1875 I come from the future

Chapter 187 The Shadow of the Stars and River Shakes the Three Armies 15

[187] Star River Shadow Shakes the Three Armies (15)

Ding Baozhen was captured in the governor's office. In the face of the group of rubber thieves who rushed in, all the civil servants in Jinan were scared and shrank behind Ding Baozhen one by one. Facing the revolutionary army commanders who rushed into the governor's office, Ding Baozhen's face was extremely embarrassed and felt as uncomfortable as eating a dead fly.

Ding Baozhen did not choose to escape, on the one hand, because he was too old to run, and he couldn't even ride a horse fast. No matter where he went, he had to take a sedan chair.

On the other hand, his family is now in Jinan, and his whole family has become Shandong. If he runs away, he doesn't know if he will implict the whole family. After all, he can't guarantee to take all his family. In fact, his choice is correct. It is impossible for anyone to escape from the four-door encirclement of the three regiments of Xiao Chu's first division. Today, no one in Jinan can break through at all. All those who dare to take risks have become victims of the machine guns set up on the gate.

The last and most important aspect is that Ding Baozhen believes that Yao Fan will never kill him!

I don't know what's going on, Ding Baozhen always has a feeling that the young man with a pair of ambitious eyes, a person with such deep and quiet eyes, is by no means a murderous bandit. Moreover, these days, Ding Baozhen always hears how good the discipline of those rubber thieves is, and there is even a song that teaches discipline, whose name is "Three * Laws and Eight Attentions".

Xiao Chukai in the headquarters outside the city heard that he had captured Ding Baozhen in the governor's government, and a trace of blush appeared on his face.

"Be polite and take good care of it. I'll go to the city right away!" Xiao Chukai stood by the radio station, holding the radio walkie-talkie in his own hands, and ordered the company commander who watched the prisoners.

When Ding Baozhen saw Xiao Chukai, he was surprised by his youth.

"I want to see Yao Fan." Ding Baozhen said in an old voice with an unquestionable attitude.

Xiao Chukai was very polite. He took off his military hat with five red stars in his hand, bowed to Ding Baozhen, and then said, "I am Xiao Chukai, the commander of the First Division of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army. The chairman told me that if he met Mr. Ding in Jinan, he must be treated well. I have informed the chairman by radio, and the chairman replied that he would meet Mr. Ding in Jinan soon.

Ding Baozhen heard that the news of his capture had reached Yao Fan's ears. He was inexplicably calmed down. He nodded, leaned against the chair in the governor's back hall and carefully looked at Xiao Chukai, and said, "How old are you this year? What kind of officer is the division commander? I think you have led a lot of people, and it's really a terrible future.

Xiao Chukai said with a calm city government that does not belong to his age: "Although the chairman said that he wanted me to take good care of you, as a defeated general, I'm afraid it's not your turn to ask questions, right?"

Ding Baozhen heard the words and smiled a little desolately, and his white beard trembled with his dry laughter.

If someone dares to speak to him like this, he is bound to be scolded by the officials beside him, but now he has to smile bitterly. All the officials were imprisoned, but he was imprisoned alone in the governor's office.

Xiao Chukai was also a little curious when he saw such a big official as Ding Baozhen for the first time.

"Mr. Ding, I speak bluntly. If you don't blame me, I have something to ask you."

"It's okay for Master Xiao to say it directly." Ding Baozhen sat up straight on the chair.

"How does the defense of the capital compare with that of Jinan City?"

Ding Baozhen narrowed his eyes and cursed in his heart, "Bold madman, take Jinan, and you dare to cove the capital!"

He said righteously, "How can Yao Fan and He De do it! How dare you, Huangkou, come to win the important minister of the imperial court?!"

Xiao Chukai did not show weakness. At a young age, he held heavy troops, and his ambition was extremely high.

"The chairman's thoughts can't be imagined by a feudal bureaucrat like you! Chairman's thoughts are like the sun and rivers. How can such a great man as the chairman not be crowned?

Ding Baozhen said without thinking, "Yao Fan is just a momentary victory. How can it last for a long time? The hearts of the people are in the Qing Dynasty. Does he think that if he takes Jinan, he can reach the sky in one step? I have read his words, and it's good, but it's really funny if you want to get the world by writing two good words.

Xiao Chu said: "War is the highest expression of politics! There is a regime in the barrel of the gun! Military victory is the guarantee of everything! Didn't the Manchu robbers rely on knives and guns to enter the customs and take the Han Dynasty? How do you explain this, Lord Ding?

Ding Baozhen felt awe of heart when he heard the words: "Is this what Yao Fan taught you? Although he is eloquent, he is sophistry. Zhu Ming's superiors and ministers were mediocre, immoral and incompetent, which attracted the anger and resentment of heaven. Thieves and soldiers rose everywhere in the world, and Li Zicheng even captured Beijing. I, Daqing, inherited the will of heaven and the people, entered the customs to suppress bandits, and then I had to inherit the fate of heaven and succeed to the world. Yao Fan thought that he could win the world by relying on a few foreign guns and winning a few battles. It was really a joke! A bandit is a bandit after all, just like a concubine is a concubine after all.

At this time, the political commissar and deputy division commander Huang Huisheng also walked into the back hall. How could Xiao Chukai allow Ding Baozhen to slander Yao Fan without rebuttal, and immediately retorted:

The chairman told us that in a class society, everyone lives in a certain class status, and all kinds of ideas are branded as class. Mr. Ding, your mind is a complete reactionary thought of the bureaucratic landlord class, which really needs to be completely reformed. The righteous resistance of your landlords and exploiting class to our peasant class is to hold a knife in your left hand and a knife in your right hand. Now that we have defeated you with a gun, you will tell us what the will of the people. This is the real joke. We are the regime of the people and the armed forces of the people. Behind us are millions of revolutionary people who sincerely support us. This is a real iron wall, which can't be broken by any force! The chairman taught us that the deepest root of the great power of war exists among the people. Before tens of thousands of people stand up, all reactionary forces are doomed to be completely destroyed! People! Only the people! It is the driving force for creating world history!"

Ding Baozhen was not angry when he heard Xiao Chukai's words: "Yao Fan is really eloquent. No wonder he can persuade you young talents to work hard for him. He must tell you that he can be an official, so that you can think that you can be his wife and princes in the future, right? It's a pity that you young talents and pearls secretly defected to the court, but you are willing to be thieves.

After saying that, Ding Baozhen narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Chukai, hoping to see their thoughts fluctuation.

The handsome Dabiao was about to speak, and Xiao Chu opened his voice:

"The chairman has repeatedly taught us that anyone who has the idea of being an official should not deserve to be a real member of the Chinese Socialist Labor Party. Even if we hope to do more for the revolution in a higher position, we must first establish modesty, cautiousness, arrogance, impatience and wholeheartedly. The purpose of civil service!

Our party is a party that serves the people wholeheartedly. We are not separated from the masses for a moment. We are all based on the interests of the people, not from the interests of individuals or small groups. We are responsible to the people and to the leading organs of the party, which is willing to act as a feudal emperor by your landlord bureaucracy. Dog slaves have an essential difference!"

The more Ding Baozhen listened, the more frightened he became. He had never seen such a group of anti-thieves in his life. These artificial rebels were not for some simple slogans such as killing corrupt officials, killing demons, and splitting grain and fields, but vaguely had a strong discipline and moral logic. This kind of ideological rebellion is better than their hands. The foreign gun in it is even more terrible.

"Aren't you afraid of being caught by the court in the future, and the heads of the nine clans will fall on the ground?" Ding Baozhen threatened.

Xiao Chu snorted coldly: "The chairman taught us that people always die, but the meaning of death is different. In ancient China, a writer named Sima Qian said, "People always die, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather." Death for the interests of the people is heavier than Mount Tai; it is lighter than a feather to work hard for the landlord class and die for those who exploit the people and oppress the people.

Xiao Chukai was glad that he memorized Yao Zaofan's quotations, which can speak well. Now all the commanders of the revolutionary army regard reciting Yao Zaofan's quotations as a compulsory course. As a cadre, he naturally does not fall behind in theoretical study. Xiao Chukai didn't know that his tongue really shocked Ding Baozhen.

"This Yao Fan is really evil. What he used to instill in his subordinates is actually this targeted theoretical interpretation, not any cult and Jianghu righteousness. When you think about it carefully, these theories are all born from traditional Chinese culture, which is really very provocative!"

Shuai Dabiao came over with a pile of books in his hand and put them in front of Ding Baozhen and said, "I just received a telegram from the General Staff. The chairman asked me to send Mr. Ding some books and give you the right to pass the time. If you can pick mistakes from these books, you can refute the chairman when you meet them in the future. The chairman said that he is willing to release all the Jinan campaign. Prisoners of war and officials."

After saying that, Shuai Dabiao maliciously changed Marx's Capital, Yao Fan's Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism, the Communist Manifesto and the Lenin Anthology, which was tampized into Yao Fan's work. Of course, the name was also changed to Yao Fan's Selected Works.

A thick pile of books was placed on the table, which shocked Ding Baozhen. For Yao Fan, a person who had to do theoretical research and lay a theoretical foundation first, Ding Baozhen knew that unless he logically refuted the other party, it would be impossible for the other party to ignore it, and it was not him to refute others in theory. Is it the responsibility of Ding Baozhen, a senior intellectual from a scholar background?

"Master Xiao, and you two, please, do you have a reputation?"

Xiao Chukai said contemptuously, "We are all rough and students of the chairman."

"Old and rough?" Ding Baozhen's heart suddenly fell into the ice cave.

"A big old man, relying only on picking up Yao Fan's tooth wisdom, he actually said it right and argued with me. Isn't this proof that Yao Fan does have a genius? This Yao Fan! It's so deep hidden in front of me!"

Huang Huisheng thought that Ding Baozhen was secretly contemptuous of their origin, and stared with his head high and said, "What's wrong with the old man? The working people are all rough! The working people create everything!

The chairman said that there are many great achievements in history! We have five advantages. One is that we have no frame and no dogma. Second, cherish talents and be willing to let go of people. Third, respect knowledge and follow the good. Fourth, be able to endure hardships and be down-to-earth. Fifth, start from reality and don't want vanity.

"Yao Fan still tells you this?" Ding Baozhen was extremely surprised.

Xiao Chu waved his hand and said, "Mr. Ding will live in the wing room in the backyard of the government office. People have sent food, but if you intend to escape and are shot and killed by soldiers, I am not responsible. There are still a lot of things in our army. Let's leave.

After saying that, Xiao Chukai led Huang Huisheng and Shuai Dabiao to leave the back hall.