1875 I come from the future

Chapter 265 Storm

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[265] Storm

Beijing, Sunday.

Yao Fan leaned against the back of the car, opened the curtains slightly, and looked out from the window of the red flag car. The dark clouds in the distant sky were already thick and low. The sky had darkened. At this time, the air was also sultry, and it was likely to be a thunderstorm.

Yao Fan said to himself, "It's only when it rains raining."

Zhan Hongqi, the commander of the Central Guard Company, turned his head back from the co-pilot. Seeing that Yao Fan had no order, he turned his head alertly and observed the street where the vehicles were driving.

Bicycles on the street shuttle, and pedestrians look peaceful. They don't seem to worry about this thunderstorm. It has been summer for a long time, and people are looking forward to a rain to relieve the heat.

Nowadays, pedestrians on the streets of Beijing have a variety of clothes. White shirts, T-shirts of various colors, cultural shirts with slogans and cotton vests are the mainstream. Some of them take their children out of the alley to sit on the street and guide their children to look at cars while enjoying the cold. They are all naked and fan their fans.

Farmers who pulled a cart into the city from the suburbs of Beijing to sell watermelons and green radishes parked their cars in squares drawn with white paint on the sidewalk. Watermelons and radishes were piled neatly on the ground. They also sat on the ground, fanning the wind with straw hats and wiping their faces with towels.

This is a temporary sales office designated by Yao Fan's order from the Beijing Municipal Party Committee to facilitate farmers to go to the city to sell their own melons and fruits. Although there is no need to pay management fees, farmers are required to clean the area with their own brooms, and at the same time, they cannot shout loudly, which will affect the rest of the people in the surrounding areas.

Four military green jeeps and red flag cars slowly drove into Shengli Three Village. This community was built at the end of last year and is fully equipped with water, electricity and heating.

The black red flag car was parked in the driveway of the community, and Yao Fan got out of the car.

On the lawn of the community, seven or eight children were chasing and fighting, with a row of small benches next to them. A group of women sat around, chatting with their parents and glanced at their children playing on the lawn from time to time.

Now there are many military demobilized cadres in Beijing. Their families are all rural people, and they are probably all married women. They wear casual clothes. The sweatshirts on their bodies are printed with "serving the people", "model labor", "working hard for a whole year to report the good news to the motherland", "killing the four evils", "self-reliance and hardship Struggle, the third enamel factory, the sixth cotton textile factory and so on. Older people are not used to wearing bras. The two black points on their chest are raised, and the big #milk melon seeds make the cultural shirt on their chest bulging.

Seeing Yao Fan and his party coming, the women looked curiously. When they saw Yao Fan with sharp eyes, they were immediately dumbfounded. Sitting there, the fan in their hands also stopped and just stared.

Yao Fan followed the guards to Building 15, took two guards into one unit and went up to the sixth floor. The others were guarding vigilantly downstairs.

"Sister Wang, what are you looking at?"

"Me, me. I seem to see Yao... Forget it, I must have read it wrong."

"Wang Guifen, is that Chairman Yao?"

"Isn't it, Sister Huo? That looks like Chairman Yao, right?"

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God! It's not true, is it?!"

The women suddenly became excited, and the riots gathered together. Everyone's faces were full of incredible and extreme excitement.

Yao Fan personally knocked on the door of Li Hainiu's house. Li Hainiu has now changed his family name to Ji Dongyun. After marrying Su Sanjie, he lived in this 90-square-meter commercial house with three bedrooms and one living room allocated to the Beijing Urban Construction Bureau system. Although according to the level of Su Sanjie's Minister of Health, the couple can completely live in a senior level. Villa community, but Ji Dongyun insisted on living in his own house, and Su Sanjie did not object to it.

"Who are you looking for?" It was a young girl who opened the door, but her hair was held in a round old bun behind her head.

"Hello, is this Jidong Yun's family?"

The girl probably recognized Yao Fan's appearance and was confirmed by the faces of two smiling people standing in the corridor behind Yao Fan.

"Yao...Chairman Yao?"

Yao Fan patted her on the shoulder, walked straight in and said with a smile, "Third sister, have you come out after confinement? I heard that you are going to have a full moon wine tonight, so I came to say happy in advance.

Hearing Yao Fan's voice, Ji Dongyun and Su Sanjie immediately came out of the inner room.

"Chairman, you are here." Ji Dongyun and Su Sanjie quickly put down their children and ran out of the inner room one after another.

"Come and see you and your children. I won't go to the full moon wine tonight." Yao Fan said simply.

The third sister happily took the child out and handed it to Yao Fan.

"Is it a boy?"

Ji Dongyun smiled and said with two big hands, "It's a boy."

Yao Fan gently kissed the child's forehead: "The eyes are like mother, and the nose is like father."

The third sister smiled more happily: "Chairman..."

"Call me big brother, there is no outsider."

The third sister smiled and said, "Big brother."

Ji Dongyun quickly took out a cigarette and gave it to Yao Fan and the guards. Yao Fan motioned the third sister to carry the child in.

The guards refused cigarettes. Yao Fan used the fire in Ji Dongyun's hand and leaned on the sofa and said, "You have been married for so long. Li Hainiu hasn't invited me to come to your house to have a look. You can do it. Your wings are hard. Are you still thinking about my dismissal?"

Ji Dongyun was a little excited when he heard the three words Li Hainiu and choked, "That's my own decision. You deserve it. Chairman, you are right. This kind of thing can't be the first..."

Yao Fan waved his hand to interrupt him: "I'm happy today. Don't talk about this, you also have your son now. Come back to work."

Ji Dongyun was stunned and didn't react.

Yao Fan said, "The central government has decided to restore your military position. The documents will be issued in two days. I plan to send you to Nanyang. Do you dare to go?"

Ji Dongyun's tears swirling in his eyes at this moment, and his deep voice was like thunder: "Go! Where did the chairman go, where did I, Ji Dongyun?"

Yao Fan said, "I have a son, but the soldiers don't have a vacation. Have you thought about it, are you willing to?"

Ji Dongyun emphasized: "As long as you can return to the army, there is nothing you can't let go."

Yao Fan said, "Then you go back and tell the third sister yourself. I'm afraid that I will be blamed by her if I say it."

Ji Dongyun laughed and said, "How can it be? That's impossible. They have been trained by the organization for so many years. Don't you have this awareness yet?"

Yao Fan nodded with a smile: "Is that little girl who opened the door your relative?"

Ji Dongyun lowered his voice and said, "Xiao Su's second sister."

Yao Fan was surprised and said, "Have you found it? Why do I look much younger than the third sister? This is a great thing! The third sister didn't tell me about the family reunion.

Ji Dongyun said, "The girl has suffered too much in the past. Her sister wants to find a good mother-in-law for her, but she dares not say anything."

"Where do you work now?"

"Worker in the first wool textile factory."

Yao Fan pondered for a moment and changed the topic, "What books have you read recently?"

Ji Dongyun said, "The chairman asked the third sister to send me the book, and I read all of them.

Since the completion of the third training of the party school, I have thought that our country is so big, the prospects for the socialist cause are so broad, and the world's great powers are looking around, but I have made such a big mistake and failed the Party's training for me in vain. I regret it.

Yao Fan said, "You have done a good job in the Urban Construction Bureau. Now Beijing's construction ranks first in the country. You have made contributions. I think you are still the same as before.

Ji Dongyun was grateful, squeezed his lips tightly, and nodded heavily.

Yao Fan took out the cigarette in his pocket, gave it to himself and Ji Dongyun, took a sip, and said slowly:

In the second half of this year, I plan to launch a campaign against corruption, anti-waste and anti-bureaucratism, mainly to mobilize cadres and masses at all levels to report and expose them, and then expand to anti- bribery, tax evasion, anti-theft of national property, anti-theft of work and materials, and anti-theft of national economic intelligence.

To sum up, the front is three antis and the back is five antis. What do you think?

The sky outside the window has already turned light gray, and a long, wide and wide lightning cut through the dark sky. All the buildings and people in Beijing were illuminated by snow at dusk, followed by a violent thunder that almost shattered the windows, and the thunderstorm finally came. The heavy rain swirled in the wind, beating the earth fiercely like an angry whip, without pity.

The rain hit the window sill and the open window pages, and there was a loud noise. The third sister and the second sister hurried out of the living room to close the window.

Yao Fan looked out of the window and said gloomyly, "This rain has been suppressed for a long time. It's only when it rains heavier for the people to be cool."