Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

109, seduction

The birthday banquet at noon lasted until nearly two o'clock, and everyone had a good time.

Jiang Wei left with Yu Mi, Gao Qun and Wen Xiaojuan went to work together. Wu Xintian took Zhang Han and Su Nuannuan to see Su Nuannuan off first.

"Nuannuan, are you happy today?" Wu Xintian asked Su Nuannuan, who was sitting in the back row while driving.

"Happy, Xintian, I feel so happy to have you." Su Nuannuan leaned against the soft cushion and raised her hand comfortably.

"Why, does your hand still hurt?" Wu Xintian saw Su Nuannuan's movements in the rearview mirror and was very nervous, which made Zhang Han quickly look back.

"No - it hurts." Su Nuannuan knew that Wu Xintian had misunderstood, looked at Zhang Han again, and then replied in a low voice.

Wu Xintian was surprised and didn't ask much.

Su Nuannuan looked sideways at the pile of gifts on the right seat, including music boxes given by Yu Yu, perfume given by Wu Xintian, and skin care products given by Wen Xiaojuan...

Suddenly, her hand touched the jade pendant on her neck, and her heart warmed again.

It is said that this jade pendant is shining and can keep you safe.

Su Nuannuan smiled. Although she never believed in Buddha, it was always a beautiful sustenance, and she accepted this wish.

"Warm, here it is."

Su Nuannuan found that the car had stopped in front of Duan Chengyu's house and quickly took the gift with both hands and was ready to get out of the car.

"I'll do it." Wu Xintian had also opened the door on the other side, helped her pack the gifts, and sent her upstairs, and then left with Zhang Han.

Su Nuannuan put the gifts on the table one by one and looked at them happily.

Suddenly, I felt something wrong behind my back. I quickly looked back and found that it was Duan Chengyu standing behind.

Su Nuannuan took a breath and stared at him a little unhappily: "Why is there no sound at all? Don't be afraid to scare people to death!"

But then she became happy again and pointed to the gift boxes and said to Duan Chengyu, "These are all given to me by Xintian and Jiang Wei."

Duan Chengyu didn't make a sound, just stared at the jade pendant on her neck.

Su Nuannuan was a little panicked by his stare. She stroked the jade pendant with her hand and smiled: "This is given to me by Xin Tian. Is it beautiful? It is said that it is lighted, which can ward off evil spirits and keep peace.

Su Nuannuan didn't know what happened and told a lie all of a sudden.

She doesn't want to talk to him about high-level groups, so as to avoid unnecessary gossip.

Anyway, it was just an ordinary jade pendant. Gao Qun said that it was only a few hundred yuan. His mother heard that Su Nuannuan was injured a few days ago and specially went to the temple to help her beg for it. She also said that she must bring it, otherwise it would be unlucky. Just because of Gao Qun's mother's concern and Gao Qun's earnest words, Su Nuannuan was embarrassed to refuse. Besides, she didn't think much about an ordinary jade pendant.

Duan Chengyu didn't look at the jade pendant anymore, but said lightly, "Your body is almost recovered now."

Su Nuannuan was anxious and quickly stroked her chest and frowned: "Where is it that you have almost recovered? It still hurts when I move my chest. Please help me and let me sit down and have a rest."

Duan Chengyu looked straight at her for dozens of seconds, but did not move.

"Why don't you keep your word? Didn't we agree that we would leave when I was completely clear?" Su Nuannuan held the table and pretended to be more and more painful.

Duan Chengyu then stepped forward to help her to sit down. Of course, Su Nuannuan also saw that his action was a little reluctant, but it seemed that he had been reluctant since he moved here.

After Duan Chengyu helped Su Nuannuan go, he let go of his hand and walked out.

Su Nuannuan did not hold him this time, but lay down to **.

It has been more than half a month since the injury, and the wounds on the body have fallen, and new white meat has grown out.

It's just that during the more than a week with Duan Chengyu, Duan Chengyu has been indifferent to her. Although he doesn't hate her, he never likes her.

I feel that the relationship between the two seems to have made no progress at all.

In fact, Su Nuannuan herself can't tell where she didn't do well. It seems that she is also following him, and also mentioned that the two got along very well in the past at the right time.

But he always seems to be indifferent.

Wood! It seems that he was not like this before!

Su Nuannuan has made up his mind that tonight, no matter what, he will break the hurdle in his heart! Let him take responsibility for himself!

Su Nuannuan looked at the time. It was still early and less than three o'clock. She took a nap first. At the same time, she thought about the details of the night and tried to do it all at once, as Wu Xintian said, and there were no future problems.

Just as Su Nuannuan was lying in ** and sleeping in a daze, Duan Chengyu was sitting in the swivel chair in the next room, closing his eyes and resting.

The phone rings and connects.

"Mr. Duan, the birthday cake you want is ready. When will I send it to you?" It's the voice of the manager of the cake shop.

"No need." Duan Chengyu said coldly.

"Ah?" The manager obviously didn't understand what was going on.

However, before the manager could ask one more question, Duan Chengyu hung up the phone.

How can he not remember her birthday?

I have thought many times that when it comes to her birthday, I want to give her a good birthday, but for so many years, he hasn't even given her a birthday. Duan Chengyu recognized the jade pendant at a glance. He was really familiar with it, because he had been watching Gao Yizhe since he was a child.

Of course, he knew that Gao Yizhe wore only one that was exactly the same as Su Nuannuan Dai. There were two jade pendants in the Gao family, Gao Yiming and Gao Yizhe.

Although the texture of this jade pendant is not absolutely superior, it is particularly precious because it was given to Gao Yiming by the grandfather of the Gao family.

Many years later, Gao Yizhe was born. In order to be fair, Gao's father specially found someone to use good jade to make an identical one.

It's just that this jade pendant is only suitable for children, and Gao Yizhe gave birth to twins. In order to respect the elderly, he did not want to copy the same one, so he gave this precious jade pendant to his wife Qiao Wei.

And Gao Yiming's should have been given to Gao Qun, and Gao Qun gave it to Su Nuannuan.

Duan Chengyu didn't think it was necessary to tell Su Nuannuan's lies.

Since he lied, he didn't want to tell the truth, but whether it was true or not, Duan Chengyu had already known it in his heart.

Even the jade pendant accepted it. What's the point of staying here?

Duan Chengyu suddenly felt that he couldn't understand Su Nuannuan...


Night came quietly, covering the city with darkness.

The day is over again.

Su Nuannuan sat on the window sill, looking at the bright light outside and calculating the time.

She has been eating in her room on the grounds that she is still not feeling well, and Duan Chengyu will go downstairs to eat every time she finishes eating.

Calculation of time, he should be almost finished.

Su Nuann got up and walked to the bathroom.

Every day after dinner, he will come to sit in Su Nuannuan's room. According to Su Nuannuan's request, he can't leave until she sleeps.

Su Nuannuan did not put water into the bathtub, but opened the shower head and stood by the door and listened.

Finally, there was a slight knock on the door, followed by the sound of opening the door. Although she could not hear the footsteps, she could count his footsteps and guess that he was sitting on the sofa, put his notebook table and start working.

Su Nuannuan smiled, took off her clothes one by one, and then walked under the colorful head, let the warm water pour on her body and apply the fragrant bath lotion on her body.

You must pretend to be a little bit later, but don't let him see the flaws.

Su Nuannuan looked at the bath mirror opposite. The wide mirror was already covered with a layer of fog. She could not see the image reflected in the mirror clearly, and could barely see a moving figure.

Thinking of what to do in a moment, Su Nuannuan has an indescribable feeling in her heart.

This is the second time I have seduced him.

The first time was in the car. It's not right to say that the first time was unsuccessful. At least it made him emotional. The reason for his failure lies in himself.

But this time everything is ready, and there will be no more shameful mistakes like last time!

Alas, I really didn't expect that Su Nuannuan would rely on such a means to win a man's heart!

Su Nuannuan sighed heavily. Anyway, there was a sound of dripping water, and he couldn't hear it outside.

It doesn't matter, who says that he has always been in a weak position? This is also a last resort.

Although there is no Yan Ruoyan, there will still be Li Ruoyan, Zhang Ruoyan, Chen Ruoyan... At least Cheng Fei is still staring here!

Although Su Nuannuan hasn't seen Cheng Fei these days, she can't be sure whether Duan Chengyu hasn't seen Cheng Fei and whether there is no connection between them.

Anyway, Su Nuannuan thinks it is the top priority to catch up with Duan Chengyu.

Wu Xintian once asked before: Even if Duan Chengyu is cheated into bed, can he really be responsible for you? What if he treats you like that? Do you have to hurt your body and heart again?

Su Nuannuan's answer is: I'm different from those women! He has never had feelings for those women and has affection for me, but he can't let go of the harm I have brought to him. If he can overcome this hurdle, he will definitely accept me!

But then again, Su Nuannuan really doesn't think so clearly that the result that nothing happens is unknown and thinkable!

Su Nuannuan washed away all the bubbles on her body, nodded to the figure in the mirror who couldn't see the shadow at all, smiled, and made a cheering gesture. Then she slowly lay on the ground, made a posture of inadvertently falling down, and then shouted loudly: "Ah--"

At this time, Duan Chengyu was staring at the group of data in front of his notebook. Suddenly, he heard a scream from the bathroom. Suddenly, he got up, turned away the mouse in his hand and rushed to the bathroom!