Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

100, wishful thinking

"How's it going?" It was Cheng Jue who came. At this time, he was looking at Duan Chengyu with an extremely expectant face, hoping that he could give himself a satisfactory answer.

Duan Chengyu didn't reply. He took a look at Cheng Jue and walked around him.

"Is Su Nuannuan not agreeing to mediation? What did she ask for? Cheng Jue pulled Duan Chengyu again, pulled him to a corner of the hospital outpatient hall to ask, and quickly added, "No matter what she asks, as long as I can do it, I will promise, as long as I don't let Ruoyan go to prison."

"She didn't ask for it." Duan Chengyu brushed Cheng Jue's hand and made a cold sound.

He did feel guilty about Yan Ruoyan, but when he saw the injured Su Nuannuan, his heart immediately felt pain. How could he think about Yan Ruoyan!

But Cheng Jue called again and again to inquire, and Cheng Fei also came forward, and he had to take care of them more or less.

What's more, Cheng Jue also said that when this matter was solved, he immediately took Yan Ruoyan out of City A and would never come back.

Duan Chengyu, who didn't want Su Nuannuan to have too many grudges with others, came to Su Nuannuan. First, he wanted to see her injury, and second, he hoped to resolve this matter well.

However, she refuted his face and turned a blind eye to his concern and request.

Of course, Duan Chengyu did not realize how tough his attitude was, so that Su Nuannuan misunderstood his original intention.

Cheng Jue was a little flustered by Duan Chengyu's words. He believed that as long as Su Nuannuan made a request, he would definitely do it, but she did not make a request!

No request, does it mean that she has to let Ruoyan go to prison?

"Mr. Duan, please help persuade Su Nuannuan again. Ruoyan can't go to prison!" Cheng Jue saw that Duan Chengyu was going to leave and stood in front of him to prevent him from leaving.

Duan Chengyu frowned with a little impatience on his face: "Go and persuade yourself!"

Thinking of Su Nuannuan's appearance with Gao Qun in the ward, how can Duan Chengyu be willing to go back to see it again?

"Su Nuannuan won't listen to me. She will only listen to you!" Cheng Jue knew that Duan Chengyu was unhappy and brazenly begged him, because he really couldn't help it.

Cheng Jue has already asked. There is witness evidence, and Su Nuannuan is indeed injured. In this matter, Yan Ruoyan is inherently wrong. Even if Cheng Jue and Gao Qun do not participate, as long as Su Nuannuan investigates, the crime of intentionally hurting others will definitely be established. It is necessary to go to prison, but how long is the sentence is Problems between.

Unless Su Nuannuan is willing to accept civil mediation.

Looking at Cheng Jue, who has always been arrogant and unruly, but because of Yan Ruoyan's affairs, Duan Chengyu suddenly felt that today's people were very strange.

First, Yan Ruoyan, who has always been calm, would do such a stupid thing, and then Su Nuannuan, who had always been submissive to herself, so she resolutely refused herself, and then Cheng Jue, and Cheng Fei, who always didn't like Yan Ruoyan, even called him to help her.

At the critical moment, Su Nuannuan still listened to Gao Qun's words instead of listening to herself. What does this mean?

It's just that she has been entangled around her. What is this for?

Duan Chengyu did not answer Cheng Jue's words. Don't let him go and leave directly, leaving Cheng Jue a disappointed background.

Cheng Jue stood at the side door of the outpatient hall, was silent for a long time, and decided to talk to Su Nuannuan in person. Anyway, he couldn't let Yan Ruoyan go to prison and couldn't see her decadent appearance!


"Nuannuan, would you like some water?" In Su Nuannuan's ward, Wu Xintian was sitting at the head of the bed and gently asked Su Nuannuan.

When she received a phone call from Zhang Han early in the morning, Wu Xintian knew that Su Nuannuan had an accident. She first went to the pharmacy to arrange it, and then rushed to the hospital.

At this time, Su Nuannuan, because of fatigue and the pain of the wound on her body, did not want to talk anymore. She just wanted to fall asleep with her eyes closed and did not have the strength to answer Wu Xintian's words. She only shook her head slightly.

"Nuannuan is just tired. Don't worry. Gao Qun said that Nuannuan is just a minor skin injury. Just rest for a few days." Zhang Han, who stood aside, looked at the tearful Wu Xintian and gently patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.

"That Yan Ruoyan is so vicious! How can you be ruthless to kill people! Fortunately, Gao Qun arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!" Imagineing Yan Ruoyan's knife to Su Nuannuan, Wu Xintian also gritted her teeth and said, "You should let her sit through the prison to relieve her hatred!"

"Gao Qun said that she would get the punishment she deserved." Zhang Han poured a glass of water for Wu Xintian and motioned her to speak in a low voice and not to disturb Su Nuannuan.

"Nuannuan is really pitiful. Duan Chengyu, who has been chasing for so long, has not been chased by any fame. This is good, but he almost killed him! What's the pain!" Wu Xintian helped Su Nuannuan pull the quilt and looked at Su Nuannuan, who had fallen asleep, and only felt very angry.

"I can't talk about feelings. Isn't there an old saying in China: three thousand weak water, only take one ladle? Although Zhang Han also cares about Su Nuannuan, he seems to care more about Wu Xintian's mood at this time, so he wants to make her happy, but he is so semi-Chinese that many words are always unsatisfactory.

"There is nothing wrong with taking a ladle, and it also depends on whether this ladle is worth it or not! I'm still in favor of being in love with each other. How tiring is it to miss each other like this? How annoying?"

"Is it mutual wishful thinking? I like this, too." Zhang Han was happy to hear this, and Wu Xintian's eyes also became a little hot.

Wu Xintian noticed the change in his eyes and was a little embarrassed. She quickly turned to the topic: "Aren't you back to China? Why is it coming again?"

"My father felt that there were certain business opportunities for cooperation with Hongda in China, so he sent me here to talk about cooperation with them in detail."

"Oh." Wu Xintian answered and didn't know what to say for a moment.

In fact, the two of them have been chatting for a long time on the Internet and on the phone, but they are not used to this sudden face-to-face conversation.

"My father said that coming back to invest is a secondary matter." Zhang Han also changed the topic.

Wu Xintian was curious and asked, "What's the main thing?"

"My father wants me to take a beautiful Chinese girl back and be my bride." Zhang Han looked at Wu Xintian very seriously.

Wu Xintian blushed, because Zhang Han's words couldn't help giving people the illusion that he was unmarried.

"It's a good thing for a lifetime, and you have to work hard." After being stunned for a while, Wu Xintian tried to show a smiling face to Zhang Han and make a look that had nothing to do with her.

"My efforts alone are not enough, and I have to agree with the beautiful girl." Zhang Han looked at Wu Xintian with a smile and looked forward to it.

Wu Xintian was about to say something more, but she found that Su Nuannuan's closed eyes moved. Only then did she actually fall asleep, but her face turned redder. She quickly restrained Zhang Han's words: "I haven't had breakfast yet. Go and buy some breakfast for me."

Zhang Han got up quickly and walked out as soon as he heard that Wu Xintian hadn't had breakfast yet.

Watching Zhang Han leave, Wu Xintian said in a low voice, "Su Nuannuan, you can open your eyes!"

"Well, Zhang Han is gone?" Su Nuannuan opened her eyes and looked at Wu Xintian with a little innocent look, "I really don't want to hear it. It hurts so much that I really can't sleep. I accidentally heard it."

"Listen to it, and I didn't say anything embarrassing." Wu Xintian waved her hand and looked indifferent.

"Oh, I thought someone would accept the proposal if I didn't find out that I was sleeping pretending." Su Nuannuan sighed and looked like she didn't see the wonderful play.

"Su Nuannuan, if you hadn't been injured, I would have scratched you to call you aunt today!" Wu Xintian hummed twice, stretched out her hand and pretended to grab it, threatening Su Nuannuan.

"I don't know if Zhang Han will call me aunt in the future." Su Nuannuan thought of Zhang Han's appearance of calling Aunt Wu Xintian, and suddenly wanted to laugh, but as soon as she made a rich expression, her face hurt, which made her take a breath.

"Look at you laughing at me, you deserve it!" Wu Xintian was fury, but she bent down worried to see Su Nuannuan's injury. "Don't move, be careful that the needle cracks. This Yan Ruoyan is really a wicked mother-in-law! I can't catch Duan Chengyu's heart and vent my anger on you! She also thought you had a good life. I don't know what a miserable you are! She should be sentenced to ten or eight years to see if she dares to hurt people with a knife like this!"

Su Nuannuan was slightly stunned when she heard Wu Xintian's words: "Go to prison?"

Although she hated Yan Ruoyan very much, her heart trembled when she thought of the word prison. If a young woman went to prison for ten or eight years, the result could be imagined that her life would be ruined.

"Don't you go to prison for murder? If you don't go to prison for murder, then you will go to kill and play if you don't like anyone in the future. Wu Xintian didn't agree with Su Nuannuan's doubts. She felt that those who did something wrong should be punished accordingly.

Su Nuannuan suddenly thought of Duan Chengyu's previous words when she came to ask herself. Did he know that Yan Ruoyan might be imprisoned because of this matter and specially came to discuss with her? But whether Yan Ruoyan is in prison or not, she doesn't have the final say. What's the use of coming to herself?

Su Nuannuan is a little confused.

"Nuannuan, I heard Zhang Han say that I saw Duan Chengyu come to see you before. Did he say anything?" Wu Xintian didn't know what Su Nuannuan was thinking. Seeing that she didn't say anything, she asked what she had always wanted to ask.

"He didn't say anything." Su Nuannuan felt a little tired and didn't want to say much.

"What didn't you say? You are helping him pay the romantic debt! Didn't he show any concern or anger? Wu Xintian saw that Su Nuannuan did not agree with her words, and became angry again, "Nuannuan, I suddenly feel that Gao Qun is better now! You see that you are hurt, but he is so nervous that he is busy arranging everything for you. If it weren't for a very important meeting in his company, how could he be willing to leave here? And what about Duan Chengyu, who you chase so tightly every day? What do you think you are? The air is not as good as it!"