Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 23 Hard Practice

The next day, Long Xiaoqi officially moved into his new home and moved into his small nest.

Through the bright floor-to-ceiling window, she felt the temperature of the sun and breathed fresh air. Looking at the lush forest behind her, Long Xiaoqi's mood suddenly became not so bad. Thinking about what has happened in the past month, I can see a lot in an instant. Hey! People are entangled by interests and separated by interests, but there is always something beyond interests, that is, love. Whether it is family affection or friendship, it is beyond interests! Why can't many people see it? Long Xiaoqi sighed secretly and felt very helpless about this society.

"From today on, I will be an idealistic and planned person, and I will no longer sink because of the trivialities in life. I will avenge my family and seek justice for the deceased." Long Xiaoqi looked at herself in the mirror and said seriously. Long Xiaoqi! Long Xiaoqi, you should remember that at any time, don't give up easily. However, no matter what, you can't be careless. Looking at the man in the mirror, he seemed to be an old friend who had not seen each other for many years, talking to each other and encouraging each other. Long Xiaoqi opened her backpack, took out the book "Basic Improvement of Qi Practice", curled up on her hair, and turned it over casually.

Looking at it, Long Xiaoqi was fascinated. She seemed to be in an independent universe. There was no one, no car, no high technology, and no troubles. There is only a vast sea, blue sky, fresh air and the sound of seagulls from time to time. He was naked, holding his head high in the wind, allowing the impact of the sea breeze to withstand the cleaning of the waves. At this time, Long Xiaoqi suddenly felt that her body was very dirty. After being washed by the sea bath air, she even had an impulse to get rid of this stinky skin. Her soul stayed in this world forever, accompanied by heaven, danced with the earth, and eternity with this empty universe. Gradually, a faint voice came to Long Xiaoqi's ear, which was an illusory but real call. Stay! Dear child, come back to your mother!" The call seemed to be nothing, floated into Long Xiaoqi's ears and slipped into Long Xiaoqi's heart.

"Mother!" Long Xiaoqi shouted out emotionally. In that world, he saw his mother, father, grandfather, and even men and women, old and young in the clan. They all made the same sound in their mouths, stay! These three words are like magic sounds, wrapped around Long Xiaoqi, and they will not leave for a long time. No, no, no!" The last word, Long Xiaoqi, shouted out. At the moment when he was about to give up and put himself in this comfortable space, he saw the blood on his grandfather's face. He saw the scene of the bones of the clan. A sharp pain came from his heart, stimulating every cell in his body.

"Congratulations, my descendants, you have successfully broken through the nightmare I laid, which shows that your mind has passed the test. Here, with the experience and teachings I have learned in my life, you can not only improve the realm of war spirit and learn how to cultivate war spirit, but also let you understand many principles of life. Suddenly, his relatives disappeared, the blue sky and the boundless sea disappeared, and a vicissitudes voice suddenly appeared in the world, and a man in white appeared in front of Long Xiaoqi. Who are you? Why am I here? Long Xiaoqi was puzzled and asked in confusion. Ha ha, don't be afraid. I'm your ancestor and can appear here. Only my dragon family can't remember my name, and it doesn't matter. Just remember that I won't hurt you." The man smiled and looked very kind, but it gave people the feeling that something was missing.

"See your ancestors." Long Xiaoqi knew the rules very well and kowtowed respectfully, and then said, "Please avenge my ancestors for the Long family." Oh? Why did you say that?" That night..." Long Xiaoqi knelt on the ground and said what happened to the Long family word by word. Long Xiaoqi's heart was very excited. Seeing that this ancestor has lived such a long life, he must not be a mortal. Maybe he can destroy the seven families with a wind. Ha ha." After listening to Long Xiaoqi's words, the old man was not angry or excited, but unimaginably calm. He still looked at Long Xiaoqi with a smile, as if he had already known all this. Long Xiaoqi wondered whether this was the ancestor of the Long family. The Long family was destroyed. Why didn't even react at all?

"Young man, don't worry, since this happened to you and you are the only one who survived, it is God's insistence on you to complete the task of revenge, which can be said to be a test for you. If you can stick to it, you will be famous in the future, but if you can't stick to it, everyone's sorrow will follow you. I'm afraid you will always taste the pain of reincarnation!" The man in white looks like a fairy. Long Xiaoqi couldn't help getting goose bumps. He was most afraid of hell. Please give me a unique way to practice and help me avenge the Long family as soon as possible. The descendants of the Long family will be very grateful. Long Xiaoqi knelt down and said. The mental method you saw is the essence of my life. Don't despise it. Those things in the writing are just blind spells! Since you are predestined to me, I will give it to you. Remember, before opening this skill in the future, you must make sure that there is no one else around you, otherwise your life will be in danger. After saying that, the man turned around and left. Long Xiaoqi hurriedly got up and shouted, "Ancestor, where are you going? Stay and teach me how to practice war spirit, ancestors. However, no matter how Long Xiaoqi chased, she couldn't catch up with the speed of her ancestors. In a faint time, she only heard an ethereal voice: "Let's go back, don't chase again. It is a remnant soul, so there is no need to disturb each other. When it comes to the predestined day, everything will be revealed.

Suddenly, Long Xiaoqi had a sharp pain in her head and fell to the ground in a coma. Ah!" Long Xiaoqi sat up from the sofa in horror, with bean-like sweat on her face and gasping for breath. It turned out to be a dream. Long Xiaoqi gasped and stroked her chest. Thinking about the dream just now, it was really strange. I didn't know whether the things in the dream were true or not, and I didn't think much about it. I picked up the book again and read it, but this time, I couldn't reach that level anyway.

"It's really strange, but I don't think the ancestors of the Long family need to deceive the descendants of the Long family!" Long Xiaoqi never dreamed that the book he casually took was actually the most precious treasure of the Long family for many years. The name written on it was just to hide people's ears and eyes, so as to prevent ulsly people from stealing learning!

Long Xiaoqi learned from the basics, and he carefully studied every move and every formula mentioned in the book. However, after watching for a long time and practicing for a long time, he has not gained anything, because he is already at the peak level of the fifth-level intermediate level of white gas. For these basic things, it is just to make some preparations for practicing the war spirit.

For several days in a row, Long Xiaoqi practiced according to the method in the book in addition to sleeping and eating, but the realm of war spirit has not improved at all. It's just become more and more stable. He is even a little frustrated. If he continues to practice at this speed, when will he wait? Only then can we complete the revenge of the Long family! But the words of his ancestors lingered in his ears from time to time, making him dare not give up or give up. For a few days, Long Xiaoqi got up very early every day. After breakfast, he entered an empty state. Although he was not very tired, he was also injured. However, Long Xiaoqi gritted her teeth and insisted. In order to revenge, he was willing to try everything. Even if he paid for his life, he would not flinch.

The body is in the front and the heart is in the back. Hold your breath and be empty. It takes a lot of effort to practice. Concentrate on it. The qi of the body condenses on the top, and absorbs things with things and attracts qi. I am happy to cultivate this method diligently, and I am not tired of my body in the painting. Be careful when opening the door at the front top, so as not to make the hole windy. Yingxiang Naqi is self-clear, and it has a magical effect to spit out slowly. People are welcome in the position, and the bitterness and sweetness are different. Tan Zhong entered lightly at this time and paused in front of his chest for a quarter of an hour. The air in the middle concentrates and rotates slowly in the abdomen. Later, he served as the governor of Dantian, and at this time, he cycled for a week. In such a repeated life, gold and silver cannot be perfect.

In my mind, thinking about the skills in the book over and over again, my body involuntarily follows, and the war spirit in my body also travels around the whole body with my thoughts. At this time, Long Xiaoqi is deeply addicted to practicing the fighting spirit. Although she can't make rapid progress, she will definitely succeed in time.

In a blink of an eye, about half a month has passed. Long Xiaoqi persistently refines the fighting spirit in her body every day. Although she still can't feel that the fighting spirit in her body has increased, it can be clearly seen that Long Xiaoqi's skin has obviously turned white, tender and smooth, and her body outline has become slender and burly, with vision and listening. The power has been greatly improved. If you want to practice your qi, you should cultivate your body first. While Long Xiaoqi was practicing, the remnant jade on his body also emitted a dim light, flashing, as if he were a newborn baby, desperately breathing fresh air.

"Grandpa, father, I will not let you down. One day, I will wash the Eastern family with blood and pay tribute to you with their heads. I will let their souls mourn for you." When she was tired, Long Xiaoqi leaned against the corner of the house and stayed quietly. Thinking about her grandfather and father, in an instant, she seemed to have endless strength. Revenge for relatives and clans has become the only motivation for Long Xiaoqi to live in this world. Life is like this. If you are willing to give in, he will torture you a hundred times. If you dare not succumb to others, he can only do what you want and help you do.