1875 I come from the future

Chapter 179 Star River Shadow Shakes the Three Armies 7

[179] Xingheying shakes the three armies (7)

The homemade clay box in his hand was a little dry. Yao Fan sighed and took out a plasma bag from his pocket and squeezed it into the small buckle box. After the cotton sucked the plasma, it immediately returned to its full bright red state.

Major Xu Shaoxing of the Armed Police Force looked at Yao Fan's behavior and was a little overwhelmed: "Mr. Yao, is that ink?"

"Well, red ink."

Containers loaded with arms are opened one by one, and the bottom of the container is covered with 20cm high wooden flat shelves to prevent the goods from being soaked after entering water during the sea. The neatly placed arms boxes on the shelves are wrapped in piles of PVC sealing films and then tightened with hot plastic to prevent them from being drenched during sea transportation. Wet.

Yao Fan used a small rubber stamp engraved with Yao characters and kept pressing the mark on the plastic film of each hill-sized wrapped weapon box, and no container was missed.

On the pretext of opening the box for acceptance, each container was sealed until Yao Fan personally stamped each pile of goods.

Liu Zhefu and Xu Shaoxing, who are responsible for the escort, understand Yao Fan's behavior as if they want to find a reason to open the box and check it. They are probably a little worried that there are missing empty boxes.

Liu Zhefu repeatedly explained to Yao Fan patiently: "Mr. Yao, rest assured that the goods will not be missing. The employees of our Northwest Group are very rigorous. Although the goods are transported from war reserve warehouses in North China, each container is carefully checked and recorded by one by one by our company's employees in Changping and then packed and then wrapped. If it is plastic sealed, there will never be fewer boxes.

Yao Fan smiled perfunctorily at Liu Zhefu, and quickly pressed another seal in his hand and walked to the next container.

Liu Zhefu shook his head with a wry smile and ordered the armed police to close the container door, lock it again, and solemnly cross the new seal with the date.

Liu Zhefu followed Yao Fan and finally completed the acceptance of all containers until dark.

After saying goodbye to his parents that night, Yao Fan boldly started blood stains in the early morning.

The warehouse area, which was distorted by the blood sacrifice array of time and space, was instantly shrouded in darkness, and even the starlight seemed to be swallowed up in the night sky. The armed police soldiers on duty in the warehouse area felt an unbalanced dizziness. Then everyone looked up at the wild sky and found that everything was normal and continued to patrol and stand guard. At this time, no one noticed that all the goods piled up in the other warehouse areas around had disappeared.

They can't be blamed. After all, it's too dark, and they are only responsible for this batch of containers with arms. Who cares about the changes in the tranquility of other storage areas around them?

Liu Zhefu found that Yao Fan was missing the next day. Yao Peng told Liu Zhefu that Yao Fan had other matters to deal with, and the freighter had been decided and could be boxed today.

Containers were slowly lifted into trucks by cranes in the logistics park. Liu Zhefu watched the lifting process in the park, but somehow he always felt something was wrong.

Because the arms are escorted by the armed police, the goods go through a special channel and do not need to pass the container scanning and inspection of the customs. They can be directly escorted into the special parking area of the port without obstruction, and then directly loading the ship. Liu Zhefu still felt a strange feeling along the way.

"Why do I always feel something missing in my heart? What on earth is missing?"

At dusk that day, the container cargo ship Night Star set sail for Busan, South Korea. Yao Fan was still greedy this time and chose Busan as the transit port.

When the export list of Global Trade Aluminum Company was uploaded to the Internet, a warning prompt immediately appeared in the customs computer system of South Korea. As a blacklisted enterprise, Global Trade Aluminum Company was completely bitten by Koreans.

Busan Port was fully mobilized like a great enemy, quickly assigning a dock to the Night Star, and it was the South Korean police and police dogs waiting for the Night Star on the dock.

As a result, when the South Korean police rushed to the night star docked with equipment and dogs at two o'clock in the morning, they forcibly unlocked all the sealed containers. In the face of empty containers, nothing was found. The South Koreans once again burned their anger on the head of the crew of the container ship and searched the whole ship. Find a pile of pirated* discs and leave after the fine. The French captain of this container ship registered in Canada, with a group of crew members who lost their spiritual food at sea, stood on the side of the ship and cursed at the back of the distant South Korean coast guard: "Fascism! Korean robber! * Raising Koreans! Octopus shit! FxxKU! ......”

And Busan Port also protested against Qingdao Port in anger, claiming that Qingdao Port's customs declaration form was wrong again, and it was ridiculous to fill in randomly!

Yao Fan traveled back to 1876 with familiarity. After landing smoothly in Yaojiazhuang, he arranged the storage and handover of goods. Yao Fan took the intercity express vehicle currently served as a Dafeng tractor truck and rushed to Weifang overnight.

It took ten days for Yao Fan to leave. When he came back, he found that all the work was going according to the established track, but there were also new situations that needed to be dealt with.

One of the situations made Yao Fan very angry. In the promulgation of the Letter to Farmers and the Land Law drafted by Yao Fan, the Xiahou Village of Beimeng Town of Weifang showed that the town cadres were invited by the gentry to eat and drink and openly suppressed the Land Law in the village. The gentry was not announced, and the gentry was appointed as the director of the village's farmers' association, and the gentry used their own Relatives set up a fake 'poor peasant group' to take over the rights of the village's farmers' association.

Yao Fan read through this period early in the morning after returning to Weifang. In the afternoon, he urgently held a plenary meeting of the members of the Shandong Commune Revolutionary Committee. In addition to the cadres who led the working group to the countryside, all the rest of them arrived in Weifang.

"What is this phenomenon in Xiahou Village! Let me tell everyone! This is a counter-revolutionary coup! These people want to oppress poor farmers and hide the real situation in the countryside from their superiors. It's really lawless!"

Seeing that Yao Fan was so angry, the committee members said that they wanted to deal with this counter-revolutionary incident severely.

Yao Fan said seriously: "Rural work is the foundation of all the work in our hands. Some people want to make crooked ideas and specialization on land reform policies. This is to deliberately destroy our regime and fight against these people!" Fight hard! Only a large number of public fights can make farmers see these people clearly, and only a large number of fights through villages can make everyone vigilant.

Li Hainiu has just returned from the training ground, and he has been busy urging the training of new recruits after the expansion of the army.

"I agree with the chairman. Farmers can't understand official accents. Only a large number of big fights like singing and setting up a stage can make them move their brains and emotionally aware of it. Otherwise, they will be quite numb. Even if you shoot those bad elements in public, everyone will Just watch the bustle."

Yao Fan said: "The main body of the criticism should choose the local poor farmers. We need to mobilize them to criticize and fight with their own hands. This is the principle of our * work. We should not use the army to do this on our behalf. Only when they criticize, fight and kill landlords with their own hands can poor farmers really have ideas and have consciousness and blood to make a revolution.

Li Jun said, "Don't be afraid of bleeding in this process. The masses can be more ruthless. It doesn't matter if you kill more."

Liu Jinbao nodded and said, "I agree with the chairman's opinion, but we will say this internally. It will make the landlord vigilant."

Wang Gui, who served as the transcript, said: "Of course, all the discussions of the committee are top secret. If it needs to be published, it will be officially announced after the plenary discussion, and nothing else can be passed on."

Yao Fan said: "In order to better educate the masses and mobilize the masses, we should run our own newspapers and send them to every village to ensure that everyone can read them, so that we can unify the thoughts of all cadres in the base area. After the wax paper oil printing machine comes from Qingdao, we will start to run the newspaper immediately.

"New machine guns have also arrived. Next, all units will be fully equipped with new machine guns. All the previous 'revolutionary' machine guns will be handed over to the Qingdao garrison to strengthen the fortifications on the coastline."

"The barefoot doctor manual has been distributed to all battalions of the army. Next, the Health Committee will speed up the training of barefoot doctors and set up the hospital shelves in Weifang as soon as possible."

"The Education and Culture Committee should speed up the operation of primary schools. Education is the foundation of the Chinese nation and cannot be relaxed for a moment."

Yao Fan constantly gives instructions for the current work.

Wang Gui's pen recorded the speech of the meeting.


That night, Yao Fan sat under the oil lamp and looked at the minutes of the meeting, feeling that the current meeting was more and more like the internal meetings in the Soviet Union and Yan'an periods that he had seen in the library.

Yao Fan sighed: "The awareness and ideological level of cadres have improved rapidly! Military struggle and * are the greatest classroom, and people grow ten times faster than usual in the struggle!"

The Golden Warbler sat opposite Yao Fan across the kang table, holding a simplified novel of War and Peace in his hand. Hearing the words, he looked up at Yao Fan: "Zhaofan, when will you marry me?"

Yao Fan was dumbfounded and immediately reacted and said, "Let's ask Marx to be a notary tomorrow and choose a day to hold a simple revolutionary wedding in front of everyone? What do you think? Comrade Huang Jinying.

The golden warbler puttered a small cherry with some disappointment and said angrily, "Can't you find eight sedan chairs to make a look? I have never taken an eight-lift sedan chair in my life. Women have this opportunity to take an eight-lift sedan chair in her life. This is how women in our Huang family pass through the door.

Yao Fan laughed and said, "Comrade Golden Ying, let's not engage in specialization. Now the whole party and army are breaking feudal etiquette and superstition. We want to set an example for everyone."

The golden warbler bit his lips, and his big watery eyes turned black: "Well, I'll listen to you."

After promising Yao Fan, Huang Ying continued, "Zhaofan, can your parents come?"

"They can't come to Europe."

The golden warbler was a little discouraged and lowered his head.

Yao Fan coaxed, "We revolutionaries are all monogamous. Are you afraid that I won't admit it?"

Golden Ying glanced at him and said, "Then you are not allowed to bully me in the future."

"How dare I?" Yao Fan said with a wry smile.

"Bear, newspapers, hospitals and primary schools are going to be run in the base area. I think you can't get in touch with society as a history teacher in a cadre training class. Why don't you choose a business to handle it?" Yao Fan opened the topic.

"I don't understand newspapers, and I don't know medical skills. Should I go to primary school?" The golden warbler was really hooked and no longer struggled with the form of the wedding.