Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

078, some things are not what you think

Although the weather in mid-August has started autumn, perhaps because of the ravages of 18 "autumn tigers", it is getting hotter and hotter.

The air conditioners in Yuri's offices are very powerful, spreading coolness in every corner, so that the people inside will not be annoyed by the sultry heat. Especially compared with the scorching sun outside, the people inside feel extremely comfortable and busy with their work in such a comfortable area.

Only Su Nuannuan is an exception.

At this time, she was standing in front of Duan Chengyu's desk, flattering, bringing the honeysuckle tea made half an hour ago to Duan Chengyu, who was staring at the computer screen.

"Mr. Duan, please have tea." Su Nuannuan showed a particularly bright smile on her face and repeated this sentence for the third time.

"I don't drink tea." Duan Chengyu, who frowned, did not look up and finally said a word impatiently.

"It's hot now, drinking honeysuckle tea can clear away heat and detoxify." Looking at Duan Chengyu ignores himself for a long time, what he finally said turned out to be a refusal. Su Nuannuan's sweet smile turned into a smile.

This was what she bought when she ran to the pharmacy early in the morning and opened the door. She was afraid of being late for work and trotted all the way, sweating all the way.

As soon as I arrived at the office, I boiled water, washed cups, washed tea, brewed, cooled down, counted the time, waited eagerly for half an hour, and brought it to him. It is said that it is best to drink at this time. Who knows that I touched a big nail.

"Mr. Duan, look at your face, it seems to be on fire. Drink some honeysuckle tea." These days, it's called Mr. Duan, and Su Nuannuan is very smooth now.

"Can't you understand what I'm saying?" Duan Chengyu glanced at Su Nuannuan.

"I can understand. I understood your words and your thoughts many years ago." Su Nuannuan smiled and pretended not to see Duan Chengyu's impatience.

Who told you to be passive now? Anyway, be patient, don't be reserved, don't be stubborn, don't be proud, calm down and calm down!

Su Nuannuan's noise covered Duan Chengyu's face with a layer of frost: "Su Nuannuan! Go back to your own position!"

I chatted here early in the morning, and it's not over!

If she were an ordinary person, she saw how far Duan Chengyu had gone, but Su Nuannuan was not careful. She only thought that the frost on Duan Chengyu's face was because the air was too cold.

"You haven't had tea yet. I'll go back after drinking it." Su Nuannuan took a step closer with tea.

At least he also said such a long sentence to himself, which is the progress of communication!

"I don't drink tea!" Duan Chengyu saw that the little woman in front of him actually took his words as a wind, and his tone gradually changed from cold to anger.

"Are you still angry? Well, I've already made tea for you. Isn't it an apology? Su Nuannuan smiled with a good temper, but she was muttering for herself. In fact, it was not my fault at all. It was their fault!

Duan Chengyu did not answer her words, but glanced at her and told her with his eyes, "That's your business. Your freedom and power beyond eight hours have nothing to do with me! I don't have to be angry."

"What happened yesterday was actually not what you thought, but in fact..." Listening to Duan Chengyu explain so much in one breath, Su Nuannuan actually became a little excited.

"Su Nuannuan! It's working time. Go back to your work and do your job well, or the bonus will be deducted!"

"This whole office is my job. It's my job to take good care of Mr. Duan!" Su Nuannuan added in her heart: In fact, you should also add my bonus!

Seeing that Duan Chengyu had no sound, Su Nuannuan brought the tea forward again, and her tone became extremely soft: "Hey - er, Mr. Duan, have a drink."

"Yu!" A crisp female voice sounded at the door.

Su Nuannuan looked sideways and saw a tall and beautiful woman standing at the door with a shallow smile. Under her short hair was a delicate face with light makeup. A professional women's clothing made her body graceful, and the self-confidence on her face showed her unique feminine charm.

Who is this? And call him to be Yu!

Such an intimate name!

While Su Nuannuan was still guessing the various identities of women, Duan Chengyu had already got up: "Feifei, when did you come?"

"I came here as soon as I got off the plane. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you!" Although the woman's words expressed her missing eagerly, she did not run here, but took elegant steps and slowly walked to Duan Chengyu with thin heels.

"I miss you too." Duan Chengyu opened his arms, and the woman hugged him, and the two changed together.

What's the situation?

Su Nuannuan hasn't recovered yet!

Wasn't Chengyu still intimate with Yan Ruoyan last night? Here comes another woman who is so bright!

The noble temperament exuded by this woman is far from comparable to Yan Ruoyan!

Feifei? Cheng Fei?

"Is this your little assistant? He is very lovely!" While Su Nuannuan was still in a daze, the two bodies hugged together had separated. Cheng Fei looked at Su Nuannuan with a smile, but spoke to Duan Chengyu.

"Hmm." Duan Chengyu nod, "Feifei, why did you come back this August? You are not used to the weather here. Come on, here is a cup of cold honeysuckle tea. You drank it.

Duan Chengyu picked up Su Nuannuan's flower tea on the table and handed it to Cheng Fei.

Su Nuannuan was surprised to find that the frost on Duan Chengyu's face had melted, and she replaced it with a warm smile.

She only saw such a smile five years ago! Su Nuannuan's heart suddenly stung, and the expression on her face involuntarily faded.

Cheng Fei didn't say much. She took it and drank it slowly. Then she handed the cup to Su Nuannuan: "Su Te, this is what you made. It's very good. Thank you."

Some of the dull Su Nuannuan took the cup before she realized her gaffe and quickly laughed back at Cheng Fei: "Thank you for your praise."

I turned around and walked outside with the cup and didn't dare to look back again.

"Then go to the room and take it off."

Duan Chengyu's small voice pierced Su Nuannuan's eardrum.

Take off? Su Nuannuan only felt that she wanted to crush the cup in her hand!

Isn't it so exaggerated!

What are you going to do as soon as you come! Is it that urgent?

You dead Duan Chengyu! You will die if you leave a woman!

There is a small bedroom next to Duan Chengyu's office, which is the usual place where Duan Chengyu rests. There is a big bed in it!

Thinking of entering the small bedroom, thinking of the bed, and thinking of blurting words, Su Nuannuan's heart is no longer sad, but completely full of anger!

She quickly thought of all kinds of vicious words in her mind to curse Duan Chengyu and Cheng Fei!

Shameless, shameless!

Is it just let them be in front of you, er, what?

Su Nuannuan put the cup in her hand heavily on the table. The table seemed to feel Su Nuannuan's anger and hummed cooperatively, conveying her anger.


is tolerable, which is unbearable!

Su Nuannuan turned around and found that Duan Chengyu was standing behind her!

Su Nuannuan, who was shocked, couldn't recover her expression for a moment because of inertia.

"Suke Su, go and buy me a box of condoms right away! Speed!" Duan Chengyu seemed to see Su Nuannuan's eyes that were almost ignited, and ordered her in an ordered tone.

What? Is there any mistake? Tell me to buy condoms!

Su Nuannuan really wants to punch and kick Duan Chengyu!

I've seen him when he was too much, and I've never seen him go so much!

Su Nuannuan only felt that high-temperature magma brewed from her chest and was about to burst out from the top of her head!

"Didn't you hear?" Duan Chengyu's tone was generally irresistible and coldly rebuked Su Nuannuan, "You can't go!"

How can't Su Nuannuan understand Duan Chengyu's subtext? You can go home without going!

Forbearance! I endure it!

Don't you just want to change the way to let me leave Yuri automatically?


Su Nuannuan took a sip in the bottom of her heart.

Lower your head and take a deep breath!

One! Two! Three!

When Su Nuannuan raised her head again, the red light in her eyes had long disappeared, replaced by a clear Shuncheng, with a blooming smile and a gentle and indifferent music: "Okay, Mr. Duan, please wait, I'll go now!"

After saying that, he grabbed the bag and walked out quickly.

Seeing Su Nuannuan's background come out of sight, Duan Chengyu slowly walked back to his desk, sat down slowly, and looked at the pot still soaked in half a pot of honeysuckle tea.

He still remembers that in the past, Su Nuannuan was easy to get angry in summer, so Chen Qiaolan often soaked such a pot of honeysuckle tea with rock sugar to let Su Nuannuan drink. It's just that she always thinks it tastes bad, often plays tricks on her and refuses to drink it, and always wants Chen Qiaolan to coax it.

Duan Chengyu picked up a small cup, poured a little, and took a sip, which was slightly sweet. It seems that she still remembers putting rock sugar in it.

"Chengyu, how about it? The tea made by the little assistant is delicious!" Cheng Fei has come out of the small bedroom and walked to Duan Chengyu's side, with his back against the table, facing Duan Chengyu, tilting his head, and staring at him with a funny smile.

Duan Chengyu didn't look up, and the expression on his face was faint. He couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy.

"Is it her?" Cheng Fei seemed to have been used to Duan Chengyu's nature and didn't mind at all.

Duan Chengyu raised his head and looked at Cheng Fei. Cheng Fei blinked at him, which was very ambiguous.

Although Cheng Fei did not say this "her" name, Duan Chengyu seemed to have a good understanding with Cheng Fei and nodded slightly, affirming Cheng Fei's words.

"Pure and lovely, beautiful and intelligent, brave and persistent, this kind of dare to love and hate is very suitable for my appetite." Cheng Fei smiled generously, "But isn't it sour to say this from me, a person who loves you?"

"The atmosphere should be used on you." Duan Chengyu looked at Cheng Fei seriously.

"Chengyu, I just tested this girl for you as soon as I came here. I feel that this girl has no feelings for you. What are you going to do?" Cheng Fei's face turned into a cautious look.

Duan Chengyu did not make a sound, but stared at the teapot containing half a pot of honeysuckle tea.