Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

076, see the high group

Su Nuannuan was still rubbing her slightly painful nose, but a familiar call came from her ear!

Her brain was short-circuited for a moment, and she didn't remember who this familiar voice was, but she knew that it was definitely not Duan Chengyu and Cheng Jue!

"Nuannuan, I finally found you." The owner of the voice hugged Su Nuannuan tightly and was very excited.

High group? Su Nuannuan only felt that her head was "buzzing" and big. Looking up, it was indeed a high group!

"Why are you here?" Su Nuannuan looked at Gao Qun unexpectedly, but immediately realized it.

Yes, this is a party attended by those rich people in City A. With the influence of the Gao family in City A, it is normal for Gao Qun to also attend.

"Nuannuan, why don't you tell me first when you come back? Do you know how worried I am about you these days? Gao Qun's loving eyes were full of excitement and joy.

"I..." Seeing that her hand was still tightly held in Gao Qun's hand, across Cheng Jue, she saw Duan Chengyu looking at herself with playful eyes. She was embarrassed and anxious. She quickly tried to pull out her hand, but found that she was held by him.

Cheng Jue thought that Su Nuannuan was looking at himself and wanted to ask for help. He quickly came forward, pushed Gao Qun away, pulled Su Nuannuan, and scolded Gao Qun: "Who are you? Why did you do this to my girlfriend?"

Gao Qun has been staying abroad for these years, that is, he has only recently come back, and Cheng Jue's time in A city is also not fixed. He only knows Gao Yiming. He has never seen Gao Qun. He regarded Gao Qun, who is a person who pursues Su Nuannuan like himself, and he is very unhappy.

When did Nuannuan become your girlfriend? She has always been Gao Qun's girlfriend!" The man standing behind Gao Qun stood up and rudely refuted Cheng Jue's words.

It's another familiar voice. Su Nuannuan looked up and saw that it was Zhang Han!

Zhang Han! Why did you come to City A? Su Nuannuan looked at Zhang Han in surprise and forgot that her hand was still in Gao Qun's hand for a moment.

Zhang Han smiled at Su Nuannuan and said with a little dissatisfaction: "Nuannuan, since you are going back to City A, you should also say hello to Gao Qun in advance! At least you should tell me! Do you know that you suddenly left school, which made me look for it! Especially Gao Qun, he only said that you disappeared and looked for you like crazy! Look, everyone has lost a lot of weight!"


Su Nuannuan wanted to say, "It's a very important thing for me to come back to City A", but was interrupted by Zhang Han: "Nuannuan, if Gao Qun does something to make you unhappy, you can say it directly so that he can change it. It's so sad to leave without saying a word!"

Seeing that Gao Qun, who looked sad, really lost a lot of weight, Su Nuannuan was a little unbearable: "Gao Qun, I'm sorry."

For Gao Qun, Su Nuannuan has always been a little guilty. He is by her side and really hopes that one day she can accept him. But he never forced her to do anything. Even if she didn't love him, he stayed by her side without regret, silently waiting for Su Nuannuan's happy day.

Maybe he realized his gaffe, Gao Qun let go of Su Nuannuan's hand and shook his head when he heard her say this: "Nuannuan, don't tell me sorry. As long as I can see you again, it's the happiest thing for me."

"Okay, Nuannuan appeared here, which is also an unexpected surprise for you. Now you can take a good look at Nuannuan." Zhang Han gently patted Gao Qun on the shoulder and smiled sincerely.

Zhang Han likes Su Nuannuan very much in his heart. Before, he saw that Su Nuannuan refused to return to China with Gao Qun and thought that he still had a little chance. At that time, after Su Nuannuan suddenly left, Gao Qun rushed there in the fastest time. Zhang Han saw Gao Qun's sad hunger strike and uneasily looking for Su Nuannuan's behavior, and he found that his love for Su Nuannuan was not as much as 1% of Gao Qun. So I slowly put it down in my heart, leaving only sincere blessings.

Gao Qun listened to Zhang Han's words and laughed, but Su Nuannuan was even more panicked, because she found that she had become the focus of attention at this moment.

He quickly stepped back, stood at a certain distance from Gao Qun, and looked at Duan Chengyu humbly, but found that he had not looked at himself, but sat with his back to himself, and was close to Yan Ruoyan's head, as if the two were whispering.

It's over. Zhang Han just said that he was Gao Qun's girlfriend. Duan Chengyu must have heard it clearly. He must have mistakenly thought that he had something in the past with Gao Qun!

How can I explain it now?

He was not warm to himself, but now he is going to be less warm?

Su Nuannuan looked at Duan Chengyu with a bitter face and almost wanted to cry.

"Nuannuan is all right. It's all right. Aren't I fine now?" Gao Qun took another step forward, very close to Su Nuannuan, and comforted her softly.

He thought she was worried because he heard Zhang Han say that he had lost a lot of weight because he had recently found her.

"Gao Qun, Nuannuan girl is your classmate. If you finally meet her, let her sit down." Gao Yiming frowned slightly when he saw this scene, but immediately regained his look. He pointed to the position not far away and smiled and spoke to Gao Qun, but his eyes swept over Su Nuannuan and Duan Chengyu again and again.

"Come on, warm girl, sit here with me." Gao Yiming's wife Min Chun enthusiastically took Su Nuannuan's hand and wanted to lead her to her seat.

"No, no, I have something to do at home. I have to go first." Su Nuannuan withdrew her hand and waved it repeatedly.

Now she just wants to leave this place of right and wrong, first Cheng Jue, and then Gao Qun. She feels that the shorter the stay, the better, and the more difficult it will be to explain to Duan Chengyu in the future.

"Hey, why are you in such a hurry to leave since you are here? Come on, sit next to your aunt." Min Chun did not rely on Su Nuannuan and half hugged her shoulder.

"Su Nuannuan, today is my birthday party. Gao Qun said he would give me a surprise today, but I didn't expect that the surprise was your old classmate! We haven't seen each other for so many years. Anyway, you have to sit down and have a drink with me and Gao Qun today to celebrate my birthday. A well-dressed girl walked to Su Nuannuan with a smile.

Su Nuannuan looked at it carefully before she recognized that the girl was her high school classmate Xie Wei!

It turns out that the daughter of the Xie family is Xie Wei - the Xie Wei who has always admired Gao Qun in high school!

Su Nuannuan thought that Xie Wei also saw the scene just now. She only felt very embarrassed and tried to show herself a comfortable smile, but felt very stiff: "Happy birthday, Xie Wei!"

"Hmm. Come on, Gao Qun, I'm so happy that Nuannuan can come to my birthday party. Let's toast Nuannuan together. Xie Wei poured red wine into the glass in front of Su Nuannuan, raised it to Su Nuannuan, smiled sideways, and waited for her to pick up the glass.

Su Nuannuan quickly stood up and wanted to refuse, but she was afraid of sweeping Xie Wei's happiness, so she had to take the cup: "Xie Wei, I wish you more and more beautiful."

"Thank you, Nuannuan." Xie Wei drank all the red wine in his glass and motioned to Su Nuannuan to empty the cup. "Nuannuan, I often hear Gao Qun mention the scene of you studying abroad with him. I'm so envious that you can study together. I can't see it often. How can I and Gao Qun? Only stay together when he is on vacation."

Su Nuannuan heard the meaning of Xie Wei's words. Isn't she just implying that she and Gao Qun are just classmates?

Su Nuannuan didn't mind Xie Weiwei's sour words at all and said with a smile, "Yes, we have been classmates for many years, but I still miss the feeling when we were together in high school."

"Real?" Xie Wei was happy to hear Su Nuannuan's hint.

When she was in high school, Su Nuannuan knew that Xie Wei admired Gao Qun, and Su Nuannuan's attitude towards Gao Qun has always kept a distance. Now that she still says so, doesn't it mean that she is still as interested in Gao Qun as she did when she was reading?

"Yes. How happy we were at that time. Wen Xiaojuan and I often played with you and Gao Qun. Although after so many years, when it is mentioned today, it is still the same as yesterday. Su Nuannuan slowly raised the cup as she spoke.

In fact, she is the kind of person who doesn't drink, but she just saw Xie Wei drink all his toast. Out of politeness, she is reluctant to do it. You should know that Xie Wei is the protagonist today.

It's just a glass of red wine. You shouldn't get drunk. Su Nuannuan cheers herself up like this.

"Nuannuan, you don't know how to drink, then drink some juice." Xie Wei saw that Su Nuannuan picked up the glass as if she was going to the execution ground, so he guessed that she couldn't drink. Listening to what she had just made her feel comfortable, he didn't want to embarras Su Nuannuan. He quickly blocked her cup and gently told the waitress next to her, "Change a clean cup for my classmates and pour juice."

The service lady immediately sent an empty cup and poured juice for Su Nuannuan.

Su Nuannuan gave Xie Wei a little grateful look, smiled, raised her cup to signal, and took a slight sip.

"Gao Qun, let the warm girl sit in this position. You can accompany Xie Wei to sit there." Gao Yiming pointed to the place where Xie Wei's parents sat not far away and spoke to Gao Qun.

"Dad!" Gao Qun looked at Gao Yiming with dissatisfaction.

"It's okay. You can add another seat here." Min Chun quickly got up and moved his chair to Su Nuannuan.

"Xiao Chun!" Gao Yiming shouted his wife's name in a low voice and said to Xie Wei with a smile, "Weiwei, take Gao Qun to sit there, and your classmates can rest assured that they will be taken care of by your Aunt Gao."

"Well, thank you, Aunt Gao." Xie Wei smiled sweetly, then took Gao Qun's arm, regardless of Gao Qun's opposition, and pulled him to the place where his parents were sitting.

Gao Qun took a look at Su Nuannuan, and then motioned at Zhang Han, who was sitting next to Su Nuannuan. He looked at the eyes of many guests who had cast for himself to explore, thinking that Su Nuannuan's appearance today had made Xie Wei very faceless, and it was difficult to refute her intention. With a little reluctant, he still followed her.

Su Nuannuan, who was like a thorn on his back, looked sideways at Duan Chengyu and found that the three chairs over there were empty.

Duan Chengyu, Yan Ruoyan and Cheng Jue, I don't know when they will be gone!

Su Nuannuan got up in a hurry and was about to find Duan Chengyu, but was pulled by Gao Qun's mother sitting next to her: "Nuannuan, come on, this is delicious, try it."

"A mother-in-law, I..."

Before Su Nuannuan said anything, she was interrupted by Min Chun with a smile: "Don't worry, sit down and eat something first."

Min Chun seemed to inadvertently glance at Gao Qun sitting not far away, and happened to meet his son's eyes looking this way. He smiled, leaned his head to Su Nuannuan's ear and whispered, "Don't worry, it will be over soon."

Su Nuannuan didn't see the eyes of their mother and son's communication. She thought that she had misunderstood, not to mention Duan Chengyu. She was really embocated tonight, and accidentally became a joke of the whole audience!

Su Nuannuan, who was restless, couldn't stand it any longer and said hurriedly, "Auncle Gao, I'm sorry, I have a headache. I'll go first."

Without waiting for Min Chun to say anything more, Su Nuannuan had got up and walked out quickly.