Gossip God

Chapter 14 Moyun's suffering

The teenager in white snorted strangely and was obviously very dissatisfied with Yi Qianxiang's lack of eyesight. The teenager in red was also very dissatisfied with Yi Qianxiang's ignorance, but he still said coldly, "Have you ever seen any other who dares to use the sign of our five elements?" Yi Qianxiang looked at it and found that the clothes of the five elements were really distinctive. The style of the clothes is nothing special, but there are no other colors. Red is red, black is black, and the chest is embroidered with three shiny characters of "five elements". As for the difference between the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, it is the color of the clothes.

In fact, if you look closely, the word "five elements" in everyone's chest are different. Jinmen has its own intention to kill, the fire gate has a fierce momentum, the water gate is a kind of vastness, the wooden door is just a kind of anger, and the earthen gate is just a kind of heavy. If it weren't for the five elements, I really wouldn't distinguish between them. It seems that it is not easy to imitate the clothes of these five elements.

Yi Qianxiang directly ignored the contempt of several people and said anxiously, "Since he is a master of the five elements gate, it's easy to do. I just saw several other masters of the five elements gate fighting with a big monster bird, and one of them was beaten and vomited blood!"

The teenager in red stepped in front of Yi Qianxiang, grabbed Yi Qianxiang's neck and said, "Are you true?" In fact, the teenager in red originally intended to lift Yi Qianxiang's collar, but Yi Qianxiang now has a pair of big trousers left, so he can only pinch Yi Qianxiang's neck and can't take Yi Qianxiang's trousers, right?

Yi Qianxiang was a little out of breath and said, "Of course, it's true. How dare I deceive the five elements and all the high-ranking people?"

The young man in white said, "Don't talk nonsense and tell us where you saw it?" The voice really sounded like a woman. There was a chill in Yi Qianxiang's heart. In fact, the teenager was still good-looking, but this voice...

However, at this time, Yi Qianxiang couldn't control these and quickly pointed to the road with his hand and said, "It's on the other side of the mountain and head."

The direction that Yi Qianxiang refers to is really the place where the five elements of the people and Dai Moyun fight. There are only more than 40 miles of mountain road here. When Yi Qianxiang came just now, he flew with the wind, so he arrived in a moment. If he walked back like this, he would not have to walk for an hour. This still means that there must be some magical power. If it is an ordinary people, it may take half a day to walk these 40 miles of mountain roads.

The young man in red listened to Yi Qianxiang's words and left Yi Qianxiang and was about to rush there. Yi Qianxiang was also ready to continue to walk, but the girl in green said, "This little brother, if there is nothing else, can you lead the way?" The girl in green is very beautiful, and her voice is also very beautiful.

Yi Qianxiang was not in the mood to appreciate these and scolded in his heart: "This eventful girl." However, he said, "The noble people don't know that he was originally a slave of the royal palace. A few days ago, he escorted some daily use at home. He didn't want to meet a ring horse and was robbed. He escaped from his death and was ready to report to his home, so he was so depressed."

Now Yi Qianxiang has only one big trousers on his body, and there are grassy branches and leaves on his body. When he just met with water and ice, he was attacked by the cold air of the spell. There were also some blue and purple scars on his body, and his hair was also messy, which looked like being robbed.

Although Yi Qianxiang's appearance is good, Yi Qianxiang obviously felt that several people had some doubts, or the girl in green asked, "I don't know which horse dares to plunder in this 100,000 mountains? I don't know which Wang family dares to walk in these 100,000 mountains?

Yi Qianxiang said heart, "It turns out that the flaw is here, and it is so rare that Dai Moyun has to take the blame." So he replied, "To tell the truth, the little one just escaped from the horse. Before he could be glad that he escaped, he was captured by a big bird falling from the sky. When the little man woke up, he heard several tall people in the same clothes as the masters who claimed to fight with the strange bird. So he took time to run away. The little one really dares not go back.

Hearing Yi Qianxiang's explanation, the five people couldn't say that they were suspicious, but they also believed it seven or eight points. The woman in green stopped talking, but the young man in yellow said, "Since this little brother said so, it must be true. Well, I still have some scattered silver here, so let's take it and use it! As long as you walk a hundred miles east along this road, you can get to the station of my five-line gate. At that time, someone will tell these things to the left-behind elders, and naturally send you out of this 100,000 mountains. This young man in yellow looks generous, and this kind of heart is also rare.

Yi Qianxiang quickly bowed and hugged his fists and said, "Thank you, all the master." In this statement, the young man in yellow naturally doesn't care about his generosity. With the word "people", he will not offend others and make others embarrassed to embarrass himself. The teenager, when he had a good face, listened to Yi Qianxiang's words. Sure enough, no one embarrassed him. Yi Qianxiang got the money and went eastward, and the five people went west in the direction indicated by Yi Qianxiang.

Of course, it is impossible for Yi Qianxiang to follow their instructions to the station of the Five elements gate to ask for help. In case the five elements of the five elements do not die and recognize him, he will be miserable. Not to mention that five of them are not dead, even if one or two of them are alive, they can't escape death, so after the teenager who can't see the five five gates, he turns north. It is human instinct to avoid known dangers.

Yi Qianxiang slipped away, but Dai Moyun did not have that luck. After the five elements formed a large array, Dai Moyun had no power to fight back. Thanks to Dai Moyun, he was a wind-controlled spirit beast and flexible, so he would not be disabled in a moment. Dai Moyun also knew that no matter which battle array, there must be a huge consumption behind the huge power. The consumption of such a powerful array as the five elements array is bound to be amazing. As long as he can survive this stage, he still has hope to survive.

The five elements array is the first-class strange array in the world, which is powerful, but the consumption is extremely small compared with other battle arrays. This is the reason why the five elements are born together. However, minimal consumption does not mean that there is no consumption, let alone that the consumption can be smaller than that of a single attack. Therefore, if the five elements of the gate spend time with Dai Moyun, the winner will really be between five and five. Originally, the five elements would not be so bad, but how could the fire with the highest cultivation among the five people be injured? Isn't Dai Moyun's palm easy to suffer?

The attack of the five elements is actually very fierce. Tu Guizhong's double hammer dance is a tiger and a wind. Dai Moyun still needs to keep the sharp sword handed over from nowhere. At the same time, he also has to carry a waterproof ice-water shawl. As long as he gets up and wants to get out of contact, he usually starts with a large wooden net, followed by a flame that soaring to the sky. The fiery flag has been unfolded, and a lively rosefinch is embroidered on the flag. If you are not injured by fire, you must be the main attacker, and you don't have to disturb him. In this way, it also overstretched a Moyun King, and one carelessness is a wound.

At this time, Dai Moyun still wanted to find an opportunity to eat Yi Qianxiang's strength, so he fought and retreated, which was also the direction of Yi Qianxiang's escape. The people of the Five elements did not stop him. Dai Moyun retreated in the direction of his own station. There were elders sitting in the station. Isn't Dai Moyun looking for death? So the two people with ghosts and horses came slowly in the direction of Yi Qianxiang's escape.

In fact, it's not slow to say it slowly. Just when Yi Qianxiang and the five teenagers were wasting their lips and tongues, Dai Moyun and others have traveled more than ten miles, and Yi Qianxiang is now climbing over the mountain on foot. How can they compete with Dai Moyun and others? Why can Dai Moyun accurately grasp Yi Qianxiang's route? Don't forget that Yi Qianxiang still carries Dai Moyun's feathers. Within a hundred miles, Dai Moyun can naturally feel it. What's more, Yi Qianxiang forgot the wrist guard in his hand.

Of course, what Dai Moyun didn't expect was that Yi Qianxiang had caused him another trouble. Just when Dai Moyun and the five elements were exhausted, another five-emerged array appeared. The five people who formed the five elements were instructed by Yi Qianxiang. These five people were originally not high in cultivation, and Dai Moyun was not afraid to form a five-emerged array, but now Dai Moyun is already at the end of a strong crossbow, which is difficult to pass through. After tossing, these five teenagers are likely to be the last straw to crush the camel.

Dai Moyun knew this fact, and the people of the Five elements also knew it. They consciously made a mistake and shouted fiercely, "Dear brothers and sisters, help us take down this evil beast quickly!" The five teenagers of the Five elements were also very excited. They came here to practice. The elders ordered that they could only follow behind their brothers and sisters. There was no one left of the big and small monsters in the place where they passed by by them. After working for so long, they had not met any other living creatures except met an unlucky family (Yi Qianxiang). At this time, they could meet the teacher. Of course, the brothers and sisters are very excited to fight side by side.

The teenager at the Five-line Gate was excited, but Dai Moyun was depressed and wanted to spit blood. It's a shame that he was forced to go to this field by a few juniors. Now there are a few children who don't have perfect hair to bully themselves. What's the reason?

The weapons of the five teenagers are different from those of the previous five. The young man in white had a very short dagger in his hand, without even a trace of metal luster. The girl in green has a snake-shaped soft whip in her hand, and the color is also green. Looking at it suddenly, she really looks like a snake. The girl in black had a pair of water thorns in her hand, which looked very slender. The young man in red held a fan more than ten feet high in his hands. The fan looked like a reed, but the reed was red, shining with a metallic luster. The young man in yellow held a thick shield almost as tall in his left hand and a big knife nearly a foot wide in his right hand.

The five excited teenagers raised their weapons and rushed to Dai Moyun all the way. Dai Moyun has already recovered his human form. Isn't he looking for a bird to fight when he can't fly? However, although he is humanoid, he still retains two wings on his back so that he can dodge in the air. Now Dai Moyun's hands and feet are hard claws, which is his weapon against the enemy. Dai Moyun is also a humanoid four-clawed strange bird.

Dai Moyun is definitely a person who can make a decision, which can be seen from his battle with the big black wolf. Therefore, under this absolute disadvantage, it is impossible for Dai Moyun to fight with the enemy with his life, so when the five-emer teenagers rushed up, Dai Moyun disappeared strangely. Only ten people of the five elements who were at a loss were left behind.

The method of Dai Moyun's disappearance just disappeared out of thin air is also a life-saving method of the golden-winged Dapeng. Unlike the violent attack of the "thousand feather whirlwind", this method is a very simple means of escape, that is, to move to another place in an instant within a hundred miles. Of course, this kind of escape spell golden-winged Dapeng cannot be advertised. Besides, this spell is at the cost of withdrawing vitality, so the name is not very domineering. It is called "Qingfeng Qianli".

Dai Moyun launched this spell, of course, to teleport to Yi Qianxiang. With Dai Moyun's idea, now Yi Qianxiang has become a demon elixir. As long as he eats him, he can not only make up for his cultivation, but also take the essence of Yi Qianxiang's life as his own. That is to say, as his two losses, as long as After eating Yi Qianxiang, he can make up for it. At that time, he will go to heaven and escape from the earth. Who can do anything about him? Once you recover from your cultivation, you must be close to the five elements. Moreover, with Yi Qianxiang's cultivation and understanding, it is not certain that his cultivation can keep up with one floor after eating him!

But when Dai Moyun teleported to Yi Qianxiang's side, all his illusions were shattered and he scolded Yi Qianxiang in his heart. Why didn't this boy look at a place to escape? Although Dai Moyun lacks spiritual power and his magical power, his divine consciousness is still there. There is definitely a perverted monster nearby. His strength should be stronger than his heyday. Now he has run into other people's territory. Isn't that delivering vegetables?

The place where Yi Qianxiang is now is located is a cave. In fact, Yi Qianxiang just wanted to come in and avoid it, but he didn't expect that the cave was complicated and he got lost. Now, Yi Qianxiang really stood at the mouth of a cave and looked down. It was dark and could not see anything clearly. At this time, he felt a gust of wind behind him. Looking back, he didn't know when Dai Moyun had stood behind him. Yi Qianxiang was scared and his feet softened and fell into the unknown abyss.