Gossip God

Chapter 2 Sitting Monk

Although Wang Mulong asked his family to beat the monk out, the servants of the family could not really beat the monk out, so they had to send him out respectfully. The monk was not angry and took a seat in the middle of the main gate of the royal palace. The people in the palace thought that the monk was not angry on the surface, but in fact they were angry, so they came to "block the mountain gate" and then asked Wang Muling for advice. Wang Mulong said another sentence: "Go away!" The old housekeeper said at least that Wang Murong agreed to give some silver to send the monk away.

The old housekeeper thought it was a good idea, but the senior monk didn't give him this face. Since Yinliang is a charity, he accepted it, but the place can't be moved. When his monk sees magic, he can't ignore it. It is also the main purpose of the Buddha's heart to remove demons and defend the way. The old housekeeper said that he did not move, and he could not really do anything to people - he could not leave a reputation for bullying others - the monk did not sit in the royal palace, so he could only go.

That night, the people in the palace heard a woman's scream, and then the prince Wang Mulong rushed out of the courtyard like crazy, and then returned to the room with a gloomy face, and there was no movement. No one saw Xinxin that night. When I opened the door the next day, the monk was gone. The people in the palace only thought that the monk had left, but they didn't expect that the monk would come again at night. Unlike yesterday, the monk didn't know where to get a futon. The monk sat in yesterday's place again, but today he has his back to the gate of the royal palace.

After dinner, Wang Mulong called the housekeeper to talk. When the housekeeper came, Wang Mulong asked the housekeeper to get rid of the monk. The old housekeeper explained, "The monk is not sitting in my palace, and we can't control him. I have given away the silver, but the monk doesn't seem to come here for money. If Heshan is forcibly driven away, he will have to fall into a reputation of bullying others, which is not conducive to the reputation of the master, so if the monk is willing to sit down, let him sit down!" Wang Mulong seemed very irritable, and he didn't know whether he listened to it or not.

That night, people did not hear any noise or see the joy. Early the next morning, Wang Mulong ordered his family to prepare things and live in Longshan's courtyard for a period of time. The master wants to live in Longshan courtyard. Naturally, as a servant, it is not easy to object. Although this Longshan courtyard is a place to relieve the summer heat, it is not said that you can't go in winter! However, according to reason, if the master wants to go to another hospital, he should at least inform him to prepare for another hospital. It is the first time in such a hurry!

On the way to Longshan Courtyard, the convoy of Wangfu was blocked by a monk! Naturally, the monk was the monk who blocked at the gate of the royal palace for two nights. Today, the monk did not bring a futon, but stood there with an ink Zen stick in his hand. Both the round-headed shovel and the crescent shovel were black. There was no light in the sun. He looked very domineering, but he wore one on his body. Baiqi, a real Baiqi garment made of shred cloth, instead of the big red foundation of the monks in some large temples, and the neat robes divided by gold lines. In contrast, the monk's Zen staff seems to have been stolen.

The housekeeper wanted to stay with the director of the royal palace, but failed to accompany him. In front of the convoy was the guardian warrior of the royal palace, named Wang Hu. Because he was good at using a nine-eared big ring knife, people gave him a nickname called Wang Dadao. When Wang Dadao saw someone in front of him stop the way, he took a few steps on the horse, stopped in front of the monk and hugged him. He said, "This master, why are you in the middle of the road? If it is fate, please make way first. When my motorcade passes, there will be silver and master.

The monk ignored Wang Hu and shouted, "If you don't come out again, the old man will turn away your corpse!" Wang Dadao saw that the monk ignored him, but he said a strange word there. The motorcade immediately arrived in front of him. Didn't he look useless to block the prince's journey? I couldn't help shouting angrily: "That monk, if you don't listen to your good words, do you really think my big knife is a vegetarian?" The monk still ignored Wang Hu and actually sat on the ground, put the Zen stick on his lap, and recited the scriptures by himself. Wang Dadao was really angry. He pulled out the knife behind his back and split it at the monk's bald head. Naturally, Wang Hu didn't want to kill. He just wanted to scare the monk and give way to the motorcade. If the old monk really didn't flash away, he would slap him with a knife and teach him a lesson by the way.

Just as Wang Hu's blade was about to cut off the monk's bald head, the monk disappeared out of thin air. Wang Hu unconsciously reached out and rubbed his eyes - blue sky and day, can he see the ghost? Ah--" At this time, there was a scream from the motorcade. It was none other than Wang Murong who made a cry. Wang Hu looked at Wang Muling's carriage and couldn't help taking a breath. The monk didn't know when he had run to the top of Wang Murong's carriage. Of course, other family dins in the royal palace also saw it. Just as they were about to shout at the monk coming down, Wang Muling ran out of the carriage first.

Wang Mulong now has no image of a prince. His hair is scattered, his eyes are red as if bleeding, the blue veins on his head are bursting, his face is white, and the nails of his hands are more than a foot long. As soon as Wang Mulong rushed out of the carriage, he ran to the woods next to him. The monk shouted, "Soul, where are you going?" Then he jumped out of the carriage and chased Wang Mulong. Where has the royal family seen such a battle? I don't know which one shouted, "Monster!" Everyone dispersed like birds and beasts. Only Wang Hu was a little bold and rode after Wang Murong and the monk.

Although Wang Mulong ran fast, he was still not as fast as the monk flying in mid-air and was chased by the monk before he escaped far. Wang Mulong looked at the monk who stopped him and shouted angrily, "What a thief is bald. Why are you struggling with each other?" The monk put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, Buddha and demons have not been compatible since ancient times. It is the job of the old man to eliminate demons and defend the way. Why do they work hard?" Wang Mulong said, "bald donkey, are you afraid of me when you are a young master?" After saying that, he danced two ghost hands and attacked the monk. The monk stood there without dodging and said something. When Wang Murong attacked near, the monk suddenly opened his hands, and a golden light was directly imprinted on Wang Murong. Wang Murong let out a scream, immediately held his face in his hands, rolled on the ground, and wisps of black smoke came out of his body.

The monk kept talking, Wang Mulong kept rolling, and the black smoke was still coming. Suddenly, the forest seemed to darken, and a woman in white fell from the sky, looking exactly like that Xinxin. At this time, Xinxin also had loose hair and more than a foot long fingernails on her hands. Xinxin fell from the sky and directly grabbed the monk's head with her hand. The monk seemed to be unaware of it and still lowered his head to recite the Buddhist scriptures. Just as Xinxin's hand had just touched the monk's head, the nine scars on the monk's head shot out a white light, and then put Xinxin through nine holes. Xinxin was pierced through nine holes, and there was no blood at all. She just raised a few wis of black smoke in the place where she was pierced, and then flew back faster than when she came.

Just as Xinxin flew back, a dark sword appeared behind the monk and pointed at the monk's back heart. There was no sound or any mana fluctuation. It suddenly broke out less than an inch away from the monk's back heart and turned into a black light. The heart. This time, the monk was really defenseless, but when the black light came into contact with the monk's clothes, he settled strangely. The clothes did not change at all. It still looked like an ordinary clothes, but the black light could not penetrate at all. The monk said, "Ghost Taoist priest, won't you come out? Do you have to wait for the old man to destroy your ghost sword?"

At this time, a man's voice was heard behind the monk: "The virtual monk is really a good method, but do you think this little trick can eat my ghost Taoist priest?" It turned out that the monk's legal name was sitting virtual. The virtual monk did not turn around, but sighed, "Amitabha, ghost Taoist priest, you practice such poisonous skills and harm others and yourself. Why don't you waste your magic skills and follow the old man to the mountain to practice. The old man has his own way to pass on Buddhism to you, how about it?" I only heard the ghost Taoist priest laugh and said, "Hahaha, what a ridiculous monk, are you really sure about my ghost Taoist priest? You will let me go, but I won't let you go. You destroyed my two corpses, and now I will charge some interest first. Hey hey, your old monk is bone-flavored and delicious. It's good to feed corpse insects!"

After saying this, the ghost Taoist priest finally appeared less than a foot away from sitting, as if the ghost Taoist priest had been there and had never moved. Naturally, this ghost Taoist priest was the Taoist priest who came to Wang Murong that day. Then Wang Hu felt a flower in front of him, and he returned to the official road. Wang Hu gave himself half of the weather and finally walked into the dense forest again. When he arrived at the place just now, the old monk and the ghost Taoist priest were gone. There were two people lying on the ground, one was Wang Murong and the other was Xinxin. The two had returned to normal. Wang Hu didn't care about Xinxin. He picked up Wang Mulong on his back and ran back to the royal palace in the city.

When he returned to the palace, except for the housekeeper and Wang Hu, no one dared to approach Wang Mulong, and the housekeeper could not. He had to let Wang Hu, the old man, take care of Wang Murong. While reporting to the border gate and home again, he posted a list of finding talents to see if he could save Wang Murong's life. Half a year passed in a blink of an eye, and Wang Mulong looked worse day by day. If he hadn't hung his life with good tonics at home, he would have died long ago. Seeing that the youngest grandson was going all the way back to the west, even Mr. Wang, who returned to his hometown six months ago, was very anxious, but anxiety can't solve the problem. Do you really want to send white-haired people to black-haired people? At this time, a family member reported that an old Taoist priest with fairy style had entered the city. Naturally, Wang Yuanwai refused to give up any hope and quickly asked someone to invite him, so he invited Xu Yunzi's master and apprentice to the door. The Wang family seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw. Even if they didn't believe it, they had to believe it, and Xu Yunzi used gossip yin and yang disk. After showing such a hand, the Wang family felt that they had found a savior.

When the story is finished, the meal is almost done. After hearing all this, Xu Yunzi slowly put down the teacup in his hand and said to the people on the seat, "Mr. Wang, I don't know if I can go to see Lingsun." Old Wang was busy: "Of course, of course, Taoist priest, please come with me." After saying that, he attracted a group of people to come to the back hall.

The backyard of the royal palace is actually a large garden, and there are also small courtyards scattered among them, which looks very elegant and unique. Wang Mulong recuperated in a courtyard in the northwest corner. In front of the courtyard is an overlapping rockery and a flowing river, which looks very quiet. It is indeed a good place for cultivation. It was Wang Hu who was responsible for the safety here. Wang Dadao had been promised by the old man Wang because of his meritorious service. When this happened, he sent Wang Dadao to serve in the army. Wang Dadao got his future and was very happy to be very dedicated to the last task of Mr. Wang's diplomacy. Seeing that Mr. Wang came with a Taoist priest and looked at the Taoist priest's sanctimonious appearance, he must be a tall man invited by Mr. Wang.

To be honest, these days, Taoist priests have invited a lot, and all of them patted their chests with a shocking sound, but most of them cheated Yin Liang and disappeared. Later, the Wang family paid attention and arrested several liars. Since then, no Taoist priests have come to the door. On the contrary, the monks and doctors invited are more or less useful. Although they all say that they can't save Wang Mulong's life, they can also protect Wang Muling's immortality, so Wang Mulong can survive until now.

Although the Wang family continued to invite the "high man" into the door, they sent the "high man" out again and again with disappointment. The Wang family was not discouraged, but Wang Dadao was seriously lacking in confidence in Taoist priests. Coupled with the influence of ghost Taoist priests, it had left a psychological shadow on him. Wang Dadao was angry when he saw Xu Yunzi's appearance as a Taoist. Of course, he didn't know that Xu Yunzi had shown his hand in the front hall, so he made his own decision. I want to try the depth of Xu Yunzi.