Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

011, received

With sharp eyes, she saw her classmate Xie Wei coming this way and quickly shouted, "Xie Wei, why are you free? I have something to do at noon. Gao Qun said that he was willing to teach you those questions, and he was fine.

Xie Wei has been secretly in love with Gao Qun since his first day of high school, which is an open secret in the class.

When Xie Wei heard this, he ran over happily and pulled Gao Qun with an excited face. "Okay, okay, I'm free now. Gao Qun, let's go."

When Shevera was in the high group, Su Nuannuan had already run out of the school gate.

It didn't take long for her to return to the classroom dejectedly, because Nie Yingqi was not in the bookstore at noon.

I don't know what he has done, and I didn't ask anyone to leave a message for me. Su Nuannuan thought sully in her heart.

In the afternoon, when Su Nuannuan was in class, she went crazy several times. Fortunately, her deskmate Gao Qun reminded her from time to time, so she did not let Mr. Zhu, who had always been harshly criticize.


After school, Duan Chengyu's car appeared at the school gate on time.

At the corner of the avenue outside the villa area, Su Nuannuan saw a truck parked on the roadside with a bright red sign: "Persimmon!"

Just as the car was about to drive past, Su Nuannuan, whose eyes turned, suddenly shouted to the front: "I want to eat persimmon!"

The car immediately stopped by the roadside. Duan Chengyu got out of the car and talked to the persimmon seller. The persimmon seller immediately moved a box of persimmons and put them in the trunk. Su Nuannuan's mouth showed a gloomy smile.

"Sister Ji!" As soon as Su Nuannuan entered the door, she saw Ji Keyin, who was lazily leaning on the sofa in the living room to watch TV, shouting sweetly.

As soon as Ji Keyin saw her coming in, she quickly sat up and looked behind her.

"Sister Ji, Brother Duan said he had something to do and come back later." Su Nuannuan vomited for her two names in her heart, but she still kept a pure smile on her face. "Sister Ji, Nuannuan joked with Sister Ji yesterday. Nuannuan is purely jealous of Sister Ji's beauty. Sister Ji, don't be angry! Nuannuan apologizes to Sister Ji! Sister Ji and Brother Duan are really a good match, just like the talent and beauty mentioned in the book!"

Su Nuannuan's "sincere" words made Ji Keyin very useful: "Dumb, er, Nuannuan, how can my sister be angry with you! You are so cute!"

"On the way, I heard how knowledgeable, virtuous and intelligent Brother Duan was! Tut-tut, Brother Duan also asked me to learn more from my sister!" Su Nuannuan's face is innocent.

"Really?" Ji Keyin's face smiled like a flower, "Does he really praise me so much?"

"Yes! Doesn't Sister Ji believe Nuannuan's words? How can Nuannuan be willing to deceive such a beautiful sister Ji! If Nuannuan deceives Sister Ji, Brother Duan will also be unhappy!" Su Nuannuan nodded solemnly and smiled sweetly at her.

"I really didn't see that the little girl's mouth was so sweet!" Ji Keyin has always been a little suspicious of Duan Chengyu's attitude towards such a rapid change. Now when she hears Su Nuannuan's words, she is in a good mood.

"Sister Ji, Brother Duan specially bought fresh persimmons for me to bring to my sister. Nuannuan can take this opportunity to apologize to my sister!" Su Nuannuan took a plate of washed persimmon handed over by Chen Qiaolan and sent it to Ji Keyin, "Sister Ji, Brother Duan said you won't warm up, won't you!"

"I won't be angry." Ji Keyin smiled generously at Su Nuannuan, but pushed away the persimmon sent by Su Nuannuan, "I don't like persimmons."

Ah? This is what Brother Duan specially bought for Sister Ji! Brother Duan said that you would eat three in one go! I thought Brother Duan knew Sister Ji very well. It turned out that he didn't know Sister Liu at all!" Su Nuannuan deliberately bit the words "deliberately" and "not understanding" heavily, and looked at Ji Keyin with a surprised face.

"No, of course he knows me! I mean, I don't like dried persimmons, but I still like these fresh persimmons. Ji Keyin quickly explained that she took out a persimmon from the plate to eat.

"Sister Ji, you see, Brother Duan is so kind to you! Brother Ji bought it himself. It must be very sweet! You must eat two more!" Su Nuannuan saw that Ji Keyin had finished eating one and handed another one.

Su Nuannuan looked at Ji Keyin and ate three big red persimmons in one breath, and a bad smile appeared again at the corners of her mouth.


"Wow, it smells so good! Sister Ji, is this your favorite spicy crab? Su Nuannuan stared at the plate of spicy crabs on the table from afar, resisted her antipathy to the spicy taste, and spoke to Ji Keyin with a smile.

Duan Chengyu listened to the sound of "Sister Ji" and frowned slightly, but did not say anything. While slowly eating, he patiently waited for Su Nuannuan's follow-up.

"Yes, does Nuannuan like to eat it?"

Su Nuannuan looked at Ji Keyin's chopsticks stretched out into the plate of the spicy crab and suddenly stopped. She was shocked and quickly moved the plate to Ji Keyin attentively: "I've been angry these days. I can't eat these. Sister Ji, you like to eat more. This is specially bought for you by Brother Duan!"

A sound of "Brother Duan" made Duan Chengyu frown again.

Ji Keyin heard Su Nuannuan's words and looked at Duan Chengyu with smiling peach blossoms. Duan Chengyu nodded slightly, and she ate happily.

Maybe it is to show that she cares about Duan Chengyu. Ji Keyin, who has always loved to eat too much, actually ate a lot of crab meat!

Su Nuannuan lowered her head to eat, but her eyes quietly glanced at Ji Keyin again and again. The smile on her face became more and more unbearable. Finally, she hurriedly took a bowl of rice and ran upstairs on the grounds of doing her homework.

Duan Chengyu looked at her back thoughtfully and said nothing.


In the middle of the night, Ji Keyin lay weakly and moaned, while Duan Chengyu sat at her bedside to accompany her.

"Ouch!" Ji Keyin got up and ran to the bathroom again.

She didn't remember how many times she went to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet and thought of Su Nuannuan with a hateful face, "Dead girl, how dare you count me! Wait and see!"

Not long after dinner, she began to have abdominal pain and ran to the bathroom again and again. Duan Chengyu had already helped her find a private doctor. The doctor only said that it was caused by persimmons and crabs, but Ji Keyin, who had taken the medicine, could not stop having diarrhea for a while.

"Chengyu..." Ji Keyin, with a yellow face, took Duan Chengyu's hand and looked at him pitifully.

"Hmm." Duan Chengyu responded gently.

"I didn't do anything wrong. Why did Nuann do this to me? Fortunately, I have you by my side, otherwise, I'm afraid I can't stand tonight!" Ji Keyin's slender peach blossom eyes are full of tears.

"It's none of your business. Have a good rest first."

"Chengyu, I feel so bad!" Ji Keyin took the opportunity to pull Duan Chengyu to her and lean into his arms.

Duan Chengyu held her in the ring, but his eyes kept staring at the distance.

During the day, Song Ping told him that there would be still half a month before the bidding for the subway project officially began, and this bidding process should be completely transparent.

Half a month, not short!

Since you don't know what means the other party will have, it may not be a bad thing to let the other party know your means.

"Kain, don't argue with a little girl. If you don't like it, I can take you to another place to live." It took a long time for Duan Chengyu to make a sound.

"No, I won't leave here! I want to stay with you. Chengyu, I know that I must have done a bad job, so it makes Nuannuan unhappy. Nuannuan is your friend's child, and you should take good care of her. Just don't spoil the child too much. Otherwise, you will develop a lot of bad habits and hurt her instead.

"Hmm. I don't blame you, it's her disobedient. I'll teach her a lesson."

"Chengyu, don't embarrass her. She is just capricious for a moment, as long as she apologizes to me!" Ji Keyin looked at the expression on Duan Chengyu's face seriously.

It's just that she can't find another expression on Duan Chengyu's face except indifference.

"Good." Duan Chengyu answered and stood up and walked out.

Ji Keyin couldn't care about her weak legs and followed them.


Su Nuannuan's room.

Slowly saw Duan Chengyu rushing to Ji Keyin's room from the crack of the door, and soon saw the doctor coming with the medicine box. Su Nuannuan lay straight in ** and covered her stomach and laughed.

"Hmm! Look at you still bullying Lan's mother and Huabo! Look at you! See if you dare to laugh at me as a stupid girl! Haha, let's see how your legs are weak tonight!"

Yesterday, I accidentally told Nie Yingqi that the persimmons are delicious now, so Nie Yingqi reminded her not to eat persimmons with crabs.

Su Nuannuan, who suddenly thought that Ji Keyin was going to eat crabs, couldn't help thinking when she saw persimmons selling on the roadside.

Everything is as she wants. How can she resist not laughing now?

A knock came from the door, which made Su Nuannuan stop laughing. She asked tentatively, "Who is it?"

"Open the door!"

Su Nuannuan was shocked. Sure enough, it was Duan Chengyu's voice without temperature!

"I, I fell asleep!" Su Nuannuan said with a little guilty.

"Open the door!"

"I said I fell asleep!" Listening to Duan Chengyu's still persistent voice, Su Nuannuan also raised his voice! For such a woman, as for what!

"Uncle Hua, tell her to open the door!"

"Young master..."

In fact, Su Nuannuan, who had been sticking to the door, heard Wen Jianhua's hesitant voice and began to get angry. He expected that he would not open the door and even embarrassed Hua Bo.

The sound outside seemed to be suddenly still, but after a while, Ji Keyin sounded with an aggrieved voice: "Chengyu, forget it, I guess Uncle Hua can't open the door either. I think Nuannuan is just a child. Looking at her stupid appearance, I don't know the principle of food restraint, and I don't know who is so unpleasant to me!"

Duan Chengyu glanced at Wen Jianhua.