Arrogant God

Chapter 35 Kill the Six Elders

"Son, since there is this compass, Uncle Ye doesn't need me to escort him all the way. Why don't I follow you..."

Chu Fei waved his hand slightly: "The form above Shangyue Island is also very complicated. If there is no master around Ye Laohan, it will be difficult to gain a foothold when he first gets there. When you get there, you buy some real estate, settle them down, and then come back..."

He Chun hesitated for a moment and finally nodded: "Then...sun, you must be careful."

Now He Chun attaches great importance to Chu Fei in front of him, so he is also afraid of Chu Fei's loss.

Chu Fei nodded slightly and immediately said to Old Ye, "Ye Bo, if things go well, I will ask someone to pick you up soon."

Old Ye nodded and let his daughter and wife into the cabin: "Son, you must be careful..."

Chu Fei nodded.

At this time, He Chun urged the compass to inject the star into the compass according to the previous legendary operation method.

However, what made He Chun blush was that he consumed a lot of star power and only lit up the three stars on the compass.

Seeing He Chun's difficult appearance, Chu Fei smiled helplessly: "You still use star coins."

Hearing this, He Chun blushed, and then took out a star coin from his arms and entered the compass.

In an instant, the seven stars on the compass completely lit up. He Chun adjusted the direction and then put it on the bow.


A strange force suddenly gathered under the ship, and then saw a splash behind the ship, and the fishing boat slowly sailed away from the dock.

"Son, how can I contact you then?"

"Just go to Gao's house..." Chu Fei waved to He Chun.

Until the fishing boat disappeared from Chu Fei's sight, Chu Feifang sighed slowly and then turned away. Chu Fei was not worried that He Chun would encounter anything wrong at sea. There was a seven-star compass, and the speed of fishing boats was beyond the reach of ordinary ships.

"Ao family, since you want to catch me, I don't want to make you happy..." Chu Fei raised a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

At night, there is a starry sky, and there is no moon in the sky. Chu Yuncheng in the distance is like a giant beast, lying quietly in the darkness in an extremely ferocious posture.

Chu Fei opened the chaotic field and quietly sneaked into Chuyun City.

Chuyun City is extremely vast, with as many as 18 main streets, nine horizontally and vertically, neatly dividing the internal pattern of Chuyun City, and the main palace of the city is built in the middle of the whole city.

However, this city owner's mansion is far from the Ao family's mansion in Fengyun City. After all, the headquarters of the Chu family is not in Chuyun City, but a mountain and sea village 100 miles away from Chuyun City. That was a water village. At the beginning, the Chu family also started from foreign trade.

Chu Fei quietly sneaked in Chuyun City, and then approached the city's master's mansion.

In the main house, in the main living room.


Tie Lei, the sixth elder of the Ao family, slapped the table fiercely: "What's going on?"

The iron thunder skin is blue and purple, facing rough, short and fat, wearing a golden robe. Sitting there, he looks not angry and majestic.

Next to him, there are still two people sitting, one is Tiecheng, the seventh elder of the Ao family. He is thin, with a long pointed mouth and monkey cheeks, and always shows a cynical smile on his face. Even if his sixth brother was furious at this moment, he still smiled. The other person's figure is similar to Tiecheng's, with pale skin and a touch of pathology, but his momentum is not to be underestimated. And his expression at this moment is also like his sixth brother, with a look of anger. This person is Tie Fei, the eighth elder of the Ao family.

The man in Ao's clothes kneeling said in a trembling voice, "He...they all went to Haiyu Village to look for information..."

"Sea Fish Village?" Tie Lei frowned and then narrowed his eyes: "But that old man Ye's house mentioned by Hu Zhuo?"

"That's right..." The man in black said, "The previous wave of people went there to catch Ye's daughter and then forced Chu Fei to appear, but later, when the iron bone elder saw that those people had not come back for a long time, he took people there in person, and as a result..."

Hearing this, Tie Lei's iron blue face became more blue: "Then what are you still doing here? Why don't you explore for me?"

"back...back to the six elders, people have been sent, and as a result... they found their bodies..." At the end of the words, the voice of the man in black was also weak insects and mosquitoes. However, with the ears of the six elders and others, they can naturally hear clearly.

At this time, the man in black shouted outside, and a large group of people came in and placed a large row of corpses in the living room.

"Old it...old Ten?" Eight Elder Tiefei's face turned paler and quickly got up and walked to the dead iron bone.

At this moment, the iron bones, on the robe are covered with blood, and even on the face, there are many blood spots.

Tiefei looked carefully and turned around and said, "Sixth brother, tenth brother... was killed by someone who broke the meridians of his whole body."

At this time, Tiecheng's cynicism on his face also disappeared, and came to the iron bone corpse with Tielei.

Tielei clenched his fists: "Da damn it, the ninth brother was damaged in his hands on the day Chu Fei escaped, but he didn't expect that the tenth brother would also be today..." At this point, the momentum around Tielei's body had undoubtedly exploded, and the strong pressure squeezed the tables and chairs around him into a ball of powder.

At this time, two flames flashed in Tiefei's eyes: "Brother, when I go, I will definitely find the trace of Chu Fei, draw his bones and tendons to avenge the ninth brother and the tenth brother."

"I'll go too." Although there is no anger on Tiecheng's face, everyone who knows him knows that as long as there is no smile on Tiecheng's face, he is really angry.

With that, these two people are going to go in person...

"Don't be impatient..." Tie Lei is older after all, and his experience is much richer than them: "From the injury of the tenth brother, the other party can break the meridians around him. He should be a high master in the acupuncture period. Then Chu Fei should have a helper around him."

Tiecheng and Tie Fei looked at each other. Tiefei took the lead and said, "I don't care what kind of helper he is. Anyway, he has to die..."

Tie Lei looked at the blue veins on Tie Fei's forehead and couldn't help sighing: "In a word, you must be careful and don't underestimate the enemy. Today, I will also be responsible for receiving distinguished guests from Baidumen and discuss some things, so I can't go with you."

At this time, Tiecheng's feminine voice suddenly sounded: "Brother, don't worry, even if the other party is high in the acupuncture point, he is not the opponent of our two brothers."

Tie Lei nodded slightly: "Take the people of the Presbyterian Church. Chu Fei can actually run out of the zoo. Although he has the help of the Gao family, he must not be underestimated."

"I understand..." The two brothers readily agreed, and then went together to take everyone in the Presbyterian Church and headed for the sea fish village. Naturally, they will not naively think that Chu Fei will wait for them there, but after all, they have found the place where Chu Fei appeared. As long as the manpower is spread out, they believe that they can find Chu Fei's hiding place.

But they absolutely didn't expect that Chu Fei was quietly lurking above their heads and listening to their conversation clearly.

One thing in their conversation just now attracted Chu Fei's attention, that is, the iron thunder was actually going to meet a noble guest of the Hundred Poison Gate.

Chu Fei has always been very afraid of this mysterious poisonous door. From the legendary Liewan Island, Chu Fei can't bear to ignore it.

Not to mention anything else, just that the other party can cross millions of miles of ocean to Tianmen Island. If there is no strong *, it is basically impossible. Even if they have a seven-star compass, it is also graded. If the level is not enough, the pressure is not enough. On the way, they are likely to encounter very powerful sea beasts.

After all, their distance is not as close as Tianmen Island and Shangyue Island. It is precisely because Shangyue Island is close to Tianmen Island that the sea between them is very shallow, so there are no powerful sea beasts.

Look at the iron thunder command below and carry out these bodies. In Chu Fei's heart, a somewhat sinister scheme suddenly came out.

At this moment, the people of the Presbyterian Church have been taken away by Tiefei and Tiecheng. In the huge city lord's mansion, there are only a few servants left.

Tielei sat on the seat in the hall. Somehow, he always felt very irritable. This feeling was very strange and made him restless.

Slowly got up, carrying his hands on his back, Tie Lei frowned and slowly paced back and forth in the hall, quietly waiting for the arrival of the distinguished guests of the Hundred Poison Gate.

Chu Fei relied on the package in the chaotic field and quietly lurked on the beam above the hall. No one would have thought that Chu Fei, who had been wanted, would hide here.

The chaotic field spread out, Chu Fei's eyes slowly closed, and all the movements within ten feet around him could not escape Chu Fei's feeling. In this field, Chu Fei is the master and everything.

Relying on the chaotic field to isolate the breath of the body, not to mention the iron thunder in front of him, even the mysterious old man beside Ao Kuang at the beginning could not find Chu Fei's movement.

A dagger was slowly pulled out, and a star power quietly penetrated into it.

Chu Fei's consciousness is clear, as if there is only the iron thunder in front of him in his world.

At the moment when Tie Lei slowly turned around, Chu Fei's eyes suddenly opened, his body suddenly trembled, and disappeared on the beam above the hall.

"Hmm..." At this time, Tie Lei finally felt something wrong. Suddenly, he looked back and saw a dagger stabbed into his throat.


Tie Lei opened his eyes in horror and looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him. His limbs twitched and his mouth opened and closed slightly. Now he finally understood why he felt uneasy, but he could not make a sound.

Those eyes like cow's eyes flashed with unbelievable eyes, with a trace of panic and doubt. Then, the eyes gradually covered with a layer of dead ashes, and all consciousness completely disappeared in the next moment.

Chu Fei did not make a sound, but killed the six elders in the high level of the acupuncture point in front of him.