Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

128, life and death

"Cheng Fei, you have always been excellent. Few women in the world can compare with you. But feelings don't like anyone better because they are good. You should know why I haven't touched you. I just regard you as a confidant. But it's just a confidant. It's impossible for me to fall in love with women other than Nuannuan. It used to be like this now, and it will be the same in the future. I hope you can let go of Nuannuan now. That's all for this matter. I won't call the police. We'll clear up. Duan Chengyu looked at Su Nuannuan, who was lying in ** and was in pain, and slowly lost his patience.

Cheng Fei slowly got up and stared at Duan Chengyu tightly. From his eyes, except for the tenderness and worry about Su Nuannuan, she couldn't find a trace of emotion related to her. If she had to say yes, it was just a little tolerant anger.

She really didn't expect that Duan Chengyu and Su Nuannuan had developed so closeness in the more than a month since she returned to Cheng's headquarters, and she had nothing to do with her.

She is really sad!

All the genedaity she once showed in front of Duan Chengyu was just disguised by her, hoping to use this to touch Duan Chengyu's heart. Which woman can be generous in front of love? Can you give your lover to others?

Almost nothing!

"Chengyu, have I really never occupied a position in your heart?" Cheng Fei's eyes were full of disappointment and sadness.

"I have always had Su Nuannuan in my heart. Cheng Fei, I said I wouldn't lie to you. I have always admired your cleverness and ability. I know you know the law, and you also know that the crime of kidnapping is difficult to bear. Why ruin half your life for a man who doesn't love you? For Cheng Fei, Duan Chengyu really appreciates it more, and he doesn't want to see how she does for himself.

"Well, since your words have come to this point, it seems that the efforts I have made before are just some ridiculous actions." Cheng Fei, with a sad face, slowly walked past Duan Chengyu's side, "There are many more excellent men in the world than you. I really shouldn't hang myself on this tree, especially such a puzzled tree. I hope you can really have your happiness."

Cheng Fei, who walked to the door, took a deep look at Duan Chengyu again, with a few bright lights in her eyes, and finally quickly walked out of the room.

"How are you?" Duan Chengyu was finally relieved to see Cheng Fei leave like this. He quickly helped Su Nuannuan tear off the tape and pull off the blindfolded black cloth. "Nuannuan, don't be afraid. I'll find someone to untie the chain now."

"Chengyu..." Su Nuannuan stopped Duan Chengyu, who wanted to call as soon as she could speak, with a little doubt and hesitation on her face. After a pause, she still asked him, "Cheng Fei, did she send a video to you?"

When Duan Chengyu, who was going to press the mobile phone number, heard this, his hand obviously trembled. He quickly put down his mobile phone, half knelt beside Su Nuannuan, leaned forward, held Su Nuannuan's face in his hands, slowly straightened out the mess on her face, his eyes were full of pity, and whispered, "Nuannuan, I'm sorry, I'm wronged you."

Su Nuannuan stared at Duan Chengyu's face and looked for it again and again, confirming that he had really received the video, but did not find the disgust she thought she would have. She only found pity and apology. Suddenly, her eyes were full of tears, and the result was exactly the same as she thought.

"Don't cry, Nuannuan. I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well." Duan Chengyu resisted the pain of heartache and comforted Su Nuannuan softly, but bit his teeth in his heart. No matter who she suffered a little, he would call someone to pay back a hundred times.

"Wouldn't you really dislike me?" Su Nuannuan blinked her eyes and tears fell.

"Nuannuan, you forgot about this and think of it as a nightmare. You will always be the most perfect in my heart, no matter when!" Duan Chengyu brushed away the tears in Su Nuannuan's eyes and said lightly, "Nuannuan, I'll take you home now."

Su Nuannuan smiled with tears, but smiled sweetly. She knew that Cheng Fei would definitely lose, as expected.

"Chengyu, in fact..."

Before Su Nuannuan finished speaking, Duan Chengyu's mobile phone rang.

Duan Chengyu looked at it and found that it was still Cheng Fei's phone number, frowning and connected.

"Ha ha, you are really affectionate!" Cheng Fei's voice came with jealousy.

"Cheng Fei, you should think about the consequences of Nuannuan like this." Duan Chengyu has always been polite to Cheng Fei, but this time he lost his patience.

"Since I, Cheng Fei, dare to do it, I am not afraid of the consequences." Cheng Fei also seemed to be a different person. As soon as she objected to Duan Chengyu's gentleness, she said coldly, "Cheng Fei, I have only loved this man seriously in my life. I've had enough to put up with you and pretended enough. Since I can't get it, I won't let her get it."

Hearing the threat in Cheng Fei's words, Duan Chengyu hummed: "Then try it."

"Haha, do you still threaten me at this time? Duan Chengyu, look at Su Nuannuan's feet. Didn't you find anything more? Cheng Fei didn't care about Duan Chengyu's threat and smiled presumptuously.

Duan Chengyu's face changed, climbed to Su Nuannuan's feet, lifted off the small blanket covering her feet, and suddenly there was no trace of blood on his face: "Cheng Fei, you are crazy!"

"I'm crazy, did you just find out? Haha. Duan Chengyu, don't want to dismantle it by yourself. That's what I set up with an expert. You can't dismantle it. There are still five minutes left, and you can't ask for foreign aid. Why don't you throw Su Nuannuan in it and run out yourself? Otherwise, both of them will die, and there is no one to avenge me. Hahaha... In that case, I will be lonely for the rest of my life. Take care of yourself!" Cheng Fei hung up the phone after saying that.

Duan Chengyu, with a snow-white face, looked at the little thing tied to Su Nuan's warm trousers, which was still ticking, and the sweat on his forehead was like raindrops.

Su Nuannuan also saw the situation in front of her. She had already panicked and cried, "This Cheng Fei is not trustworthy. She said that she was just acting for you to show her, so that she can understand how much weight I have in your heart. I didn't expect her to be like this!"

It turned out that Cheng Fei called Su Nuannuan in the afternoon and asked her out to talk. At first, Su Nuannuan refused, but Cheng Fei said that if Su Nuannuan didn't come out to talk to her, she would not let go so easily. Cheng Fei also said that if Su Nuannuan could convince her, she would no longer pest Duan Chengyu from now on.

Su Nuannuan was originally a little confused with Cheng Fei and Duan Chengyu. Since she could finish this matter, it would be the best.

So Su Nuannuan came to the meeting place designated by Cheng Fei, and the two had an interview.

Cheng Fei said that unless she witnessed Duan Chengyu's love for Su Nuannuan to her bones, she would use various means to stir up the relationship between Su Nuannuan and Duan Chengyu.

When Cheng Fei said the very old-fashioned method, Su Nuannuan's first reaction was to refuse. Cheng Fei laughed happily when she heard Su Nuannuan's objection. She said that she knew that the relationship between Duan Chengyu and Su Nuannuan was not as strong as she thought, and she would still have the opportunity to take advantage of it in the future.

Although she knew that Cheng Fei used the exciting method, she listened to Cheng Fei's repeated statement that if she saw that Duan Chengyu was sincere to Su Nuannuan, she would sincerely bless them from then on, and also said that she would explain the truth to Duan Chengyu after the event.

Maybe the exciting method worked, or maybe Su Nuannuan really wanted to verify how much position she had in Duan Chengyu's mind. She actually agreed to Cheng Fei.

That video is just a scene that Cheng Fei found someone to cut in a third-level film before, coupled with Su Nuannuan's voice.

But in the game set by Cheng Fei, there is no time bomb!

Su Nuannuan has already regretted and hated herself for trusting others too many times. Now she is fine, and she is even going to die.

She tried to hold her head up and barely saw that the time on her feet showed a countdown of three minutes. Suddenly, she shouted at Duan Chengyu: "Go quickly! There is still time!"

Duan Chengyu, who had been trying his best to calm himself down, knew that it was a disaster after several studies, so he decided to give up. He picked up his mobile phone and dialed a phone and said, "Leave me in 30 seconds", then threw his mobile phone aside, and then lay down beside Su Nuannuan.

"Are you crazy too? Stay here and you will die!" Su Nuan couldn't move, so she had to hit Duan Chengyu with her head desperately, "Let's go!"

" girl, don't move!" Duan Chengyu put his head on Su Nuannuan's arm and hugged her sideways, with an indifferent tone, "There is still a little time for me to hold you!"

Su Nuannuan twisted her arms hard and wanted to keep Duan Chengyu away from her. She had already burst into tears: "You go, how far you go! It's my fault that I'm too stupid, too stupid, and too easy to trust others! I deserved to be blown up! But I can't implicate you. It's none of your business! Go! I beg you, go!"

" girl, don't quarrel, be quiet! Isn't it a walking corpse living in this world without you? You have been dead for a hundred times. Do you have the heart to leave me alone here to suffer? Duan Chengyu did not have Su Nuannuan's excitement, but became more and more calm, just hugged her tightly.

Su Nuannuan watched the time pass by second and knew that it was too late to run. In the face of Duan Chengyu, who refused to leave, she was helpless and finally sighed: "We are going to blow up to pieces soon!"

"Don't be afraid, am I not by your side?" Duan Chengyu smiled and said, "As long as I'm by your side, you should feel happy!"

Su Nuannuan no longer struggled, but half raised her head, rubbed Duan Chengyu's hair with her chin, and said slightly annoidly, "You deserve to blow up this brainless!" I don't know if we can walk the road of Huangquan together after death.

"I will." Su Nuannuan's words made Duan Chengyu hug her tighter.

The surroundings were very quiet, so quiet that the ticking sound beat their hearts like a drum.

Neither of them looked at the beating numbers, but hugged each other with their eyes closed, just like every night when they hugged each other and slept, with sweetness and warmth, intoxicated with the moment when you have me and I have you in me.

A "bang" suddenly sounded, cutting through this quiet night and causing a sharp pain in Cheng Fei's heart sitting in the car!

At this time, the expression on her face was very complicated, disappointed and seemed to be relieved. What doesn't belong to her after all doesn't belong to her. She knew it many years ago, but she was not reconciled. Until now, she realized that what is not in her life is useless to force it!

In the dark night, a small car sped away and finally mixed with black...