Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

070, I have a boyfriend

A slight sound of footsteps came from far and near, but Duan Chengyu did not look up, picked up the pen, and drew something on the document.

"Hey! Er, Mr. Duan! Mr. Song asked me to send you the documents. Su Nuannuan gently put the data bag on Duan Chengyu's table, but saw the carefully wrapped "rose" at a glance. At this time, she was lying quietly in the garbage basket!

"Oh, how beautiful this flower is! Good flowers, why did you throw them in the garbage basket? Su Nuannuan bent down and picked up the flowers in the garbage basket and blew them. He smiled at Duan Chengyu, but found that he didn't even look at himself!

Su Nuannuan, who curled her lips at Duan Chengyu, had a bright smile on her face and put the flowers in a small vase in front of him on her own initiative.

"Take it away." Duan Chengyu's cold sound like ice floated into Su Nuannuan's ears.

"Hey." Su Nuannuan tried to keep the smile on her face unchanged and ignored Duan Chengyu's words. When she saw the cold tea put aside, she quickly brought it over and prepared to make another cup for him.

Only when she walked to the wall cabinet and reached out to take the tea can, she heard Duan Chengyu say coldly, "I don't drink."

Ah? Don't you drink tea? Su Nuannuan was stunned. She clearly remembered that he used to like tea. Well, if he didn't drink it, he wouldn't drink it. She withdrew her hand and asked softly, "Then what do you drink?"

Although Duan Chengyu did not look at her, the expression on her face has not changed.


"Coffee? Coffee is a stimulating drink, which is good for the body..." Before Su Nuannuan finished her words, she saw Duan Chengyu cast a lightning-like look. She quickly swallowed what she was going to say and turned her mind, "Well, let's have coffee."

What kind of coffee to drink in such a morning!

Su Nuannuan muttered in her heart, but her hand still quickly brewed a cup of fragrant coffee for Duan Chengyu. She completely forgot that it was not her own business and gently put it in front of him and accompanied a smiling face: "Mr. Duan, the coffee is ready."

"This is not what you should do!" Duan Chengyu didn't even raise his head. He was still busy with the work in his hand and made a cold sound.

"Well, I'm willing to do it for you." A trace of embarrassment flashed on Su Nuannuan's face.

After standing for a long time, seeing that Duan Chengyu did not make a sound again and did not look up to accept his goodwill, which was equivalent to treating herself as air. Su Nuannuan finally replaced her expression that was about to smile stiffly and gave him white.

Miss Ben flattered you so much that you turned a blind eye! Humph, there is always a day when you beg to kneel down and wash my feet!

Thinking of this, Su Nuannuan couldn't help sneering.

Duan Chengyu raised his head when he was uncomfortable at this time, and his sharp eyes swept over Su Nuannuan.

Wow, his eyes are really like the eyes he saw when he just came to his house! That's awesome!

Su Nuannuan pretended to be scared and lowered her head, but she didn't think so. Do you think this can make me retreat in a difficult way?

"Go out and throw this flower out, too." Duan Chengyu lowered his head again and was busy with his work.

"This flower is so beautiful and fresh, why throw it away? Too wasteful, too..."

"Get out." Duan Chengyu finally became impatient, raised his expressionless face and aggravated his tone towards Su Nuannuan.

"Okay, I'll go out, I'll go out. Let this flower stay here. It smells good. Su Nuannuan quickly waved her hand and quickly left Duan Chengyu's office.

You can't be too anxious to eat hot tofu! He has complained about himself in his heart for so many years, and it is impossible for him to touch his heart in a moment!

Take your time, take your time. If you are too impatient, it may make him uncomfortable and get bored.

Remember that if you are sincere, the golden stone will definitely be opened!

Su Nuannuan comforted herself as she walked. You know, she did her midnight ideological work last night and encouraged herself.

Walking to the corner, she didn't forget to take a last look at Duan Chengyu, but he still didn't look up, as if the person who came in was an irrelevant to him!

Hearing the slight sound of the door, Duan Chengyu put down the pen in his hand and leaned against the back of the chair. His eyes passed through the smoking coffee cup and landed on the pink "rose".

If you had done this for me five years ago, even with hypocritical feelings, I would have been moved to hold you tightly in my arms immediately!

Unfortunately, it is not five years ago, and everything is not the same as before...


The sun hanging in the sky gradually sets, slowly closing its summer glow.

There are more pedestrians on both sides of the road, and their faces are a little hurried. Maybe they all want to rush back to their warm home before the moon takes over.

Su Nuannuan stood at the gate of the company, put her fingers together, put them on her eyebrows, and looked around like a Monkey King.

A BMW suddenly stopped under the steps and rolled down the window. Cheng Jue put his arm on the window, poked his head out, and smiled at Su Nuannuan: "Hi, Nuannuan, are you looking for me?"

After Su Nuannuan saw that it was Cheng Jue, she glanced at him angrily and looked around. She still didn't see Jiang Wei's figure and was a little anxious.

This Xiaowei just called and told himself to wait for him here, but he didn't expect to meet this "God of Wealth" again!

If I had known this, I would have gone back by Wu Lili's car!

Seeing that Su Nuannuan didn't say anything, Cheng Jue waved to her: "Nuannuan, the sun is still very strong in the evening. Be careful not to sunburn your skin! Get in the car and I'll take you home."

Su Nuannuan was too lazy to pay attention to him and didn't look at him. She continued to look around with searching eyes.

"Nuannuan, get in the car, and your colleagues are almost gone."

"We don't know each other well. Why do I want you to take me home?" Su Nuan gave him a white look.

"You asked me to send it home once, won't it be familiar? From unfamiliar to familiar, that is, there is a word difference.

"The problem is that I don't want to know you!"

"The problem is that I want to get acquainted with you!"

Su Nuannuan stopped talking and didn't want to talk to him.

Seeing that Su Nuannuan refused to get on the car, Cheng Jue opened the door, came down, walked to Su Nuannuan, and said with a smile, "Nuannuan, give me a chance to show!"

"I don't need your chance to perform!"

"I'd like to give you this opportunity!"

Seeing that Jiang Wei hadn't come yet, Su Nuannuan thought it was better to take the car home and went down the steps. Cheng Jue also quickly followed him.

"Come on, warm, this way." Cheng Jue has been leading Su Nuannuan to his car.

Su Nuannuan patted his hand and wanted to walk to the platform, but was stopped by Cheng Jue: "Nuannuan, give me a chance to send you home! Or, if you like, we can have a meal together, take a walk or something.

"Are you annoying? There are so many girls on the road, you can send them to whoever you want! I don't need you to take me home! Don't you understand me?" Su Nuannuan was impatient and roared at Cheng Jue in a rough voice.

"Don't be angry, Nuannuan. They are also sincere!" Cheng Jue looked at Su Nuannuan with a very aggrieved look.

"True? I don't need sincerity. Please give your sincerity to others!"

"I just like to give it to you!"

"Please! We have only known each other for less than two days, and you can give me your sincerity. Is your sincerity too cheap?

"How can it be described as a cheap word? Love has nothing to do with the length of acquaintance!"

"What do you love me? Say it, I'll change it." Su Nuann's anger became more and more popular.

"I like your smile, every move."

"Cheng Shao, I have seen many men chasing girls. It's the first time I've seen a scoundrel like you!"

"Thank you Nuannuan for your praise." Cheng Jue grinned.

Looking at Cheng Jue's intention of letting go at all, Su Nuannuan stared at him for a long time and finally slowly put down her voice: "Cheng Shao, look at you. You are so handsome and have such good family conditions. It should be suitable for a gentle, virtuous, beautiful and capable girl. I'm fierce and stupid, my family is not good, and I'm not in good shape. How can I deserve you!"

"I like a girl like you who is fierce, stupid and has a bad figure." Cheng Jue grinned and said, "Anyway, you don't have a boyfriend now. You can try to get along with me. If you still feel nothing after getting along with me, I won't force you. You have to give me a chance."

Thinking of what Song Ping said earlier, Su Nuannuan suddenly had an idea and said seriously to Cheng Jue, "Who told you that you don't have a boyfriend? I have had a boyfriend for a long time!"

"Oh? Do you have a boyfriend? Cheng Jue was stunned when he heard this and smiled again, "If you have a boyfriend, why don't you come to pick you up from work?" Do you still want to be exposed to the sun here?"

"I..." Su Nuannuan was speechless for a moment.

I guess Cheng Jue's next sentence is: If you really have a boyfriend, bring it to me.

At this moment, a crisp bell rang, and Jiang Wei stopped beside Su Nuannuan on his bicycle.

"Xiaowei, you are here!" Su Nuannuan finally smiled.

It's just that before she said the sentence "This is my boyfriend", Cheng Jue has already said first: "Nuannuan, this is your brother. He is very sunny. Did you graduate from college?

Su Nuannuan quickly swept over Jiang Wei and was a little discouraged.

Although Jiang Wei is very tall and handsome, but his face is full of childishness, it is really difficult for people to make any misunderstanding!

It doesn't matter, the younger brother is always an excuse.

So Su Nuannuan glanced sideways at Cheng Jue and pointed to Jiang Wei and said, "My brother picked me up from work. I won't bother you."

After jumping on Jiang Wei's bicycle, Jiang Wei agreed. With a pedal, the car drove forward.

has walked to the shade path. Su Nuannuan took the opportunity to enjoy the scenery and nodded slightly. After the process, she found that he had got on the car, so she poked Jiang Wei's back and said happily: "Xiaowei, fortunately you came and saved my sister."

"That's serious! Sister Nuannuan, you didn't meet a big pervert, did you?" Jiang Wei did not look back, because this short section was a little uphill. He was trying to pedal, but there was a trace of tension in his tone.

"Anyway, he is an annoying person!" Su Nuannuan snorted and blamed Duan Chengyu in his heart again. He was so low, but he did not move!

If he hadn't been so indifferent, could Cheng Jue have inserted a needle?

I thought of the sentence I was thinking about today: There will always be a day when you beg me to kneel down and wash my feet! Thinking about it, I couldn't help laughing.

"Sister Nuannuan, what are you laughing at? Is there anything funny?" Jiang Wei finally finished the uphill, slowed down a little, and turned his head side curiously.

"It's nothing. I'm happy to think that I can eat the food cooked by Aunt Chen." Su Nuannuan quickly covered it up, but she still smiled in her heart.

Looking up at the sky with only a red glow left, Su Nuannuan suddenly found that the sunset in City A was also so beautiful!

For so many years, although Gao Qun has been with such careful care, she has never felt a kind of happiness from her heart. Today she realized that her happiness had always been left in City A!

I will definitely pick up all my happiness! No, maybe it's back!

Come on, Su Nuannuan!