Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

096, life is on the line

scared her a lot. After seeing the people coming clearly, she was slightly relieved. Because she saw that the person who came was Yan Ruoyan, who was about to be transferred to City D to be responsible for the project.

"What are you doing at my house?" Su Nuannuan has never liked Yan Ruoyan, and naturally won't give her any good face. At the same time, she also keeps a distance from her with some vigilance.

"How's it going? Is Chengyu's home comfortable?" Yan Ruoyan looked at the house again through the day-like light and sneered.

"Mr. Yan, this is a private residential area, and the security work here is very serious. If you have anything to say about work, please ask Mr. Yan to come to the company tomorrow morning. It's time to get off work. Su Nuannuan felt that the visitor was not good. After saying these words with a little warning, she was ready to open the door and enter the room.

"Don't move!" Yan Ruoyan shouted softly, and she had come forward. At the same time, a fruit knife touched Su Nuannuan's chest.

"What do you want to do! It's illegal for you to do this!" Su Nuannuan was shocked and was very nervous when she saw the sharp fruit knife with reflected light.

"Go in!" Yan Ruoyan kicked the door and ordered Su Nuannuan.

Su Nuannuan was very excited to see Yan Ruoyan, and for a moment she couldn't figure out why. She glanced out quickly and faintly saw someone outside and wanted to call for help.

"Do you think your mouth is fast, or is the knife in my hand fast?" Yan Ruoyan understood Su Nuannuan's intention, increased her strength, and she lowered her voice and said, "Go in!"

"Okay, I'll go in. Don't move." Su Nuannuan quickly turned her head and walked in along Yan Ruoyan.

As soon as she walked in, Yan Ruoyan raised her foot and kicked the door on one side.

"Mr. Yan, we have no grudges. Why do we use knives and guns?" Su Nuannuan smiled at Yan Ruoyan.

She really doesn't know why Yan Ruoyan wants to do this. If it's because of Duan Chengyu, she is now in a passive position. Generally speaking, she should take a knife to force her.

How could Su Nuannuan ever think of the tricks in the glass of juice?

"Su Nuannuan, why have you left City A for so many years and you still want to come back? Isn't it good for you to stay abroad? Or is it not good to stay around Gao Qun? Why do you still want to come back?" Yan Ruoyan gritted her teeth and stared at Su Nuannuan.

After entering the room, she touched the light and was forced by Yan Ruoyan to come to the middle of the living room. Only then could she see the red eyes on Yan Ruoyan's pale face in front of her, and a few messy hairs brushed her face. At this time, Yan Ruoyan and Su Nuonuan were completely different from each other. .

Looking at Yan Ruoyan's hand, which was still shaking slightly, Su Nuannuan thought about a way to get out.

"Mr. Yan." Su Nuannuan tried to make herself smile calmly, "Gao Qun and I have always been very good."

"Since you are good with Gao Qun, why do you still find ways to seduce Chengyu? Do you think I'm a fool? Don't you understand what you do every day?" Yan Ruoyan sneered and touched Su Nuannuan's hand with her hand without a knife. "It's really a beautiful person. No wonder Chengyu can't forget it for so many years."

"He doesn't miss me. He doesn't want to see me now..."

"Shut up!" Yan Ruoyan interrupted Su Nuannuan's words and moved the knife on her chest all the way to Su Nuannuan's face. "What Chengyu can't forget is this face. If this face is no longer this face..."

"What are you going to do? Don't mess around!" Looking at the vicious Yan Ruoyan in her eyes, Su Nuannuan only felt shocked.

At this moment, Su Nuannuan's mobile phone in the bag rang, and she habitually put her hand into the bag.

"No! Don't move!" Yan Ruoyan heard the sound of her mobile phone and saw Su Nuannuan's movements. Her face changed obviously and immediately threatened Su Nuannuan, "If you dare to move, I will scratch your face immediately!"

"Okay, okay, I won't answer, I won't answer, don't move." Su Nuannuan stretched out her hand and dared not touch the mobile phone again, allowing it to keep ringing.

Finally, the sound of the mobile phone stopped.

"Mr. Yan, if it's because of Duan Chengyu, you can't do this to me at all. There is nothing between me and Duan Chengyu. He doesn't look at me at all. Also, you know, if you scratch my face or hurt me, you will be legally responsible. Do you think you are young and beautiful? Is it worth it? Su Nuannuan looked at Yan Ruoyan's spirit a little relaxed, and then tried to talk to her calmly, trying to calm her down.

"I don't have anything worth doing anymore!" Yan Ruoyan became more excited when she heard Su Nuannuan's words. "For so many years, I have been silently staying by his side. I dare not ask him to fall in love with me or ask him to treat me like me. As long as he can let me be by his side, I will be satisfied. For five years, although he has been cold to me, at least he has never refused me to be by his side. But when you came, everything changed!"

"I, nothing happened to us!" Su Nuannuan quickly explained.

"Nothing has happened to you now, but it doesn't mean that you don't have any feelings! It was because you came that he didn't even look at me, and even didn't allow me to go to his house! My efforts for so many years have been in the end of your coming here! Now he wants to drive me away and let me go to City D. Don't think that it's a delaying plan that I don't know that people will come back for me in the future! If I leave, will he let me come back? Impossible!"

Yan Ruoyan roared at Su Nuannuan with tears, and the tip of the fruit knife in her hand had touched Su Nuannuan's white face.

"Yan Ruoyan, calm down! We have something to say!" Su Nuannuan couldn't speak softly. In a hurry, she shouted softly, "Yan Ruoyan, what's the use of you not getting Duan Chengyu to come to me? Did I get him? If you want to go to the bottom, you should also go to Duan Chengyu, and it's useless to return to me! I can't change anything at all!"

"Humph, do you think you can fool me like this? Although Duan Chengyu didn't say anything, he only has you in his heart. I can see this without you! If it weren't for you, could he have sent me to City D so ruthlessly? He is ruthless first, so don't blame me for mercilessly making his beloved woman look like a ghost!" Yan Ruoyan smiled gloomly, and the sharp knife in her hand stabbed Su Nuannuan's face again.

"Yan Ruoyan, you are crazy! Help--" Su Nuannuan called for help in panic.

"The sound insulation of your room is very good, and it is completely closed. Unless someone stands outside your door, do you think the people outside can hear it?" Yan Ruoyan laughed with a little fearlessness.

"Yan Ruoyan, you are deliberately hurting people, it's against the law! You will go to prison! You are so young, do you want to waste your good time in prison? Su Nuannuan said as she put her hands against Yan Ruoyan's hand.

However, her knife still made a small cut on Su Nuannuan's face, and a drop of red blood came out, flowed down her cheek to her neck, and then disappeared into her clothes.

"I'm crazy. I've been crazy since the first day I met Duan Chengyu! Su Nuannuan, I hate you, and I hate Duan Chengyu even more! The best time in my life has been left to him, but I can't move him a little, even a trace of pity! For five years, even a stone should have been covered by me, but he is a heartless stone!" Yan Ruoyan looked at the slender blood stain on Su Nuannuan's face and became more excited. The strength in her hand continued to increase, and she couldn't wait to cut one after another on Su Nuannuan's face.

"Yan Ruoyan, even if you make me ugly, Duan Chengyu doesn't love me anymore. If you go to prison, don't he still want to love others?" With the pain on her face, Su Nuannuan's eyes kept staring at Yan Ruoyan's hand and tried her best against the fruit knife in her hand.

At this time, Yan Ruoyan's eyes were already crazy because of anger and hatred. There was no reason or any consequences. She only wanted to draw quickly. Fortunately, it was the first time she took a knife at someone else. Although she was about to lose her reason, her fear of knife and blood was out of instinct, so that her hand kept holding it. Trembling, not to mention that both of them are similar in height and physical strength, so Su Nuannuan can compete with her for the time being.

"He hasn't loved me for a long time. He won't care about my life or death. All he cares about is Su Nuannuan! Only when he does what happens to you will he be sad! I just want to give him a taste of pain! Su Nuannuan, don't hate me. If you want to hate me, just hate Duan Chengyu! Everything is because of him! I hate him! Duan Chengyu, I'm sorry!" Yan Ruoyan said word by word, and her tone finally became a little incoherent.

"If you go to City D, at least you still have a chance to come back. If you go to prison, there will be no chance at all. Are you willing? Since he doesn't love you anymore, is it worth doing these things for such a man who doesn't love you? Don't you have any parents in your family? Why did they raise you to such a big age? Seeing that Yan Ruoyan gradually lost her mind, there was only a crazy desire for revenge. Su Nuannuan really didn't know what to say to impress her, so she had to follow her incoherently, hoping to touch Yan Ruoyan's weakness, so that she could see the opportunity to escape.

Sure enough, when it comes to her parents, Yan Ruoyan was stunned for a moment, with a trace of sadness on her face.

Taking advantage of this gap, Su Nuannuan pushed back hard, pushed Yan Ruoyan back a few steps, and quickly ran out.

Unexpectedly, her hair was pulled by Yan Ruoyan, pulled back by her and fell to the ground.

And Yan Ruoyan turned around and half knelt on Su Nuannuan's body. She pressed Su Nuannuan's hand in one hand and raised a knife in the other to stab Su Nuannuan's chest.