Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 40 Golden Dragon

The blood-colored fog gathered more and more, and even a substantial fog cloud appeared in the sky. Long Xiaoqi looked up with a weak expression on her face.

The roar of dragons echoed in the fog clouds. Long Xiaoqi didn't know what was going on inside at all. She could only see the bloody fog gathering here desperately, and the more they gathered, the thicker they gathered.

Suddenly, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the sky without warning. In an blink of an hour, the blood-colored fog cloud flowed to the whirlpool, and the whirlpool swallowed all the fog clouds into its stomach without any sign of leakage. In the whirlpool, Long Xiaoqi clearly saw the yin and yang jade hovering in it, and the blood light became brighter and brighter, which looked very dazzling in this world.

The whirlpool turned faster and faster. Even if Long Xiaoqi was far away, she could clearly feel the tearing force. With a low voice, the fighting spirit of her whole body burst out in an instant, which stabilized Long Xiaoqi's shaky body.

However, others are not so lucky. Not long ago, there were monsters who came here. They just passed by, but when they saw the storm here, they couldn't resist their curiosity for a while, so they came here to join in the fun. But who would have thought that because of the curiosity in their hearts, they died.

The whirlpool rotated rapidly, and the blood-colored gas mixed with low-level monsters, which were sucked into the blood basin. Long Xiaoqi looked at the scene in the sky and secretly thought in her heart that if this whirlpool can also inhale the monsters in the divine realm, then this yin and yang jade alone will make those monsters I'm scared when I hear it.

The sound of dragon singing rolled and roared in the clouds, as if there was a sign of broken jade. Above the sky, a gossip map was slowly displayed. At first, this gossip map was extremely vague, as if it was transformed by clouds. However, with the increase of the whirlpool inhalation of fog clouds, the gossip map became clearer and more and more real, and the cathode eyes were convex and concave. With each rotation of the gossip map, a mountain and soil must vibrate.

Long Xiaoqi really doesn't know what's going on, but now everything has been beyond Long Xiaoqi's imagination and beyond Long Xiaoqi's control. He can only look at everything in front of him and let the yin and yang jade continue. However, Long Xiaoqi is not worried at all, because this is in the demon world, not in the world. Even if this yin and yang jade destroys the whole demon world, what does it have to do with her? In this way, Long Xiaoqi no longer has to bother to destroy the dark army's plan to attack human beings. Why is Long Xiaoqi happy to kill two birds with one stone?

"Human, how dare you unbridledly kill our demons here!" Suddenly, a man's voice came from outside the valley, which was very sharp, like the cry of a bird.

Long Xiaoqi looked around. Because the fog was no longer as strong as before, he could clearly see everything around him. At this time, a man in black robe was standing on the top of the mountain behind Long Xiaoqi, staring at Long Xiaoqi coldly, with an angry look on his face.

"It's just the realm of the first level of golden gas..." Long Xiaoqi's mouth moved slightly. Not only was there no anger, but he felt very funny about the humanoid monster in front of him. You know, even if Long Xiaoqi has not entered the realm of the second level of golden gas, he can kill six such beings in front of him in one breath. Yes, there is only one monster now. Is it possible that he has the intention to die?

Long Xiaoqi's every move, the humanoid monster naturally saw it clearly, and his anger increased greatly. He had long forgotten the real strength of the person in front of him. He had now been blinded by hatred and rushed down and vowed to fight with Long Xiaoqi.

Long Xiaoqi did not retreat and made progress. With a wave of her palm, she had no intention of avoiding at all. As soon as she went up and down, her palms were facing each other. Suddenly, she was shocked by a huge momentum.

"What?" The humanoid monster looked at Long Xiaoqi in front of him in surprise and looked unharmed, but in the palm of his hand, he had shaken his left arm to pieces and resist the pain. The monster now had to face Long Xiaoqi, but it was too late.

Long Xiaoqi came out of the killer again and curled the monster with the momentum of pouring the sea. Her fists hit the monster like raindrops. In the blink of an eye, the humanoid monster was silent.

Looking at his fist and feeling the vigorous fighting spirit in his body, Long Xiaoqi smiled. Is this power? Is this the performance of strength?

No longer paying attention to the body of the monster around her, Long Xiaoqi looked up at the yin and yang jade in the distance. The vortex had slowed down, and the surrounding bloody fog had also been sucked away, revealing the original gray-black sky.

A thunderbolt and splashed countless golden lights. After a loud dragon roar, an incredible golden light and shadow appeared in the air. The light and shadow became brighter and brighter, and even shook people unable to open their eyes. After the light, a dragon nearly 100 feet appeared in front of Long Xiaoqi's eyes.

"What is this?" Long Xiaoqi shouted out in a loud voice. The giant dragon's top gossip map, stepping on the blood-red clouds, hovering in the air and flying in the air, the proud momentum is unique in the world.

Yin and Yang jade flew to Long Xiaoqi's body and fell back into Long Xiaoqi's hand. Long Xiaoqi carefully looked at the Yin and Yang jade. Although the pattern on the surface did not change at all, the flowing light had disappeared.

"Roar..." A dragon roared and collapsed in all directions, and even the rocks of the same size as the dragon's body became torn apart in an instant, and after the landslide, only a few void shadows were left.

Long Xiaoqi stared at it. It was the magic piano! There are still a few monsters around, but they have not reached the golden level. Long Xiaoqi secretly laughed. It seemed that the enemy's road was really narrow. Unexpectedly, she would meet her at this time, so that Long Xiaoqi would find her one by one to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Seeing that Long Xiaoqi found herself, I don't know why the first thought of the Moqin was to escape, and even a few subordinates around her didn't pay attention to her. As soon as she moved, she moved a few feet away.

Of course, Long Xiaoqi will not let her go easily. Although the current magic piano is already dispensable in Long Xiaoqi's eyes, after all, the magic piano also has the strength of golden spirit second-order. If there are several such monsters to join hands to deal with Long Xiaoqi, then Long Xiaoqi will really feel a headache.

However, before Long Xiaoqi moved, there was already a shadow in front of Long Xiaoqi. In the blink of an eye, she came to the magic piano and swallowed the magic piano into her stomach. Needless to ask, it was naturally a golden dragon flying in the air. In front of the dragon, the strength of the magic piano is not worth mentioning at all.

And the monsters who followed the magic piano have been dumbfounded. They have never seen such a scene. They don't even know what is so huge in front of them. They stand still like a dumb wooden chicken, as if they are waiting for death. Naturally, the dragon didn't understand what it meant to be merciful. With a roll of his body, he erased those monsters from heaven and earth with that momentum alone.

"Hahaha..." Long Xiaoqi laughed. With such a giant dragon, I'm afraid that it will be difficult for any monster in the demon world to compete with Long Xiaoqi.

"Evil! Unexpectedly, I killed so many creatures in the demon world. Look, I can't let you survive and die. Suddenly, there was a sound like a muffled thunder. Long Xiaoqi was shocked. In addition to the magic blood, there was only the demon. However, no matter which of these two monsters, it was not what Long Xiaoqi could face now. Even with the help of the dragon, I'm afraid there are not many chances of winning. No Then, how could the gods lose the battle of that year?

Sure enough, after the sound, a bloody figure appeared in Long Xiaoqi's sight. Next to the bloody figure, there were several black shadows, including the magic scorpion and magic tiger that Long Xiaoqi was familiar with, as well as the magic blade that Long Xiaoqi had never met.

Long Xiaoqi narrowed her eyes and carefully stared at the blood-red figure in front of him. I don't know why he always felt that the monster in front of him did not seem to exist.

"Hmm! You don't need to look at it. Although it's not my real body, the blood shadow split in front of you also has half of my strength. Today, even if this dragon helps you, I will smash you into ten thousand pieces. The blood-red figure moved slightly, but did not attack Long Xiaoqi, but he didn't know whether the magic blood was too confident in himself or his head was broken, and he actually told Long Xiaoqi the truth.

"" Long Xiaoqi spit out gently, but as soon as her body moved, she had shot forward quickly. At the same time, the golden dragon also moved, roared and flew to the location of those monsters.

The magic blood smiled indifferently, as if he didn't pay attention to the person and the dragon in front of him. The corners of his mouth moved slightly, told the demons around him to say a few words, and then flew to the dragon. The magic scorpion, the magic tiger, the magic blade and the members of the Seven Shang Palace all flew to Long Xiaoqi, with such a strong strength. If they can't kill Long Xiaoqi, I'm afraid they won't have to fool around in the demon world.

Looking at so many monsters killing her, Long Xiaoqi was shocked. The strength of the three demons, the magic tiger and the magic blade must be above her. What's more, there are three golden primary monsters next to her who keep harassing. It seems that this is destined to be a bitter battle. Thinking of this, Long Xiaoqi frowned. The body is also obviously a meal.

However, those monsters have no worries, and almost every monster has a lot of hatred with Long Xiaoqi. Long Xiaoqi once hijacked Mochen with Jianling and others and killed two palace owners and several members of the Qishang Palace. Because of this incident, they almost made the demons and tigers turn against each other. Therefore, they did not give in humility and vowed to kill Long Xiaoqi together.