Gossip God

Chapter 9 Fishing in troubled waters

The task of these bandits is to intercept the prince, so there is no dialogue such as robbery. After the prince's cavalry entered the ambush circle of the bandits, they first shot with bows and arrows, and then rushed out and began to cut people. There are many bandits on this road, so in addition to the royal cavalry, there are more than 1,000 city defenders to protect the prince. Of course, no one believes that anyone dares to rob the prince, and the defense is also very ordinary. However, the arrows of those bandits are not a little worse. They shot others with cold arrows, but only killed dozens of cavalry. There are more than 200 infantry, which add up to less than 300, so there are still more than 1,200 people protecting the prince.

There are more than 2,000 bandits attacking, but these bandits must not be compared with the regular army. The regular troops have unified training, coordinated command, and comparable weapons, and the weapons in the hands of these bandits are provided by the mysterious man not long ago, and half of them are knives. Therefore, although the force was twice as strong as the prince's guard, it was retreated by the prince's guard.

However, he injured 10,000 enemies and lost 7,000 himself, and the prince's guard was not very easy to fight. However, the bandits are bandits. After fighting for half an hour, the bandits with more than half of the casualties finally couldn't resist and were about to retreat. The heads of several cottages quickly came out to continue to organize the attack, but who is willing to take their lives into it? So some people ran away by themselves. The first one ran away had a second one, and the second one had a third and a fourth, so nearly a thousand bandits and soldiers dispersed at that time.

A thousand people ran away and drilled into the forest. The prince's guard could not be chased even if he was awesome, so he had to watch the bandits run away. However, the bandits who were not chased behind him were not long enough to be glad that they were shot down by the oncoming rain of arrows. These bows and arrows were quite professional, and the timing of the sneak attack was also very clever, so a thousand bandits were immediately shot down. At this time, someone shouted at the ambush place: "Your Highness, don't be alarmed, Li Qi, the royal guard left guerrilla general, came to rescue."

When a group of bandits saw an ambush, they had been recuperated for a long time, so they had to turn around and rush to the prince's guard, the long-awaited division. Now the bandits will die if they don't rush, so they are very desperate, and the prince's guard only needs to wait for Li Qi's reinforcements, so he has lost a lot of vigor. In the long run, the bandits unexpectedly rushed the prince's guard to pieces, but they still failed to rush out of the encirclement.

Li Qi's reinforcements arrived in a short time, and Li Qi shouted: "Kill!" The 1,000 reinforcements brought by Li Qi also entered the battle. At this moment, Yi Qianxiang has got a royal guard's clothes, and his clothes are full of blood. Yi Qianxiang pretended to be weak and hid near the prince's carriage and did not join the battle. Now the prince's guard has an absolute advantage. Who will force his blood-stained comrades to fight with the enemy?

Yi Qianxiang pretended to be weak, but his eyes were not idle. He was looking for Liu Suyun. However, the result was to disappoint him. The only carriage was the prince and his personal guard iron and blood shadow. There was no fourth person, and the horse team had no place for Tibetans. Where did Liu Suyun go? Yi Qianxiang has been running around the world since he was a child and immediately thought of the worst possibility. Is it possible that he was killed by this prince? Although Liu Suyun has a good temper, he has been educated by a chaste martyr since he was a child. A few unintentional words that day can make Liu Suyun angry. If the prince is strong, it is not impossible for Liu Suyun to commit suicide. However, Yi Qianxiang never thought that Liu Suyun was dead, but he did not keep his chastity.

Just as Yi Qianxiang was thinking about himself, a yellow figure suddenly appeared among the bandits and went to the prince's carriage. The man was extremely fast, like a yellow light. The bodyguards on the road had no time to intercept it, just as the man approached the carriage. Wait, a red figure ran from the carriage, red and yellow quickly entangled together, and the rest of the people could not see clearly.

This red figure is naturally a blood shadow, but the yellow figure is a big leet. The big leet is used to use two knives, and it dances like wind and electricity, and competes with the blood shadow. Others can only hear the jingling sound. However, it seems that they are evenly matched, and no one can do anything about it. Almost at the same time as the shadow took action, the owner of the stone village also took action. He held an axe half the size of a wheel in each hand and rushed to the prince's carriage like a black whirlwind. The bodyguard who intercepted him was killed and scratched.

The sudden appearance of these two masters caught the prince's guard and didn't even expect Li Qi, who came to rescue him, but Fortunately, the prince also had another personal guard - iron skin! The iron sheet is half lower than the head of the owner of Shizhai, but the difference in height will not affect his bravery. The iron sheet's weapon is a pair of short-handled octagonal hammers, which seems to be light. After the iron sheet got out of the car, he fought with the owner of Shizhai. The two men are a tough battle, and it seems that there is no winner for a while.

But at this time, more than a dozen light masters appeared. They easily crossed the siege of the royal guard and killed the carriage. Yi Qianxiang suddenly realized that this was an opportunity to revenge with his own hands, so Yi Qianxiang shouted: "Protect Your Highness!" I got into the carriage first. Later, several guards who caught up with the carriage were entangled by those light masters, and only Yi Qianxiang and the prince were left in the carriage.

In fact, this operation is still good. This group of bandits know all the defense forces of the prince. If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of Li Qi, the prince would have died long ago, or Li Qi appeared. These people still killed the prince before entering. As long as there is another master at this time, no, there is no need for a master, as long as there is another person. , you can kill the prince. The current prince can be said to be very weak, because although he decisively cut off his ears and life (roots) the day before yesterday, he still suffered certain poison injuries. In addition, cutting his ears and the size of his uterus are also an operation. Can he not be weak after the operation?

Now the prince is very grateful for the blood-stained guard who came to protect him at the first time. He thought that if the guard did not die this time, he must be promoted to his official. If he died unfortunately, he must treat his family well, so that more warriors will be willing to work hard for themselves. When I thought I had a plan, I suddenly felt that my chest was cold. Looking at it again, the guard just now had stabbed the knife into his chest, and then he didn't know anything!

"Ah--" Yi Qianxiang flew out of the prince's carriage with a scream, rolled a few times on the ground, and rolled into the dense grass by the forest. As soon as the other bodyguards arrived, a bodyguard leader immediately entered the carriage. The first thing he saw was the prince and the knife on his chest. Thinking of the bodyguard who had just flown out, the bodyguard leader immediately understood: "Shout, grab the bodyguard just now. He is a spy!" While saying that, he pointed a knife at the place where Yi Qianxiang disappeared and ran over.

Why didn't you guard the prince? The prince has a knife in his chest and still guards his fart? My bodyguards are all finished, but I must kill the culprit before I finish. When he ran to the weed place, Yi Qianxiang had long gone. The guard only saw a figure disappear at the corner and immediately chased him there. Several of the arrived bodyguards also followed the bodyguard leader.

Of course, that figure is Yi Qianxiang. It's not easy for him to run so far in such a short time, but he still failed to get rid of the guard leader. Fortunately, the guard leader did not have any effort to fly eaves and walk through the wall. Yi Qianxiang, a half-hearted hunter, would not be caught up immediately, but there was a deadly person behind him. This is not a beautiful thing. The so-called panic is unscrupted. In a lot of time, Yi Qianxiang ran to the desperate road. It may not be rare to encounter a cliff on this mountain, but Yi Qianxiang is a rare person and meets a river.

The river is not wide, even two or three feet, not deep, about one or two feet, but the water flow is fast. Looking at the flow rate, it is estimated that the fish can't swim in it. Yi Qianxiang could only stop, not because he didn't know water. The river was really too urgent. Yi Qianxiang estimated that if he went in, he would flutter twice and drown.

He stopped, and the pursuers arrived immediately. They also saw the river where the fish could not swim. The bodyguard leader walked to Yi Qianxiang with a ghast smile and said, "Where else are you going?" Haha, go back with me. I guarantee your life. You just need to say who asked you to assassinate the prince. He wants a living mouth, and this living mouth may be able to keep his head. Yi Qianxiang doesn't want to die yet. His kindness has not been repaid, and there is no trace of revenge, so he must live, but now it is almost a mortal situation. There is a big river blocking the road in front of him, and then chases the soldiers to block him. Do you want to escape to the sky?

Of course, Yi Qianxiang knows that he will not fly. Compared with challenging the river, it is more realistic to kill the pursuers. Together with the bodyguard leader, there were a total of five people chasing. Yi Qianxiang knew that his skills were not good, so he said, "I know you chased me to live, but do you think you can live if you really caught me?" The chief bodyguard said, "No, you're wrong. I'm not trying to survive, but to avenge Your Highness!"

Yi Qianxiang smiled and said, "Revenge? Kill me to get revenge! Do you think I am a three-year-old child? Can you, a little official, protect me?"

The guard leader said, "As long as you go back with me obediently, I will definitely save Yi's life!"

Yi Qianxiang laughed: "Hahaha! You idiot, how can I do it?" Yi Qianxiang suddenly changed his tone and said, "Brother, do it." As soon as the bodyguard leader and the bodyguards instinctively turned around, Yi Qianxiang threw out the hunting knife in his hand and took the guard at the far end. The bodyguard leader, Yi Qianxiang, did not have the ability to kill with one blow. However, Yi Qianxiang still thought too simply. The bodyguard was not a dry meal. Yi Qianxiang's short knife was beaten out by the bodyguard's scabbard.

The bodyguard leader turned around and saw that there was no one. He immediately woke up and was fooled. He immediately turned back to arrest Yi Qianxiang. This was Yi Qianxiang's short knife that had just been knocked down by the bodyguard. Yi Qianxiang was still running for the bodyguard. The bodyguard had just dropped Yi Qianxiang's short knife and saw that Yi Qianxiang came to himself and raised his leg. Yi Qianxiang thought It's too late to dodge, so I have to protect my chest with my arms. The bodyguard was kicking Yi Qianxiang's raised arms, and Yi Qianxiang flew out without any substantial harm.

The guard leader also saw it and cut a knife to Yi Qianxiang's leg in the air. When Yi Qianxiang saw the knife coming, he turned around in the air and dodged the knife, but it was falling at the feet of the bodyguard leader. The bodyguard leader saw that Yi Qianxiang was at his feet and raised his leg and wanted to step on it. Yi Qianxiang used a black dog's lewd move under him and was kicking the bodyguard leader's life (root). The bodyguard was in pain and didn't kick him, so Yi Qianxiang rolled out.

However, Yi Qianxiang couldn't escape, because the four bodyguards had surrounded him, and he took another step back to the rapid river. All four have drawn knives in their hands, but Yi Qianxiang has been bare-handed. Yi Qianxiang said to himself: That's all, it seems that I'm here today. Instead of falling into their hands and suffering, it's better to give yourself a good time. Thinking of this, Yi Qianxiang took out the dagger inserted in his boots and stabbed it in his chest. No one had time to stop it. Yi Qianxiang inserted the dagger into his chest.

I only heard a man behind shouting, "No!" The guards looked back and saw a yellow figure flying fast. The guards instinctively raised the knife in their hands to fight. The yellow shadow had no choice but to run two knives to kill the four guards. Yes, that yellow shadow is really a big leet. However, in the short time when the big leet was blocked, Yi Qianxiang fell into the rapid running water and disappeared.