Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

089, my woman

Su Nuannuan looked back. A middle-aged man with a big belly came in and glanced at Su Nuannuan with a look of contempt. "Isn't this the classmate who hooked up with Cheng Jue at your birthday party that day? What? Did she make you unhappy? Baby?"

"You! Uncle Xie, please speak with respect!" Su Nuannuan was furious.

"Dad, I smashed a store this morning." Xie Wei looked at his father's words and made Su Nuannuan angry. Obviously, he was very happy and spoke to his father coquettishly, "It was smashing her classmate's store."

"Oh? Why?" Xie Zhengsheng did not blame his daughter, but still had a smile on his face and asked her softly, as if he had smashed a small toy.

"Because they joined hands to bully me yesterday! Su Nuannuan, you don't pretend to be a pure jade girl in front of me. You keep saying that you have nothing to do with Gao Qun, but you stick to Gao Qun every day! Since Gao Qun met you, he has hardly answered my phone! I'm so stupid. I really believed what you said before and was deceived by your simple appearance. I also tell you that I dare to smash her store today and her house tomorrow. The farther away you are from the high group, the better." Xie Wei looked at Su Nuannuan with a sneer.

"You! You are such a madman! Xie Wei, you must apologize to Wu Xintian and make up for the loss in her store! Otherwise, I won't let you go!" Su Nuan's warm body trembled.

"Apologize? There is no such word in Xie Wei's dictionary, except for being soft on Gao Qun. What are you in my eyes? It's just a shameless stinky woman. How pure she looks and doesn't know how many men she has slept with behind her back. Gao Qun was so stupid that he was fooled by you. And your classmate, at first glance, it's all the way with you, bitch. Xie Wei poohed.

"You are not allowed to scold Wu Xintian." Su Nuannuan rushed forward to push Xie Wei. Because of a moment of anger, she forgot that it was on other people's territory. "It's useless for you to say such a poor words in a family with such a good background. Your parents really trained you to read for so many years, a pure bitch."

"Okay, you dare to push me! What's wrong with me? I'm going to hit you today!" Xie Wei was so angry that he also went forward to drag Su Nuannuan, but when he saw Su Nuannuan, who was a piece taller than himself, he thought of the loss he had suffered yesterday, stopped his hand again, turned his head and stamped his feet at Xie Zhengsheng, "Dad--"

At this time, the secretary who heard the noise outside also came in with the security guard.

"Catch this trouble-provoking woman." Xie Zhengsheng gave an order, and several security guards immediately gathered around.

" Stop it! With so many of you, what is it to bully me as a woman? Su Nuannuan was very angry when she saw the group of people around her. She just said so, but did not let them stop. Instead, she became closer and closer to herself. Only then did Su Nuannuan, who was a little panic, knew that she was going to suffer losses and shouted again, "I am Yu Ri Duan Chengyu's special assistant. What do you dare you do to me today? It's just that I can't get along with Yu Ri.

Su Nuannuan naturally knew the influence of Yu's day in City A, and the good man could not suffer this immediate loss, so he regarded Duan Chengyu as a rescuer in a hurry.

"It's just a little assistant of Yuri, not Mr. Duan's woman. Don't give me the tiger's prestige here." Xie Zhengsheng disapproved and motioned to the security guard to move forward. If it is really Duan Chengyu's woman, he should avoid it, but he knows that Duan Chengyu has never moved to the company, and Yan Ruoyan is an exception.

"Su Nuannuan, you are really good. Gao Qun's forefoot left, and you want to hook up with the boss! I'm afraid you want to climb into someone's bed, and they don't bother to want you, a slug. Xie Wei sneered.

Two security guards have clasped Su Nuannuan's hands one left and one right. Looking at Xie Wei, who slowly came to him with a dark smile, Su Nuannuan found that she had become a little sheep slaughtered by others. She struggled hard and said, "I'm Duan Chengyu's woman. You dare to touch me today. Your parliament will be closed tomorrow. Duan Chengyu will never let you go.

"Oh? Is that right? Hahahaha, I don't believe that Duan Chengyu's eyesight is so low that even a watery woman like you can like it! Don't think that I will be afraid if I say this, and I will let you go!" Xie Wei raised his hand and was ready to throw it fiercely on Su Nuannuan's face.

" Stop it!" A male voice with a little cold in the majesty came in very penetratingly, "Do you dare to beat my woman?"

Su Nuannuan, who turned pale, immediately smiled in her heart when she heard this sound, and he came.

Xie Wei was shocked by this sound. Looking back, it turned out that it was really Duan Chengyu! So her hand hanging in mid-air hung stiffly, so embarrassed that she didn't know where to put it.

"Yo, Mr. Duan, welcome to the shelter. What a glorious place!" Xie Zhengsheng had already greeted him with a dry smile, and at the same time hinted to the security guard, "Weiwei, just joke with your classmates, almost forget it."

The security guard also quickly let go of Su Nuannuan's hand and quickly retreated out.

Xie Wei also quickly changed his face, tried to hold up a smile for Su Nuannuan, and stepped forward to support her: "Nuannuan, come and sit here."

"Nuannuan, are you all right?" Wu Xintian, who came in with Duan Chengyu, looked at Su Nuannuan, who was being framed. She looked nervous and walked forward. She stared at Xie Wei, patted her hand, and held Su Nuannuan to look left and right for fear of any injury.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Su Nuannuan tried to suppress her panic, barely smiled, and felt a little embarrassed for her recklessness.

"You go back first." Duan Chengyu glanced at Su Nuannuan and said lightly.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Duan." Wu Xintian said and pulled Su Nuannuan out quickly and walked to the road opposite the Capitol Company before stopping.

"Nuannuan, I can now understand why you love Duan Chengyu so much. The sentence he just said, 'You dare to fight my woman' is so handsome! I can't help but be obsessed with him! Nuannuan, he has admitted that you are his woman outside. Although this is because he wants to help you, I think that's what he must think in his heart. It seems that our plan tonight is to be 100% successful. Our Miss Su Nuannuan's happy life is just around the corner. Wu Xintian said happily while gasping.

Earlier, Wu Xintian, who saw Su Nuannuan run to the Congress and knew that she would definitely suffer losses this time, was so anxious to find Duan Chengyu. She bet that Duan Chengyu would not sit idly by. So he quickly got through the phone of his cousin Wu Lili, who worked in Yuri, and found Song Ping through her. After briefly explaining the reason, Song Ping thought about it and took her to Duan Chengyu's office.

Sure enough, Duan Chengyu rushed to the Congress as soon as he heard Wu Xintian say that Su Nuannuan might suffer losses.

"Xintian, what I'm thinking about now is to ensure your personal safety. I hope Duan Chengyu will come forward and Xie Wei won't embarrass you anymore." Su Nuannuan felt extremely disgusted when she thought of the appearance of Xie's father and daughter. What kind of father gave birth to what kind of daughter? Why didn't she see Xie Wei had such a hateful side before?

"You can see that as soon as Duan Chengyu appeared, the faces of Xie's father and daughter changed, which can be seen that Duan Chengyu's weight in their minds. Don't worry, I'm fine. Even if Duan Chengyu doesn't handle it well, I'm not afraid. Wu Xintian held her head high and patted her chest.

The two looked at each other and smiled before walking to the pharmacy.


As the sun took away the last afterglow, the sky darkened, and the city under the night was immediately soaked with all kinds of lights.

Su Nuannuan stood in front of the dressing mirror, facing the mirror, swinging left and twisting right.

"Okay, don't look at it. It's very beautiful." Wu Xintian sat on **, with her hands behind **, tilted her head and stared at Su Nuannuan for a long time, making a positive voice again.

Today is the day when Yuri Company held a small cocktail party to celebrate the signing of a contract with a company. After work, Su Nuannuan and Wu Xintian came together, ate something at will, and got busy dressing up.

Today, Su Nuannuan is wearing a white suspender dress with a small shoulder, which is not exposed, but it sets off all the beauty.

"Warm, tut, beautiful people are good, and everything looks good. This white dress really makes your skin burst. Wu Xintian looked at the beautiful person in front of her and pretended to swallow her saliva. "Remember to choose an opportunity to be alone with him later, and then make good use of the means of going to school last night. Su Nuannuan, come on!"

Su Nuannuan turned around and winked at Wu Xintian.

"Ouch." Wu Xintian pretended to be electrocuted and lay down ** with a soft cry, motionless.

Su Nuannuan looked at Wu Xintian's appearance and couldn't help laughing. She rushed to the bed and pinched her calf: "It's so easy to electrocut to death. It seems that I don't need to grasp the power later. Just use one of it."

"Haha, if it's not enough, at least use 30% to make him dizzy, and then you can get what you want." Wu Xintian also laughed.

"Oh, you can't laugh, you can't laugh. I'm just helping you put on good makeup. Don't laugh." Wu Xintian stopped laughing and pulled Su Nuannuan to look around again. Then she nodded with satisfaction, "When my uncle won't let me manage the store, I will change to an image designer, and you will advertise for me. I will definitely be popular."

" Come on, you have to wait for today to pass the test. Let's see if you are beautiful." Su Nuannuan smiled, looked at the time again, picked up the small bag, "It's almost time. It's time to pass."

"Okay, let's go. I'll take you to the gate and then go back." Wu Xintian also picked up the bag and followed Su Nuannuan downstairs. "Nuannuan, if it doesn't work, you can call me to pick you up, but I hope I won't answer your phone tonight."

"I will try my best, Designer Wu." Su Nuannuan stopped and slowly looked up, with a sweet smile on her face.

"OK, OK, that's it. This is called a beautiful woman's smile, which is sure to be fascinated, but don't laugh wildly, be careful to attract peach blossoms, just look at Duan Chengyu alone."

As they spoke, they walked to the car parked in the garage, got on the car and drove to the destination.