1875 I come from the future

Chapter 246 Good Relations between China and Russia

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[246] Good relations between China and Russia

After refuting Adam's financial infiltration conspiracy, Yao Fan has become wary.

International bankers who do not get any benefits from China will never give up. They are likely to unite all the countries they can manipulate to oppose China.

Yao Fan now dares not to conclude that Germany will not betray China. Out of its profit-seeking nature, there are many things that provoke both sides of the war.

What kind of attack will the Republic face next?

"Huang #disaster theory? Communist threat theory? Become the public enemy of the world?"

Yao Fan thought about how the European and American media would vilify China, a country that does not open financial markets to Jewish international banking groups under the manipulation of the gold owners behind it.

At this time, Yao Fan suddenly felt that there was probably only one second-hand man in Europe who was willing to oppose the infiltration of international banking groups - that is, Russia.

"Sand a telegram to inform Xu Jingcheng that I have a secret message to forward to Alexander II." Yao Fan said to his secretary Yuan Chang.

Yuan Chang is now the Secretary-General of the First Office of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party, leading a group of secretaries to help Yao Fan draft documents and process documents.

"Okay, Chairman, the radio station of the Moscow Embassy will open at 7 p.m. to contact the Urumqi relay station." Yuan Chang agreed.

Yao Fan's idea is very practical. He implements double insurance in diplomacy. On the one hand, he has a good relationship with Germany and Russia on the other hand.

Britain would have sat by and watch Germany, an emerging country ruled by Juncker landlords and nobles and Jewish bankers, unify and rise, hoping to use German power against Russia as a European gendarmerie, while desperately restraining France, an old enemy of Europe, and never allow France to become Europe's number one army again. Overlord.

And Britain's purpose has also been achieved. Through two-term loans, the international banking group was full of fat in the Franco-Prussian war. Through a huge compensation of 5 billion francs, France's national strength has been greatly transferred to Germany, which is closer to the interests of the international banking group. Of course, all of the heads have been taken away by the international banking group.

However, as the interests of international banking groups with China are not satisfied, Britain is likely to put pressure on the whole of Europe through the international financial capitalist group based in London to fight against the rising China.

Therefore, Yao Fan must find an ally who can fight. At present, Germany is a simple interest-oriented country. Before the rise of German nationalism, it did not have the motivation and courage to confront Britain.

Russia is very good at fighting. In addition to Russia or Russia, the xenophobic sentiment is extremely high.

Similarly, Russia also hates the invasion of international financial capital controlled by Jewish banking groups. They cannot tolerate the exploitation of Russia by the Jewish people through currency manipulation.

But this does not mean that Russia has any bullshit justice, just because the Tsar himself and the Russian aristocratic class are the only occupants of Russia's financial interests, of course, he will never allow any foreign financial forces to share his cake.

By making friends with Germany and Russia at the same time, China will create a situation that if the British want to deal with China, they can only fight shirtless while forcing the sad France to work for him.

And once there is friction or even war between Germany and Russia, China can make a fortune by war on the pretext that it is an ally with both sides.

Yao Fan's calculation is determined to focus on weakening Britain! Be sure to pull the empire that never sets from the position of world hegemony!

There is no two days.

Yao Fan quickly informed all leadership officials at the Politburo meeting, demanding vigilance and prevention of the infiltration of foreign financial capital and spy forces. At the same time, he increased his support for overseas intelligence agencies and strengthened the leadership and support for communist parties and movements around the world.


1878 Spring Festival,

Beijing is immersed in the festive celebration,

There are colorful lights everywhere, red couplets are pasted all over the house, and festive firecrackers are full of firecrackers.

Adults carry heavy New Year's goods in their hands, children hold brand-new toys in their hands, and everyone's faces are full of heartfelt smiles.

Men, women and children in the capital have seen everything new and opened their horizons in this year.

Electric lights, telephones, cinemas, radios, radios, newspapers, magazines, government-organized chess games, sports competitions, public libraries, stadiums, parks, museums, waterworks, thermal power stations, heating...

One by one, new things unheard of in the feudal dynasty have now been realized in the land of China.

All Chinese people who have untied the feudal shackles are moving towards the four modernization goals promoted by the government with unprecedented confidence.

There are slogans everywhere on the streets: "Study hard, master science and technology, become useful talents in the country, and enjoy the good socialist life."

Xi Hutong,

Mr. Shi's home.

The old man has now cut off his braids and left a spiritual short hairstyle. His gray hair reminds people of his life experience.

"Grandpa, I want to listen to the radio."

"Xiaoshun, don't just play, but also look at your homework. After the Spring Festival, you must study hard. Only when you learn science and technology and become a talent in the future can you enjoy the good life of socialism." The old man naged his grandson tirelessly.

"Grandpa, I have finished my homework, and all my winter vacation homework has been completed in advance. Please let me listen to the radio for a while." Uncle Shi's grandson Shi Xiaoshun hugged his grandfather and acted coquettishly.

"Your father came back in the evening and listened to it with the whole family after dinner. If we listen to it alone, it costs more electricity. The No. 1 battery can cost five cents a section." Mr. Shi was reluctant.

"Isn't this the Spring Festival, Dad, just turn on the radio." Daughter-in-law Chuntao's head method is still black and shiny, she persuaded.

"Ok, let's drive. After the Spring Festival, we will go home as soon as we lose." Mr. Shi laughed after saying that.

Central People's Radio, February 2, 1878, 2:00 p.m. Beijing time.

Now broadcast the news: the great mentor, great leader, great commander, great helmsman of the revolutionary people around the world, Chairman Yao cordially received model workers from all over the country in Zhongnanhai today and welcomed them to Beijing to celebrate the Spring Festival.


Chairman Yao held the hand of Wan Mulin, a manure worker in Huairentang, Zhongnanhai, and said, "Thanks to the unremitting efforts of your sanitation workers, Beijing has now taken on a new look. Only then can the people enjoy a clean and clean life. Sanitation workers are amazing."

Wan Mulin said excitedly to the chairman: "In the old society, we dig out shit. If we want to ask others for a mouthful of water, there is no suitable bowl in other people's homes. Pour some water for us to feed dogs at home. Today, the president of the country can shake hands with us, and it is glorious for our working people.

Please listen to the next text message............

Next is the song time, please listen to the song "The Sea Sailing by the Helmsman"...

Listening to the radio, Shi Xiaoshun was intoxicated and sang with the rhythm: "The sea sails by the helmsman, everything grows by the sun, the rain and dew nourishes the seedlings, and the revolution depends on the ground is Yao Zaofan's thought... Fish can't live without boiling water, melons can't live without rice seedlings, and the people can't live without the Labor Party..."

The old man said happily, "Good singing, good grandson, come and give grandpa a kiss."