Arrogant God

Chapter 87 Breaking the Second Seal

The downpour poured down from the sky, and the waves rolled up to 100 feet high and rushed directly into the clouds, and then fell with the rain, making the rain more violent.

Chu Fei just rushed out of the monument, and his whole body was wet. But this is exactly what Chu Fei wants. Because above the magma lake is filled with extremely hot water vapor, just at that moment, most of Chu Fei's body has been scalded, and after being washed by the cold rain, the pain on his body has also eased a lot. Chaos is the continuous repair of injuries around the body.

Chu Fei held a long gun and stood still, as if he had been petrified. In fact, at this moment, he was waiting for the second seal of the chaotic monument to be opened.

Just in the monument, as the colorful light entered, Chu Fei felt it at the first time. He immediately sacrificed the jade bottle, and then controlled the nameless energy and put all the colorful light into the jade bottle without leaving a drop.

Chu Fei originally thought that a monument would attract a lot of heavenly virtual water, but in the end, he found that all the heavenly virtual water together was only five drops.

But this is enough for Chu Fei.

Chu Fei originally planned to untie the seal of the chaotic monument in the monument, and his strength was bound to rise sharply. At that time, it should be safer to rush out of the monument. However, what made Chu Fei helpless was that as he took away the water of Tianxu, the interior of the whole monument suddenly became extremely unstable. Around the nameless energy, the rules of heaven and earth seemed to be destroyed and could not restrain the energy at all. As a result, the energy naturally rushed around and then began to slowly disappear.

As for the core of the island, Chu Fei has long lost contact with it.

The frenzy inside the monument directly lifted Chu Fei out.

Fortunately, Chu Fei reacted quickly and covered his body with star power and chaotic air in time. Otherwise, at the moment he came out, he might be steamed by the water vapor outside.

Chu Fei knew that the people outside had already found the abnormality of the monument. Therefore, as soon as he rushed out of the monument, he immediately put a drop of heavenly virtual water into his body, and his body was motionless, quietly waiting for the heavenly virtual water to enter the chaotic monument.

The empty water is no different from ordinary water, but the crystal water droplets are only transparent, but around it, they emit a colorful light, which is easy to identify.

said that at this time, the colorful water quickly swam along Chu Fei's meridians to the location of Dantian.

Thinking that Chu Fei's meridians were all broken, and he could not rely on the meridians to transport the star power to Dantian to unlock the first seal of the chaotic monument, Chu Fei had to tore his Dantian and directly send the star power into it.

However, today, the meridians around the body are intact, and it has become much easier to send the heavenly water into Dantian.

The colorful heavenly water illuminates Chu Fei's meridians. However, there is no energy fluctuation around the heavenly virtual water. If it hadn't been for the colorful light on its surface, it would have been difficult for ordinary people to explain whether it is the heavenly virtual water or not.

In a blink of an eye, the sky virtual water entered Chu Fei's Dantian. The colorful light suddenly enveloped the whole dark Dantian, and the chaotic monument stood quietly in the center of Dantian. The yellow light flowing all over the body has the most original power in the world.

The water of Tianxu seems to be extremely cordial to this original power. As soon as it encountered the chaos tablet, it did not need Chu Fei to deliberately pull it at all, but rushed directly to the chaos tablet.

In a blink of an eye, the drop of heavenly water was immersed in the chaos tablet, and all the colorful light was converged into the chaotic tablet.

In an instant, Chu Fei's whole body trembled slightly. At this time, he saw an unusually bright colorful light suddenly burst out on the chaotic monument. The majestic energy directly passed through Dantian and through Chu Fei's body, shining in all directions.

At this moment, Chu Fei seems to be a god. Under the quiet rainy night, Chu Fei burst into unusually bright glows all over his body, as if the sunrise is in the east, dazzling.

The poisonous enemy in the distance looked at Chu Fei at the mouth of the magma lake. He clenched his fists tightly and shouted, "Chu Fei..."

This shout directly penetrated the heavy night, as if mixed with star power, running through the sky.

Chu Fei stood still, motionless, as if he didn't hear it. However, this shout shocked the Ao family on the other side of the island, especially Ao Tianba and Ao Qian, whose eyes were full of shock. Looking at the figure at the mouth of the magma lake, they swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

They don't know what ability Chu Fei has. He can jump out of the steam-filled magma lake, and at this moment, he is full of colorful clouds, obviously getting the water of heaven.

Although there is no energy fluctuation around Chu Fei, the colorful glow is shocking enough. But at this time, drastic changes were taking place in Chu Fei's Dantian.

On the chaotic tablet, a colorful light keeps flowing, and the chaotic tablet is also constantly trembling. After about half an hour, the yellow light on the whole chaotic monument suddenly rose and completely covered the colorful light almost instantly. The whole Dantian is mixed with yellow.

Chu Fei's consciousness stared at the scene in Dantian and quietly waited for the chaotic monument to break through the second seal.

The yellow light lasted for about five or six minutes and finally began to fade away. The three simple characters of Chaos Monument reappeared in front of Chu Fei's consciousness. And below, the row of small words has also changed.

The previous row of small words means that unlocking the chaotic monument needs to be pulled by the water of heaven.

But this time, the above said that unlocking the chaotic monument requires a spiritual weapon.

"Reiki?" Chu Fei frowned slightly, and then suddenly remembered that the spiritual weapons mentioned in the spectrum of unknown weapons are those weapons that have been equipped with spirituality, and the worst ones have reached more than a thousand refining, which is very powerful.

Thinking of this, Chu Fei suddenly took a deep breath. Chu Fei always thought that it was a legendary myth. How could there be such a level of weapons in the world? Isn't that too abnormal? However, since this spiritual weapon appeared on the Chaos Monument, it must be real.

In this case, is it true that the magic weapons written at the end of the unknown weapon spectrum are also true?

Chu Fei is a little surprised, but he is in danger at this moment. Both forces are staring at him. What he wants to do now is to escape from here as soon as possible.

This idea flashed in his heart, and Chu Fei hurriedly ran the chaotic monument.

Chu Fei opened the chaotic field and found that the whole chaotic field had expanded more than ten times than before. Everything around was clear. Chu Fei also saw the movement of all the people in the Ao family very clearly.

On the surface of the chaotic tablet, the star map previously taken by Chu Fei under the star mine could only show one corner, but now the area displayed has also increased ten times, and the star map reveals a little more. Of course, although the second seal of the Chaos Monument has also been opened, it still does not fully reveal all the contents of the star map, which shows that the star map is also very powerful.

Surprisingly, Chu Fei found that the chaotic monument had the function of storage, which made him very happy. You only need to scratch the object in the abdomen and move your mind, and the thing will automatically enter the chaotic tablet. The space inside the whole chaotic monument is extremely large, with dozens of feet long and width, so it is no problem to load a small boat.

In addition to storage, Chu Fei found that the chaotic atmosphere mobilized could change into various shapes according to his own thoughts.

After several experiments, Chu Fei found that this chaotic gas can condense all kinds of things he wants.

As long as Chu Fei's mind moves, the chaotic spirit will instantly turn into a small flower, and the mind will move again, and the chaotic spirit will turn into a big bird. And the things are lifelike, as if they are real.

This discovery surprised Chu Fei. As long as this chaotic spirit is there, doesn't it mean that Chu Fei has a second split? Because he can rely on the chaotic air to condense himself again to confuse the enemy.

After analysis, Chu Fei has concluded that after the chaos tablet entered the second floor, the chaotic field has expanded tenfold, and the energy of the chaotic tablet has also increased by more than ten times. Chu Fei was injured before and will be repaired in an instant by relying on the chaotic qi. Now the concentration of chaotic qi has increased tenfold, and the speed of repairing the injury will be completed in the blink of an eye. If it is not too serious, outsiders will hardly feel Chu Fei injured. Another change is that the area shown by the monument has increased, and the star map revealed is ten times larger than before. The most pleasing change for Chu Fei is that the Chaos Monument has a storage function, which will greatly facilitate Chu Fei's future actions. Another function is that Chu Fei can freely transform into the person or thing he wants by relying on the spirit of chaos. Moreover, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish between true and falsehood after transformation. Chaos is the most original energy in the world, and naturally it can simulate any breath in the world.

With so many cards, Chu Fei's confidence in his heart has also increased a lot, especially the chaotic tablet can be transformed into various characters and things at will. If Chu Fei encounters danger in the future and relies on chaos to turn into a big bird in advance, he can naturally escape by riding a big bird. He doesn't think anyone can fly.

Thinking about various methods of using the Chaos Monument, finally, Chu Fei slowly collected his excitement and looked around.

At this moment, the volcano has stopped erupting, and the magma around it has a faint tendency to extinguish under the continuous pouring of rain. At this time, Chu Fei must leave early, otherwise it will be extremely troublesome if he is caught up by the poisonous people. After all, Chu Fei has only reached the peak of the acupuncture point period. Although there are cards such as Chaos Monument, the gap with the hatred of the Hundred Poisons is still too far away.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Fei slowly turned his eyes to the Ao family in the distance and secretly said that today, in any case, he could no longer let go of the Ao family.