Gossip God

Chapter 12 Men

Yi Qianxiang was sighing for the man in black, but with just one breath, a dark shadow jumped out of the black pit smashed by the man in black. Yi Qianxiang took a closer look. The man in black didn't know when he had turned into a big black wolf. His black fur was shining, and the wolf was not small. The horse is so big! Yi Qianxiang said to himself, no wonder he saw the man's fierce face just now. It turned out to be a wolf. Yi Qianxiang said to himself: It's not a good thing. It's better to lose both sides.

The black wolf jumped out of the pit, stopped on the mountain, and shouted from afar: "Didn't the King of Moyun eat yesterday? Why is it so strong?"

Dai Moyun was obviously very angry, shouted, and rushed to the big black wolf again. Yesterday, Dai Moyun used the spell of "ignition on the stone" in order to deter Yi Qianxiang, but he didn't expect that Yi Qianxiang had been playing with the rabbit for so long. After this trouble, his spiritual power was exhausted. After this night's recovery, he only recovered 60% or 70% of his usual strength, so the big black wolf laughed at him. Eat.

The big black wolf is a demon, and his magic power is cultivated by himself, so his skills are also very good; Dai Moyun is a natural bird. Since his birth, he will know how to practice, and it is not easy to provoke. The two of them have fought for more than 100 moves, but there is no victory or defeat. Dai Moyun was worried. His advantage was that he was originally a born bird. Even if his spiritual power was not as good as the big black wolf, he consumed much less than the big black wolf every time. If he had sufficient spiritual power, the first thing he could not bear according to this consumption must be the big black wolf, but the problem is that he lacked his spiritual power now. If you go down, you will be exhausted sooner or later.

Since you can't beat it, you have to run away. The golden-winged Dapeng is known as the proud son of the wind, and the means of resisting the wind are naturally rare in the world. Now if Dai Moyun wants to escape, the big black wolf really can't help it. However, the golden-winged Dapeng really can't pull down this face. The front bodyguard he just received is watching. At this time, he ran away. What face does he have to be the master of others? Moreover, this boy has a good understanding, and he is really reluctant to give up such a good medicine tripod. Weighing the pros and cons, Dai Moyun still decided to escape. Even if he escapes, he only needs to take away Yi Qianxiang. As for the problem of face, he can only talk about face with his fate.

In his mind, Dai Moyun suddenly stood up all over his feathers, and then several virtual shadows flew out of each feather and went to the big black wolf. The big wolf knew that this was Dapeng's life-saving trick, called "Thousand Feathers Cyclone". The virtual shadow on each feather is as hard and difficult as a real feather. Now he is entangled by this move and doesn't want to get out for a few hours. The disadvantage of this trick is that there will be a period of weakness after use. With Dai Moyun's cultivation at this moment, this weakness period will take at least three months. As long as you find him within three months, you can fart and kill him.

Of course, Dai Moyun also knew this weakness. As soon as he finished his big move, he immediately took Yi Qianxiang to the south of the Yangtze River. There are 100,000 mountains south of the Yangtze River, which is definitely a good place to hide. Besides, there are still three caves for cunning rabbits, not to mention Dai Moyun, who has been beating rabbits all year round.

This is an unknown valley, and the mountains on both sides are not very high. It is just an inconspicuous existence among the 100,000 mountains, but for Yi Qianxiang, this is not small. He once measured that he needs to walk for three days to get out of the valley, but what can he do if he goes out of this valley? Outside the valley, it is still a valley. You can easily climb over any of the mountains on both sides, but what can you do after climbing over the mountains? Outside the mountain, it is still the mountain. Moreover, he still wears the "wrist guard" given by Dai Moyun on his wrist. As long as he is too far away from Dai Moyun, the wrist guard will shrink desperately and restrict his movement.

It has been a month since Yi Qianxiang came here. He has never walked out of this valley. In addition to the restrictions of wrist guards, another important reason is that he knows that he is only safe in this valley. Once he goes out, he meets any demons and ghosts. The eight achievements of his life have to be explained. In this valley, there is at least the smell of golden-winged roc. The bird has been closed for a month. Yi Qianxiang also knew that he had suffered a great loss this time, but Yi Qianxiang still did not dare to do it. Xu Yunzi told him that if he was not sure to cheat, don't set up casually. It was time-consuming and laborious, and it was easy to fall.

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, Yi Qianxiang spent three months in the valley, hunting every day, then studying the feather, and recalling the battle between the big black wolf and the bird man, which also gained a lot. As for the spell contained in the feather, he has reached the level of Yufeng. The skill in the feather divides the wind magic into three levels. The first layer is to feel the wind, that is, to feel the wind, which can know where the wind is and where it will go; the second layer is to control the wind, that is to emit spells that can use the wind as the method; the third layer is the wind, and the wind of the world is for me to use, and the golden-winged roc talent appears here, each one Golden-winged rocs can resist the wind.

As for the difference between each realm, it varies from person to person. In a month, Yi Qianxiang can wave his hand. He also created a spell of condensing wind into an arrow. He can also use his hand as a knife to cut wood and gravel. It can be said that he can achieve such an achievement in just over a month. Yi Qianxiang is definitely the first person to be unprecedented. The next month, something happened that made Yi Qianxiang excited, that is, he could walk 3050 miles away from the ground with the natural wind. This is almost flying in the sky. How can he not be happy? Up to now, Yi Qianxiang has been able to fly against the wind and will not land for an hour, and his magic spells are more proficient. The arrow condensed by the wind has been able to penetrate more than a foot thick mountain rock. One more step forward, Yi Qianxiang can reach the perfect state of Yufeng.

Unfortunately, the skills given by Dai Moyun can only practice the realm, but there is no cooperation of magic formulas. That is to say, Yi Qianxiang now has a sense of wind control, but there is no move, just like a fool who is rich but does not know how to operate.

It's June now. Yi Qianxiang's shabby clothes have been unable to wear for a long time. Fortunately, the weather is hot, and he just cut the broken trousers into a big trousers with a knife. With this weather, it is also the best use. Now Yi Qianxiang's image is also quite pleasing to the eye: he has a hat made of branches on his head and some branches hanging randomly on his body. It is basically impossible to see that there is a person here when squatting on the tree.

Why is Yi Qianxiang hiding in the tree? He is catching birds to eat. There is a kind of cyan that looks like an eagle, but it is not such a big bird, and the meat is very delicious. By the way, Yi Qianxiang can also vent his dissatisfaction of being wrapped in Dai Moyun when eating birds. Now Yi Qianxiang doesn't hate Dai Moyun very much, because the skills Dai Moyun gave him are really good, and this former bodyguard still has some benefits.

Yi Qianxiang's luck today doesn't seem to be very good. It's almost noon. Not to mention the bird, he didn't even see any bird hair. When Yi Qianxiang was depressed, several clouds fell from the sky. Yi Qianxiang is no longer the hairy boy who knows nothing. He knows that this place is dangerous. Although the other party is coming from the clouds, he still doesn't know what the goods are in the clouds, that is to say, whether he is an enemy or a friend is still unknown. Although he no longer hates Dai Moyun very much, he also knows that Dai Moyun is not a good bird. After a while, when these people see Dai Moyun, he will decide what to do next. If someone comes to seek revenge, he is happy to watch the play. If it is Dai Moyun's friend, of course, his former bodyguard will show up! So he used the art of controlling the wind, and his whole body really seemed to disappear in the wind. This formula is not on the feather, which was realized by Yi Qianxiang himself.

said that the cloud fell to the ground, revealing five people, who were wearing red, black, green, yellow and white clothes, and standing there was very eye-catching. Among them, there were two women in black and green clothes. She was about 30 years old. The woman in black looked cold, like an iceberg that would not melt for ten thousand years, with a black shawl on her shoulders, which was full of brilliance. Obviously, she was not ordinary. The woman in green was very beautiful, quite clear and hibiscus. She held a wicker in her hand, and the leaves on it were green, like young branches that had just been picked.

The other three men are also in their thirties. The tall and burly man in yellow clothes is a head higher than the other two people. His beard makes him look very strong. A pair of hammers in his hand also shows his extraordinary strength; the white man is very elegant and still holds it in his hand. A folding fan, but the sword on his back showed that he did not use a folding fan. Finally, the man in red even had a red face, and an eagle hook nose on his face was very eye-catching. His weapon was also very strange. It was a red flag. The flag rolled on the flagpole and nothing was painted.

The five people fell to the ground and discussed for a moment. The man in white said, "The five elements of the gate went out to travel. I don't know which friend of Tianshan is here. Can you show up?" Five people were heading towards the cave where Dai Moyun was closed. Obviously, they knew that Dai Moyun was closed here. Yi Qianxiang knew that these guys were definitely not friends. If friends must feel this breath, they would know it was Dai Moyun.

Dai Moyun's voice came out of the cave: "Where is the bodyguard in front of the seat?"

Yi Qianxiang, who was hiding in the tree, scolded Dai Moyun in his heart. These five people are obviously masters. If they come to seek revenge, they will not be enough for others to greet him. But Dai Moyun is not easy to mess with. In case these five people are taken care of by him, and the bird man finds himself to settle accounts after autumn, he can't afford it! Although the image is not good now, it is a horse, and it is not okay not to go out.

Since you want to go out, you have to go to the scenery, which can also deter and deter these five people. This is the method of "striking the guard" taught by the master. Show your hand first and don't let others despise you. The words behind it is easy to say! Coincidentally, a gust of mountain wind blew at this time, which was along Yi Qianxiang's way. Yi Qianxiang used the wind control technique at the top of the tree and flew lightly to the closed hole of Dai Moyun.

The five-emen guarding the mouth of the cave were very surprised, and Yi Qianxiang looked only fifteen or sixteen years old. Only at the age of 16 can you get started. It is obviously impossible for a disciple who has just started to have such a skill of flying against the wind. So there is only one explanation. This child is also a golden-winged roc, right? At this time, no one cared about Yi Qianxiang's savage-like costume. Don't say that even Dai Moyun was very surprised, but then he was happy. He found this medicine tripod and seemed to be able to use it soon.

In fact, this five-line gate is also a big faction. The five-line gate is composed of five gates of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Each of these five small gates has a first seat, and the five first gates take turns to be in charge of the five-line gate. When there are major events, the five people will vote together, and the minority is subordinate to the majority. Although these five elements implement this system, the disciples are very united, and it can't be said that there is no intrigue at all, but it is much better than other sects. The reason is that the foundation of the Five-e elements of the Five-e elements.

This five-e elements array was created by the first generation of the ancestors of the Five elements. It can be composed of one disciple from each of the five sects. After forming a large array, the power is infinite. For example, the five disciples who refine the body and qi cultivation form a five-e elements array, and they can use the means that can only be used to refine the qi god, that is to say, the cultivation of life can be raised to a higher level. In this way, the five elements gate will naturally become famous in the world. Moreover, the five people have always entered and retreated together, and the factions have always been unwilling to provoke.

Yi Qianxiang fell in front of the five-eed door, bowed and saluted, "I am the guard in front of the throne of the sky. My lord is closed to understand the magic. I don't know what you have to do with my lord?"

The man in yellow said, "It's really the scum of Dai Moyun." It was too late for the man in white to stop him. When Yi Qianxiang heard this, his heart thumped and his heart was not good. Sure enough, it was the bird's counterpart. He quickly stepped back a few steps, blocked the mouth of the cave, and pretended to angrily, "Well, where are you from? How dare you slander my lord?"

Of course, Yi Qianxiang stood at the entrance of the cave not to protect Dai Moyun desperately, but this cave was windy. If there is a real fight later, it will be convenient for him to escape! As for the nonsense such as Dai Moyun saving him, Yi Qianxiang didn't believe it. Besides, so many people are bothering Dai Moyun, and it seems that this bird is not a good bird. Besides, what if he is a good bird? Just because he imprisoned himself, it's good that he doesn't help others calculate, and he still expects himself to protect him to the death?

Yi Qianxiang thought so, the people of the Five elements didn't know that Yi Qianxiang was really a loyal guard in front of the seat. Since the face has been torn, there is no need to pretend. The man in white said, "Shui Binghe will deal with that boy. I will wait for the four of us to catch Dai Moyun. Do you think it's okay to arrange this?" The other four nodded, indicating that there was no problem.