Arrogant the world

Chapter 110 Cheat

In the hall, hundreds of seats were neatly placed, in which there was a Taoist priest in a white robe as a supervisor, and one of the youngest men, Mu Chen, was very familiar with it. It was Yan Lang who embarrassed him on that day.

After Yan Lang saw Mu Chen, he faintly hung a proud smile on the corners of his mouth, as if he had been waiting for the latter for a long time. He slowly walked to Mu Chen, approached Mu Chen's ear, and whispered, "You seem to be very familiar with Xiaohui. Don't worry, I will take good care of you."

He deliberately aggravated the tone of the word 'care' at the end. Mu Chen naturally understood the meaning. Although it was a little troublesome, Mu Chen didn't care. He showed a sunny smile and said enthusiastically, "Thank you."

Although Yan Lang is only ten years older than Mu Chen, according to the rules of the Taoism, the colors of the three Taoist robes are obviously divided into generations, so Mu Chen should be called Uncle Yan Lang, but he is extremely disgusted with the latter and naturally deliberately changed the word 'Uncle' to 'you'.

This time Yan Lang didn't care and smiled coldly. With his identity and rights, there are many opportunities to teach Mu Chen a lesson, and this exam may be a good example.

The seats here are according to the order of the names being read, and Mu Chen sits in front of 'Mo Ran'. The candidates around Mo Ran are all frowned, because this little girl is here, which means that the invigilator will cast more attention, and the candidates who come here to take the exam will more or less bring some homemade 'small copy' .

The only blessing is Mu Chen. After his eyes are entangled by the ancient magic, his eyesight is 360 degrees, and there is no dead angle, which means that the ink scroll behind him is under his own skin, which is extremely convenient.

The atmosphere in the hall was a little depressing. The three Taoists patrolled back and forth. There was no talk here. Each candidate anxiously waited for the next exam.

Finally, the names of hundreds of people were read, and the Huangpao Taoist priest slowly walked into the hall. With a palm stretched out, hundreds of papers suddenly appeared. Countless candidates looked at the test paper that appeared like magic, all of them were surprised, while Mu Chen smiled gently and put the test paper in the empty stone, which was also very convenient. Of course, behind him Mo Ran has not been surprised by Kongshi for a long time.

The yellow-robed Taoist priest waved his hand and flew the test paper into the air. Then, he landed steadily on everyone's table and said loudly, "This is the first test since you entered the Tiandao Temple. I hope you can strictly abide by the discipline. Those who cheat will be driven out of the Heavenly Temple without mercy!"

Although it was just a few simple words, some people trembled after hearing it.

After saying that, the old man in the yellow robe nodded to Yan Lang. The latter said loudly that now the exam has officially begun. With the sound falling, all the candidates quickly picked up the pen for fear that they could not finish the paper. Only the two were not in a hurry. One was Moran. The little girl obviously had no pressure on this kind of examination and picked up the paper at will. Zi looked at it and was not in a hurry to write.

Another thing that is so calm is Mu Chen. There is nothing he can do if he is not calm. The 'talented woman' behind him hasn't started writing yet, but he doesn't know it at all. He is a little anxious, but he can't say anything.

Sure enough, the yellow-robed old man's eyes turned to the little girl, and it was not difficult to see the pity in the man's eyes.

And Yan Lang has been standing far away from Mu Chen and staring at him. Looking at Mu Chen's failure to write, his heart was happy. However, with the characteristics of Mu Chen's purple-gold pupils, every move of Yan Lang can be seen by him, and the satisfactory calculation in his heart can also be guessed.

Finally, Mo Ran began to write. She wrote so smoothly that she didn't even have time to think, and Mu Chen began to get nervous. Even if she completely copied it, she had to seize the time. Unexpectedly, the girl's speed of answering the paper was so fast. If she didn't keep up with this speed, she would wait for Mo Ran to hand it in. Mu Chen is also unlucky.

Most of the candidates here answer their papers very slowly, thinking about the answers they had memorized.

From time to time, some candidates took out a note from their sleeves and copied it tremblingly. Seeing this situation, the supervisors generally turned a blind eye to it, and the old man in the yellow Taoist robe in the front almost fell asleep on the chair.

Two Taoist teachers in white robes occasionally walk to the candidates who are copying questions to remind them that they all know that this kind of written test is meaningless and don't want to embarrass anyone too much.

But Yan Lang was not like the other two Taoist masters. He stared at Mu Chen and kept patrolling the crowd back and forth. Suddenly, a strong shot went straight to the arm of the examinee who had just taken out the note.


Then, a scream echoed throughout the hall with the momentum. The examinee lay on the ground and kept twitching at the corners of his mouth. The blow just broke the bones on his arm in an instant, and the note fluttered casually in the air and finally fell into Yan Lang's hand.

He snorted coldly, "How many times have you said that you can't cheat? You should also understand our painstaking efforts. It's all for your own good, but now you have to leave Tiandao Temple, the benefactor of cheating."

The other two Taoists are also very disgusted with Yan Lang's unconvincing 'official words', but they just dare not say anything, and the yellow-robed old man in the front just raised his eyelids slightly. Although Yan Lang is a little fierce in dealing with people, every force needs such a person, who often flatters the elders and compares with himself. People with low positions and weak strength are cold and ruthless.

The man who was hit gasped heavily, and his heart was also very angry. He said in a trembling voice, "Your regulations didn't say that you can do whatever you want. Isn't it too much?"

"I'm just performing my duties. I must be responsible to you. Being kind to people like you who don't work hard and only think about plagiarism is cruel to those who work hard. Now you are no longer a Taoist. People like you are not welcome here. Please go down the mountain quickly." Yan Lang said virtuously. With his white Taoist robe and his handsome appearance, he could not see that he was the person who would say such a thing.

"I'll fight with you!!" The young man shouted, raised his chair and threw it on Yan Lang.

The latter looked coldly at the person rushing towards him. After a sneer, a strong wind hit out, and the chair burst into pieces. He said in a low voice, "You just disturbed other people's exams, so I have the right to kill you for the benefit of Tiandao!"

With that, he suddenly pulled out the sword at his waist and pointed straight to the man opposite him. His eyes were cold and ruthless, and he could see that he had no intention of holding his hand.

" Stop!!" Seeing this, the Huangpao Taoist quickly said loudly, "The Heavenly Taoist Temple has always been famous for its virtue. Yan Lang, let him go down the mountain."

"Yes, uncle, I was impulsive just now." Yan Lang withdrew his sword without hesitation. He didn't care about the life or death of the young man in front of him, and his voice suddenly became gentle: "It was so offensive just now. Now you can go down the mountain."

At the moment when Yan Lang drew his sword, he was scared to death. He did not stop and fled desperately.

Mu Chen could not see from Yan Lang's joking eyes that this young man could never go down the mountain alive.

The effect of this disturbance is good. No one dares to cheat again. They stared at their test papers for fear of being targeted by Yan Lang.

The other two Taoists couldn't help sighing. A few years ago, almost everyone could pass the written examination of Tiandaoguan, and the invigilator was very loose. Since Yan Lang participated in the invigilator, almost no one dared to plagiarize.

However, it is not surprising that Yan Lang acted like this. These candidates without any * and strength are like the softest persimmons, which are easy to pinch and easy to get the recognition of his work by the elders.

Just as he was proud, a cold hum broke the silence that had just recovered.

"It's really annoying. Isn't it just cheating? Those messy things delay my mood to answer the paper." A girl answered the test paper quickly and said impatiently. The speaker was Mo Ran. The little girl was young and had no worries when she spoke, but she was a little disgusted with this Yan Lang.

After hearing this, Yan Lang's face became extremely ugly. If other candidates dare to say this, he would be able to find a reason to take action or even kill without mercy, but the girl's father is the elder of the Taoist temple, a real soul master, a person he can't afford to provoke anyway, and can only stand. He pretended not to hear it.

Mu Chen was in a good mood. He leisurely 'answered' the test paper and heard the powerful words behind him. This exam was very happy for him.

The two Taoists on one side almost laughed when they heard it. This was really gratifying.