Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 92 Who are you

The gray world is like falling into the chaos before Pangu's creation, surrounded by gray-white gas, which is really visible, but illusory and illusory. I don't know where the light came from. The world shines like the day. The dazzling white light is slightly gray and looks very desolate and sad.

In this unknown space, in this earthless, sunless world, a person quietly suspended in the air. Yes! His feet went straight into the gray-white gas, stepped on the air, and stood straight, as if something was dragging him. But his eyes were tightly closed, as if he were asleep. There were still a little scars on his handsome face, and he muttered softly and didn't know what he was saying.

"It's so familiar here. I seem to have been to this place before." I don't know how long it took, the man floating in the air suddenly opened his eyes, looked around confusedly, and said to himself. He gently twisted his body, moved his limbs, and then looked at the world curiously.

"Ah!" The man suspended in the air suddenly cried in surprise, as if he had found something incredible. His mouth was wide open and his eyes looked straight at his feet.

"Here! Why did I come here?" The man felt very confused, but soon he was relieved. A happy smile climbed on his face, like a farmer who had been in a sweet rain for a long drought. He stretched out his hands excitedly and didn't know what he was grabbing.

"Haha, I, Long Xiaoqi, am going out. I, Long Xiaoqi, am going back to that era that belongs to me!" The person in front of me, no! To be more precise, it should be the soul, which is Long Xiaoqi who came through, and the space he is now is also the world when he first came to be trapped.

Long Xiaoqi walked slowly, just like walking in her yard, with excitement on her face. This time, Long Xiaoqi was not as eager to find an exit as last time, because he knew that this was a magical world. Although it didn't look big, it was all-encompassing.

Time passed by bit, and Long Xiaoqi's pace was not as idle as before, but became a little anxious, because the scene he expected did not appear, even without any sign.

"What? Are you going to trap me here again?" Long Xiaoqi looked puzzled and looked at the air around her suspiciously, as if there was something hidden in this gray world.

Long Xiaoqi thought that this was just a link and a bridge connecting reality and the past two worlds. At the end of this closed space, there will be two golden doors. The last time he took the road to memories, and this time, he is about to enter the lobby in the real world.

However, he was disappointed that everything around him had not changed. He still looked like that, and even the flowing gas was still the shape he came.

Long Xiaoqi stepped on the nihilistic gas and walked slowly, but her brain was running fast. The short poem appeared in his mind again, so clear, just like the scene that happened not long ago, even when the twenty-eight words faded away.

The surroundings are quiet and terrible, like the night before the storm, quiet but weird. The last thing Long Xiaoqi wanted to see still happened. He was really trapped in this gloomy space. He could no longer return to the world that belonged to him, and even the shadow in the memory world slowly disappeared.

However, Long Xiaoqi is no longer the former Long Xiaoqi. He is not panicked, let alone running crazily as when he first came here. He is waiting. He is waiting for the end of everything. Everything has a reason and everything has an effect. After the cause and effect, I'm afraid that all the mysteries will be revealed.

Finally, Long Xiaoqi simply calmed down and sat in the air to cultivate her fighting spirit. He remembers that although it is closed, there is an indescribable substance that suppresses the spirit of war. If he can practice in such a high-duty environment, maybe one day when he returns to his hometown, he will really reach the level that he has never entered before.

Her eyes were closed and her body remained motionless. Long Xiaoqi seemed to have turned into a grain of sandstone in this unknown space, and it seemed to have turned into a light fog.

In this closed space, the white light suddenly appeared, but it put on a mysterious veil. But Long Xiaoqi was not disturbed by this. In his mind and in his heart, there was only one thing he thought about, that is, the fighting spirit.

In the haze, there seems to be a pair of eyes staring at Long Xiaoqi, but I can't tell where it is. It may be in any corner of the fog or in Long Xiaoqi's heart.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a minute or a year, Long Xiaoqi finally opened her eyes and stood up with a smile on her face. However, before he could catch his breath, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

A black shadow floats in the air like a ghost. For Long Xiaoqi, who is already strange, this is nothing, because he can do it himself. But strangely, those bloody eyes, under the cover of darkness, became brighter and more and more strange, which made people feel creepy, as if they had taken off their clothes and stood in public, and everything they had been pierced by the other party.

Long Xiaoqi did not move, but silently stared at the dark shadow in front of her. The faint spirit of war has been condensed in the palm of her hand to deal with situations that may happen at any time.

Two people, no! It should be said that one person is strange, looking at each other like this, no one said anything, and no one moved first. An inexplicable fear suddenly rose in Long Xiaoqi's heart, because he remembered that he had seen a group of wolves on the grassland at night when he was a child. The green eyes looked at themselves warily and showed greedy eyes. As long as the wolf king ordered, they would definitely tear themselves up. Finally, under the protection of the clan, they would leave there without danger.

The scene in front of us is so similar to the scene at that time. The same eyes, the same look, the only difference is the quantitative difference. But Long Xiaoqi believes that as long as the thing in front of her moves her, she may... not guess, but a premonition, an innate premonition.

Finally, the black shadow moved, not walking, but drifting, like a ghost, slowly floating towards Long Xiaoqi in the air.

At this time, Long Xiaoqi had raised her heart to her throat. He didn't know whether the other party was good or evil, and he didn't have the confidence to defeat it, and even lost the courage to fight in these red eyes.

It's closer, and it's just like this that Long Xiaoqi has a chance to see the monster in front of her. The black is just a shabby cloak, and its face is almost the same as that of human beings. It is even shorter than Long Xiaoqi, who has just been young. The bridge of its nose is high, a little like a vulture. Those blood-red eyes make Long Xiaoqi the most memorable, and even has a feeling that people dare not look directly.

"Who are you?" Long Xiaoqi summoned up her courage, gritted her teeth and spit out these three words bluntly. In the empty world, except for the ethereal fog, there are only two "people" in front of us. The sound seems to have been rebounded by something and refused to disperse for a long time.

The non-human monster didn't say anything, as if it didn't hear it, and stared at Long Xiaoqi closely, but the moving body didn't know when it stopped.

"Who are you?" Long Xiaoqi asked again. This time, he had put on an offensive posture, as if he was about to fight without a word.

Under the black cloak, you can't see what the expression is, but the old and hoarse voice is enough to explain everything.

"Me? I'm just an old man of the morning bell. Don't be scared by my appearance, because I used to be young, and I can't forgive people! I always practice thoughtfully, but in the end I can't escape the setback of fate. As for my name! I can't even remember myself. It's just a name, just like the clouds and smoke of the past.