post-90s cultivation


"Why do demon practitioners have to die with practitioners? What hatred can make the demon practitioners try their best to embarrass the true practitioners!" Feng Tianliang asked.

"..." Wuyun pondered for a moment and said, "Legend that in ancient times, the three cultivations of essence, qi and gods were not called practitioners, demon practitioners and Buddhists respectively, but collectively referred to as monks. However, there were some differences later, and various monks fought together, and later slowly evolved the sayings of cultivation of truth, cultivation of Buddha and cultivation of demons. Then there were countless wars between the three sects because of various disputes, either big or small. The most serious war involved the most powerful monks among the three sects. The war was dark and the sun and the moon were not bright. Because the practitioners find the killing of life and absorb their essence, they can speed up the cultivation method and greatly increase their strength! Finally, the Buddhists and the practitioners united to defeat the demons. These are either recorded in scriptures or heard by elders, and the authenticity can't be verified. But the murderousness of demon practitioners is true... Amitabha!" Wuyun said, recalling the painful scene of the Japanese killing hundreds of thousands of people in a big city in Z country with the support and domination of demon practitioners more than 70 years ago, and couldn't help proclaiming the Buddha's name.

"Hmm! Demon Cultivator! If they dare to come to Country Z, our Xuanyuan family will let him come back!" Xuanyuanjia said that Xuanyuanjia has been following Xuanyuan for decades. She is a brave warrior, but she is a little brave and resourceful.

"Maybe it's not just the demons who come to Z! I have also seen some words from ancient times in the family classics. The former war seemed to be to compete for some alien artifacts. All parties did not give in to each other, and the demon practitioners won most of the artifacts with their strong strength. The practitioners and Buddhists united to defeat the demon practitioners and seize most of the artifacts. And let the demon practitioners be depressed from then on, and have been suppressed under the practitioners and Buddhist practitioners. Since then, demon practitioners have regarded the practitioners and Buddhists as enemies and never die. Today's demon practitioners seem to be born with the mission to defeat the true practitioners. There must be a huge secret in this. However, now the demon practitioners have repeatedly attacked the Xiahua nation of our country, and have divided several surrounding countries into the sphere of influence of demon practitioners. For example, Japan and Southern Korea have stood in the camp of demon practitioners, although these countries have practitioners. Xuanyuan said. Although Xuanyuan is a brother with Xuanyuanjia, he is a person with a completely different personality. Xuanyuanjia is strong and weak, and Xuanyuanka's cultivation is slightly poor. He is much better than Xuanyuanjia in terms of skills and real perception. The more he cultivates, the more he relies on talent and perception ability. Xuanyuanjia is weak in perception and reaches Jindan. It has not reached the infancy for decades.

Feng Tianliang listened to the crowd while warming his consciousness for the man with chaotic power. This person is a small faction of the Z country. His sect may have been destroyed by the Xuanyuan family, but now it is still supported by firm belief. Feng Tianliang believes that this person must know more important news.

"In this way, we need the alliance of the blood clan even more. In order to get rid of the shackles of demon practitioners, the blood clan definitely needs our help. However, the blood clan has not broken with the demon practitioners. Of course, it is not the time to be exposed, but in this way, the blood clan will have a way out. If we are at a disadvantage in the fight with the demon practitioner, the blood clan may return to the demon practitioner in order to protect themselves. So tomorrow we must save Uncle Lu, so that the blood clan can rest assured to be allied with us. Feng Tianliang said, looking at the informant lying beside him. He didn't know what this man was for and could make him so persistent.

"Yeun! Then let's go to rest first!" Xuanyuan said. After saying that, he stood up with Wuyun and wanted to go out.

"My nephew at dawn!" After standing up, Wuyun did not take a step, but said to Feng Tianliang, "Give me this person. I have a condensation elixir, which is a elixir for healing the trauma of consciousness. After he took it, although he could not recover, it also made him less pain when his consciousness dissipated in his sleep.

"Master! Is it okay to give him the Ning Shen Dan here? I want to wake this man up. Maybe he knows some other news. Feng Tianliang said.

"Amitabha!" Wuyun stared at Feng Tianliang for a while and then said, "This man's divine consciousness is really weak, so even if he is a master of the Mahayana period, who does not have the magic medicine to condense divine consciousness, is powerless! Tomorrow's rescue of Lu Qian is very important. There must be no loss. Don't do useless work, adjust your state and save Lu Qian. Here, this is the Danshen elixir. You use your power to gather the medicine at the Baihui acupuncture point. In about half an hour, the medicine power can reach his mud pill palace.

"Thank you, Master. I will pay attention to it and never delay the matter of saving Uncle Lu tomorrow. Feng Tianliang took a small jade bottle, took it coldly, and said respectfully to Wuyun.

"Amitabha! At dawn, the virtuous nephew's cultivation is strange, and it is rare to combine the strengths of all families. Laoqi admires that if there is a chance, Laoqi may be able to give you some advice on the aspect of divine consciousness!" Wuyun said with a happy look.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely disturb the master!" Feng Tianliang said. Although Feng Tianliang's consciousness is strong, he does not have a deep understanding of the application of consciousness!

Xuanyuanka and Xuanyuanjia looked at each other and were shocked from each other's eyes. Buddhist practitioners have a special focus on divine consciousness, and Wuyun is also the most prominent genius of the Tianshan School in the past 100 years. Wuyun said that this person's divine consciousness is weak and hopeless. Is there anything wrong? But Feng Tianliang's self-confidence surprised them, and then Wuyun's words made the two people' hearts even more stormy.

After the three left, Feng Tianliang opened the jade bottle and poured out a small crystal blue ball, which felt smooth and had nothing special. Put the pill under your nose and smell it. There is no special smell.

"This is just an ordinary Guyuan elixir. What is the condensation elixir!" Juanlin's voice in Feng Tianliang's mind was very disdainful.

"How come? How could Master Wuyun lie to me? Feng Tianliang thought of it and was very puzzled.

"Of course, that bald head is not lying to you. Maybe he, even himself, doesn't know that this is Guyuan elixir, not a condensation elixir. However, it also has some benefits for the divine consciousness. The strength and consolidation of the divine consciousness will also be correspondingly strong and stable. The elixir for healing divine consciousness is difficult to refine. The cultivation of the Jindan period is like refining. How can it be possible? Juanlin said.

"How can the stability of the power affect the stability of divine consciousness?"

"Eaperm and God, essence and qi are the same. The lower Dantian cultivated by the practitioners can most affect the essence. The original power in the lower Dantian is stable, and the essence is strong. Then it affects God through the meridians, which is the stability of the divine consciousness! The elixir for healing divine consciousness is extremely precious. Even Guyuan Dan's method of influencing the gods through essence is enough to make Buddhist practitioners cherish themselves!" Juanlin said.

According to what Wuyun said, let the man take Guyuan Dan, more than half an hour later. Feng Tianliang slowly injected the chaotic power into the man's mud pill palace. Chaotic power is the energy closest to the chaotic qi, which can absorb and transform part of the divine consciousness. Now if this person's divine consciousness is very weak, the chaotic power is the breast milk of this person's divine consciousness, which is slowly fed. When he grows up, he can devour the free divine consciousness and grow up.

Chapter 180

The rising sun is rising, the weather is good, and the sky is clear.

At this time, Feng Tianliang sat on the plane to England with Xuanyuanka, Wuyun and Xuanyuanjia. The plane was specially arranged by the blood clan. There were only four people, Feng Tianliang, and the informant was also taken into the water by Feng Tianliang. The magic weapon has its own magic array and energy operation channels and space, but putting a person in does not hinder the operation of the water essence.

The other three people on the plane are closing their eyes and recuperating, while Feng Tianliang is understanding the essence of Phantom. Fajue has its own way of running the original force and the meridian route of operation. The meridian required by the phantom is not difficult and obscure. However, it is not easy to control the Yuanli to take the accurate route in the complex meridians in the body. The more advanced the Fajue requires a strong divine consciousness. In this way, we can fully grasp the accurate operation of the original force in the meridians without making mistakes.

England has arrived, and it is a lively scene, but what kind of swords and fire are being prepared for the four Z people who came out of London Airport?

Feng Tianliang and the four people carefully paid attention to their surroundings and did not find the shadow of the demon practitioners. They were all ordinary people and endlessly flowed. After walking out of the airport, Feng Tianliang, who was thinking about where to go for the time being, saw a man in a suit and leather shoes coming over and did not find any traces of cultivation. He was right that he was an ordinary person.

"Guests from Z, welcome to England. May I ask which of you is Mr. Feng Tianliang? The man wore sunglasses and spoke Chinese fluently.

"I am!" Feng Tianliang said. Since the person who came is not a demon, he doesn't have too many worries.

"This is an old gentleman who asked me to give it to you!" The man handed Feng Tianliang a mobile phone.

After Feng Tianliang explored his divine consciousness, he found that it was just an ordinary mobile phone, nothing special, so he took it over. After the man handed over his mobile phone, he quickly turned around and left. He didn't pay attention to Feng Tianliang's "hey--" at all.

There was only one number on the mobile phone, and they all guessed that it was Vegas's arrangement. Feng Tianliang was about to dial, but the mobile phone was the first to vibrate. Feng Tianliang, who was slightly surprised, didn't think much about it. After answering it, the voice of Regas came from the phone.

"Feng Tianliang! Welcome to England! Since you are so punctual, I will no longer embarrass Lu Qian. Now we are in David Castle in the suburbs of London, giving you 12 hours to prepare me for the general cultivation of the practitioner and the distribution of military power in Country Z, and bring the castle to exchange Lu Qian.

Xuanyuanjia, Wuyun and others all listened and were shocked. Do the demon practitioners really want to launch another world war like the previous two? At that time, Shura rushed into the gate of the Z Kingdom. The ninjas of Japan have been the Lord of Japan since ancient times. They disdain to do the icing on the cake. Of course, they are bowing to the country of demons. If the gate of the state of Z is opened by demon practitioners, Japan will inevitably stage a good play of "deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors" again.

Japanese ninjutsu is a cultivation family that learned from Z in ancient times, mainly body skills and hidden techniques, which Japanese people call ninjutsu. The ninjutsu of Japan is due to the scarcity and preciousness of martial arts, and the research and cultivation must be very careful. In this way, while the whole world of cultivation in Country Z is going downhill, the Japanese people rely on unremitting efforts and exploration, and introduce some practice methods from demon practitioners. At this time, those who practice ninjutsu can already fight with those who practice superior skills in Country Z and will not fall behind due to differences in skills.

"Magicians bully people too much! Let's attack it and kill it." Xuanyuanjia said that her whole body was about to explode and was blocked by Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuanjia and Xuanyuanka also saw shock in each other's eyes, and they were surprised by Feng Tianliang's rapid progress.

Feng Tianliang's divine consciousness slowly sent the silk wandering divine consciousness in the mudwan palace into the man's mudwan palace, but the man's divine consciousness was too weak, like an ant could not eat the bread crumbs falling on the ground in one bite. At this time, the man's divine consciousness could not absorb the small wandering divine consciousness in Feng Tianliang's eyes. The man's divine consciousness was too weak. Small.

Seeing that this person could persist to this point, Feng Tianliang's heart was also shocked. Feng Tianliang's mind was inexplicably moved by the attacker Feng Tianliang, and the corners of his eyes were unconsciously wet. Thinking of the early stage of my cultivation, I groped alone, and only I could understand the difficulties and hardships. At that time, the pain of the heart when I hit the second vein of Ren Du was also vivid...

Feng Tianliang vaguely felt that this man was so persistent, and the obsession in his heart was definitely related to the conspiracy of the demon monk's attack.

"It's dawn! First warm up with chaotic power, and then feed the free divine consciousness, maybe there is still salvation! If you don't need the chaotic power to warm up, this person will definitely be hopeless!" Juanlin's voice sounded in Feng Tianliang's mind.

"How long will it take?"

"I don't know! But one day is definitely not enough! Can you take him with you? Always use chaotic power to strengthen his divine consciousness. At that time, he can absorb the wandering divine consciousness to strengthen himself. When he wakes up, it is just around the corner! Now that Daluo Jinxian encounters this situation, he is mostly helpless. Unless there is a magic elixir to restore his consciousness, this person is also hopeless. The magic of chaotic power is here. Juanlin said that she was very happy to dance in Feng Tianliang's mudball palace.

"But it's too inconvenient for me to take him around! I must save Uncle Lu tomorrow, and I can't delay for a moment! At that time, it will definitely be a fierce fight..." Feng Tianliang thought.

"Although your storage ring can't be put into living things, it can be put into living things in the water essence. There is a space in any magic weapon, which is used as a place for the operation of power and the layout of magic arrays. Some high-level magic weapons have the accumulation of chaotic energy, which can warm and maintain health. There is also a large space in the Qingling ancient bell, but there is no gathering of chaos. Juanlin smiled angrily, and her little body was already graceful and explained to Feng Tianliang.

Seeing Juanlin's cute appearance, Feng Tianliang remembered Juaner, who was still far away in Z country. Before coming, I didn't tell several women that they were coming to Europe. At this time, I don't know what happened to the three women?

Feng Tianliang came to his senses and said to the other three people, "We have to go to England tomorrow. Let's rest. Elder Lu must be rescued. Although the blood clan promised the alliance, it has not done anything irreversible for us. If we can't save it tomorrow. If we go out to the mainland, our relationship with the blood alliance will be weakened, and each ethnic group will put the interests of its own race first! Compared with the blood clan and the demon practitioners, the strength is still much different! Only when we rescue Elder Lu and let Locke rest assured to unite with us, can we unite for a long time and have hope to deal with demon practitioners!"


"Ye! When Locke just mentioned the Vatican, he hesitated, as if there was nothing to explain. The emergence of the blood clan has a great relationship with the demon practitioners. We need to consolidate the determination of the blood clan and us to make them believe that we have the certainty of victory in our battle with the demon practitioners. Xuanyuanjia said. Xuanyuanjia has followed Xuanyuan for decades. She is Xuanyuan's confidant and powerful general. She acts viciously and loyal to Xuanyuan.

"How do demons refine blood clans? And what I wanted to ask about Shura just now, but you won't let me ask. Is there anything hidden in it? Master Wuyun?" Feng Tianliang asked. When the matter of Shura was mentioned just now, the three of them couldn't help but look at Feng Tianliang and told him not to ask questions.

"Amitabha, in fact, Shura and blood clan have existed since ancient times, but the number is very small and has not formed a scale. Moreover, monks from all sides regard it as an evil way. If everyone gets it and kills it, there will be no blood clan or Shura with too much power. But I don't know when the practitioners got the advantages and disadvantages that are easy to appear after the monks practice and can make use of them. Any monk, as long as he is guided in the hands of the demon practitioners, will make mistakes and strengthen his combat effectiveness, but he may be delirious or bloodthirsty, and his strength will be greatly improved in a short time, and then practice will be difficult! Cultivation is a difficult road, and strength always needs to be paid!" Wuyun said.

"Is Shura and the blood clan created by demon practitioners? Aren't demon practitioners afraid to play with fire and burn themselves? How can Shura rest at ease under the hands of demon practitioners? Feng Tianliang said, and vaguely felt that the demon practitioners seemed to have a bigger conspiracy that had not been discovered. Otherwise, who would do this kind of almost self-immolation? Can't the demon practitioners think of the horror of Shura and the blood clan?

"The demon practitioners have been enemies of the practitioners since ancient times. They have repeatedly launched or provoked wars. They have always wanted to defeat the practitioners, but their heart to destroy me will not die. This time, it must have taken no care of Shura's counterattack. If Shura enters the territory of the Z country, then the Z country will be the Shura field, full of killing everywhere, and the Xiahua nation will inevitably suffer from life. The monks of the Z country will inevitably be distracted, and the demon practitioners can take advantage of it, and the Z country will not be guaranteed. The blood clan is also very powerful. If the bloodthirsty of the blood clan is fully stimulated to fight with Shura, it will definitely hurt both sides, and the demon practitioners will be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman. The blood clan may have also found this, so they are allied with us. Wuyun said, and Xuanyuan also nodded slightly on one side.



"Big!? Boss!"

"Oh? What's wrong?" Feng Tianliang seemed to have had a dream and was suddenly awakened.

" boss, are you all right? You seemed to be fascinated just now, standing there for more than half an hour! What's wrong?" Ma Wei said.

"It's okay. I saw that the long sword rune on the wall seemed to move by itself, and gradually it seemed to surround me in the middle." Feng Tianliang said, he really didn't understand what the reason was.

This is that the two old men sitting there like a sculpture opened their eyes and looked at Feng Tianliang. The two pairs of eyes were as deep as a thousand-year-old pool, bottomless. When they saw Feng Tianliang, their eyes stayed slightly surprised for a moment, and then closed their eyes and ignored them.

At a glance of these two pairs of eyes, Feng Tianliang felt as if his whole body was naked and could be seen through by the two people. What a powerful divine consciousness!" Feng Tianliang marveled in his heart that the thousands-year-old Xiuzhen family could not be underestimated. Even now the talents have withered, but their background is extraordinary.

"At dawn, let's go back first! Tomorrow morning, I have to come here to accept the test of Xuanyuan Sword. Let's go back early to prepare. If you want to get the recognition of Xuanyuan Sword, you must survive the test of Xuanyuan Sword. Xuanyuankai said.

"Test? What are the ways to test? Feng Tianliang asked, only when you know yourself and your enemy can you be invincible.

"This is not clear. Everyone encounters different tests after coming out, but the most encountered are still dark tests. There is endless darkness around, and people are like falling into a dark hell and can't see a trace of light! The darkness around you slowly squeezed towards you, and finally squeezed out the people who went in. At this time, most of the people who went in for the test were probably sweating! Very few people came out and said that they were chased by a huge python, and finally swallowed it, and then came out!" Xuan Yuankai said, saying that the important thing is that he himself seems to be immersive. It can be seen that what happened when he accepted the postgraduate entrance examination is still lingering.

Back to the residence, I saw Xuanyuan sitting there drinking tea. The room has been newly decorated, with a bright red color tone, which is very festive.

"Pyal chief! Why is this?" Feng Tianliang asked.

"It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. It's better to have your marriage tonight!" Xuanyuanqing, who was ready to continue to sell the customs, saw that Feng Tianliang was so anxious, so he said it.

Feng Tianliang was shocked. Thinking that Juaner and Qian Yunlin were also here, he must know about this matter. How painful should the two women be?

"Pyal chief! No, it's impossible! I... alas! I still have three girlfriends outside, and two of them are here. If they marry me, they must be heartbroken!" Feng Tianliang said.

"Ha ha, you don't have to worry about this! I have seen them. Both girls are deeply righteous. My nephew at dawn, you are very blessed!" Xuanyuanqing said with a smile.

"So...what about them?" Feng Tianliang said.

"I asked Jiaer to take them to Luoxiapo. Don't worry!" Xuanyuanqing said.

"Pyal chief! I'll come as soon as I go!" Feng Tianliang pulled out his foot and left. Thinking that he didn't know the location of Luoxiapo, he asked a guard and learned that Feng Tianliang, who was not far from here, ran wildly.

In a short time, I saw a beautiful place of green mountains outside the mountain. Now the sun is far west, and the sun shines all over the sky, shining on the hillside where the three women are located. It is so beautiful. However, Juaner and Qian Yunlin obviously had no intention to watch such a beautiful scenery and sat there with their heads up to bask in the sun. Feng Tianliang approached from behind the three women and faced the sun. At this time, he saw that the three women seemed to emit a dazzling golden light at this time. Juaner sat in the middle, and her pink coat was like a treasure dress, shining brightly!

Feng Tianliang hugged the two women from behind and did not say anything. Feng Tianliang felt that the body temperature of the two women was a little lower than usual. He knew that both of them were in great pain. At that time, Chaos Yuanli quietly sneaked into their bodies and dred out the place in the two women's bodies because of anger.

Feed being hugged, and the two women guessed without looking back. Feng Tianliang was the only one who dared to grope up and down while holding them.

"Hmm! Why don't you be your groom at ease?! Why did you come here? Did you want to tell us to be a bridesmaid? Qian Yunlin said angrily, and tears slipped down.

"At dawn!" Juaner snuggled into Feng Tianliang's arms and said, "Yunlin is just angry for a moment. In fact, she also knows that you have to suffer as a last resort. Don't mind."

"I know!" Feng Tianliang also held Qian Yunlin in his arms and said calmly, "You are also brides tonight!"

Xuanyuanjia was about to turn around and leave when she saw the three people's love, but when she heard Feng Tianliang's words, she was also shocked. In the residence of the Xuanyuan family, someone married three wives and four concubines, but they didn't hear that the man could marry three women at a time!

"Dright!?" Juan'er looked up at Feng Tianliang, who didn't look like a liar, and was shocked. Qian Yunlin was even more excited and speechless.

At night, the lights in front of Feng Tianliang's residence were shining brightly, and big red lanterns hung all over the streets, and there were countless gemstones in it, just like the day. Feng Tianliang's bride is curling at home at this time, dressed beautifully. The sedan chair has stopped in front of the door, but there are three large sedan chairs.

Feng Tianliang took the bride out one by one and put them in the sedan chair. The three women blushed their cheeks and their delicate bodies were hot.

The guests are full, and I don't know a few friends, but they can all make friends with each other. There is no deception here, at least among ordinary people, because there is no need to do this. There is no need for these in life.

Chen Chen and Ma Wei both gave gifts. Ma Wei gave three rings, which are simple but for storage. Chen Chen sent a jade sword and two jade bracelets. The jade sword is a treasure, which can only be used for self-defense. There is also a defensive array on the jade bracelet, but it is suitable for three women.

"Big, the patriarch asked me to bring you a sentence, 'These are the most capable things for the Xuanyuan family to take out at present, which is a compensation for Juaner and Yunlin. I hope you can do your best in everything.'" Ma Wei said.

"It's not good! This person's divine consciousness is increasing. Be careful at dawn!" Juanlin's reminder fell, and Feng Tianliang felt that the man's consciousness was strong enough to threaten him! The man's consciousness fluctuated up and down for a while, then stabilized and looked at Feng Tianliang from afar!

"You can't say that you have to deal with him with speed!" Feng Tianliang said to himself that although the man's speed was fast, he was not as fast as his own phantom body, but he could still deal with it.

Seeing the man motionless there, I don't know why, but it's better to take the initiative than to wait to be knocked down! Feng Tianliang's power ran under his feet and immediately rushed to the man. The body method of "Phantom" really achieved an unexpected effect. The speed was unusually fast. In a blink of an eye, he came to the man, and his hands were wrapped in gray yuan and hit the man's chest heavily! The man flew straight back, but his face did not change at all. Feng Tianliang saw that his feet did not hit the ground, but his body pointed straight to Feng Tianliang flying. The speed was so fast that he had only seen in his life!

Feng Tianliang couldn't dodge, summoned the water spirit and quickly shot it out! The man dodged left and right. Feng Tianliang shot several times but failed to hit him. Seeing that the man came in front of him, Feng Tianliang kept retreating under his feet, and the water spirit in his hand quickly shot a few energy arrows! Taylor's Tiannan arrow appeared in his hand. Three Tiannan arrows shot in three directions, while Feng Tianliang's body retreated sharply, and the water spirit shot several energy arrows in other directions at the same time!

The man was like a ghost, dodging, and Feng Tianliang's attacks failed! Seeing that the man approached, the long sword in his hand stabbed straight at Feng Tianliang! In an instant, it came to Feng Tianliang's eyes!

Feng Tianliang shot several energy arrows in an instant. At present, the man was too close to Feng Tianliang and could not dodge. He was shot by an energy arrow! Because this person's speed is too fast and it is not easy to hit, Feng Tianliang has to shoot a small amount of energy at a time in order to save the water attribute energy stored in the water essence.

Although it was shot at the man, it didn't hurt much,

The long sword in the man's hand stabbed Feng Tianliang with unabated momentum. At this time, Feng Tianliang, who was forced to retreat, had no chance to dodge. Originally, he wanted to attack people, but the man put his life and death aside and chose to die with Feng Tianliang!

The long sword in the man's hand inserted from Feng Tianliang's chest, not to the hilt of the sword! Looking at the hilt of the sword held in the man's hand, he looked up and saw that the wound on the man's chest was slowly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, with a smile on his face.

"Are I going to die? ...Why is there no pain? Yes, my consciousness has been blurred. How can I feel pain when I leave my body? Juaner... Yunlin, Yuqi, and curling... Take good care of my parents... I didn't expect such a strong man in the Xuanyuan sword space. He... Why didn't they tell me? Still suspect that I am a demon trainer? ..." Feng Tianliang's mind flashed many thoughts in an instant. Thinking of his parents, Juaner and others, thinking of the rampant demon practitioners, Feng Tianliang, who had not shed tears for a long time, shed tears at this time.

"It's dawn! You are not hurt!" Juanlin's voice sounded abruptly.

"Will Juanlin also follow my consciousness? What? Am I not hurt? But this long sword..." Feng Tianliang looked at the bloody hilt in the man's hand, which was really true!

At this moment, the man's body suddenly became illusory, and finally gradually disappeared and returned to calm! Surrounded by endless palace ruins, like ancient sacrifices!


Suddenly, there were bursts of laughter, which was so ethereal that it was impossible to judge the specific location of the person!

"In front of you!" Juanlin reminded.

Feng Tianliang responded to the reputation of the past, but got nothing.

"He is changing directions! It's approaching... Ah - he's oppressing me!" Juanlin shouted in Feng Tianliang's Niwan Palace, "Huh! I'm afraid it's not that easy to oppress me!"

"Hahaha! No one has been able to break here for a long time!" When the words fell, the environment around Feng Tianliang seemed to be slow, but it changed very quickly, turning into a palace, surrounded by splendent! Far from Feng Tianliang, there is a stone step leading to a platform, and a red-faced white-haired old man sits on a stone bench!

"Little guy, how many generations of disciples are you in the Xuanyuan family? How long has it been practiced? Why are the skills of cultivation so strange? The old man asked with a kind face. It is not repulsive to ask so many questions at once.