Gossip God

Chapter 7 Night Attack

Where is Yi Qianxiang? Of course, he went to rescue Liu Suyun, but with Yi Qianxiang's current means, it was simply a fantasy to save Liu Suyun, but Yi Qianxiang still went. Of course, because he owes the Zhang family a life, and Liu Suyun has been really good to him in recent months. Now he is wearing new clothes made for him by Liu Suyun.

Although the team that robbed Liu Suyun's prince did not walk fast - basically every time he went to a big city, he had to rest for a day or two - it was not that Yi Qianxiang could catch up with two legs. After chasing for a few days, Yi Qianxiang obviously understood this truth, so he abandoned the road and took the mountain path. That's it. He is still a part of other people's horse team.

Liu Suyun is still alive, because the prince hasn't summoned her yet. Although the prince is lustful, he is not a lustful ghost. He knows that these village women don't have much knowledge, but are strong. If he is strong, he will have to force a human life. A human life is nothing to him, but it is not a wonderful thing for him to turn the beauty he has tried to get into a corpse. So now Liu Suyun eats deliciously every day, and the maid specially bought by the prince serves him. He has never lived such a comfortable life.

This is the prince's calculation. After getting used to this life, who would like to go back to that poor country to suffer? At that time, she only needs to use strength once, and the beauty will designate to follow her with all her heart. Now the prince is resting in a big city again. He has just attended the banquet prepared by local officials for him. He was thinking about whether he should find a woman to vent first. A mother under his hand came into the door and said, "Your Highness, Liu Suyun did not cry today and didn't say anything to let her go. Presumably I have died."

When the prince heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "Okay, okay, you have done a good job. Come and appreciate it. Go and do the things behind you." The mother took the reward silver, smiled happily, hurriedly agreed, and then retreated. This mother is specially designed to lure the prince to a good woman. The so-called thing behind is **. Without **'s help, the good women can't let go of their hands and feet. How can the prince have fun?

At this moment, Yi Qianxiang is still in the mountains and forests, but at least he has been a hunter for half a year. This level of a half-hearted hunter may not make him a hegemon in the mountains and forests, but it is enough to save his own life. There are many big roads in this mountain forest. Obviously, there are people who often go in and out here, so there must be few fierce beasts such as jackals, tigers and leopards, but Yi Qianxiang is still very careful. He found a low-lying place and buried his body in thick dead leaves. Although the dead leaves don't taste good, they are better than being frozen to death outside.

At this time, footsteps suddenly came to Yi Qianxiang's ear, which were four feet. Yi Qianxiang slowly put his hand on the knife around his waist. He knew that if it was a tiger, he could not find himself at once, because the smell of the leaves was very heavy, which could well cover his popularity. When it found itself, it was basic Shang has also entered its own attack range. As long as you make a raid, it is not impossible to kill the tiger with a knife.

Approaching, Yi Qianxiang's breathing began to slow down, just for that blow. At this time, suddenly there was a sound of two people talking. It turned out that it was not a tiger, but two people walking.

"Do you think we have to do this U-turn business tomorrow?" The first person said.

The second person replied, "Not necessarily. As long as those fools in the city don't miss, we don't have to make a living."

The first person said again, "I don't think those idiots in the city can win. No matter what they say, they are a prince, and there will be few masters around him?"

The second man said, "Just because we can't kill the prince, the probability of killing those masters has also greatly increased."

The first person said, "That's right, alas, I hope this ticket can be done, and then I can go home with the silver to enjoy my old age."

As the footsteps faded away, the dialogue between the two became far away, but Yi Qianxiang's breathing became short, and someone dared to murder the prince. This news was so shocking. However, this is an excellent opportunity for Yi Qianxiang to save people. Therefore, Yi Qianxiang estimated that the two had gone far away, so he got up and followed the traces left by the two people.

The prince finally summoned Liu Suyun, or he came to find Liu Suyun himself, just after Liu Suyun finished drinking the rice porridge. When Liu Suyun saw the prince coming to see her, he immediately knelt on the ground and burst into tears: "Your Highness, the woman is a married woman. Besides, she was born in the wilderness and doesn't know the etiquette. Please let the woman go back."

The prince looked at Liu Suyun's appearance with rain, and there was no pity. Instead, the desire in his heart was even higher. The more like this, the more reluctant the prince was to be strong and asked, "Little lady, isn't you living well here?"

Liu Suyun replied, "The beautiful clothes and food here are unheard of by the women, but the women are blessed and can't afford to enjoy it. Please raise your hand and let the women go."

The prince shouted, "Maybe you used to be blessed, but you are blessed to meet me. Can't I be as good as a mountain village man?"

Liu Suyun saw that the prince's face was wrong and quickly said, "No, no, Your Highness, please calm down your anger, but the women are despicable and not worthy of this food and clothing."

The prince said, "It's not impossible for you to go back..."

Liu Suyun fell to the ground: "Your Highness, please be graviting."

The prince said with a smile, "As long as you make me happy tonight, I will let you go back tomorrow morning." As he spoke, he touched Liu Suyun's cheek.

Liu Suyun was shocked and retreated. Unexpectedly, his body was weak and faintly eager for the prince's invasion. The prince is willing to waste so many words with her, but he is just waiting for the effect of **. Now it is obvious that the medicine has been transferred in Liu Suyun's body. How could he be polite? He reached out and held Liu Suyun to ** and began to undress Liu Suyun.

Liu Suyun wanted to resist, but she was sore and weak. Every time the prince touched her skin, she felt extremely comfortable. Although she knew she shouldn't, she couldn't refuse. There are countless princes and princesses. How can he not have any means? He is still very confident in his skills.

After a while, their clothes fell to the ground. Liu Suyun's body was completely exposed in front of a strange man. He was ashamed and angry, but his throat did not listen to her command and let out a comfortable moan. The prince looked at the beauty in front of him and was about to possess her. From today on, this is his plaything alone. He thought that a man had occupied this wonderful body before him, so he thought fiercely that he must kill the violent man another day, but his lust was even higher.

After a fierce fight, the prince finally roared and lay motionless on Liu Suyun as if he were dead. At the moment when the prince roared, a crossbow flew silently to the prince's head. When the court established the country with martial arts, every generation of emperors learned martial arts, and the prince is certainly no exception. If at ordinary times, the prince of this crossbow can avoid it without injury, at least there is no problem to save his life, but at this time, it can't be said that a prince who is not as good as hot as kung fu is Xu Yunzi and ghosts with magical powers. Both the scholar and the sitting monk can't avoid it.

But the prince was still not dead, because a heart gondron blocked the arrow that was shot. The person who threw the heart goggles was one of the two personal bodyguards of the prince. He was quite good at practicing. It can be said that knives and guns were invulnerable. Everyone called him iron skin. First of all, he was called him iron skin because he resisted to beat, and secondly, he was thick-skinned enough. When the master is doing such a thing, who would have thought that he could run under the master's bed? This may be the prince's unending spirit. If it hadn't been for the timely action, the prince's life would have been explained in this **.

Although the iron sheet blocked an arrow, the killer was not a fool and shot eight crossbow arrows in a row. At this time, the prince had already reacted. Just as the protective mirror blocked the crossbow arrow, the prince turned over and turned Liu Suyun over himself. At this time, the iron sheet also rushed out from under the bed and shouted, "Come and escort!" He ran to the eight crossbows and put his body into a "big" character, trying to protect the prince with his body, but the speed of the crossbow arrows was too fast. Only six were blocked with iron hands. One of them passed by an iron ear wiping, and the other was touched by the iron wrist and changed its direction and ran to the prince. .

Then he heard the sound of a tile breaking, and the killer left the house. Then there was a muffled hum and a crossbow hitting the board behind the iron sheet, accompanied by a pig-killing scream "Ah--". The crossbow that wiped the iron ear was shooting on Liu Suyun's head, shot through Liu Suyun's head and nailed it to the bed board, while pricking one of the prince's ears.

This is not the reason why the prince screamed. The reason why the prince screamed was that he touched the iron arm that changed direction. The arrow originally ran to the prince's chest, and even through Liu Suyun could definitely shoot the prince. It can be said that the iron prince's life was saved, but it happened that The arrow shot impartially at the root of the prince's life (root). The prince had just finished and picked it up again. Can he not scream?

The killer is obviously a master. He can grasp such an appropriate time and is definitely not an idle person, but the killer still failed. He knew that he had failed when he heard that the prince could still scream, but he had no chance today, so he had to retreat quickly. Although he did run fast enough to chase him, he still couldn't run away, because the prince had another bodyguard - Blood Shadow.

Blood shadow is different from iron sheet. Iron sheet is born to be beaten, but blood shadow is born to beat people. Why is Blood Shadow called Blood Shadow? Because he always wears red clothes, but when he does it, people can only see a red shadow and constantly splashing blood. Blood Shadow became famous for his light skills and swordsmanship. To put it bluntly, there is no mystery, just a word - fast! But few people can do this word well. At least this killer can't.

The killer was dressed in night clothes, with only a pair of eyes outside. There was no long weapon in his hand, but a pair of fists, a dagger wrapped around his leg, and nothing else. As for the crossbow of archery, it had been thrown into that room for a long time. In fact, this killer's light skills are good, but it's a pity that he met Blood Shadow. In fact, this killer's boxing skills are also good, and it is also quite powerful with the fist stab, but it's a pity that he met a blood shadow. He couldn't keep up with the speed of the blood shadow at all. He didn't have much effort. His body was already full of wounds, some just cut the skin, and some were deeply visible. This killer won't last long.

Although this killer can't last long, the prince's life is even more difficult. Since it is an assassination, of course, the crossbow is poisonous. The ear was ejaculated. Of course, the ear can't be taken, so it can only be cut off with pain, and the life (root) is also ejaculated, so the life (root) can't be taken. It can only be cut off with pain, but cutting off his life (root) is definitely more uncomfortable than killing him. Maybe this is retribution!

Soon, the killer was captured. Why didn't he commit suicide? Because he has been cut into a stick by blood shadow. But now the prince is not in the mood to interrogate the killer, not to mention that there is no need to interrogate him, because there is only one person who comes to kill him, that is, his own brother. Of course, the reason is the throne. This prince is lustful, but he is not stupid, otherwise he would not have come all the way here to make a marriage with the prime minister, and he came with the imperial edict and betrothal gifts. But now, everything is over. Without that life (root), he will lose everything.

Yi Qianxiang didn't know that Liu Suyun, who he was going to rescue, was dead. He foolishly followed the two people and walked about ten miles. Suddenly, one of the two people in front of him shouted loudly: "Who is it?"