Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

023, change

She suddenly felt how chaotic and ridiculous the world was!

Duan Chengyu stretched out his hand to hold Su Nuannuan's face, who was a little stupid, and gently kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes. His tone was like the spring breeze in March: "The first time I saw you was at your father's funeral. Your strong eyes reminded me of myself who lost my mother a few years ago and left a deep impression on me. So when your mother came to me and asked me to take care of you, I didn't hesitate at all.

Thinking of my mother and the wedding that could be held in the future, Su Nuannuan's body was shocked again: "You have a marriage contract with my mother. Although you didn't have a wedding, you are also my nominal stepfather. Our son is in chaos!"

"No, my wedding with your mother is actually not legally bound, and there is no emotional factor between me and her!" In a hurry, Duan Chengyu blurted out.

"What? I don't understand what you mean!" Su Nuannuan looked at him in a stunned manner.

"Your mother is not in good health. She not only has to burden you to go to school and live, but also has to treat yourself. She feels that her body is getting worse and worse, and she feels more and more powerless. She hopes that you can have a bright future, so she wants to entrust you to me, but she is afraid that you will be too stubborn to come with me, so she came up with a fake marriage. Duan Chengyu saw her question and explained it in detail.

"You, do you mean that your wedding ceremony is simply made by my mother for me?"

"Hmm. If she said that, after she left, I could take care of you in the name of your guardian, and you had to come with me.

Su Nuannuan suddenly remembered a conversation between her mother and herself a few years ago.

"Nuannuan, if your mother can no longer be with you and entrust you to a kind-hearted person, will you accept it?"

"I won't accept it! I want my mother to be by my side forever!"

"Mom said if."

"There is no if!"

"Silly girl, as the saying goes, there are unpredictable things, and some people have misfortunes and blessings. Your father is no more. In case your mother suddenly leaves you one day, you will be helpless.

"Mom, don't say that!"

"Nuannuan, mom is just making a hypothesis. We should also be psychologically prepared for what hasn't happened. In this way, we won't panic." Mom, if there is really a if, I will definitely not accept the help of strangers. I am fifteen years old and can completely support myself!"

I didn't expect my mother to work so hard for herself!

Su Nuannuan began to hate her waywardness and her carelessness!

At that time, I didn't feel the strangeness of my mother's body!

My mother must have lost her physical function because of overwork. Maybe my mother's car accident was caused by trance!

"Mom..." In her mind, her mother's bright red wedding dress mixed with blood was reflected in front of her, making Su Nuannuan's tears keep falling down.

"Actually, I have planned to take you over and take good care of you, but I didn't expect your mother to be killed by a car accident." Duan Chengyu hugged Su Nuannuan again, who was crying, "Nuannuan, your mother is doing this because I hope you can live a good life. Only when you live a good life can she feel at ease. If your parents know underground, they won't want to see you today. Nuannuan, let me take good care of you, okay? I don't know when you will live in my heart. All I know is that it is the happiest thing to see you smile every day. I have been waiting for you to grow up and grow up, and then tell you my love for you. But now I find that I can't wait. Nuannuan, I'm sorry, I hurt you. I just want to keep you by my side.

Su Nuannuan raised her head and looked at Duan Chengyu in a blank way. Such a long paragraph is the first time I have heard him say it after living with him for more than two years, and it is also with such a gentle tone!

Yes, I used to be the treasure of my parents. Although my family has always been poor, my health and happiness will always be their greatest pursuit!

Duan Chengyu's words made Su Nuannuan's heart, which hated him so much that it was almost numb, inadvertently jumped.

For the first time, Su Nuannuan did not refuse Duan Chengyu and leaned in his arms to vent her tears.


"Warm, eat some millet porridge." Duan Chengyu sat on the edge of the bed with a bowl of porridge.

Su Nuannuan turned her back to him and pretended to be asleep.

"Warm." Duan Chengyu put down the porridge bowl and broke over Su Nuannuan's body. "The millet porridge nourishes your stomach. You have a stomachache these days. You should adjust your eating habits."

Su Nuannuan is still with her eyes closed. Outsiders don't know, and they will really think she is asleep.

She was sad and guilty when she learned about her mother from Duan Chengyu's mouth that day.

If it hadn't been for my waywardness, maybe my mother wouldn't have left me like this!

In the past, I resented Duan Chengyu because I felt that my mother's death was caused by him, but now I know all this. Thinking of his care for me in the past few years, I am still moved a lot.

Only after that, thinking of Duan Chengyu's rude behavior towards herself that day, she had another layer of resentment against him in her heart.

So these days, although Duan Chengyu has changed her previous indifference and has been accompanied her gently, she has always maintained a sense of indifference.

Duan Chengyu held her at the head of the bed, adding a hint of domineering in his tone, "I'll feed you."

Gently blew the millet porridge in the small spoon, leaned slightly with his lips, and felt that it was not hot, and then sent it to Su Nuannuan's mouth.

Who knew that Su Nuannuan turned her face to one side and squeezed her little mouth tightly.

"Su Nuannuan!" Duan Chengyu shouted in a low voice.

Well, let's see how long you can pretend to be gentle! Su Nuannuan curled her lips.

Duan Chengyu, who put down the spoon and bowl, moved his body, turned her face around, sighed slightly, and softened his tone: "Nuannuan, you don't eat on time, which is not good for your health. Be good, okay?"

Su Nuannuan stared at him with wide eyes and looked into his eyes. At this time, she accidentally found that Chengyu's face was like the south bank full of spring after the melting of ice and snow, which was so soft that people couldn't help but feel a trace of heart.

When her mouth was filled with millet porridge, Su Nuannuan found that she was distracted, and she didn't know when her closed lips would open.

She mechanically swallowed the porridge in her mouth, and a warmth went straight into her stomach from her mouth.

"Well, good, one more bite." Duan Chengyu looked at the clean spoon with satisfaction, scooped up another spoonful, and continued to deliver it to Su Nuannuan's mouth.

"I'll do it myself." Su Nuannuan, who was a little flustered, grabbed the bowl and spoon in his hand. "I will go downstairs to eat it myself. Please don't bring it up again."

She lowered her head and ate porridge, no longer facing Duan Chengyu's eyes.

Almost didn't look at him. Su Nuannuan seemed to be the first time to find that this Duan Chengyu was so heroic! That doting look almost melted her!

Although he can't be blamed for this matter, he violently occupied his first time, even in the name of love, this is absolutely unforgivable!

Hmm, do you think you can make up for his fault by flattering yourself like this?

Su Nuannuan ate and ate her anger.

Duan Chengyu didn't see Su Nuannuan's angry face and took over the empty bowl in her hand and was very satisfied: "If I don't send it up, how can you eat so obediently? This porridge is for the stomach. Let's go downstairs for dinner together. I asked Li's mother to cook your favorite dish.

"I'm full! Get out of here!" Su Nuan looked up and stared at him, expressing her dissatisfaction.

She hates the way he gives orders to herself.

Duan Chengyu stared at Su Nuannuan and looked at her. He couldn't help bending the corners of his mouth and stroked her face with his wide palm.

Su Nuannuan quickly raised her hand and blocked Duan Chengyu's hand. She glanced around her eyes at the same time, but she didn't see the paper towel. Suddenly, she wiped her face with her sleeves.

According to previous experience, seeing Duan Chengyu's behavior, Su Nuannuan can conclude that he must have found rice or something on his face and wanted to wipe it clean

It's clear that I just want to take the opportunity to get rid of my own oil!

Duan Chengyu was stunned and then smiled, "Take off your clothes and ask Sister Chen to wash them for you later."

Su Nuannuan ignored him and got into the middle of the quilt.

"Go downstairs and have dinner. I'll wait for you." Through the thick quilt, Duan Chengyu's voice still seeped in.

"I said I was full! Don't bother me anymore!" Su Nuannuan roared, and a dull voice came from the quilt. She tried to drive him out of her room.

"I'll take you to see your parents tomorrow. You haven't been there for a long time. They must want to see you very much."

Su Nuannuan suddenly got up and lifted the quilt, and the expression on her face softened a lot in an instant.

She really hasn't gone to her parents' grave to see them for a long time.

"There is a long way to go up the mountain. You haven't eaten well and slept well these days. Eat well today, sleep well in the evening, keep your spirits, and have the strength to go up the mountain tomorrow. Your parents must not want to see you like this. I'll go downstairs and wait for you to eat. Duan Chengyu walked out of the door with a shallow smile in his eyes.

Su Nuannuan stared at the door angrily.

Although she has been living under the same roof with Duan Chengyu for several years, she always suspects that she has met him for the first time, or he took the wrong medicine and changed to another person through these days!

His words and deeds often make Su Nuannuan's eyes stunned like a ghost!