Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

067, open and unannounced visit

Su Nuannuan followed Wu Lili's eyes suspiciously and looked sideways. She saw Duan Chengyu and Yan Ruoyan walking into the restaurant together. Looking at the faint smile on Duan Chengyu's face, it could be seen that the two walked in with words and smiles.

The two of them sat down not far from Su Nuannuan, and Duan Chengyu glanced at Su Nuannuan unintentionally.

"Feed Nuannuan, eat and eat." Wu Lili had already withdrawn her eyes and gently kicked Su Nuannuan.

Su Nuannuan, who was shocked, looked at Wu Lili puzzledly.

"It's time to eat, and the meal is going to be cold."

Looking at Wu Lili's "working hard" at the plate, Su Nuannuan was full of suspicion and couldn't help looking at Duan Chengyu and was stunned.

She saw Duan Chengyu reach out to help Yan Ruoyan stroke a wisp of hair on her forehead behind her ear, and her movements were very gentle.

"Warm! Eat!" Wu Lili kicked Su Nuannuan down again.

Su Nuannuan curled her lips and withdrew her sight.

Do you think that showing me this will make me retreat?

Hmm, it's impossible!

Wait for me to calm down and take the initiative to attack!

I, Su Nuannuan, am not so easy to give up!

Picking up a piece of lotus root, Su Nuannuan chewed fiercely.


After dinner, Su Nuannuan and Wu Lili returned to the 15th floor together.

Wu Lili took out the unfinished work in the morning and continued to do it. Su Nuannuan was a little bored because she had nothing to do. She thought about Wu Lili's talk, but she was too busy to raise her head, so she helped her sort out the data together.

Wu Lili smiled gratefully at Su Nuannuan: "It's all my job. Anyway, there is nothing to do at noon, so that I can relax in the afternoon."

"You are really a good employee. You should be transferred to the chairman, let him see how competent your employee is, and let him give you a big red envelope at the end of the year. Su Nuannuan deliberately led the topic to the content that she didn't finish during the meal.

"No, I would rather work diligently here with Mr. Song." Wu Lili shook her head gently.

"Why? It is said that people go high. Su Nuannuan said she didn't understand.

"Oh, you don't know anything--" Wu Lili looked cautiously at the door and smiled shyly. "The company stipulates that you are not allowed to chew your tongue casually."

Su Nuannuan smiled disapprovingly: "What tongue? If the leaders do something wrong, can't we ordinary people say no?"

Su Nuannuan's words made Wu Li feel a little relieved. She slipped the chair to Su Nuannuan and said gently in her ear, "In our company, anyone who is beautiful, capable and attentive to Mr. Duan and hopes to be favored by Mr. Duan will not end well."

Su Nuannuan laughed and pretended to be disbelieving: "It's so horrible, as if the harem is competing for favor. If there is no good end, will the whole body be left?"

"What I said is true!" Wu Lili saw that Su Nuannuan didn't believe her words and was a little anxious. "What I said is a little exaggerated, but the final result of a woman like this is either to leave the company or go to the bottom to be an ordinary employee. There is no chance to turn over in Yuri!"

"Oh? This Duan Chengyu is so strange! Is it not good for someone to admire him? I also assigned someone!"

"It's not about Mr. Duan, it's about Mr. Yan who you saw around him today."

"Yan Ruoyan?" Hearing about Yan Ruoyan, Su Nuannuan's face was obviously dark. She had no good impression of this woman. "Is she like Duan Chengyu, so afraid that you will take her first to hit you like this?"

"Do you know all about it?" Wu Lili, who wanted to sell a key, was a little surprised to hear Su Nuannuan's words. Unexpectedly, Su Nuannuan only came to work on the first day and figured out all the company's affairs.

Su Nuannuan stared at Wu Lili and looked at it again and again. Wu Lili belongs to the kind of upright and beautiful category, but she is quite durable and has a good figure, but she can't be called any national beauty and heavenly fragrance. Su Nuannuan shook her head. Unexpectedly, Yan Ruoyan even regards girls like Wu Lili as rivals. It can be seen that she How unconfident Duan Chengyu's feelings are.

Wu Lili was looked uncomfortable by Su Nuannuan: "Nuannuan, why do you look at me like this?"

Su Nuannuan realized her gaffe and quickly turned around and said with a smile, "Look at you are beautiful. No wonder Yan dares not let you go to Duan Chengyu's side."

"How can I be beautiful? You are beautiful!" Being praised by Su Nuannuan, Wu Lili was a little embarrassed and sincerely told Su Nuannuan, "Actually, I don't have anything wrong with Duan, and I also know myself. But I still would rather stay and work with Mr. Song. Mr. Song is very easy-going and never lose his temper. I would rather earn less, which is much easier than staying with Mr. Duan.

"Then you might as well become a man so that you can stay with Duan Chengyu." Su Nuannuan joked.

"Male secretary? Will that make the total belly too small? But Nuannuan, I can tell you that although Mr. Duan is so young and handsome, you still don't look at him a few times and be careful to let Mr. Yan find out that you will suffer! Although you are a relative of Mr. Song's family, it will be difficult for Mr. Song at that time.

Is that right? But I can tell you that I'm really interested in Duan Chengyu!" Su Nuannuan spit out her tongue at Wu Lili and made a grimace.

Just as Su Nuannuan joked, Wu Lili also smiled: "Even if you are interested, you can only talk to me in private. Don't let others know and put small shoes on you. But you can't call Mr. Duan's name in the future, which is always disrespectful to the leader.

Can't you shout the name? In those years, he begged himself to call his name.

Su Nuannuan snorted in her heart.

She suddenly remembered that Song Ping always hesitated when talking to her, so she asked Wu Lili in a low voice, "Lily, besides Yan Ruoyan, is there any other woman in this company who is close to President Duan?"

After saying that, he blinked at Wu Lili with a little ambiguity and a "you know" look.

Wu Lili looked at the door again, and then whispered her: "In fact, in the company, only Mr. Yan and Mr. Duan have a close relationship. As for outside the company, I have heard of several, but they have separated after two or three months with Mr. Duan. I heard that everyone who broke up can get one from Mr. Song. Where's the money?"

This Song Ping chose all the best words to help Duan Chengyu talk about. It turns out that he still has so many flower news that hasn't been told. No wonder Aunt Chen doesn't want to mention some of Duan Chengyu's "glorious deeds" in front of her!

Listening to Wu Lili's words, Su Nuannuan's sadness became stronger and sighed secretly in the bottom of her heart.

Although she has been psychologically prepared for Duan Chengyu's romantic style, she still can't help but feel sour. Will his romantic and affectionate stay on himself?

When will I have more intersections with him?

"Warm, warm?"

Looking at Su Nuannuan, who looked a little trance, Wu Lili was shocked.

Ah? It's okay. Let's continue to work." Su Nuannuan quickly withdrew her thoughts, quickly adjusted her state, and grinned at Wu Lili, with a little playfulness, very cute.


Lying at night**, Su Nuannuan recalled the little information about Duan Chengyu collected from Song Ping and Wu Lili during the day.

Thinking of Duan Chengyu's indifference to himself, he still couldn't help feeling ache.

But she immediately comforted herself: Don't worry, take your time! Now that we have just entered the day, there is plenty of time to slowly create opportunities to get along with him and slowly capture his heart!

In such a constant entanglement and comfort, Su Nuannuan fell asleep.


In the morning, the sun in a good mood sends the first warm color to the earth, which is very eye-catching and soft.

A burst of cheerful music interrupted Su Nuannuan's dream. She took the phone in a daze and saw Chen Qiaolan's call. She quickly got up and answered the phone: "Good morning, Aunt Chen."

"Warm sister." A man's voice came from the phone, which was quite magnetic, but slightly immature.

"Who are you?" Su Nuannuan's brain was still not clear enough and asked half confusedly.

"Sister Nuannuan, I'm Xiaowei, Jiang Wei!"

"Oh, Xiaowei?" Su Nuannuan remembered that Jiang Wei was Chen Qiaolan's son.

"Well, Sister Nuannuan, I came back from school. I just got home. As soon as I came back, I heard my mother say that you were back." Jiang Wei's voice on the phone looked very cheerful.

"Good back, good back." Su Nuannuan said slowly with her eyes closed.

"Sister Nuannuan, don't you get up and go to work? It's 7:30 now." Jiang Wei listened to Su Nuannuan, who seemed to have a little empty voice, and guessed that she was still in the clouds.

Ah? 7:30?" Su Nuannuan suddenly got up and touched the alarm clock at the head of the bed. It was really 7:30!

In the past, Gao Qun would call her to get up, so she didn't have the habit of setting the alarm clock. Last night, she must have fallen asleep in the middle of the night because she was thinking about something. No wonder she overslept today.

"Sister Nuannuan, don't worry. There is still time. You get up and wash first. I'm also going to report to the company today.

Although she couldn't see Jiang Wei's appearance, Su Nuannuan could feel his smile and felt a little embarrassed. She was arranged by a younger brother several years younger than herself. She hurriedly hung up the phone and got up quickly.

quickly packed herself up, hurriedly ate some bread and milk, made some time to wrap a "rose", and then Su Nuannuan picked up the bag and went out.

When the door was opened, I saw a boy sitting on a bicycle, standing on tiptoe, parked on the foot of the car, leaning forward, leaning his elbows against the head of the car, looking at himself with a smile.