1875 I come from the future

Chapter 181 The Shadow of the Three Armies 9

[181] Star River Shadow Shake the Three Armies (9)

As Shandong Revolutionary Commune exercised its power over the base areas in the form of a modern government, this ancient land began to blow the warm wind of freedom, and fresh words were like spring rain, silently penetrating into people's thoughts and lives.

Due to the rush, the small steam turbine generator ordered by Li Hongzhang was not delivered normally. Yao Fan took Reed, a European engineer whom Marx had found for him, and installed the steam turbine in Zibo, using the coal produced by Zibo Fangzi Coal Mine to generate electricity, and then retransmission the coal mine to provide power for the wind pickaxe for digging. , drilling rigs, pumps, exhaust fans, mining lamps and other mining equipment.

Zibo's coal mine originally belonged to a small coal mine colluded with by local officials and gentry. The mining method is blindly digging coal, and there are pits like voles everywhere. As soon as the rainy season arrives in summer, it will be completely stopped because of the mine flooding. When the rainy season passes, artificial water will be dug up again, which is simply extremely backward. To.

After being taken over by the commune, Yao Fan organized cadres to study and compile books on the excavation and management of coal mines in the 21st century, and ordered the coal mines to carry out scientific operations in accordance with the new mining methods. In this way, coupled with modern mining equipment, the production efficiency of the coal mine has been accelerated by 100 times, and the daily output of the small Fangzi coal mine has jumped from more than 1,000 kilograms to more than 100 tons per day!

Before coming to China, the Frenchman Reed hesitated repeatedly. After the failure of the Paris Commune Uprising, Reed, who narrowly escaped, came to the United Kingdom and worked as a steam engine maintenance engineer in the power workshop of a textile factory. He earned seven pounds and three shillings a month, equivalent to more than 30 taels of silver.

However, as the spiritual leader of the world communist movement, Marx had a high prestige among the revolutionary masses, from his personal enthusiastic invitation and Engels' strong encouragement, which eventually prompted Li De and a group of European communists to come to China. After arriving in Qingdao, he was delighted to find that Yao Fan kept his engineer's salary and gave him 30 taels of silver a month, but considering the provision of food and accommodation, and even the distribution of clothes and cloth, Reed found that he not only did not lose money but also made a lot of money.

When Yao Fan gave Reed the task of building the Zibo Fangzi coal mine, Reed came into contact with the steam turbine, the shock of the extreme dreamy industrial products. Reed is still vividly. As an engineer, Reed understands how great this steam turbine is. During the whole assembly process, Li De saw It's all snowy fine steel. I haven't seen any black steel used in European steam engines. Reed doesn't understand how this steel is refined.

When the steam turbine was installed and began to generate electricity, Reed looked at the dreamy bright and dazzling electric lights and enthusiastically believed that the Shandong Commune would succeed. He wrote to his friends in Europe, saying that his heart had been broken after the Paris commune movement, and now it is burning like a boiler. He called Shandong Commune the second spring of his life, and this time he will no longer allow himself to fail and escape. He wrote in the letter: "This time I will face the muzzle of the gun. If the misfortune really happens again, I will proudly stand in front of the wall and wait for the shooting..."

"Dear Mr. President, we can't run out of electricity now! With the support of the great power mining equipment invented and produced by your family, the daily output of coal exceeds that of any small and medium-sized coal mine in Europe. When we complete the construction of the second and third districts, the annual output of our Fangzi coal mine will exceed 100,000 tons, which is first-class in Europe! It is stronger than any big coal mine I have seen and heard of. This is a great leap in productivity. Now I only hope that the underground coal in the Fangzi area can withstand such large-scale mining.

Yao Fan remembered that the Fangzi coal mine was not completely closed until the 1990s, so he laughed and said, "Comrade Reed, you can rest assured that even if we liberate the whole of China, the coal here can be mined for at least another 40 years."

"This is great! Mr. Chairman, I strongly ask you to allow me to build a large-scale industry here. I saw the electric machine tools in the commune warehouse. Those motors are great inventions. Compared with those start-up motor manufacturing in Europe, your motors are like an industrial art, and those European products are more like some poor toys!

I believe your overseas factory must not be in Europe. They are on an island in the Pacific Ocean, right?

You should move all your overseas factories to the base area, where there is inexhaustible coal to use!

We will erect hundreds of large chimneys on the Shandong Peninsula. When we have a thousand chimneys, the whole world will tremble in front of the great proletariat! We will crush all bourgeois enemies who dare to invade us!" Reed's eyes exude fanatic light, exuding the fascinate obsession of science students of this era for big industry.

Comrade Reed, your suggestion is very good. Zibo has Jinling iron ore for us to mine in large quantities." Yao Fan said with a smile that he knew that the golden triangle of Laiwu, Zibo, had a large amount of iron ore and coal resources.

Reed's eyes were shining: "That's great! Iron and coal! This will become New London and Manchester!"

"Yes, this will become an industrial city. I have demolished a steel factory overseas, and soon these steelmaking equipment will be shipped to Zibo. Reed, I hope you can help me build the iron mine now, and then recruit enough engineers for me to build the steel plant. I have the planning drawings of the steel mill and the construction drawings of the iron ore. You can have a look first. Yao Fan said his plan.

Yao Fan's idea is to dismantle and relocate all the high-energy and high-pollution steel mills eliminated in 2012 to 1876. As the government is systematically eliminating backward production capacity in 2012, Yao Fan has inexhaustible industrial equipment to purchase.

"I need a lot of engineers." Reed asked.

"You can hire, the commune can pay no less than Europe's remuneration, food and housing, and medical housing benefits. If they are willing to work in China until retirement, they can also receive retirement wages to spend their old age. This is a socialist country, my dear Comrade Reed."

"Yes! Mr. Chairman! We are building a great socialist country!" Reed said excitedly that his eyes were full of tears. What a groundbreaking event it is for a socialist country! It is as important as human beings learning to walk upright and make tools!

Yao Fan smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Reed tightly. He still remembers. After the defeat of the guerrilla war, Guevara once said, "After we leave, they will repair your schools and hospitals and raise your salary. This is not because of their conscience, nor because they have become good people. It's because we've been here."

Yao Fan said, "If the socialist regime disappears from the world, the dark era of the working people around the world will officially come."

Reed did not understand Yao Fan's words: "After the short Paris Commune Uprising, there is no socialist regime in the world now, and we have to create one!" She will live forever and thrive until she finally becomes a great super-developed communist country!"

Yao Fan knew that Reed didn't understand his feelings and said, "Yes, we need to build a socialist country with our own hands from now on. We are all her founders and protectors."

At the end of March, the spring flowers bloomed, and the wedding of Yao Fan and the golden warbler was also held on the green land of Qilu. Marx happily acted as the witness of the two. Yao Fan and the golden warbler folded their hands on a Communist proclamation to swear to get married. Li Hainiu happily closed his lips and told them on behalf of the Shandong People's Revolutionary Commune. A marriage certificate was issued.

Due to the great strength of military expansion and tight military spending, at present, Shandong Commune is advocating hardship and simplicity. Yao Fan did not hold a banquet, but just paid a visit and had a glass of wine.

The day after the bridal chamber, the two continued to work.

Shandong has now established many primary schools in the base area. Because there is no need to learn foreign languages, Yao Fan simply combined the curriculum of primary school and junior high school and completed the six-year system.

In the process of building a primary school, the Huang family made great efforts. In addition to mobilizing students from colleges and universities to serve as teachers, they also used the reputation of the Huang family as a guarantee to recruit and recommend various scholars and literati who were not proud of the imperial examination to enter the primary school system as teachers.

Considering that there is a unified textbook, Yao Fan is not worried that these literati can teach too much reactionary feudal content. The examination is a baton, which is used to assess teachers and establish a floating salary and bonus system, which is enough to ensure that teachers will not have much time to talk about content other than textbooks.

Since the primary school has just been established, first-year students do not have to learn too much science knowledge. Yao Fan does not have to worry about the level of teachers for the time being. Once the one-year teaching is completed, teachers have also reached a certain level of self-study of mathematics, physics and chemical textbooks, and then assess them and select science teachers. This is Yao Fan's Imagine.

Since Yao Fan took over the entire Jiaodong Peninsula, Yantai, as a commercial port, also fell into Yao Fan's grasp. Because Yao Fan did not adjust the import and export tariffs of the original Qing government for the time being, nor did he have jurisdiction over several streets in Yantai as foreign concessions, Britain, France and other powers are still waiting for the Qing Dynasty. There was no sign of foreign armed intervention in the government's rebellious rebellion.

Guo Jixiu is a cunning guy. When Yao Fan's troops advanced to the east, he chose to escape with the current affairs. He fled to Yantai with the newly formed regiment, and then took a detour back to Jinan by sea.

In the unlucky atmosphere of defeat, Ding Baozhen attached great importance to the arrival of Guo Jixiu. He believed that Guo Jixiu was the only bright spot since Yao Fan's rebellion. Guo Jixiu was like a proof that in Yao Fan's base, the hearts of the squires were still towards the Qing government.

Under the favor, Ding Baozhen paid for shooting and expanded Guo Jixiu's regiment into three battalions. According to the plan of the Qing army, after all the new regimental training this autumn, he will launch a full campaign against Shandong.