Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

125, the truth about suicide

Su Nuannuan quickly let go of Duan Chengyu and looked sideways. Only then did she find that Zhang Han and Wu Xintian were standing at the door together, staring at this side with inquiry.

"Xintian, how are you? How's it going?" Su Nuannuan's cheeks were quickly flushed and looked shy.

"Nuannuan, I'm fine, how about you? Is it all right?" Wu Xintian came over with the help of Zhang Han.

"I'm fine." Su Nuannuan said and quickly glanced at Duan Chengyu, looking at his pair of affectionate eyes. She was stunned and quickly turned away, and her face turned redder.

"Mr. Duan, you have been taking care of Nuannuan all night here, and you must be tired. Why don't you go back and rest for a while? I'll take care of Nuannuan. Wu Xintian saw at a glance that the relationship between Su Nuannuan and Duan Chengyu quickly warmed up in this night, but she did not break any and spoke politely to Duan Chengyu.

"No. I will take care of it." Duan Chengyu looked at Wu Xintian, who didn't seem to be able to take care of her and refused her.

"I'm a little hungry." Su Nuannuan said something to Duan Chengyu's ear in a low voice.

Duan Chengyu immediately nodded to Su Nuannuan, and then turned to look at Wu Xintian and Zhang Han: "Please take care of Nuannuan. I'll be back soon."

After saying that, he got up and walked out quickly.

Duan Chengyu's figure was no longer seen at the door of the ward. Wu Xintian motioned Zhang Han to go to the door to have a look. Zhang Han quickly ran over and looked out left and right. Then he closed the door of the ward and nodded to Wu Xintian.

"You are so damned, Su Nuannuan!" Wu Xintian walked to Su Nuannuan, pushed her down, pressed her down, and hit her buttocks a few times.

"Oh, Xintian, be gentle! Don't be so barbaric! At least there is a small cut on my neck. I'm a wounded man!" Su Nuannuan wanted to resist, but her body was held down by Wu Xintian and couldn't move, so she had to let her beat and scold, "Okay, my aunt, I beg for mercy. Can't I admit my mistake? It doesn't matter if you hit me. Don't hurt your hand!"

Wu Xintian stared at Su Nuannuan angrily, pointed to her nose and said, "Wounded? What is your little skin? Yan Ruoyan stabbed such a big mouth in your heart with a knife, and you don't live well? Do you still know that you are wrong? Tell me, what's wrong with you?"

Su Nuannuan hugged Wu Xintian in front of her shy face and smiled flatteringly: "Hao Xintian, I know that I shouldn't have done it so seriously when I was playing yesterday. I shouldn't have scared Duan Chengyu with a knife to scare you. I was wrong. You just punished me, didn't you?

"Where are you scaring Duan Chengyu? You're just scaring us!" Wu Xintian poked Su Nuannuan's forehead rudely and looked at her with disdain. "We agreed to just make an illusion of suicide for Duan Chengyu. You really stabbed yourself in the neck with a knife!" Do you think you are made of iron copper? Everything is fun. Where is the knife fun? Such a sharp knife, if it hadn't been for Duan Chengyu's quick action, Su Nuannuan would have died immediately?

"Actually, I saw the opportunity to fake myself. At that moment, Chengyu had been paying close attention to my movements. I knew that his reaction was fast and would not give me a chance to stab the knife in my neck. Do you think I'm so stupid that I'm really going to die? Su Nuannuan, who gave up so easily? You look too low on me!" Su Nuannuan kept smiling, but when she saw Wu Xintian's resentful eyes, she immediately smiled again.

"Well, okay, you Su Nuannuan have the ability and know how to seize the opportunity and measure! If Duan Chengyu slows down by half a beat, I'll see how you pull out the sharp knife that pierced your neck! Just wait for the kid to lead you into the ghost door!" Wu Xintian was obviously dissatisfied with Su Nuannuan's "reasonable" explanation, and still scolded her annuance.

"Okay, Xintian, I know you are nervous about me. But don't worry, even if Duan Chengyu doesn't rush to take off the knife in my hand, I won't really stab it. It's just a show, but since it's a show, it's always good to be true. Otherwise, how can Duan Chengyu believe that he really wants to die? How could he compromise with me so easily? Su Nuannuan hugged Wu Xintian and rubbed her head in her arms, "Hou Xintian, you are my best military teacher! I admire you so much, you are my idol! I'm your most loyal fan!"

Wu Xintian pushed Su Nuannuan away and made a disgusting expression: "Ok! I didn't expect that this 'dead' person's mouth would become so sweet! I don't know whether Duan Chengyu's transformation power is great, or Su Nuannuan's ability to practice!"

Su Nuannuan was proud: "I told you earlier that if he was the Monkey King, I would be the Buddha, and he couldn't escape the palm of my hand!"

"Cut, do you think you're really awesome? If I praise you, you won't know your surname Su!" Wu Xintian disdained it.

Su Nuannuan hurried to take Wu Xintian's hand again and said in a low voice, "Didn't I say that? You are my good military teacher. Without you, where can I be? Xintian, how's it going? Was my performance last night in place?"

Wu Xintian made an old-fashioned look, pretended to brush her imaginary beard, and nodded slowly: "It's in place, it's classic! You can get the Oscar! But isn't it my expert's idea? And is my performance not in place? Of course, your apprentice's understanding is really good. I can understand it at all! However, if I had known that such a method was feasible, I would have let Su Nuannuan 'suicide' hundreds of years earlier, which made me give you advice so many times and killed so many brain cells!"

"Is this called flattering each other?" Zhang Han, who couldn't interrupt on one side, listened to the words of the two girls and couldn't help interrupting.

"What is tout each other? Aren't Nuann and I the smartest people?" Wu Xintian glanced at Zhang Han with dissatisfaction.

"Yes, you are all smart girls. But are you the only two who contributed to what happened last night? Zhang Han moved a stool and sat down by the bed and looked at them with a smile.

Su Nuannuan and Wu Xintian both laughed. Yes, if we hadn't come together, I'm afraid that this scene would not have ended so perfectly.

After Su Nuannuan ran out of Duan Chengyu's house last night, she was really sad and disappointed. She came to Wu Xintian's house and cried to her.

Wu Xintian, who had no idea, finally called Song Ping, Jiang Wei and Zhang Han over. After discussing together for a long time, they finally remembered to play such a bitter drama.

However, no matter how abusive it is, in the face of people with intentions, no matter how old the plot is, it can also be sensational.

"Yes, Zhang Han, did you call Gao Qun here?" Wu Xintian suddenly thought of the high group standing aside from afar.

"What? Gao Qun was also at the scene last night? Su Nuannuan only devoted herself to "performance". She was thinking about how to impress Duan Chengyu. How could she be in the mood to take care of the situation around her?

It's just that she didn't see Gao Qun, which may affect her normal performance.

Zhang Han grabbed his head: "I received a phone call from Gao Qun on my way to Happiness Square yesterday. He asked me where I was, and I simply told him about it. But don't worry, Gao Qun didn't do anything. He called me today and said that he saw the true feelings between Nuannuan and Duan Chengyu yesterday and had figured it out. He said that he would bless the two of them well in the future and try his best to slowly put down Nuannuan.

"If that's the case, then you have done a good thing." Wu Xintian said with a smile.

"I hope Gao Qun can really do what he thinks. I also hope he is happy." Su Nuannuan sighed, and Gao Qun was always the person she couldn't let go of.

"You are so kind that you always worry about others. You'd better worry about yourself first." Wu Xintian curled her lips and looked at the place with the band-aid on Su Nuannuan's neck. She was very distressed, "Nuannuan, does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all, it's just a little skin trauma, have you forgotten? My wound healing ability is the strongest. Su Nuannuan straightened her neck and was ready to twist it, but she immediately twisted her teeth and came back.

"Yes, if it doesn't hurt, it won't hurt. What's wrong with you? You are accompanied by Duan Chengyu now. Don't say a small opening, even if you take off your arms and feet, you will only feel sweet. Wu Xintian joked.

"Well, how can it be so exaggerated? Life is the most important thing." Su Nuannuan also smiled.

"I didn't make a bad idea this time. It can be regarded as a victory. We have to keep up the good work! Continue to study our next plan. Wu Xintian made a gesture of victory.

"Next? If he has accepted me, we will go back to the same days as five years ago. What else should we study next? Su Nuannuan was stunned by Wu Xintian's words.

"Clumsy, I'll accept you if you treat you better? The real acceptance is that he is willing to marry you home sincerely. What is Su Nuannuan? Wasn't he also good to Yan Ruoyan at the beginning? Isn't this kick still 108,000 miles away?" Wu Xintian was obviously very dissatisfied with Su Nuannuan's careless thoughts, but when she saw the casual mention of Yan Ruoyan, she immediately softened her voice and was a little embarrassed, "Well, that, Nuannuan, I'm just an example."

Su Nuannuan shook her head and said she didn't mind: "Yan Ruoyan is already in the past tense. It's just that what era is it now? Do you still need to care about that piece of paper? If there is no emotion, what's the use of having a marriage contract? Aren't you going to divorce?"

"Cut, do you think that with Duan Chengyu's sex, if he doesn't love you, he will be willing to marry you? His willingness to marry you proves that he really loves you. Don't think that two people just have feelings when they are together. Think about it, you and Duan Chengyu have actually always loved each other, but why are you only together until now? Isn't it because of the various men and women among you? Do you know that there are still so many women outside who coveted this romantic young director? Now Cheng Fei has left, and Yan Ruoyan is no more. What if Cheng Fei comes back? What if there is a new Li Fei and Wang Fei? He is not married, and any woman has a chance!" Wu Xintian didn't agree with Su Nuannuan's simple idea at all.

(At the request of a friend who said goodbye, I will update today, and I also expressed everyone's support for me. Am I lazy? It seems that it is rarely updated, but the time I update every day is very fixed. You can praise me for this, hehe.)