Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

021, depressed

"Miss, get up and have some millet porridge." Chen Qiaolan put a bowl of hot millet porridge on Su Nuannuan's bedside table, and then gently sat down at her bedside, smelling the wine in the room. Looking at the girl she had taken care of for nearly three years, her face was heartbroken.

Su Nuannuan, who had no sound at all, lay quietly like that **, did not respond to Chen Qiaolan, and was stunned.

"Miss, isn't it just to bitch your body like this? Even for your dead parents, you should cheer up. There is no obstacle in the world that people can't overcome. The key depends on whether people are willing to pass!"

Chen Qiaolan said bitterly, but Su Nuannuan still did not respond at all.

"Miss, I asked Li's mother to keep the porridge warm. If you are hungry, come down and eat some." Seeing that the millet porridge that had arrived early in the smoke gradually became cold, Chen Qiaolan sighed, picked up the porridge and walked downstairs.

Li Xiaohong looked at the unmoved porridge brought by Chen Qiaolan and also looked worried, "Alas, Miss is either drunk or lying silently in **. What should I do?"

"Alas, Miss has always been very stubborn. I don't think others can persuade her unless she can figure it out by herself." Chen Qiaolan sighed again.

"The young master has also eaten very little these days. Although he didn't say anything, I can see that he is very concerned about Miss Nuannuan." Wen Jianhua looked upstairs with a bitter face.

"If it goes on like this, the two of them must collapse! What the hell happened between them? How did you say that this good life suddenly became like this? Wan Xianglan looked at everyone with red eyes.

The couple have been servants in the Shen family since they were teenagers, and their marriage was arranged by Shen Ruxue's father. Later, after Shen Ruxue married Duan Yunrui, she went to their new house to take care of him. He watched Duan Chengyu grow up and always regarded him as his own child.

"The young master's concern for Miss Nuannuan is obvious to us all. The young master is a measured person, and the young lady should be just angry for a while. She should get better after this." Wen Jianhua comforted his wife and seemed to comfort everyone.

Everyone didn't say anything anymore and silently prayed that Wen Jianhua's words could be realized as soon as possible.


Yuri, Duan Chengyu's office.

"Mr. Duan, has the subway construction project really been given to Duan?" Song Ping stood at Duan Chengyu's desk and stared at Duan Chengyu with doubtful eyes.

He was thinking about how to celebrate the party, but when he watched the news in the evening, it was unbelievable. He quickly called Duan Chengyu for verification. Duan Chengyu simply expressed his affirmation on the phone and hurriedly hung up the phone.

Song Ping was still unbelievable, so he ran to Duan Chengyu's office early in the morning to verify it again.

Duan Chengyu said lightly: "Hmm. You do other things first."

"But why?" Song Ping was obviously very dissatisfied with his answer.

Although in the company, all the decision-making power lies with Duan Chengyu, he usually asks Song Ping for advice.

And Song Ping has always had absolute respect for Duan Chengyu, because he has already seen Duan Chengyu's ability.

Only this time, he really couldn't figure out why Duan Chengyu was merciful to Duan.

"There is no reason." Duan Chengyu was not angry with Song Ping's questioning, but did not explain.

Song Ping was stunned. He knew that Duan Chengyu had always been very calm. Since he did so, he must have his reason, but at this moment Song Ping still couldn't help feeling depressed.

Originally, he thought that he was determined to win, and the company also specially organized a team to prepare for this new project. Last night, he was still thinking about how to hold a celebration banquet, but he said that it was gone, which means that all his painstaking efforts had turned to zero. How could Song Ping calm down?

Although Song Ping didn't say anything more, he stood and didn't leave.

Duan Chengyu slowly walked to Song Ping, took out the previous bidding rules, put them on the table, and pointed to the last item: "We will take over this project in three months."

"What?" Song Ping's dull eyes saw the details clearly, and then looked at Duan Chengyu with wide eyes, "Mr. Duan, you mean..."

"Hmm." Duan Chengyu nodded, "Go and prepare first."

"Okay, okay. Then I'll be busy." Song Ping finally left with a satisfied smile on his face.

Duan Chengyu knew very well why Duan Yunrui couldn't wait to hold a press conference. They were obviously afraid that they would go back on their back.

There was a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

Once any company won the bid, it can indeed get a large amount of start-up capital. However, this fund can only stick to one start. After the official operation, the winning company needs to advance the first and second phase of funds. If the winning company can't advance the funds and defaults, it needs to compensate three times the amount of the start-up capital.

The last article of the detailed rules also indicates that if the winning company cannot persist, it can choose to give up and let the second bidding company take over. As long as the two companies negotiate, the organizer will not pursue the legal responsibility of the first winning bid company.

Of course, this article was requested by Duan Chengyu when signing the contract with the organizer, and later he transferred the contract to Nie Yingqi.

Su Nuannuan's lax expression once again reflected in Duan Chengyu's mind. His eyes were getting deeper and deeper, and his fists became tighter and tighter...


The sun was shining outside the house. Chen Qiaolan gently opened the curtains, and the originally dark room suddenly became bright.

Open the big window and a burst of fresh air came in.

"Launtain the curtains!" Su Nuannuan, whose eyes were shaken by the strong light, suddenly got up and shouted at Chen Qiaolan.

Su Nuannuan's hair was scattered, her face was pale, her eyes were red and swollen, and her lips were dry and cracked. At this time, she was staring at Chen Qiaolan angrily to express her dissatisfaction.

In the past few days, she has hardly left the bed except for going downstairs to find a drink. The curtains are always closed.

"Miss, open the window to get some air." Chen Qiaolan smiled with a good temper. Su Nuannuan, who used to love to clean up, always liked to open the window to breathe.

"I said close the curtains!" Su Nuannuan saw that Chen Qiaolan ignored her words and grabbed the quilt hysterically.

"Okay, I'll pull it up, pull it up." Chen Qiaolan saw that she was emotional and quickly closed the curtains again.

"Go out, you go out!" Su Nuannuan covered the whole person with a quilt.

"Good, I'll go out, miss, have a good rest." Chen Qiaolan quickly left the room and shook her head gently at the door.

Su Nuannuan lay on the bed and suddenly cried loudly again.

These days, as long as the brain wakes up, you will feel a pain in your heart, and tears will flow down involuntarily.

I don't know how long she cried. With a sweaty head, she lifted the quilt, went downstairs to the bed barefoot.

Watching Su Nuannuan stagger down downstairs, the servants downstairs were very happy.

"Miss, are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Li's mother will make it for you. Li Xiaohong hurriedly greeted him.

Su Nuannuan didn't look at them, stepped on soft steps, and groped towards the wine cabinet.

"Miss, what do you want to take? Let me get it for you." Chen Qiaolan followed her footsteps.

Su Nuannuan still didn't answer her. She went straight to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of wine and opened it.

"Miss, you can't drink any more!" Chen Qiaolan wanted to go forward to grab the wine bottle in Su Nuannuan's hand, but it was empty.

"Miss, you can't drink on an empty stomach! If you really want to drink it, drink some millet porridge first. Mother Li will cook two dishes for you now and drink it slowly. Li Xiaohong quickly brought a bowl of millet porridge to Su Nuannuan.

Su Nuannuan didn't seem to hear what they said. She took out a goblet and poured a cup on the ground and drank it all.

Maybe it was because she was in a hurry to cough.

"Miss, you can't drink like this!" Chen Qiaolan came forward again to grab her cup.

"Don't worry about me!" Su Nuan warmed up on one side, passed Chen Qiaolan's robbery and continued to drink.

No matter what Chen Qiaolan said, Su Nuannuan didn't hear it, but just kept drinking. Soon, Su Nuannuan's cheeks flushed.

When she picked up the cup full of red** and sent it to her mouth again, her wrist was tightly grasped by a strong hand.

Su Nuannuan looked back at the owner of that hand with confused eyes. It was Duan Chengyu and sneered.

"What? Is it so easy to be defeated by love? Duan Chengyu's deep eyes glanced up and down at Su Nuannuan, with a little disdain on his face.

"Gone your hand!" With a slight drunkenness, Su Nuannuan shouted angrily at Duan Chengyu.

"Is it worth it for such a man?" Duan Chengyu broke her hand and took away the full glass in her hand.

"It's none of your business!" Su Nuannuan picked up another glass and continued to fill it.

She felt that this memory was full of bitterness. She didn't want to think about it, but her mind was out of control.

She didn't know how to repair her broken heart. She heard that alcohol can relieve thousands of worries. At this time, she just wanted to play the role of alcohol.

"Su Nuannuan!" Duan Chengyu frowned and showed a kind of pain in his eyes, but he was completely ignored.

Su Nuannuan drank up the red ** again. Because she drank too fast, she was choked and blushed.

Tears flowed out of her eyes, and she couldn't tell whether she was choked or tears were ready to go.

Since the tears have come out, let it explode enough.

Su Nuannuan lay on the table and cried bitterly.

The amiable smile of her parents flashed in her mind, and she was even more heartbroken, because she could not find any way out of life except for pain and confusion at this time.

"Does this make you completely desperate?" Duan Chengyu grabbed Su Nuannuan's wrist and pulled her whole body up.