" The guard Niu Hu followed the golden warbler's buttocks all the way in.

"I came to report to the chairman. Why are you following me?" The golden warbler is an abler.

"Huzi, go out." Yao Fan waved his hand to the guard to go out.

"Chairman, our Huang family are all enlightened gentry and support the policy of the commune. Since we want to divide the fields, let's divide them! But now some people are clamoring to share the wealth. I can't figure it out. The golden warbler is bulging.

Yao Fan frowned and said, "It is normal for the masses to have opinions on the exploiting class, but according to our policy, they will not move the original real estate and wealth of the enlightened gentry. Don't make a fuss about some rumors. No one will touch your family. The policy of the commune is clear."

"I'm relieved to have the chairman's words." The golden warbler immediately turned his worries into joy and laughed.

After saying that, the golden warbler moved a small bamboo chair to sit next to Yao Fan and looked at Yao Fan with a smile.

"Why are you looking at me like this? It looks very cautious. Don't you have class in the afternoon? Yao Fan said with a bitter face.

"This afternoon, Mr. Ma explained capital and Marxist political economy in the big classroom, and the students went to listen to it. I have no class to take."

"Then you can also listen and strengthen your learning."

"I'm going to listen to it, but I just want to ask the chairman if you want to go?"

The sun shines on the soft face of the golden warbler, the thin fluff on the tender skin is covered with a circle of halo, and the green military uniform on her body is flat, making her look holy and beautiful. After this period of getting along with each other, Yao Fan gradually fell in love with the golden warbler, but considering the golden warbler's family background, Yao Fan was still hesitating. He knew that the golden warbler also liked himself, but he was not sure whether the golden warbler's love for himself was a revolutionary general's worship of his mentors, or a kind of love between men and women, perhaps both.

"I have something to do in the next two days, so I won't listen to it."

The golden warbler pouted its little mouth when he heard the words.

"Then I won't go either."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Well, I'll listen with you."

After saying that, Yao Fan put his hand on the golden warbler's leg, held her Rouyi in his hand, and said, "Your hands are so beautiful."

Golden Ying's little face turned red, but he didn't pull his hand back. He said in a trembling voice, "Recently, he has been working and going to the countryside, and his hands have been worn out. Is this still beautiful?"

Yao Fan said firmly, "Aa, why is it not beautiful? The hands of workers are the most beautiful. Both manual workers and mental workers have a pair of beautiful hands."

Yao Fan let go of the golden warbler's hand, stood up and said, "Let's go to the big class to see if there is anything to do."

The golden warbler blushed and excitedly followed Yao Fan out of the courtyard.

This is the first time Yao Fan shook her hand. The Golden Ying is now extremely sure that Yao Fan likes her.

Since the recovery of her daughter, Jinying has been trying to get close to Yao Fan. She seems to have endless topics. She often takes books to ask Yao Fan about various questions about history, science, revolution, society and other aspects. She seems to be sure that Yao Fan can do nothing about her, and Yao Fan's patience to solves her again and again. The answer also confirmed her idea.

The feelings come out. As one of the only two women around Yao Fan who can often come into contact with him, Golden Ying is confident that she will get Yao Fan's heart.

Golden Ying likes to watch peach blossom fans and the Western Chamber. She feels that for the man she likes, she should boldly pursue them.

Marx talked in the large classroom converted into the lobby of Weifang County, and the translation on the side kept translating the English mixed with Chinese words into Chinese. Because of the scarcity of German translation, Lao Ma took the initiative to choose an English translation.

Yao Fan and Golden Ying sat in the back of the classroom listening to Lao Ma's speech. Their hands gradually held together. Yao Fan vaguely felt that he had returned to his college days.

When Marx's class was over, he walked to Yao Fan behind the lobby and joked, "Frank, I'm glad you can come. With Miss Huang accompanying you, I bet you didn't drop a word in today's class."

Yao Fan laughed and said, "My dearest Comrade Marx, you should know that love is also a part of life, especially revolutionary love."

The conversation between the two is all in German, and everyone around them understands what they say.

In the evening, Yao Fan screened the second film after Opium War, but chose Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. The 1968 Soviet version was countless times more magnificent than the Hollywood version.

Marx is now not surprised by the various mysteries on Yao Fan. Yao Fan's explanation is that his family has an island overseas. The island is very advanced in technology, but the coordinates of the island cannot be revealed to the outside, otherwise it will lead to murder. All high Technological products are produced from the island, including movies.

Marx had been fascinated by the movie Opium # War five times before. He was a real movie fan. Today, he knew that Yao Fan was going to show a new film. Early in the classroom, he chose a front row seat and sat down. He was surrounded by the first international education invited by Marx to China during this period. Member.

Due to the failure of the Paris Commune Uprising, the First International was officially dissolved in 1876. However, with the rise of Yao Fan, Marx was advised by Yao Fan to decide to start a new stove and establish a Second International in China. The full name of the First International is the International Workers' Federation. According to Yao Fan's suggestion, The second international will be named Labor International.

When the classroom was full of teachers and students, Yao Fan began to show "War and Peace", which is a Chinese dubbing version. Like the previous Opium War, it is equipped with English subtitles, but the English alphabet of Opium War is the original, and the English subtitles of War and Peace is Yao Peng after looking for someone. Additional period.

Even so, these foreigners still made a fuss, one by one as excited as a child, opening their eyes nervously for fear of missing any details.

Yao Fan held hands with the golden warbler behind the classroom and hid in the dark to watch.

After the screening of the magnificent Soviet film War and Peace, warm applause broke out in the classroom.

Marx rushed to Yao Fan like a child: "Frank! You must tell me how it was filmed this time? This is so great! This is an art! This is a spiritual masterpiece!"

Yao Fan quickly let go of the golden warbler's hand and smiled, "This is a film shot on location in Russia. All the actors are from Russia, and I have nothing to say about their identity. In the future, we will also shoot Chinese films and many films that engrave the struggle of our communists.

After saying goodbye to the noisy auditorium, Yao Fan returned to his courtyard with the golden warbler.

Under the dim yellow light of the oil lamp, Yao Fan hugged the golden warbler tightly and kissed her face like raindrops.

Maybe it has been suppressed for too long. The tension of the war and the complexity of work have already made Yao Fan feel tired. He desperately untied the golden warbler's clothes and exposed her snow-white ketone body to the dark yellow light.

The golden warbler closed her eyes and trembled all over, allowing Yao Fan to do it.

Yao Fan stroked her satin-like smooth skin and felt the ups and downs and soft tremors from the palm of his hand. He defended the male dignity with practical actions and held the golden warbler to **.

When the two young bodies finally joined together after a fierce movement, their desires were quiet, their souls were satisfied, and the two hugged each other tightly with sweat.

"Let's get married."

The golden warbler nodded happily in Yao Fan's arms, and then buried his head in Yao Fan's chest again and closed his eyes.

Yao Fan hugged the golden warbler, stared at the wooden beam on the ceiling, and smiled in a daze.

"Life is so short that putting it among the stars in the universe is just a blink of an eye. Why do I have to think too much and cherish happiness in front of me? This is the right life."