Ao Shi Tiangong

Chapter 152 Sunset Peak

Lingmu Peak towered into the clouds, and the upper part of the whole peak was shrouded in faint clouds. The air on the peak is clear and pleasant, with birds singing and fragrant flowers, mountains and springs flowing water, and a beautiful scenery of fairy families.

People will feel far away from the world on the peak, and the atmosphere on the mountain is easy to cultivate. The aura on the peak is more than ten times stronger than the outside world, which helps people practice faster.

At this time, Tang Hongxuan was standing on a small mountain not far from Lingmu Peak, looking at more than a dozen innate disciples around him, he had a feeling of being cheated by the Qingliu.

As early as half a year ago, Tang Hongxuan and Fan Jinchen followed Qingliu to Lingmufeng of the Five elements sect. Qingliu only took them to register some identities with a deacon elder, and just asked a name to let them join the Five elements sect without even asking about their identity history.

When Tang Hongxuan wanted to ask Qingliu about something, but I don't know when Qingliu disappeared. This made him feel that Qingliu was piting his spiritual stone.

Then Tang Hongxuan and the two were taken to the sundries hall. They received jade cards as disciples of the Five elements, and he was assigned here with clothes and some spiritual stones.

And Fan Jinchen is also in a small mountain not far away.

The two joined the Five elements sect without saying a few words, which made Tang Hongxuan feel that joining the Five elements sect was like a child's play, and he could enter if he wanted to.

In fact, it is not what Tang Hongxuan thought. Only when the monks in the foundation-building period join the Five elements sect will not be questioned and check their identity, because the Five elements sect are strong enough to be afraid of the waves of several monks in the foundation period.

However, the requirements for people in the realm of martial arts are much higher. Every few years, the Five elements will recruit children of the realm of martial arts in the whole kingdom. Countless people have passed the assessment, and only a few people can join the Five elements. Because not everyone can become a monk in the foundation period, what the Five elements Sect has to do is to choose the best qualified children.

Although few selected disciples can successfully build a foundation, the probability of having the opportunity to build a foundation is very high. What the Five elements Sect needs is a monk in the foundation realm.

After all, in heaven, the foundation period is the top power, and in the Five elements sect, the monks in the foundation period are the intermediate force and an absolutely indispensable force. Many things in the sect are done by the disciples of the foundation period.

And when foundation-building monks like Tang Hongxuan join the Five elements Sect, the Five elements are naturally happy to receive it, because it can not only save a spiritual stone for training disciples, but also improve the strength of the sect a little.

Although there are hundreds of disciples in the foundation period of the Five elements sect, but if he wants to continue to rule the kingdom of heaven, he must constantly improve his strength. After all, the Xiuzhen family in the kingdom of heaven is not vegetarian. Their combined strength, if there were not a few golden elixirs, it would certainly not be the opponent of those families.

Therefore, it is very simple for Tang Hongxuan to join the Five elements sect, and the Qingliu said that before just wanted to make a profit.

The peak where Tang Hongxuan is now standing is called Luoxia Peak. There are hundreds of peaks around Lingmu Peak like this, and the top of the mountain is not big. Only the children of the foundation period can choose one on these peaks.

It's just that such a small mountain aura will not be as strong as the spiritual wood peak, but it is better to monopolize a mountain alone, which is just conducive to Tang Hongxuan's action.

As for the main peak of Lingmu Peak, there are some excellent qualifications, or some elders and descendants who can live there. Like Fang Chuanyu, who was killed by Tang Hongxuan before, there is a cave with a strong aura on the main bee of Lingmu Peak.

It's just a pity that Fang Chuanyu's qualifications are really bad, with some unique advantages. He also has a father in the Jindan period, but his realm is extremely low, and he was killed by Tang Hongxuan.

The reason why Tang Hongxuan chose this Luoxia Peak before is that it is a little far from the main peak, Lingmu Peak, and it is still very clear, and there are few people around the peaks.

It's just that this Luoxia Peak should have never been inhabited, and there is no building in the whole mountain. Although monks only need to make holes in the peaks and cast a cave, Tang Hongxuan is used to the life of a palace and is unwilling to build a cave, so he called some innate disciples of the Five elements to help him build a palace.

Tang Hongxuan took out a piece of jade slip from the storage bag and stretched a trace of consciousness into the jade slip. Suddenly, dense words appeared in his mind.

This jade slip was received by Tang Hongxuan when he received the sundries. The jade slip records the general information of the Five-eous sect, some rules, and a general map of the five-eous sect.

Tang Hongxuan carefully read all the things in the jade slips, and there was also a trace of joy in his heart.

It turns out that this jade slip details the situation of Lingmufeng. The most important thing about Lingmufeng is the cultivation of elixirs, and many precious elixirs are planted in Lingmufeng.

And the elixirs he is looking for is likely to be in this Lingmu Peak.

As for the marrow washing elixir, this elixir is more precious. Tang Hongxuan has no prescription, let alone where to put the marrow washing elixir.

Thinking of this, Tang Hongxuan already had a plan in his heart and quietly put Yu Jianfan into the storage bag.

Now he is a disciple of the Five elements sect and can receive some spiritual stones every month, but these spiritual stones cannot meet the needs of daily cultivation, so there is a 'mission pavilion' in the Five elements sect.

The task pavilion is a special task for disciples within the Five elements sect, and the disciples of the Five elements sect can get corresponding remuneration for completing the task. These rewards are usually not very high, but they can meet the daily cultivation needs, so the disciples who are in short supply of spiritual stones will take up some tasks and make money to get spiritual stones for cultivation.

Now several congenital disciples around Tang Hongxuan are doing tasks. After that, he will give these disciples some spiritual stones.

And Tang Hongxuan saw a place called 'Pingyao Garden' on the map of Lingmufeng. He was thinking about how to get into this elixir garden with the help of the task. As long as he steals the seeds of some elixir, he can use the dragon tripod to infinitely produce elixirs and refine Bai Zhuan. At that time, Liaohou's injury can also be cured.

However, Tang Hongxuan must plan this matter first. After all, the people of the Five elements sect are not fools, and it is impossible to let a child who has just joined the sect enter the elixir garden at will.

The elixir is a huge foundation of the Five-eous Sect. Without the elixir, the Five-eous Sect can fall apart in a very short time and will destroy people from then on.

However, Tang Hongxuan was not in a hurry for a while. He had enough time to figure out everything about the Five elements sect, and it was not too late to act at that time.

"Senior Jiang, the palace has been built." Just as Tang Hongxuan was meditating, a strong voice woke him up from his meditation.

Tang Hongxuan looked up at the palace and looked at the speaker. He saw that he was a tower-like man, two meters tall, with a muscular knot on his body and explosive power. At a glance, he knew that he was a person who often did physical work.

Shaking his head, the innate warriors can build a palace in just half a day, but compared with the palace of heaven, it is the difference between a thatched hut and a gorgeous palace.

But Tang Hongxuan doesn't mean to dislike it. It's okay to live there. After all, this is not a palace, and some things should be kept a low profile.

I took out a storage bag from my arms and threw it directly to the big man. The big man quickly took the storage bag happily without checking the spirit stone in the storage bag. After a thank you, he hurriedly left with more than a dozen people behind him.

Obviously, the big men should often do such things, and Tang Hongxuan didn't think much about it and came directly to the hall.

The hall is still relatively large, with a radius of nearly 100 meters. There are also some small rooms such as practice rooms and alchemy rooms behind the hall. Even a medicine garden was reclaimed in the back mountain.

It's just that these are useless for Tang Hongxuan, so he didn't go to see them.

As for the large medicinal garden, Tang Hongxuan is too lazy to take care of it. It is purely a waste of his time to plant the elixir in the back mountain. Although each disciple of the Five elements sect has his own medicinal garden, and he may not seem a little abrupt, that's nothing. Others can't force him to go to the back mountain to plant elixirs.

I took out some ordinary furniture from the storage bag and set it in the hall, and arranged several defense prohibitions around the hall. Then I found the practice room and began to frown and think about it.