Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

054, indulge only to love you

"Oh? Did I sign it last night? I drank so much that I forgot what I had done. I'll go to work first and come back to accompany you."

Duan Chengyu smiled at Su Nuannuan, who helped him tidy up his clothes, picked up his briefcase, and walked to the door without looking.

At this moment, a slight knock on the door sounded: "Mr. Duan, someone downstairs is looking for you."

Duan Chengyu opened the door and saw Chen Qiaolan standing at the door with a little awkwardness: "Mr. Duan, there is a man outside who wants to come to you. I can't stop it."

"Well, I know." Duan Chengyu looked back at Nuannuan with a warm face and said, "Nuannuan, I'm going down. If you're tired, just sleep a little longer."

"Who will come to your home? I still have to see you! It's not a bad guy, right? I'll go downstairs with you to have a look. Su Nuannuan put on her coat and quickly followed.

"Hmm." Duan Chengyu stopped his feet, leaned slightly, stretched out his hand, waiting to hold Su Nuannuan's slender hand, looked at each other and smiled, and then slowly went downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I saw Wen Jianhua blocked at the door.

"Uncle Hua, I'll do it." Duan Chengyu faded his voice.

Wen Jianhua saw Duan Chengyu come down, and then got out of the way, and a man rushed in.

It's Nie Yingqi!

The clothes are still as generous and decent as before, but the face is a little yellow, and the eyes are also covered with blood. At first glance, you will know that it is caused by lack of sleep.

"Nen Yingqi! What are you doing here?" Su Nuannuan showed a sense of anger as soon as she saw Nie Yingqi.

"I..." Nie Yingqi took a look at Su Nuannuan and immediately turned her eyes to Duan Chengyu, "Duan Chengyu! What do you mean? Do you want to go back on your word?

"Repent?" Duan Chengyu sneered, and he naturally understood the purpose of Nie Yingqi's rushing here.

"Do you think it's worth regretting something like this?" Su Nuannuan cast a contemptuous look at Nie Yingqi and turned to look at Duan Chengyu, "Tell him the signed agreement! Some people like to be careful about the belly of a gentleman!"

Nie Yingqi stared at Duan Chengyu's movements, but said nothing.

Duan Chengyu slowly took out the agreement. Su Nuannuan didn't wait for him to look closely, so she took it over and threw it to Nie Yingqi with hatred: "Take your broken book and get out of here! I don't want to see you for a moment!"

Nie Yingqi quickly bent down and held the agreement with both hands, quickly opened it and glanced at it, and quickly closed it tightly in his hand. Her eyes narrowed into a slit with a smile and said to Duan Chengyu, "Thank you, I will fulfill the agreement!"

He quickly left Duan Chengyu's home.

"Looking at this person's appearance, there is a sneaky feeling." Chen Qiaolan looked at Nie Yingqi's back thoughtfully and muttered in a low voice.

"Aunt Chen, we can't understand their business affairs." Su Nuannuan took Duan Chengyu's arm and smiled, "Am I right?"

"Yes, say everything you say." Duan Chengyu pinched Su Nuannuan's nose with a little doting. "You can eat something by yourself later. I won't accompany you. I have to go to the company first, and there is a meeting waiting for me."

"Good." Su Nuannuan sent Duan Chengyu to the door, watched him get into the car and watch him drive away. It was not until he disappeared that he slowly stepped back to the room.

"Miss, do you eat porridge or cake?" Chen Qiaolan asked quickly.

"I don't want to eat anything." Su Nuannuan reluctantly smiled and saw the doubts and worries in Chen Qiaolan's eyes, and quickly added, "I still want to sleep a little longer."

"Okay, let me know when the young lady wants to eat." Chen Qiaolan then swept away the clouds on her face and looked at Su Nuannuan upstairs with a smile.


The sky was covered by a huge black curtain and weighed down, making people feel breathless. Even if all kinds of lights are trying to support the light under the night, they always give people a feeling of powerlessness.

At this time, Su Nuannuan lay quietly ** and looked at the ceiling.

Look at the watch. It's already six o'clock in the evening.

As usual, he should have come back.

Su Nuannuan seemed to hear the looming footsteps.

I don't know what kind of expression he will look when he comes back?

Su Nuannuan felt that she should be able to imagine it.

Anger, disappointment and heartache, right?

At this point, she slowly closed her eyes and only felt a feeling of stuffy pain in her chest, which made her almost suffocate.

She reminded herself again in her heart that Duan Chengyu was the one who killed her father and the one who killed her family!

She comforted herself again, which was the punishment Duan Chengyu deserved!

The sound of gently opening the door came, and Su Nuannuan suddenly opened her eyes, but did not leave, nor did she cast her eyes at the door.

The door closed gently again, and footsteps came to the bedside.

Su Nuannuan closed her eyes and remained motionless.

Even if she doesn't look, she can still feel Duan Chengyu's slowly approaching body.

She suddenly dared not open her eyes, because at this moment her brain slowly became blank.

A warm hand gently touched her neck.

Su Nuannuan trembled slightly. Will he not be able to control his emotions for a while and strangle himself alive?

If you strangle her, strangle him to death. Isn't it a pleasure for her small strength to make the person who killed her father so depressed?

Su Nuannuan suddenly opened her eyes and was ready to greet Duan Chengyu with a mocking look.

"Nuannuan, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? Sister Chen said that you ate very little at noon. Duan Chengyu's hand moved from Su Nuannuan's neck to her cheeks, soothing her messy long hair.

Su Nuannuan looked at him in a stunned manner and couldn't say anything, because she found that she didn't need a word to say what she had thought about with his gentleness.

"Nuannuan..." Duan Chengyu leaned on Su Nuannuan's face, slowly leaned down and kissed her forehead, "If you don't eat, you won't be good."

A familiar breath came towards him, which made Su Nuannuan stunned for a moment, as if it was their usual warm moment.

"How about getting up and eating?" Duan Chengyu pecked on her slightly dry lips again, then touched her armpits with both hands, gently picked her up and sat down, and then wrapped her in a quilt. "Come on, put on your clothes. Shall we go down for dinner or let Sister Chen send it up?

Su Nuannuan still said nothing. She stared at Duan Chengyu's face with searching eyes, but did not find a trace of her imaginary look, which made her even doubt the content of what Nie Yingqi and Ji Keyin called her.

"You..." A slightly hoarse voice floated out of her throat, but Su Nuannuan didn't know how to make the right sound of what she wanted to say later.


"Isn't anything serious happened in your company?" After brewing for a long time, Su Nuannuan still said her doubts.


"What's the big deal?" Su Nuannuan sat down quickly and eagerly waited for his follow-up.

"There is something wrong with the agreement signed with Nie Yingqi, and there is an extra zero in the original negotiated price." Duan Chengyu said the matter calmly, as if it was not a big deal.

"If there is one more zero, that is, ten times higher than the price!"


"Isn't this a huge number?"

"Hmm." Duan Chengyu still has a calm tone.

"Don't you have to pay ten times the price?"

"I want."

"There is too much money in Yuri. Don't you care about this huge sum of money?"



"Today, I will pay tenty to Nie Yingqi first. Within three days, Yuri must put all the remaining funds in place."

"Can you afford it?"

"I can always afford it." Duan Chengyu wrote lightly.

"Do you have any countermeasures?"


"Why are you not panicked at all? Not sad at all?"

"It's useless to panic and be sad."

"Then, haven't you thought about why this happened?" Su Nuannuan still looked shocked and puzzled.

Duan Chengyu gently held her in his arms and smiled warmly: "I said that without you, all the wealth in the world would be meaningful to me. I am willing to give up my whole world for you. If you still hate me, my life can also be given to you."

Su Nuannuan burst into tears.

It turned out that he knew everything and had already seen through his conspiracy, but he took care of his stubborn heart in the way he could give!

"Don't cry! I don't want to see you cry! Do you know? My heart will hurt so much!" Duan Chengyu quickly hugged Su Nuannuan, who was crying.

"You fool, you know that the agreement I gave you is a forgery, which may ruin your painstaking efforts for many years. Why do you sign it?"

"Although the company will suffer a lot of losses, it will not go bankrupt. Don't worry."

"I just added one zero. What if I add two zeros?"

"What if you can only eliminate the hatred in your heart and let go of the pain in your heart, even if you have nothing?" Duan Chengyu smiled and wiped away the tears from Su Nuannuan's face and whispered, "I just hope that after this time, there will be no heart knot between you and me. You can stay by my side so that I can see your lovely figure at first sight every morning."

Su Nuannuan lay on his shoulder and burst into tears.

For the first time, she realized how deeply the man around her loved her!

Duan Chengyu stroked Su Nuannuan's back with one hand, touched her hair with the other hand, and hugged her tightly.

He is born with a good drink, how can a bottle of red wine get him drunk?

What's more, such a bad trick!

It's just that he has been working hard to cooperate with Su Nuannuan's every step, hoping to accompany her to perform the play well.

Because he can't clarify himself to her, so let's just resolve the hatred in her heart in another way. His purpose is very simple. As long as she can let go of her hatred against him, everything will be left to her.

"Ah..." Su Nuannuan, who hugged Duan Chengyu tightly, suddenly cried loudly, venting her inner entanglement, pain and regret.

"Okay, girl, don't cry, don't cry." Duan Chengyu patted her gently on the back.