Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

008, Ji Keyin

"You get out of the car first." After a long time, Duan Chengyu made a soft sound.

Ah? Shall I get off? How long will it take?" Su Nuannuan looked unhappy.

I really can't see that Chengyu's charm is not small, and women have come to the door!

"Go by yourself."

"I'll go? I have to be late for my walk!" Su Nuannuan was about to lose her temper, but Duan Chengyu's cold eyes swept over and let Su Nuannuan quickly grab the schoolbag, open the door, and get out of the car.

The woman who stopped the car saw Su Nuannuan get out of the car and went straight into the co-pilot's room, and then the car went away.

Su Nuannuan is angry!

It turned out that Duan Chengyu hung himself down so fiercely that he actually went to pick up girls!

For more than a year, she seems to have been used to Duan Chengyu's behavior as her own driver. Today, she suddenly made such a scene, giving her a feeling of "who touched my lunch"!

She snorted at the car that went to the dust!


In another private villa of Duan Chengyu.

"Chengyu..." Ji Keyin looked at Duan Chengyu with his back to her with an aggrieved face, "Can you only talk to me in this way?"

"Chengyu! I know you hate me, but you should also be considerate of me! I'm just a weak woman, and I had no choice at the beginning!" Ji Keyin squeezed out two lines of tears, "You also know your father's powerful means, and he also threatened me. If he doesn't follow him, he can't forgive you!" In order not to affect the relationship between your father and son, I have to make a choice that is most beneficial to you. Chengyu, you have to understand my infatuation with you!"

Duan Chengyu still didn't look back, just stood at the window and looked out quietly, thinking about Su Nuannuan who got out of the car with anger. She should have arrived at school at this time.

"Chengyu! I have always thought that as long as you live a happy life, it's nothing for me to bear some pain! But you know, every time I see the melancholy on your face, my heart really hurts!" Ji Keyin suddenly hugged Duan Chengyu tightly from behind, "Chengyu, every minute and every second with him is a kind of torment for me! I really love you!"

Duan Chengyu, whose thoughts were taken back, let Ji Keyin hold him and cry, neither responded nor refused.

"Chengyu, don't you believe me?" Ji Keyin finally let go of her hand and turned to Duan Chengyu. A pair of peach blossom eyes soaked in tears looked more and more pitiful. "Chengyu, how can you not believe me? You have always been the person I trust the most!"

"Your purpose?" Duan Chengyu, who was expressionless, said a concise sentence for a long time.

The purpose? Chengyu, I have no purpose! I just want to come back to you! Not being by your side is the biggest regret in my life! Chengyu, I know that I am now a ruined willow and no longer deserve your love, but I don't expect so much. As long as you can let me be by your side and let me see you every day, that's enough! Really! Chengyu, don't drive me away. If you drive me away, you will send me to death!" Ji Keyin, with tears on her face, suddenly took off her shawl, pulled off the black tight dress on her body with tattooed breasts, and almost** appeared in front of Duan Chengyu, "Chengyu, I'm really tired of this kind of torture. This is really not a human life!"

Duan Chengyu looked at Ji Keyin's body with shock! Except for the white and good outside part that must be ** on the neck and face, the rest of the body is a miserable cyan purple! There is no intact part of the originally delicate and white skin! Judging from the different shades, these scars are by no means formed in a day or two!

"Chengyu, did you see it? These scars are all thanks to your father Duan Yunrui! He is not a person at all! It's a sadist! He locks me up at home every day and doesn't allow me to go out! He knows that I love you deeply, so if his business is a little impacted by you, he will take it out on me! The greater your impact on him, the more severe he will abuse me! I am a punching bag in his eyes! I dared to run out this time because he went to Malaysia three days ago! I came to you as soon as I came out, but you refused to see me! Chengyu, I really don't have a place to go. That's why I came to you in such a dirty way! Chengyu, I've had enough! I beg you to keep me by your side! No matter what I do for you, I will not let me go back to Duan Yunrui again!"

Ji Keyin, with a frightened face, seemed to return to the scene of being abused by Duan Yunrui. Her whole body couldn't help trembling, and her face was frighteningly white!

No one can associate Ji Keyin with Ji Keyin in front of him! In those years, how many people were fascinated by her pomegranate skirt, and how many people hated Duan Yunrui because he married her!

Looking at the lost soul of this once beloved woman, an unspeakable emotion appeared in Duan Chengyu's heart, but a trace of doubt flashed in his mind: "He went to Malaysia?"

At present, Duan's Group and Yuri International are striving for the construction of subway and supporting facilities in City A. Once they get it, they will get a large amount of advance start-up capital. For Duan, who has difficulty in capital turnover, this is a good time to solve the urgent problem. How can he go to Malaysia at this time?

I heard that Chengqian was sick there. Chengyu, did you agree to let me stay with you? Listening to Duan Chengyu's not too cold tone, Ji Keyin looked up at him with expectations in her eyes.

In A City, Hongda Gaoji and Duan have always been at peace, but on the surface, they pretend to be polite. The only one who dares to compete with Duan for power and profit head-on is Yuri International.


"Ah, Chengyu, I knew you wouldn't have the heart to leave me alone!" Regardless of her naked body, Ji Keyin hugged Duan Chengyu again, buried her head in his arms, and cried loudly, but a trace of artificial cunning flashed in the corners of her eyes.

"You live here first." Duan Chengyu pushed Ji Keyin away, picked up the shawl from the ground, and gently wrapped her almost ** body.

"Chengyu, I'm so scared alone! I want to be with you!" Looking at Duan Chengyu's careful action, Ji Keyin was very proud. Few men can resist her charm!

"Maybe he will come back from Malaysia in a few days. If he finds him, won't I be a sheep entering the tiger's mouth? Chengyu..." Ji Keyin put away her crying voice and began to change into her most breathtaking coy voice.

"Good. Someone should take good care of you." Duan Chengyu's slender fingers brushed Ji Keyin's forehead behind his ears.


"Students, in response to this love donation activity, although the Love Association requires a low profile, we still need to take a few photos as a souvenir. After a while, the volunteers of the Love Association will come and find two students to cooperate with us to take a photo later." Zhu Ying looked at the students under the stage with a smile.

As he spoke, he walked into a man, two women and three young people at the door.

"How are you?" Zhu Ying quickly greeted him, "What do you think we need to do?"

"It's a waste of time. Just find two students to take photos. When the man smiled, two lovely dimples appeared on his face, looked at the list in his hand, and then raised his head, "Su Nuannuan, which two classmates are Gao Qun? Please help us."

"Su Nuannuan, Gao Qun, come on, stand up." Zhu Ying shouted quickly and took out the two books behind their names and handed them to the man.

The man smiled and handed them two books, while the camera flashed a few lights.

"You?" Su Nuannuan was surprised when she saw the man's appearance clearly.

"Do you know me, classmate?" The man's slightly bronze face was still full of smiles, and a tiger tooth appeared while talking.

"Aren't you the one who went to see Yu Mi that day? Have you found Yumi's family? How is she now? Su Nuannuan recognized the man as the man she met at the door of her hometown on Sunday.

"Yingqi, we have to go. Don't affect the classmates." Two women shouted at the door.

"Sorry, if you want to ask about Yu Mi, you can come to Xuezi Bookstore to find me at noon. My name is Nie Yingqi." Nie Yingqi smiled, waved to Zhu Ying and her classmates, and turned around and walked out of the classroom.

"Do you know him?" Gao Qun quietly stabbed Su Nuannuan's arm.

"I've met you once."

"Classmates, we are in class. Please put away the book first." Zhu Ying sounded above with a stern voice, interrupting Gao Qun and Su Nuannuan's words.


After lunch, Su Nuannuan came to the student bookstore, which is only 100 meters to the left of the school gate.

Stuzi Bookstore is the largest bookstore in A city, which contains all kinds of books. In the past two years, Su Nuannuan has come to this bookstore many times.

Duan Chengyu helped her apply for a membership card in the bookstore, and she could buy books and read books.

"Hello, is Nie Yingqi there?" Su Nuannuan asked a medium-sized and white boy. Looking at him sitting at the cashier, she guessed that he was a staff member of the bookstore.

The boy looked up at her, but looked indifferent.

Just when Su Nuannuan was a little puzzled, a voice came out of the lounge: "I'm here."

When she looked back, Nie Yingqi had come out of it, "Hello, what's your name, Su--"

"Su Nuannuan."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't remember it for a while." Nie Yingqi smiled and said, "At first, I didn't recognize you for a while."

"It doesn't matter. I'm just here to ask, did you ask the contact information of Yu Mi's family the other day?"

"Well, I found it, thanks to your reminder. Yu Mi's child is still receiving treatment in the hospital. The Love Association has provided part of the donation to their family and helped her family raise some. There is no problem with the medical expenses. I had an operation yesterday and heard that the situation is very optimistic. Nie Yingqi brought Su Nuannuan to the lounge.

"That's good." Su Nuannuan grinned at Nie Yingqi, "It's really thanks to you and your team."

"That's nothing. These are what we should do. I have received a lot of help from others before, and now it's time for me to return to society." Nie Yingqi waved his hand.

"Do you work in the bookstore? I haven't seen you before."