1875 I come from the future

Chapter 194 Star River Shadow Shakes the Three Armies 22

[194] Xinghe Shadow Shake the Three Armies (22)

Liu Mingchuan's camp was set up from west to east, and the middle road was the thickest. He hid behind the middle road and gave orders. As soon as he gave the order for the cavalry battalion to attack in an all-round way, he suddenly heard the horn of life from the rear of the east side. The fierce and majestic "Di-drip-dip~Did-Did-Dip~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~", which made Liu Mingchuan's heart suddenly pick up, and he immediately realized that he had been caught in the east of the army.

"The gun team guarded me around the camp! Kill the glue thief through the wooden fence!" Liu Mingchuan waved his hand and roared.

"Your excellency! The firepower of the rubber thief is too strong! The wooden fence is broken! The thunder in the palm is extremely powerful! The children were killed and injured behind the wooden fence!!!" Liu Mingchuan's subordinates kept rushing into the camp and crying to report the situation.

"Hear! Keep it!" Liu Mingchuan constantly cheered up his subordinates.

He now pinned all his hopes on the cavalry, hoping that the cavalry can turn the tide, ride through the camps, and kill all the rubber thieves who rushed into the company camp.


Yao Fan received the telegram, and Liu Jinbao's second division finally completed the enveloping from the right wing and began to launch a side charge against the Qing army from the northeast.

"Xiao Chukai! Where is Xiao Chukai?"

"Report! A telegram, a regiment and a battalion have seen the firelight and began to charge! All the follow-up troops will be put into battle within half an hour!"

"Good!" Yao Fan shouted.

Li Hainiu roared, "Let the first division continue to accelerate!" Be sure to annihilate this Qing army and don't teach them to escape the net! After letting go of the Qing army, I transferred Xiao Chu to the transportation group to feed the horses!!!"


Xiao Chukai received a telegram from Li Hainiu, trembling with fear and immediately ordered: "The whole division to speed up the battle!" All troops should not stop fighting! Don't stop, keep going east!"

Under the command of Xiao Chukai, a division that ran all the way from near Xian County ran east with sweat and rushed into the rear of the Qing military camp.


Liu Mingchuan heard the deadly horn ringing from the west side again, and his whole body was about to fall down: "I'm defeated, I'm defeated. The glue thief surrounded me. The glue thief in the county actually arrived at night. That's 60 miles away. How can it be so fast... God kills me!!!"

On the vast battlefield under the moonlight, the sound of gunfire came one after another like New Year's firecrackers, accompanied by the continuous crackling sound of rifles and gunfire, clicks, clicks... Continuous light machine gun shots, dong! Dong! The sound of the explosion, boom! Boom! The sound of explosives and * explosions that shook the earth, and the sound of shouting killing was endless, mixed with "Gun and don't kill!" Surrender and don't kill! ............" roar.

Li Lu rushed out of the north gate of a wooden village just occupied with a Type 81 light machine gun and immediately heard the sound of horseshoes in the east. He knew that there were no cavalry in the First Army, and it must be the enemy, so he immediately climbed up a wooden frame with a machine gun, put the machine gun on the rack and aimed at the horse team 100 meters away from the moonlight.

Suddenly, Li Lu felt that her left shoulder seemed to have been bitten by a snake. She was so painful that she almost fell from the wooden frame of the Qing army. He struggled to touch it with his hand and felt that the tentacles outside the military uniform on his left shoulder were warm*.

Li Lu gritted her teeth and roared with difficulty: "He Laoliu, come and pick up the machine gun. I was shot."

"What's wrong with you, chief?" Li Lu's hair has been asking hurriedly.

"It's okay. I was shot in the arm." Li Lu gritted her teeth and climbed down from the one-high wooden shelf.

"Head, I'll help you to the backwood camp."

"No! Ask someone to bandage me! Maotou, take He Laoliu's rifle and kill the horse team in the east with squad leader Zhang!"

"What should you do, chief!"

"Go! Otherwise, I will fire you!"

"Yes!" The hair roared in horror.

The cavalry that came from the east side was the Mongolian cavalry. Taking advantage of the night, they rushed with a thick-backed saber. Under the rain, the closer Mongolia rode, the more horses were killed and fell. From time to time, horses fell down because of the darkness of the night.

Garu gritted his teeth, put his body close to the horse's back, and listened to the horrible "Dada... Da Da Da..." in his ear, like the sound of tearing the cloth, the devilish sound kept ringing, and the horses riding around him seemed to be cursed by the devil. One by one suddenly fell to the ground in shock while running, and the people The horse howled behind him, and this horrible scene made his heart almost jump out of his throat.

"Go in, rush in! As long as you rush in, you can kill all the glue thief, and the glue thief will definitely collapse!" Grun gritted his teeth and kept greeting the horse team to surround his horse.

Gulu's camp is only 500 meters away from this wooden village. The horse team is getting closer and closer, the horse speed is getting faster and faster, and the casualties are getting bigger and bigger, but compared with the glory of the cavalry, all these sacrifices are worth it!

Gulu finally took the horse into the fallen camp. He was skilled in horsemanship and just pinched the horse's belly. The jujube red horse jumped up. The man and horse easily jumped over the log horizontal at the gate of the camp. He quickly flattened the big knife in his hand in the air and flexibly hid behind a piece of wood in front of him with the speed of the horse. The glue thief who was shooting hit the head.

"Dang!" With a sound of gold and iron, the rubber thief was shocked and fell to the ground. His hand holding the knife was shaken so that the callus of the tiger's mouth broke and bleeding, and the knife in his hand almost couldn't hold it and fell down.

"What a hard helmet! It's much harder than the iron helmet of Daqing!" I was shocked.

The steel helmet saved Zhang Tiexiong's life, but it also shocked him to fall to the ground, dizzy, and his neck seemed to be cut. Gulu rushed into the camp, quickly pulled back the horse's head, ran an arc, and said, "Ho! "Oh!" Shouted the horn of the Mongolian cavalry, raised the knife again, and rushed to a thin shadow in the camp. Suddenly, the shadow picked up the rifle in his hand and shot him!

The jujube red horse of Kalu** was hit and issued a "rhythm!" The sad sound of the horse! The man and the horse fell to the ground like a meat mountain. The gurman on the horse's back was thrown out and rolled on the ground. The shoulder of the cotton armor was thrown on his face. The copper nail scraped his face with pain and bleeding. His eyes were full of Venus and he was about to struggle to get up, but he felt a dark shadow in front of him getting bigger and bigger. Suddenly, his chest hurt, and the cold feeling had been It's through the vest.

Gulu came to her senses in great pain and looked at it in the moonlight. In front of her, a string of cabbages was shaking.

"Haha, cabbage... cabbage... I must be dreaming... dreaming..."

He had a sweet throat, spit out a mouthful of blood, and closed his eyes.


The battle lasted until dawn. The killing bodies of the Qing army were everywhere and surrendered countless times. The last main army of the imperial court was 24,000, surrounded by three divisions of the First Army and completed the complete annihilation in various camps, while Liu Mingchuan, the general, was captured in his own camp.

In the headquarters of Dongguang County, telegrams came one by one like snowflakes. Li Jun anxiously took the telegram and reported the statistical results to Yao Fan: "Chairman, the results are out. 72 people were killed and 419 injured in this battle! This time, the loss was really great, but all the Qing army was annihilated, and none of them missed the net! 19,000 people were captured! Kill four thousand enemies!"

Yao Fan frowned and said, "The report was issued and ordered all troops to carry out emergency rescue for the wounded, apply Yunnan Baiyao, and take oral penicillin. The health companies of each regiment quickly organized stretchers and horse convoys to send all the minor and serious injuries back to Texas.

The whole army rests on the spot! Political backbones were drawn to carry out land reform in the countryside near Botou Town. The military cadres of the troops selected soldiers from the He Shicheng Transport Regiment and the later militia to supplement the war damage.



"Lightly...lightly...ah!!!" Li Lu suddenly let out a scream.

Although the medical staff of the health company wear masks, their joy can be seen from their smiling eyes: "Leacon, you see, this lead has been taken out."

The medical staff held a scalpel in one hand and a stainless steel surgical pliers in the other, with a deformed* on the head of the pliers.

Li Lu grinned and pleaded, "I don't look. Look at what that thing is doing. Ancestor, wrap it up quickly. It hurts me so much."

The medical staff laughed and said, "This will suture medicine for you. Don't worry, you haven't hurt the bone. In ten days and a half months, the wound can be removed."

"What? Do you still need to remove the thread?"

"Of course, you can't let the suture grow in your meat, can you?" The medical staff shook his head with a smile. As one of the first doctors trained in the Barefoot Doctor Manual, it was not surprising that he had to face wounded like Li Lu after every battle.

Looking at the hair of the medical staff taking bullets for Li Lu, he looked more nervous than Li Lu. The hair stammered, "Head, this wound is as small as a peanut. I have seen someone bite me before, and the old man's flesh on his leg is torn down, and the blood flows like water."

Li Lu said with a bitter face, "Then it will be all right?"

The hairy head said honestly, "Dead."

Li Lu suddenly laughed, and the medical staff also smiled and said, "Why can't you talk, you? What do you say when you die?"

Li Lu smiled ** the wound, "Ouch!" It screamed in pain.

He scolded with a wry smile, "You naughty boy, get out of here."

The hairy head said, "Pplatoon leader, what about me joining the army?"

Li Lu said, "Many comrades have died this time, and the army is going to rest and supplement. I will talk to the company commander later."

The medical staff completed the procedures of suture, medication and dressing, took out a bottle of oral anti-inflammatory medicine from the backpack he brought, and told Li Lu, "Three times a day, four tablets each time, the amount of medicine halved the next day, or three times a day, but only two tablets at a time, did you hear that?"

"I heard it clearly."


Four days later, after replenishing military food, the revolutionary army, which was full of personnel, set out again and captured Cangzhou on June 7, besieged and annihilated more than 10,000 defenders of the Green Camp of Cangzhou. Beijing and Tianjin were shaken and the government and the opposition were frightened.

Li Hongzhang led the last new battalion of the Huai Army to defend about 10,000 people in Tianjin, and this 10,000 people did not even gather foreign guns. Because of Yao Fan's blitz, there was no time to transport weapons under the British warehouse that had just signed the Yunnan Treaty, let alone dispatch officers to help Li Hongzhang train the army.

And Beijing is in a mess. Except for the 20,000 Northeast Battalion Eight Banner soldiers searched outside the customs, all the full-man flags were mobilized to collect their hidden weapons in the upper city as a guard. Those who had long been used as family weapons for money had to burn fire sticks and bravely go to the city.