1875 I come from the future

Chapter 228 Establishing a Teacher's Model

[228] Establish a teacher

Yao Fan's work at this stage mainly focuses on the handover of the new system and the old system. A large number of old and new officials are used together. At the same time, in order to strengthen ideological education, Yao Fan proposed a lifelong learning system for party members, and various ministries and commissions have formulated strict working regulations, such as daily morning and evening regular meetings.

Seeing that the unification of the whole country is just around the corner, all government departments are working harder towards the goal of founding the country.

Due to the cancellation of the imperial examination system, Yao Fan expected that the new government would be criticized by scholars across the country. In order to be scolded as little as possible, Yao Fan ordered all provinces across the country to establish provincial normal schools, and the curriculum only teaches mathematics, physics and socialist ideological education. Speaking of teaching, in fact, Yao Fan does not even have a qualified mathematics, physics and chemical teachers, so he can only hope that students can study by themselves.

Half a year of mathematics accelerated class, after graduation, you can enter the Ministry of Education as a three-year primary school mathematics teacher; one year of mathematics class, after graduation, you can serve as a middle school mathematics teacher; in addition, there is a two-year mathematics, physics and chemistry reinforcement class training, after graduation, you can serve as a middle school physics and chemistry teacher; three-year After graduating from the advanced training class of mathematics, physics andchemistry, you can serve as a teacher of three subjects of mathematics, physics andchemistry in high school.

The textbooks provided by Yao Fan to teacher schools in various provinces are carefully arranged by Yao Peng's senior teachers in the 21st century. The content is detailed and easy to understand, which is very suitable for self-study.

Yao Fan is not worried about the self-study ability of the imperial examination students these days. To put it bluntly, the whole road of the imperial examination is a national self-study examination that hones perseverance and perseverance. These people can recite four books and five classics. Yao Fan does not believe that they can't understand the mathematical physics of primary and secondary schools.

Of course, if you want to have a large number of self-taught primary and secondary school mathematics, physics and chemical teachers in a short period of time, it is impossible without encouragement.

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the national scholars to study in normal schools, Yao Fan announced that anyone with a reputation for scholars is completely free from tuition. Not only that, the state is also responsible for solving their food and accommodation in normal schools in various provinces and cities, and also issues unified free school uniforms. This is undoubtedly very attractive to those students from poor families.

In the Qing Dynasty, the students of Guozijian had an allowance of two or five yuan a month, but the local scholar only had an allowance of one or two yuan and two yuan, and they were often deducted by the supervisors. Yao Fan ordered that all teachers and normal students who have expanded their talents and reputation to the whole country according to the treatment of Guozijian, be given a special allowance of two or five yuan to the Ministry of Education. This is also considering that at present, there are only 200,000 talents in the country. Even if all of them are treated as national supervision, they will spend an extra 500,000 taels of silver a month. Five million taels of silver a year is not difficult for the new government with 1 billion taels of fiscal revenue.

Yao Fan also stipulates that anyone who is talented and famous can also directly enter the primary and junior high schools that the government is preparing to serve as Chinese and history teachers, but the salary is not as good as that of mathematics, physics and chemical teachers. Ordinary mathematics, physics and chemical teachers are paid 10 taels a month, while Chinese and history teachers are only six taels. This policy tilt is a helpless move. Yao Fan now has as many liberal arts students, but only science students are extremely lacking.

In addition, the normal school also recruits students from the society. Anyone who pays for books can receive a full set of mathematics, physics and chemical textbooks, self-study mathematics, physics andchemistry courses at home, can take the national unified graduation examination of normal schools, and graduate with a diploma. The state also arranges teacher work.

After the policy was issued, the complaints of those talents across the country are much less, but many people are still worried about not being able to take the exam to be an official.

So Yao Fan formulated a college entrance examination plan and announced that the country will vigorously train college students in the future. Anyone who graduates from a normal school or relies on books to become self-taught can apply for Tsinghua University, the only university in the country. College students are the backbone of the country. Not only is tuition free, but the state also gives Living allowance of two or five a month, and arrange work as long as you graduate.

Scholars across the country are thinking that the new court will take this university instead of the imperial examination.

In this way, fewer people complain. All the students go to the local provincial capital to ask for admission to teachers, or simply buy textbooks and go home to study by themselves, hoping to understand the new textbooks and enter the university in the future.

Only those readers who are too old to read or unwilling to read new books sigh and complain about the new government all day long, and dare to change the imperial examination rules that have been used for thousands of years.

Due to the deepening of the land reform, the large-scale disappearance of landlords has caused a huge contrast in the lives of a large number of intellectuals born in the landlord class. From the previous golden food, they suddenly fell into the dilemma of working in person.

A large number of landlord families were only criticized and executed by the first villains. Some of the family members were arrested for reform through labor, and some were released to divide their fields. For those landlord families who escaped the execution, it was lucky to survive in such a social revolution, but at the thought of farming the land himself, he They feel that life is better than death.

However, Yao Fan promulgated a new land law on the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, clearly stipulating that the land of the country is owned by the state, and individual farmers have the sacred and inviolable right to use, but they are not allowed to resell and rent in any form. For those who are unable to cultivate, the land circulation and lease of their families must apply to each village committees. Only after approval can the rent and the local farmers' association legally exceed the proportion of public grain, that is, 15%.

So a large number of scholars from landlord families think that normal education is a feasible way out. Those who have talents and reputations go to sign up, hoping to receive government education allowances. Those who have no merit rely on their own knowledge of words and also try to buy textbooks, hoping to become a national teacher in the future. At least it is also a national food. Public grain. Those who are more eager to use money directly sign up as primary school teachers to teach Chinese, history, socialist thought and other liberal arts that do not require mathematical, physical and chemical knowledge.

Yao Fan is reviewing documents in his office in Fengze Garden. At present, the government has not appointed a prime minister. Yao Fan's party and government are seized. Although he has great power, it is also very hard.

Fortunately, recently, many newcomers have come to the secretariat of the General Office of the Central Committee. They are all intellectuals trained by the Party School. Among them is Yuan Chang. In 1867, he was favored by Marx and said that he was very capable. In addition, Huang Yuntian, who was originally responsible for the General Administration of Press and the General Administration of Publication, Yao Fan now has two secrets. The book is finally a little easier.

After reviewing the national emblem and flag, Yao Fan leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes to take a deep breath.

In order to avoid wasting time, Yao Fan did not engage in the collection of national flag and national emblems, but engaged in the use doctrine and directly using the modern five-star red flag and national emblem, so that there is no need to change it, and can be purchased directly from future generations. As for the name of the country, Yao Fan changed to the People's Republic of China in order to avoid the taboo of double names, but the English translation is still P.R.C.

At present, the attitude of the Russian minister and the Japanese minister changed and put forward the hope of peace talks. Yao Fan has sent Li Hongzhang and Guo Songtao to negotiate. Yao Fan gave them a detailed explanation of the strength of the current revolutionary army, so that they could summon up their courage and show China's dignity to talk. Judgment.

Guo Songtao is responsible for negotiating with Russians, and Li Hongzhang is responsible for Japan.

Guo Songtao once served in the Hanlin Academy and followed Zeng Guofan for many years. He once traveled in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang and other places because of his staff. He was very impressed by the ships and machines of foreigners. During his tenure as the governor of Guangdong, he disagreed with Ruilin, the then governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and was dismissed from office and went home.

After receiving an invitation from Li Hongzhang and Yao Fan, Guo Songtao's desire to be an official became enthusiastic again.

He judged that since Yao Fan defeated the Huai system, captured the north, and overthrew the Qing royal family, the world was bound to be in chaos. He felt that a Han dynasty was about to be established, and his heart was also surging. Therefore, after receiving the invitation, he readily agreed to enter Yao Fan's coalition government to serve as the First Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Because Hongyu Temple is occupied by the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has now moved to Qin Tianjian, which is separated from Hongyu Temple. Guo Songtao is wearing a long shirt, and his newly shaved revolutionary head is as oily as Li Hongzhang. However, Li Hongzhang's forehead is not very shaved and does not need to have hair, but Guo Songtao is in the hair-raising period. His hair is short and long, some Funny.

Although Guo Songtao, wearing a long coat and a fox coat, has a funny hairstyle, but he is not funny at all. In the conference room just set up by Qin Tianjian, Lao Guo told the Russian minister directly:

"Chairman Yao asked me to take a word. The Chinese people have never bullied the Russian people. On the contrary, Russia has always pursued chauvinism, repeatedly invaded China, and committed * crimes in the northeast and northwest regions. New China is unacceptable to such behavior as Russia.

The Chinese nation respects the feelings of the Slavic nation. As neighbors with a long border, the two countries should be good neighbors and good friends. Otherwise, neither side will have a peaceful life in the future, which is detrimental to both of us.

In our view, Russia should focus its attention on the Balkans, where the Slavs are suffering the planned slaughter and enslavement of the Ottoman Turkish Empire. I heard that the Turkish sultan hanged the Russians in the Balkans from trees, nailed their limbs to the ground with chains to death, and tied dogs with iron collars to publicly execute hundreds of Slavs in the city squares.

President Yao asked me to convey his incomparable sympathy and indignation to your country about the suffering and insults suffered by the Slav nation. If Russia can also be indifferent to such insults, then we feel that Russia does not deserve to live on an equal footing with the Chinese nation that has stood up independently.

I don't like nonsense. If Russia wants friendship, please show sincerity. If Russia wants to bully China, China will fight Russia with iron and blood to the last person!"

After listening to Guo Songtao's words, Bu Ce, the Russian minister in China who hurried back to Beijing from Vladivostok, was extremely surprised. Facing the first Chinese Foreign Minister who had obviously just shaved his braids in front of him, he couldn't help meditating for a long time.