1875 I come from the future

Chapter 212 Ten Thousand Rivers and Mountains New Face 16

I'm very sorry for the wrong chapter before.

[212] Ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains to open up a new face (16)

The dinner was very rich. The chef of Haiyuelou presented the dishes according to Yao Peng's order of noodles. The original clams, minced meat and sea cucumbers, stir-fried snail slices, sea dish cold noodles, dry pork trotters, salted prawns, soup abalone, etc. The dishes are fresh and brought with the car. The price is the same as eating in Haiyue Building. Yes, you only have to pay an additional 1,200 yuan for the chef's labor fee. However, considering the excellent materials and original taste, many rich people in Qingdao who hold private banquets at home are still willing to invite the chefs of Haiyue Building to cook with good dishes.

After dinner, Zhou Hanzhen said that he would go back to school to practice the piano and had to leave early. When Li Hongmei heard about it, she asked Yao Fan to send it.

So Yao Fan drove Zhou Hanzhen to school.

Yao Fan was silent along the way.

Zhou Hanzhen didn't say anything.

Until the car entered the school and came to the complex, Yao Fan parked the car.

After the two got out of the car, Yao Fan said to Zhou Hanzhen, "If you have a concert, please come to me if you need any help."

"Thank you, but there should be nothing you need."

Yao Fan nodded and suddenly came close to his face to kiss Zhou Hanzhen's face.

Zhou Hanzhen pushed Yao Fan angrily and scolded, "Yao Fan! You are such an asshole!" After saying that, he turned around and entered the comprehensive building without looking back.

Yao Fan smiled behind her: "Concert, I will come."

"Get out!" Zhou Hanzhen's anger came from far away from the building.

Yao Fan smiled and drove away. His heart is full of today's smells, sounds and lights, and he feels that if he doesn't take advantage of the freshness, this memory will be fleeting.

Yao Fan suddenly became in a good mood, very good.

Zhou Hanzhen is an independent woman. In her heart, only her parents and music have been allowed to enter her spiritual city. Or because of the lack of courage and timidity, or because they feel ashamed that they are not worthy, many people give up entering the city without trying, and none of the attempts end up, which seems to prove the wisdom of those who gave up. However, today, a brave and proud man boldly broke into the door, forcibly broke into this city of the soul, and wrote down the six characters "Yao Fan's trip here", which became one of the countless attractions in the city space.

Zhou Han is really angry and very angry.

With Yao Fan's purchase arrived one by one, the time to travel again. According to the old rules, he opened the box and inspected all the goods and stamped them with blood-like crimson stamps one by one. After he leaves, these empty containers will be sent to the cargo ship again, transported to Busan, and then sold in South Korea at the price of the old containers exported.

Back to 1876 again, the string of the bow in Yao Fan's heart was tightened again. After using the radio of the Qingdao garrison to send his notice to the troops along the way and military generals around the country, Yao Fan took the guard company drawn by the Qingdao garrison and rushed to Jinan at night.

It was June 25 when he arrived in Jinan, and Yao Fan saw Ding Baozhen again.

It has probably been dried for a long time. Ding Baozhen's momentum has been exhausted. Dust floated in the sunshine in the afternoon of early summer, and he sat quietly in the dust.

"Mr. Ding has been thinking about it for so long that the People's Revolutionary Army has won Beijing. Can't he abandon the past and join the revolutionary team?"

Ding Baozhen has not suffered anything during this period of house arrest, but there is no servant around him, which has made him describe it as haggard.

"Yao Fan, what you said last time is still a good deal."

"Mr. Ding, I still say the same thing. I invite you to take a position in Shandong Commune, and the position is up to you."

"Now the Shandong Commune has taken North China, and the central government is located in Beijing. I stay in Jinan. Can you rest assured?"

"I originally intended to ask you to be the chairman of the Shandong CPPCC, but now I hope you can go further and work as the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference."

Ding Baozhen shook his head and said, "I don't want to go to Beijing, so I just stay in Jinan and be the chairman of the Shandong Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference for you. If I continue to be locked in those three rooms, I'm afraid I won't live long.

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Then from today on, please ask Mr. Ding to go home to live and go to work as soon as possible."

Ding Baozhen said dissatisfiedly, "You should have let me out when you hit Beijing, but you only came today. You have been shut me up for a long time in vain."

"I'm afraid that Mr. Ding hasn't figured it out yet."

Ding Baozhen pulled his eyelids and said, "If it hadn't been for your book, I couldn't figure it out, but after reading your book these days, I felt suddenly feel cheerful."

Yao Fan said bluntly: "At present, the revolutionary regime has not yet unified the whole country, and I wanted to spread it, but I learned from the feedback from the telegrams of the past few days that the governor of the south did not buy Li Hongzhang's advice to accept the letter of peaceful reunification. Although they have not broken their mouths, they are also predicate and unwilling to accept it. Due to the consolidation of the central government, he is unwilling to pay the tariffs and food payable. I guess they are busy recruiting troops and horses one by one at this time, buying guns and cannons from foreigners. Naturally, the money spent is the central financial revenue intercepted.

Ding Baozhen said, "Taking people's food and clothing is like killing parents. Yao Fan, if you want their land, it is equivalent to killing them. This matter can only be unified by force, not by literature. If you don't kill a river of blood and people's heads rolling, can the southern police convince you?

Yao Fan was silent and said after half a sound, "I only ask Mr. Ding to send a letter of advice after taking office. As long as there is 1% hope, he must always do his best. War always kills people. Although the people's government does not want to bleed, it is not afraid of sacrifice.

Next, Yao Fan and Ding Baozhen had a detailed discussion, and then ordered the soldiers and staff of the Jinan Military Control Commission to send Ding Baozhen home.

Yao Fan's personal guard Niu Hu came to Jinan from Beijing on a starry night and damaged two horses along the way.

"Chairman, you are finally back." Niu Hu saw Yao Fan again and couldn't help bursting into tears.

"Chairman, when will you return to Beijing?"

"What's wrong?"

"Report Chairman, now the Forbidden City has been cleaned up, and according to your instructions, the formation of various organs has also been initially completed. As an office and residential place for central leaders, Zhongnanhai has all used political and reliable personnel management. Comrades all said that the chairman is absent for a day, and the big guy has no backbone for a day.

Yao Fan nodded happily: "I'm going back."

So Yao Fan and his party returned to Beijing on horseback or by tractor truck escorted by troops along the way.

At the following plenary meeting of the Central Revolutionary Committee of the Provisional Government of the Chinese Socialist Revolution, Yao Fan put forward the slogan of "grabbing war with one hand and building with the other".

"There are many enterprises that have moved back from overseas this time, and a large number of equipment needs to be installed and transported. These equipment includes steel factories, cement factories, paper mills, boiler factories, instrument factories, electrolytic aluminum factories, electrolytic copper factories, hardware factories, wire factories, refractory factories, sugar factories, cigarette factories, light bulb factories, pencil factories, tanning factories, watches Factories, glass factories, thermos factories, chemical raw material factories, etc.

Because of the large number of enterprises to be built, the equipment is complex, and the lack of technicians, on the one hand, we need to use the power of labor international to introduce a group of popular and specialized technical backbones from abroad, and on the other hand, we need to pay close attention to the training of domestic intellectuals.

These cadres under Yao Fan are mostly from mud-legged backgrounds, and many of them rely on literacy classes to read. Now they have heard that they want to build factories. Although they are very enthusiastic, they are very worried.

"Chairman, how long is the construction period? Why can't we invite the employees of overseas factories of these enterprises to return to China? Li Jun asked.

"These enterprises are usually built and put into operation overseas for a few months. Considering the weak foundation in China, we need to make a five-year plan to complete and put them into operation within five years. Of course, the sooner the time, the better. The employees of these enterprises are foreigners. On the one hand, they are unwilling to come to China. On the other hand, foreign countries have policies and regulations that engineering technicians are not allowed to flow overseas. Yao Fan lightly brought up the problem of not having employees to accompany him.

Li Hainiu said in a high voice, "If you leave the butcher Zhang, eat the hairless pig!" If these foreigners don't let people go, can't we in China? Chairman, don't worry, there are five years. In these five years, we will definitely be able to build these factories and industrialize what you said!"

Yao Fan laughed and said, "It's a good thing for everyone to have this determination. When it comes to specific work, we still need to rely on talents to solve problems.

As long as we leaders keep three points in mind, there will be no trouble.

First, firmly grasp the barrel of the gun and grasp the seal of the people's democratic dictatorship! This is the foundation on which we stand. Without this, everything is false. Second, everything starts from politics and does a good job in ideological and political work. This is our old business. In the final analysis, it is to mobilize the masses, rely on the strength of the masses to do things, and encourage the masses to brainstorm and contribute. Third, don't pretend to understand if you don't understand. Encourage people who understand to let go. Don't be afraid of failure. Failure is the mother of success. Failure a few more times is not far from success. Regardless of his political composition and background, as long as he has the ability, we should reuse it and give the best care in life.

Zhou said, "I think it's okay. At present, students and a large number of old bureaucrats in Beijing have read books. We should strengthen political education for these people, integrate them into our team, and then run classes, learn science and technology, and run these factories."

Yao Fan said: "These scholars can come to Beijing, which shows that they are all very smart and have studied for a lifetime. Although they do not know much about science, engineering, agriculture and medicine, they have a strong self-study ability. As long as they are really willing to work, they can make contributions.

As long as we are talents, we must give them corresponding treatment. Regarding the treatment of enterprise cadres, I have also set corresponding levels for them according to the level of the army and the government. We should make these policies clear to them and encourage them to make progress.

Yang Ping said, "We must follow the chairman's instructions. The chairman is right. As long as they don't touch the guns and seals, they sincerely build for the revolutionary regime and engage in industry for a powerful country, we can make them live a comfortable life."

Yao Fan said: "Now all countries in the world are repairing railways. With railways, hundreds of thousands of troops can be transported from the north to the south in just one week. No matter how many materials and supplies there are, logistical work will become efficient and reliable. Goods and materials from all over the country can be transported to any place by rail, which will greatly promote social development and productivity improvement.

The United States began planning from 1862 and finally put into construction from 1865 to 1869. It took four years to build the east-west railway. They used 14,000 Chinese workers who sold as slaves from China to build it desperately at the risk of a mortality rate of up to 10,000. They completed the railway, which was originally planned to have a total construction period of 14 years, seven years ahead of schedule. The flesh and blood of countless Chinese workers were used as paving stones, which completed the East-West Railway in the United States, and every sleeper Below, there is a body of a Chinese worker.

The United States plans to have 90,000 kilometers of railways by 1880, that is, four years later. Now they have more than 70,000 kilometers and rely on #selling Chinese workers to become slaves in the United States. This plan will soon be realized.

In 1875, the total railway mileage of Germany reached 27960 kilometers. Compared with their narrow territory, railways were almost all over Germany. This has exceeded the total mileage of 25,000 kilometers in the UK last year!

The reason why the European and American powers build so many railways is also related to the unrestrained competition of hundreds of railway companies in China. Competition and profiteering have led them to desperately invest in new railway companies and repair many repetitive lines, which has led to the inefficient and low utilization rate of many railway sections.

But comrades, it is correct to say that if you want to be rich and build roads first, China can't be rich and strong without a 30,000 to 50,000 kilometers of railway.

This time I brought back a large number of rails and a batch of locomotives, which is to build our Chinese railway. Only by grasping everything from now on can we catch up as soon as possible.