Where does the arrogant and sweet wife escape

Extra high group: It's better not to meet at first sight

The tense middle school entrance examination month passed. In the days that everyone was waiting for, Gao Qun followed his mother Min Chun to the Maldives.

When he came back and saw the already announced high school entrance examination results, he was shocked!

He didn't expect that the girl named Su Nuannuan's score would only follow behind his first place by a three-point gap.

He has always thought that... It seems that many things can't be seen with your eyes, and you have to feel them with your heart.

Thinking of what happened at the door of the classroom that day, he suddenly became curious about the girl.

When the school starts again, through all kinds of efforts, he finally sat next to Su Nuannuan and became her deskmate for three years.

Slowly, he found that this girl was not as arrogant as he thought. She was just a little stubborn and strong, more mature and generous than girls of the same age. She was not as capricious and arrogant as ordinary rich girls. She was smart, cute, and everything about her slowly changed in the eyes of Gao Qun. Get better.

I don't know which day Gao Qun's first eyes when he walked into the classroom fell on the position next to him. The first thing he did when he entered the classroom was to search for the lovely figure.

He likes to see her smile, listen to her, and discuss all kinds of interesting and boring issues with her.

Lying ** every night, his brain will involuntarily browse every detail of Su Nuannuan's relationship with him during the day, making him fall asleep happily every night.

He thought that such a happy day could continue until the eve of the college entrance examination. He wanted to ask Su Nuannuan where he wanted to continue to study in the college entrance examination. He even thought that no matter where Su Nuannuan went to study, he would follow her without hesitation, because her existence in his life and his miss for her every day has become a kind of Habit.

But one day, Su Nuannuan didn't come to school, and then two days, three days, four days... She never came to school!

He tried his best to find out, but he couldn't get any news about her. He only knew that she had asked for leave, but he didn't know when she would come to school.

At that moment, he suddenly became afraid that he would never see her from now on.

But when he found her home, he was blocked by her so-called "brother". The elder brother said that Su Nuannuan was ill and went to other places to recuperate, but refused to tell him where to recover.

Worried and helpless, he ran to beg his father to help him find out where Su Nuannuan had gone. In any case, he wanted to see Su Nuannuan. He wanted to know what was wrong with her. Even if she was ill, he had to see how sick she was.

But when his father told himself that Su Nuannuan had gone to City C with Duan Chengyu, he even had the idea of going to City C. But when his father promised him that when Su Nuannuan returned to A City, he would definitely let Duan Chengyu bring Su Nuannuan to see him, he was happy again, so he pinched his hands day by day to index Su Nuannuan's return.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally looking forward to the return of Su Nuannuan and Duan Chengyu. When his father Gao Yiming told him that Duan Chengyu would take Su Nuannuan to dinner with him, he was over joy.

When he saw Su Nuannuan again, he couldn't help his inner excitement and took her hand to ask questions. Only then did he realize that his happiness was originally on this girl.

Many years later, when he knew that Su Nuannuan's disappearance was because she wanted to escape from Duan Chengyu, he hoped that time could go back and hoped that Su Nuannuan could leave him with the opportunity to escape from Duan Chengyu's side. He would definitely take Su Nuannuan out of A city regardless of everything. No matter where she went, he was willing to take her, only Being able to be by her side is the greatest satisfaction in his life.


The wind is gentle and sunny.

The warm spring breeze blew with the fragrance of flowers, making people in the green sea intoxicated.

"Nuannuan, do you like the scenery here?" Gao Qun rode a bicycle and smiled sideways at Su Nuannuan, who sat behind him around his waist.

"I like it." Su Nuannuan replied with a smile.

Arriving at the destination, Gao Qun held the brakes, stepped on the car and tiptoed on the ground. Su Nuannuan waited for the car to stop and jumped out of the car. He had already walked to the grass.

Gao Qun parked the car aside, looked at Su Nuannuan sitting on the grass, and was stunned.

In a light pink dress, she looked from a distance with a faint smile on her white face, as beautiful as the girl in the picture.

"Nuannuan..." Gao Qun stood not far from her and called gently.

Huh? Gao Qun?" Su Nuannuan turned her head slightly, looked at Gao Qun, who was a little dazed, and a few question marks flashed in her eyes.

"Nuannuan, you are so beautiful!" Gao Qun squatted down beside Su Nuannuan, held her hand, and his eyes showed deep love. "Nuannuan, can you be my girlfriend?"

Su Nuannuan pulled back her hand, pointed her slender fingers to Gao Qun's forehead and said with a smile, "Does anyone say that I'm not your girlfriend now?"

Gao Qun was stunned and said, "You know that what I want is not the name of the girlfriend in other people's mouths, but your heart, your Su Nuannuan heart!"

Su Nuannuan's eyes darken, turned her face elsewhere, and sighed quietly, "Gao Qun, aren't we good to be like this now?"

"It's not good! Not good enough!" Gao Qun was anxious and moved his body to Su Nuannuan's sight. "Nuannuan, what do you think I should do so that you can give me all your heart to keep it?"

Su Nuannuan bowed her head and said no words.

Seeing Su Nuannuan's eyes, Gao Qun's heart sank again, hiding the loneliness in his eyes, and quickly sent a smiling face to comfort her: "Nuannuan, I'm sorry, I shouldn't force you like this."

"Gao Qun, don't say sorry. If someone really wants us to say sorry, I should say this sentence." Su Nuannuan shook her head, "I really can't let go of something."

"I'll wait! I'll wait for the day you put it down!" Gao Qun spoke in a hurry again, although he didn't know how long it would take for this day to come, and he didn't know if there would really be such a day.

has been with her in this foreign school for four years, and has been her boyfriend for four years in the envious eyes of others... But only he knows that in these four years, although she has been accepting his kindness to her, she has never given her heart to him.

She often said, "Gao Qun, don't be so kind to me. I don't deserve you."

"Gao Qun, there is someone in my heart. I can't move him out of my world."

"Gao Qun, there are so many cute girls waiting for you. Don't waste time on me."

But he always shakes his head. In his eyes, all the girls are not as cute as her! She didn't accept him, didn't she accept others? It's been more than four years, hasn't the person she said who can't let go appear? Since there is nothing, it means that he still has a chance. He will wait and be willing to wait.

He has always believed that he can't knock on her heart because he hasn't worked hard enough, so he has been working hard.

About her suddenly leaving City, flying abroad and coming to such a far place to study. He doesn't know why. He doesn't know what happened to her, but these are not important. The important thing is that she is by his side now. He can watch her smile every day, coax her to laugh every day, and think about her every day. Laugh.

Sometimes he will naively think that now she is only 23 years old. When she is 33 years old, she suddenly wants to become a family. She is willing to choose herself, and he is willing to accept it.

He is willing to do everything as long as she wants, but he never wants to force her and embarrass her, because he never wants to see her unhappy.

In fact, it's also good now. I can be with her every day, do a lot of things she wants to do for her, and take good care of her.

He really wants to stay with her like this and live his life in this strange country and city, but he is not alone, but also a family! When he learned that his father was seriously ill, he couldn't, because he was still someone else's son. He couldn't ignore his parents who had always loved him because of selfishness.

But he couldn't let Su Nuannuan go back with him. Even though he was reluctant and frustrated, he still returned to the familiar city. He wanted to arrange his parents as soon as possible and come back to Su Nuannuan.

But he never thought that when he saw her again, she would change her temperament greatly, put down all her reservedness and pride, and chased Duan Chengyu's back and ask for his forgiveness.

He only knew that the man in Su Nuannuan's heart was Duan Chengyu! It's the excellent man who has always been called Uncle Duan!

Only then did he know that his efforts for so many years were in vain! She loves her deeply. Why doesn't she love Duan Chengyu so deeply?

Looking at her chasing Duan Chengyu, he was sometimes happy and sometimes sad. His heart was very painful, but he was happy for her, because she finally found the right heart and dared to show her heart and strive to pursue what she had always wanted to pursue.

When Gao Qun stood far away in Yuri Square and looked at the proposal scene that Su Nuannuan had spent so much time arranging, he looked extremely lonely.

He wants to bless Su Nuannuan, but he can't escape his heart.

Sometimes he even thinks that knowing Su Nuannuan for so many years is like a dream.

Warm, you must be happy!

When Su Nuannuan and Duan Chengyu's ten fingers disappeared into his sight, Gao Qun finally slowly turned around, put away the broken heart, and walked back to his life track. He finally knew that the intersection between himself and Su Nuannuan was completely gone...