Arrogant the world

Chapter 26 Strange Blood

"Haha. It's ridiculous. This world is really ridiculous. At the beginning, that person unfortunately fell down. I thought I would be the one who was selected, but I waited so long and didn't come. I thought it would be a surprise, but I didn't expect it to be you. The voice burst into laughter for a moment. The smile was bitter, desolate, and the pain of an absolutely strong man. It seemed arrogant, but in fact it was self-deprecating.

Hearing what the strange life said in front of him, Mu Chen did not understand what it meant, but his intuition told him not to take the other party's words easily. Now the best way to save his life is to listen to every word said by this demonic monster.

The words changed: "Second-class real ghost, Taigu magic really value your potential, but since it means, it seems that you are not an ordinary kid, giving you a chance to live or die."

There is still such a problem in the world. The choice between life and death is naturally the choice of life. Mu Chen quickly replied, "I don't know what the predecessor means, but the choice of life and death, the younger generation naturally chooses to live."

"In this case, you can take my child away. This space is not suitable for it. It should go outside and have a look." After saying that, a warmth** suddenly injected into Mu Chen's body: "Is this?"

Suddenly, severe pain passed into every nerve. This is not the torment of the body, but from the blood*. The unknown ** constantly integrates into every blood vessels of Mu Chen, colliding with his own blood and swallowing it. This is a war in Mu Chen's body, a trace of unknown ** blood in his body. Liquid fighting is like two armies fighting desperately, but the battlefield is in Mu Chen's veins.

This pain is far from the pain of tearing skin and flesh. Although it has experienced countless battles and suffered countless large and small injuries, it has never experienced such blood pain.

"This is... This is... This is the blood of another life... No, this is more advanced than blood. What is it? Mu Chen's face became ferocious because of the pain. He endured the severe pain and felt this unknown ** arrogantly. Mu Chen couldn't help saying.

"Kit, this is my child. As long as you can survive, it will definitely be beneficial and harmless to you in the future." The voice came from the endless darkness and could be heard. At this time, the voice was also a little anxious. It hoped that Mu Chen could live and bear everything now.

At first, the blood collided in the blood vessels alone, but later gradually spread to the veins. The unknown blood actually proliferated an inexplicable violence in Mu Chen's body, constantly collided with Mu Chen's own true qi. For a moment, the veins and veins were swollen, and there were cracks. If it hadn't been for the arrogance, he would continue to integrate into the veins and keep repairing. I'm afraid that Mu Chen has been killed here for a long time.

It is unbearable and violent, veins, blood, and constant collision. The only blessing is that the blood of the two sides slowly fuses with the help of arrogance, but the slow speed is terrible. At this time, Mu Chen can be said that every second is the suffering of life and death.

Although there is arrogant protection, the blood surge is still getting more and more turbulent, and the blood visible to the naked eye oozes out of the body. At this time, for Mu Chen, it would be very comfortable to tear his skin and let the blood splash out of his body, but doing so would also mean his own death.

Blood slowly oozed out of his body. How much Mu Chen was eager for these bright red ** to splash out of his body and escape from this inhuman suffering. His clen teeth were already full of blood.

The body keeps twitching and doesn't even dare to tremble. Is this the price of life? Mu Chen kept moaning. Damn, this monster was obviously playing with himself.

The fists had already been clenched. At the junction of the nails and palms, the skin and flesh were caught and ulcerated. Finally, in a roar, Mu Chen fell to the ground. The blackness of his eyes had long disappeared, leaving no miserable white pupils, his face became stiff, and he lost all the expressions that a living person should have.

Breathing, Mu Chen's breathing was slow from rapid. He didn't know when Mu Chen would stop breathing, but it became slower and slower. All the manifestations of dying were reflected in this young man.

The voice of the unknown monster came out again and echoed in this unknown space: "It's not bad to hold on for so long. It's worthy of being the selected kid."

A elixir floated in mid-air. The whole body of the elixir is purple, constantly emitting purple fog. Strange pictures and texts are drawn all over the body, like beasts and unknown gods and demons. After a slight vibration touched the elixir, the elixir suddenly turned into powder and floated around Muchen.

Countless crystal elixir crumbs seemed to be spiritual and entered Mu Chen's body.

The breathing changed from slow to stable, and once again became rapid. The dead eyes once again returned to their previous spirituality, and the face again showed a ferocious expression due to pain. The breath of life was once again reflected in the young man, and the dying Mu Chen seemed to have received a second life. Severe pain once again permeated the whole body.

"This Xuandan is the most precious treasure of heaven and earth. You are really lucky to use it on a kid like you." The sound came again.

Mu Chen, who recovered his mind, didn't agree when he heard this. Even if he regained his vitality again and all the true qi in his body recovered, what could he get? It is still endless pain.

With Mu Chen's awakening, the cry echoed again in this unknown space, the same pain, the same pain, the same life and death.

I can't feel the passage of time here, only endless darkness. I don't know how long it took, Mu Chen once again lost his mind, exhausted, and his eyes became lax.

Another elixir flew into the air as before. After an unknown shock, it turned into powder again and sprinkled into Mu Chen's body.

Just three times like this, Mu Chen felt that the severe pain in his body began to slow down, and his breathing gradually became stable. There was no blood on his haggard face, pale like snow, and his eyes were without the vitality of the past. Although he was no more ferocious, a feeling of powerless continued to spread to the whole Body.

fell down again, but after falling this time, his face was so calm and he slept faintly, as if he were away from all the hustle and bustle of the world.

The spirit tribe, one of the oldest and most mysterious ancient houses.

A slightly thin old man, a lovely young girl. These are Elder Mingyu and Lark.

The two looked anxiously at the old man in blue robe in front of them. The old man's eyes exuded a different breath from others like eagle's eyes. His hands and backs were covered with wrinkles deposited by the years. Although he was old, his eyebrows revealed majesty.

The old man in blue robe sighed and looked up at the sky: "That guy actually appeared, and I was only lucky to see him once when I was a child, but after hundreds of years, it is still like a nightmare that can't be eliminated in my mind."

After hearing this, the lark was also shocked. A girl's disappointment appeared in her beautiful face and hurriedly said anxiously, "Patricus, please think of a way. If you can't even save him, no one can save him."

"Ling, when he saw the monster, he was destined to be dead. You are very important to the whole tribe, and that boy is just a strange foreigner. Tomorrow's warrior will come forward to select you. Don't miss the affairs of the clan for a man." The old man in blue robe said harshly that although he had always loved this smart and fierce little girl, as the head of the tribe, he must cheer up the girl who was only 16 or 17 years old.

The girl nodded slightly. Although Mu Chen's death was sad, she knew the importance of tomorrow's warrior selection to the tribe. Although she was handsome and cute, as the pride of the next generation of the tribe, her responsibility was so heavy that she could not even cry like an ordinary girl.

All Bailing wants to know is Mu Chen's safety. Now that this has happened, you also want to stay longer. After saying goodbye to the old man in blue, he hurriedly left. He just turned around and whispered, "Is there really nothing you can do?"

The old man in blue robe closed his eyes slightly and shook his head.

Although the lark has known this answer for a long time, she is still a little lost. This time she did not shed tears and has become strong in countless battles of the tribe, but being strong does not mean not suffering.