Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

001, wedding

The May sky in the south of the Yangtze River is always occupied by the drizzling rain!

But all the places that fall are filled with dampness, making life have an inexplicable dryness.

On the shady road leading to Yaran Community, two girls wearing school uniforms of City A No. 3 Middle School and carrying schoolbags are walking and chatting with umbrellas.

"Oh, it's so annoying! It rains every day! Nuannuan, when do you think it will clear up? The girl with a ponytail pouted a small red mouth with a dissatisfied face.

"I think it will clear up in November!" Su Nuannuan held the handle of the umbrella in one hand and turned the handle of the umbrella in the other, looking at the raindrops thrown around with interest.

"Please, Nuannuan! You are the one who is most afraid that the world will not be chaotic! I know what other people are thinking, and I am willing to say so! It's not moral!" Wu Xintian lowered her umbrella and looked at Su Nuannuan. She also learned her movements. The rain flew obediently to Su Nuannuan.

"Ah!" Su Nuannuan was shocked by a sudden coolness, "Wu Xintian! If the sky is not beautiful, what's the use of you resenting me! I don't think I can wear your beautiful skirt. Tut, my senior brother can't see it!"

"Damn!" Wu Xintian pretended to be angry and walked to a small puddle and stepped down hard with her rain shoes. The splash of water stained Su Nuannuan, and Su Nuannuan also stepped into the water without showing weakness.

There was a scream accompanied by laughter from the lynx, and the two girls walked home happily.


"Mom, I'm back." Su Nuannuan threw her schoolbag on the sofa and shouted at the bedroom with the door wide open. At this time, her mother should be at home from work.

Su Nuannuan, holding a water cup, found that there was no expected sound in the room and walked to the room while drinking water.

Walking to the door, she couldn't help but be stunned when she saw the scene in the room!

In the room, my mother's gentle smile is set against a bright red wedding dress, swinging left and right in front of the mirror: "Warm, is it beautiful?"

"Mom! What are you going to do!" Shocked, Su Nuannuan rushed forward to grab Wen Jingrou's dazzling red wedding dress! You should know that my beloved father passed away a year ago, and what will my mother's dress mean?

"Nuannuan, mom is getting married, and you will love you again in the future!" Wen Jingrou reached out and stroked her daughter's dark black hair and smiled gently.

Mom's words were like a thunder on a sunny day, which made Su Nuannuan dizzy!

The glass in her hand fell quietly, and when it touched the tile floor, it was torn apart with a crack! It has only been a year since my father passed away, and my mother, who loves my father so much, can't wait to get married!

Su Nuannuan, who had always been gentle and obedient, was furious. She shook off her mother's hand and stroked her head with one hand, grabbed the bouquet on the table and fell to the ground fiercely. She stamped it with her feet: "I, Su Nuannuan, have a father! My father can only be Su Hao! I don't care about other people's love! Mom! You make me so sad! It's only been a year since my father passed away. Has your love for my father also been buried with my father's burial?

"Warm! Listen to me! It's really hard for mom to be alone. You have to understand your mother's hardships!" Wen Jingrou quickly came forward to hug her daughter who was out of control and comforted her.

"Mom, I know it's hard for you to support this family. I can not go to school. I'll work with you! We can live a good life without the help of others!" Su Nuannuan's tone changed from anger to pleading. As long as she can get rid of this idea of getting married, she can do whatever she wants!

She can't accept a strange man to intervene in her family with such an identity!

Wen Jingrou shook her head with tears in her eyes: "Nuannuan, you are only 15 years old, and there are still a few months before your 16th birthday. How can you not go to school? You see, your mother has a low level of education, that's why you suffer with your mother!"

"Mom, I'm not afraid of hardships! I can study by myself while working! If you put up with it for a few more years, I believe that Nuannuan will make your mother happy!" Su Nuannuan rushed into the small living room, grabbed the schoolbag on the sofa and poured out the book. "Mom, I have read these books for a long time. I don't need to be taught by the teacher!"

Wen Jingrou looked at the two walls covered with her daughter's award, but her pride and relief flashed away: "Nuannuan, my mother is still so young that I don't want to live like this all my life. Please forgive my mother's selfishness this time!"

"I don't forgive! I don't forgive! If you remarry, my father and I will not forgive you!" Su Nuannuan roared and threw the book in her hand to the ground vigorously.

"Nuannuan, whether you like it or not, my mother has decided to have a wedding with him tomorrow!" Wen Jingrou finally said such a sentence cruelly.

Su Nuannuan stared at her mother with searching eyes, trying to see a little deception on her face!

After a long time, she was finally disappointed!

rushed into his room and vented all his anger and resentment on the innocent door!


As the door slammed shut, it seemed that the whole building shook, which made the whole body tremble!

Her eyes stared at the door that separated her from her beloved daughter, allowing tears to flow!

At the age of 18, she fell in love with Su Hao, who had nothing, but was opposed by her family! Pregnant, she was despised by everyone in the family! She refused to accept Su Hao's parents' repeated intimidation and inducement, but she resolutely refused to take away her and her lover's children!

In anger, her parents broke off their relationship with her. She packed up two pieces of clothes and followed Su Hao to this strange city to survive!

The warm birth of my daughter makes life more difficult, but the two people who love each other can always live a happy life, especially looking at the smartness revealed day by day, the two young people feel that life is full of beauty and hope!

However, when the young couple were still looking forward to the future, a sudden car accident broke all this beauty and calm!

Wen Jingrou looked up at the young and handsome portrait of her husband Su Hao hanging in the middle of the two doors, with extremely gentle eyes: "Su Hao, you won't blame me for not being strong. You must understand me, can you? We are all helpless people, and Nuannuan is only 15 years old. It is the rebellious period of youth that she can't live without a person who guides her in the right direction! She is stubborn when she is young. If she doesn't do this, how can we rest assured? Su Hao, believe me, I will definitely arrange all this for our baby!"


"Nuannuan, if your mother can no longer be with you and entrust you to a kind-hearted person, will you accept it?"

"I won't accept it! I want my mother to be by my side forever!"

"Mom said if."

"There is no if!"

"Silly girl, as the saying goes, there are unpredictable things, and some people have misfortunes and blessings. Your father is no more. In case your mother suddenly leaves you one day, you will be helpless.

"Mom, don't say that!"

"Nuannuan, mom is just making a hypothesis. We should also be psychologically prepared for what hasn't happened. In this way, we won't panic."

"Mom, if there is really a if, I will not accept the help of strangers. I will be fifteen years old and 16 soon. I can completely support myself with my own ability!"

"Bumbang" gently knocked on the door and interrupted Su Nuannuan's room, interrupting her memory, "Nuannuan, are you awake? We have to get up!"

Su Nuannuan, who was lying on **, listened to her mother's voice and suddenly sat up, covered herself with a quilt, pretending that she didn't hear her mother's voice.

"Nuannuan, mom brought you a beautiful gauze skirt. Come and try it on!" Wen Jingrou spoke as softly as her name.

"It's okay if she doesn't come out. Let's go. Don't miss our lucky time!" A magnetic male voice with a slow and slightly contemptful tone suddenly sounded from outside the door.

Su Nuannuan suddenly jumped up from **, the man's voice! Is it the man her mother said was married to her - her stepfather?

"Well...let's go!" Mom followed in with a little hesitation!

Su Nuannuan rushed to the door, opened the lock, and quickly opened the door. His messy hair was blown by the door fan a few times before calming down.

"Warm!" Standing at the door, Wen Jingrou looked at Su Nuannuan, with both surprise and spoiling in her eyes.

Su Nuannuan saw a man with a large figure with a clear profile behind her thin mother! Su Nuannuan, who was only 158 tall, raised her eyes and stared coldly at the strange man in front of her!

The man was also looking at Su Nuannuan with a pair of handsome eyes, but his face was balanced with the front, just lowered his eyes and glanced at Su Nuannuan!

Su Nuannuan was angered by his arrogant look!

When she was about to lose her temper, her mother gently pulled her in front of the man: "Nuannuan, let me introduce you to you. This is your stepfather - Duan Chengyu!"

"stepfather?" Su Nuannuan looked at the young man in front of her who looked many years younger than her mother and asked a question unbelievably.

"Hmm!" Duan Chengyu agreed, but there was no trace of love in his tone! The high posture remains unchanged!

Su Nuannuan was very annoyed that he took his question mark directly as an exclamation point, and the sound of "um" made her extremely harsh!

She stepped forward and bypassed her mother's body, stood in front of Duan Chengyu, who was much taller than herself, spat fiercely, and also raised her head high: "Bah! Who cares about the stepfather!"

Wen Jingrou quickly grabbed Su Nuannuan, with some reproach in her tone: "Nuannuan, he will be your stepfather in the future. It's very impolite not to be like this! Good baby!"

Looking at the humble look on his mother's face, Duan Chengyu is still watching coldly, as if all this has little to do with him!

Su Nuannuan only felt that her mind was completely filled with a feeling called anger. She rushed into the kitchen and took out a fruit knife to face Duan Chengyu: "I don't care why you marry my mother, but I can tell you clearly that you and my mother are not suitable! Get away from her quickly!"

"Warm! Don't mess around!" Wen Jingrou was scared by her daughter's behavior and quickly stood in front of Duan Chengyu, "Nuannuan! He has no purpose, but his mother volunteered! Put the knife down, baby, listen to mom!"

"You are not suitable! Get away from her quickly!" Su Nuannuan roared at Duan Chengyu's chest with a knife through her mother's pale face.

Duan Chengyu ignored the fruit knife in Su Nuannuan's hand and smiled evilly at the corners of his mouth, "Your mother and I are not suitable. Is it suitable for you?"

This sentence made Su Nuannuan speechless, and instantly became extremely disgusted with this man in the bottom of her heart! The hand holding the fruit knife trembled slightly. She tried her best to aim the tip of the knife at Duan Chengyu's chest, ready to see an opportunity to stab the knife out!