Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

051, heartbroken

"Ji Keyin was killed? Will you take me to see the record of the car accident that year? Su Nuannuan sneered and stared at Duan Chengyu with extremely contemptuous eyes. She thought that the poor Ji Keyin was still suffering from illness for Duan Chengyu, but he pushed everything to Ji Keyin here.

"Record?" Duan Chengyu was stunned and shook his head again. "Generally speaking, car accidents mediated like this will not be left on record."

"Will it not stay? I'm afraid it's ruined by you!"

"Nuannuan, if there is really a record, I can destroy it and make a fake, but does that make sense?"

"It doesn't make sense, because you killed my father!"

"Warm! Why don't you believe me?"

"Believe you? If you believe you should have told me earlier that you killed my father!"

"Something, I think you know, is better than not knowing."

"So, you lied to me?" Su Nuannuan said a pun.

"Nuannuan, I didn't lie to you!" Su Nuannuan's distrustful eyes repeatedly stung Duan Chengyu.

"Well, even if you didn't lie to me, then tell me why did you agree to my mother's request and fake marriage with her?"

"Because I want to take care of your mother and daughter."

"Our family is not related to you. Why do we want you to take care of us?" Su Nuannuan saw that Duan Chengyu was silent and continued to sneer, "Or is it because you knocked my father to death? Do you feel guilty and want to make up for your debt to our family?"

"Nuannuan, I agreed to your mother's request and was willing to take care of you because of guilt." Duan Chengyu was silent for a while before saying, "Because I still loved Ji Keyin at that time, I promised to help her deal with this matter, so all the consequences of your father's death should be borne by me."

"Oh, that's great! At that time, she broke up with you because of your father. It was too late for you to hate her. How could you commit such a crime for her? You also have to take care of other orphans and widows in order to take responsibility!"

"Nuannuan, what do you want me to say before you believe what I say?"

"Don't say any more! I won't believe you. You are the culprit who killed my father! I won't forgive you! You murderer!" Su Nuannuan, with a hateful face, suddenly pushed Duan Chengyu away and was about to stand up, but she was dizzy.

For a moment, Duan Chengyu, who was pushed to the ground by Su Nuannuan, quickly stood up and went to hold her, full of wistful eyes: "Nuannuan! You are already an adult, why can't you have a little bit of your own thinking ability? Why are you willing to believe what others say than what they say? Can't my love for you give you a sense of trust in me at all?

"Duan Chengyu, go away! I don't want to see you anymore! You'd better disappear in front of my eyes immediately!" Su Nuannuan patted Duan Chengyu's hand, held the door, closed his eyes, and tried to stabilize his footsteps.

Looking at Su Nuannuan, who was as pale as paper and had almost no strength to speak, Duan Chengyu only felt that his heart had been scratched by claws. There was a burst of pain and whispered again: "Nuannuan, you should pay attention to your body. Let's go back first. Let's go home and talk about anything."

"No! I won't go back with you! I can't live under the same roof with the murderer who killed my father!"

"Warm!" Duan Chengyu's tone even pleaded a little, "You can be angry that I hate me, beat me and scold me, but would you please go home first and change this wet clothes?"

"My father died and my mother died. It was not easy to have a person who cared about me, but it turned out to be the murderer who ruined his family!" Su Nuannuan suddenly laughed, but the laughter was mixed with tears, "Duan Chengyu, I'm afraid that your so-called feelings for me are also part of the apology to my family!"

"Nuannuan, you can question that I am the perpetrator of killing your father, but you can never question my feelings for you!"

"Humph, feelings! What a broken feeling! Can your feelings be exchanged for my father's life? Can you change back to the warm and happy life of our family?

"Okay, you can question anything, but can you go back and change your clothes first? Even if you want to hate me, you must have the strength to hate me!" Duan Chengyu stepped forward to hold Su Nuannuan's hand, but Su Nuannuan avoided it again.

"Don't touch me!"

Su Nuannuan roared. She wanted to push away Duan Chengyu's body in front of her, but suddenly, she only felt that the things in front of her were shaking, her legs were weak, and her head was roaring. Duan Chengyu's eager call circling in her ears, and her body slowly lost its balance. She wanted to reach out and grab something to maintain balance, and her hands also Unable to obey, I finally closed my eyes and didn't know anything.


In the familiar room, there was a familiar voice: "Nuannuan, baby."

Su Nuannuan suddenly sat up and saw his father Su Hao sitting at the head of his bed with a smile. He was extremely happy: "Ah, Dad! Dad, I miss you so much. Why haven't you come to see me for so long?

"Baby, Dad misses you too, but Dad is very busy and can't come to see you often."

"Hmm! Come and see me no matter how busy you are! If you don't come to see me, I will hate you!" Although Su Nuannuan said angry words, she hugged her father's body tightly.

"Silly boy, do you think your father doesn't want to see you? There's nothing he can do!" Another sound sounded.

Su Nuannuan pushed her father away and saw that it turned out that her mother stood quietly at the end of the bed and talking.

"Mom, why are you standing so far? Come on, sit here." Su Nuannuan was very happy and waved to her mother.

"Nuannuan, you have to be obedient and live a good life. Mom and Dad are leaving and can't accompany you." Smiling softly.

Su Hao listened to Wen Jingrou's words and quickly stood up: "Baby, mom and dad are gone. You have to take good care of yourself."

"No! Dad, I won't let you go! Mom, I won't allow you to go either! Our family will be together forever!" Su Nuannuan quickly grabbed Su Hao's clothes.

"Stupid baby, mom and dad can't be by your side anymore." Su Hao gently stroked Su Nuannuan's arm and slowly broke her hand holding her clothes away.

"No! I want you to be by my side!" Su Nuannuan cried and grabbed her father's clothes tightly again.

"Oh, baby, have you forgotten that your mother and I are both dead?" Su Hao sighed.

At this time, Su Nuannuan saw in horror that her parents' faces were full of blood, and her body was also blood: "Ah! Mom and Dad, what's wrong with you? Don't scare Nuannuan!"

When she jumped up again to hold her parents' blood-stained clothes, they were slowly drifting to the door.

"No! Mom and Dad! Don't go! Don't go!"

"Warm, warm!"

Su Nuannuan was hugged tightly by a broad embrace. Her first thought it was her father Su Hao's embrace. She wrapped her hands tightly around this embrace and cried, "Don't leave me! I'm so scared and lonely! I miss you so much!"

"I won't leave you! I will always be by your side! Don't be afraid, you don't have to be afraid of anything with me!"

Su Nuannuan listened to the soft voice and leaned against this warm embrace. The fear in her heart slowly disappeared, slowly calmed down, slowly relaxed herself, closed her eyes, and slowly enjoyed this peace.


"Mr. Duan, you have to take medicine." Chen Qiaolan held a water cup and medicine, stood at Su Nuannuan's bed, looked at Duan Chengyu, who was holding Su Nuannuan tightly, and made a soft sound.

"Hmm." Duan Chengyu carefully lay down Su Nuannuan, took the water cup and medicine in Chen Qiaolan's hand, and carefully fed Su Nuannuan to take the medicine.

"Mr. Duan, go back to your room and have a rest. I'm here." Chen Qiaolan looked at Duan Chengyu with a haggard face and made a sound again.

Duan Chengyu still shook his head, but his eyes have not left Su Nuannuan, who was always disturbed by nightmares.

"Mr. Duan, if you go on like this, your body will not be able to stand it." Chen Qiaolan comforted softly, and after getting a negative answer again, she had to retreat.

That day, Duan Chengyu sent Su Nuannuan, who fainted, to the hospital, and then took her home when the situation improved and stayed by her side untied.

The doctor told him that Su Nuannuan was overstimulated and her mind was unwilling to accept the facts she saw, but she had to accept it. Her heart had been troubled by contradictions, so she had such symptoms.

Duan Chengyu stretched out his hand to smooth the messy head of Su Nuannuan's forehead and slowly relaxed her frowning eyebrows, but her eyebrows unfolded, but his eyebrows frowned again.

"What can I do to eliminate the hatred for me in your heart?"

A sigh came out of Duan Chengyu's mouth. Over the years, he has encountered a lot of big and small things. This is the first time that he, who has always been confident, feels helpless.

Although he wanted to find Ji Keyin, he knew that it was meaningless. Even if Ji Keyin admitted it, Su Nuannuan would not believe it.

He knew that in Su Nuannuan's heart, he had blamed all for her father's death. No matter how many explanations there are and no matter how much evidence there is, she will only think that he fabricated it. On the contrary, she will make the stubborn woman look down on herself more in the bottom of her heart.

There was a vibration from the mobile phone. Duan Chengyu saw that it was Song Ping's phone and connected.

"Mr. Duan, Nie Yingqi came to me again to talk about the transfer of 70% of Duan's shares at a low price."

"You talk to him."

"Mr. Duan, I dare not make a decision on such a big thing!"

"Prush the price to the extent that you think you can make a decision."

"Mr. Duan...good!"

Duan Chengyu put down his mobile phone and grabbed Su Nuannuan's hand outside the quilt. His eyes were extremely warm: "Nuannuan, for me, nothing is as important as your happiness. I said that I want to give you the happiness I can give you the best I can. Without you, it is meaningless for all the wealth in the world to be in me. My world is dark. For you, I am willing to give up my whole world. As long as you are happy, it doesn't matter!"